yes-no question - Wiktionary, the free dictionary
From Wiktionary, the free dictionary
yes-no question (plural yes-no questions)
- A question that can only be answered by yes or no and does not allow for elaboration or detail.
To make it clear for the jury, I will ask you a simple yes-no question. Did you enter the house on the night of the 15th?
type of question
- Danish: ja-nej spørgsmål n
- Finnish: kyllä tai ei -kysymys
- French: question totale (fr) f
- German: Ja-Nein-Frage (de) f, Entscheidungsfrage (de) f
- Greek:
- Ancient: ἐρώτημα n (erṓtēma)
- Hungarian: eldöntendő kérdés
- Japanese: 一般疑問文 (ippan gimonbun)
- Polish: pytanie rozstrzygające n
- Romanian: întrebare cu da sau nu f
- Russian: о́бщий вопро́с m (óbščij voprós), вопро́с, тре́бующий отве́та «да» и́ли «нет» m (voprós, trébujuščij otvéta «da» íli «net»)
- Spanish: pregunta cerrada f
- Swahili: ndiyo-hakuna swali
- Turkish: evet/hayır sorusu