
Jack Lindsay

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The following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased.

Lindsay, Jack


Born Oct. 28, 1900, in Melbourne, Australia. English writer, scholar, and public figure.

Lindsay moved to Great Britain in 1926 and joined the Communist Party of Great Britain in 1941. In the historical novels 1649 (1938), Men of Forty-Eight (1948; Russian translation, 1959), and Fires in Smithfield (1950), Lindsay used English and world history to create epic retellings of the revolutionary struggle of the masses. Heroic thinkers who participated in the most acute conflicts of their age are central to his novels. The writer places documentary material within a mythological framework in the tradition of folk art (the “annual cycle” system). Lindsay’s epic novel cycle The British Way, which includes Betrayed Spring (1953; Russian translation, 1955), A Local Habitation (1957; Russian translation, 1961), and Masks and People (1963; Russian translation, 1965), sketched the life of different social strata in Great Britain after 1945.

Lindsay, who has wide-ranging scholarly interests, attempts (not always with complete success) to bring the Marxist approach to the problems of world culture. He has written literary criticism (on J. Bunyan, C. Dickens, and G. Meredith), historical studies (Byzantium Into Europe, 1950, and Nine Days’ Hero: Wat Tyler, 1964), and art criticism (monographs on J. Turner, 1966, P. Cézanne, 1969, and G. Courbet, 1973). The Clashing Rocks (1965) and Cleopatra (1971) deal with the history of culture.

Lindsay is active in the struggle for peace. He participated in the second and third congresses of the Writers’ Union of the USSR. Lindsay was awarded the Order of the Badge of Honor in 1967 for propagating Soviet literature and its translation into English.


In Russian translation:
Podzemnyi grom. Moscow, 1970.
“Pis’ma.” Volga, 1969, no. 9.


Vanchura, Z. Dvadtsat’ let angliiskogo romana. Moscow, 1968.
Miller, E. M. Australian Literature: A Bibliography. Sydney-London, 1956.


The Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 3rd Edition (1970-1979). © 2010 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.

References in periodicals archive ?

Kenny Kane led the way with five of his side's goals while Tommy Elder netted four and there were also strikes by Nicky Kerr, Johnny Nicholl and Jack Lindsay.

In sections on realism and modernism; history and the historical novel; and class, nation, and people she covers anti-fascist aesthetics in international context, John Sommerfield's May Day (1936), Arthur Calder-Marshall's Pie in the Sky (1937), Jack lindsay's English trilogy, James Burke and the national turn, and Lewis Jones' fiction.

No figure contributed more energetically to this leftist historical literature than the Australian polymath Jack Lindsay, who emigrated to Britain in 1926, converted to marxism in the mid-1950s, and produced an outpouring of works on historical themes including poems, novels, anthologies, biographies, pamphlets, poems and translations.

Top junior was Joshua Hood, second was Dominic Pearson, and the heaviest fish went to Jack Lindsay.

Focussing in particular on Edgell Rickword and his friend and collaborator, Jack Lindsay, it recovers and analyses, in political and cultural terms, the specific and shifting contexts and arguments through which these and other intellectuals identified with and articulated Communism in the mid and late 1930s.

Stalybridge Rec: Ryan Neale 21 Jack Holland 20, Liam Herbert 6 Tom Danby 21, Kane Lamb 7 Ryan Bancroft 21, Danny Nicholls 21 Callum Broadhurst 13, Will Kaye 10 Aaron Dunbar 21, Jamie Serpell 20 Bradley Cooke 21, Ryan Lee 21 Mitchell Kellock 9, George Chapman 7 Natasha Sands 21, Owen Herbert 21 Matthew Sands 15, Lewis Wildman 2 Jack Lindsay 21, Harry Chapman 19 Ben Gloag 21, Jack Chapman 12 Lewis Danby 21.

"Some customers choose EcoPath for the superior quality we provide at manufacturer direct savings, some for the lasting impressions we create, and others because our products contribute to certified green standards," said Jack Lindsay, vice president of sales of Engineered Conversion Systems (ECS), parent company of EcoPath.

WORK OUT: Tony McNamara and Jack Lindsay training at Goodison

BOXING: Billy Schwer's trainer Jack Lindsay insisted he isn't surprised the Luton-born fighter is quitting after collapsing in the ring in the 11th round of his IBO light welterweight clash with Argentine Pablo Sarmiento at Wembley on Saturday.

Jack Lindsay and Christina Stead are shown fortifying the edifice of Australian socialist fiction in the twentieth century before we come to the villain of the piece, Patrick White.

Philip Henderson asserted that the woman of the poem was clearly Jane Morris.(2) Jack Lindsay declared that this could not be right, it must be Georgiana Burne-Jones.(3) Most recently, Fiona MacCarthy cast her lot with Lindsay.(4) Somehow it does not occur to them that the woman might be the poet's sister.

Although women writers predominate, Montefiore also writes illuminatingly and positively on Claude Cockburn, Jack Lindsay, and Christopher Isherwood.

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