Verify the authenticity of an electronic edition of the Official Journal - EUR-Lex

As of 1 July 2013 only the electronic edition of the Official Journal of the European Union (the e-OJ) is authentic and produces legal effects (see Council Regulation (EU) No 216/2013).

Paper versions no longer have any legal value, except for cases where – due to an unforeseen and exceptional disruption of the Publications Office's IT systems – the e-OJ cannot be published. Find paper versions of the Official Journal with legal effect.

The e-OJ bears an electronic signature, which ensures the authenticity, integrity and inalterability of the electronic edition.

How to verify authenticity

— You can verify the electronic signature and authentic character of the e-OJ using the CheckLex​ application or any third-party verification application that complies with the set standards. If this verification succeeds, you are guaranteed that:

  • the electronic edition is authentic;
  • it has not been changed since the date of its signature.

Verification requires the following steps:

  • Download the PDF version of the e-OJ and its signature file
  • Save them to your computer or device
  • Upload the 2 files to CheckLex, by clicking the Select document and Select Associated Signature buttons. Make sure you are uploading the right pair of files, otherwise the verification will fail.
  • Click the Verify Signature button. Verification takes only a couple of seconds.

If the verification fails, you will get an error message, informing you what went wrong.

— In some cases, when no e-signature is shown as a separate file, the signature is directly part of the PDF file. In those cases, verification can be performed by using any third-party verification application that complies with the set standards.

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