
Pedigree: Ingegarda (Ingrid) OLAFSDOTTIR

  • ️James Dow Allen Fab Pedigree Vers. 102

     Born:  abt. 1001    Died:  1050

HM George I's 17-Great Grandmother.       HRE Ferdinand I's 14-Great Grandmother.       U.S. President [HAYES]'s 19-Great Grandmother.       PM Churchill's 24-Great Grandmother.       HM Margrethe II's 24-Great Grandmother.       Gen. Pierpont Hamilton's 25-Great Grandmother.       Poss. Agnes Harris's 16-Great Grandmother.       `Osawatomie' Brown's 25-Great Grandmother.

______________________________________________________________________________________________  /-- Bjorn `Ironside' RAGNARSSON   +====> [ 255 ,,p,&] /-- Refil BJORNSSON (poss. co-King of SWEDES) /   / (skip this generation?) /-- Erik (III; V) REFILSSON (BJORNSSON ?) /-- Edmund (Anund) (I) ERIKSSON  (832? - 873?) /-- Erik (V; VI) EDMUNDSSON (King) of SWEDEN (& Goten) /-- Bjorn (III) `the Old' (`a Haugi') ERIKSSON /-- Erik VII `Segersall' (King) of SWEDEN  (930? - 995?) | \ / OR: Erik VII `Segersall' of SWEDEN [alt ped]   +====> [ 255 ,,p,&] /  \-- Ingeborg  (? - 934+) /-- Olaf III (II; King; Skot-konig) of SWEDEN  (960? - 1022) | \ /-- Skoglar-Toste (Skogul-Tosti) STORRADA  (915? - ?) | \-- Sigrid (Sigrith) STORRADA (Queen) of DENMARK /   / OR: prob. Gunhild MIEZKODOTTER av VENDEN   +====> [ 255 ,g,&] - Ingegarda (Ingrid) OLAFSDOTTIR \  /-- Mieceslas I of OBOTRITES   +====> [ 255 ,,x,&] |  /-- Rodigastus (King) of the OBOTRITES |  /  \-- Antonia (818? - ?) |  /-- Mitsui I (Prince) of the OBOTRITES  (865? - ?) |  /-- Mieceslas II (Prince) of the OBOTRITES |  /  \-- poss.  Medea von SARMATIEN   (skip?) |  /-- Mitsui (Mistui) II (Prince) of the OBOTRITES |  | \ /-- Eyle MIECESLAS (Prince) of PLUFFON |  | \-- Antonia(?) von PLUFFOW |  /   / or: (aka?) Sophia von UNGARN | /-- Mieceslas III (Prince) of the OBOTRITES  (919? - 999?) | | \ /-- Eyle MIECESLAS (Prince) of PLUFFON | | \-- poss.  Sophia MIECESLAS | /   / OR: poss. Margareta of SAXONY   +==&=> [ 255 ,c,pt,&] \-- Astrid (Ingegerda) (Princess) of the OBOTRITES  (979? - ?) \-- Sophia  (Sweden)