OCLC FAST (Faceted Application of Subject Terminology)

  • ️OCLC Research.
  • ️Fri Mar 12 2021

FAST (Faceted Application of Subject Terminology)

FAST (Faceted Application of Subject Terminology) is an enumerative, faceted subject heading schema derived from the Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH). The purpose of adapting the LCSH with a simplified syntax to create FAST is to retain the very rich vocabulary of LCSH while making the schema easier to understand, control, apply, and use. The schema maintains upward compatibility with LCSH, and any valid set of LC subject headings can be converted to FAST headings. The FAST Authority file contains links to LCSH Authorities as will as other authoritative sources such as VIAF, GeoNames, and Wikipedia. We will continue to add other links where possible.

Looking for the Original FAST Search Interface?

The Original FAST search interface was retired on 31 March 2016. Please redirect your search activity to SearchFAST.