
Constitution (also known as Build) is a stat present in some games in the Fire Emblem franchise.


Constitution is a stat that represents a character's general physique and robustness. Its mainly a factor in a character's ability to wield weapons without suffering a penalty to Attack Speed. It also determines whether a unit is able to rescue or capture another unit.

Similar to Movement, this stat only increases with the use of an item or through class change, with the sole exception of Fire Emblem: Thracia 776, where both Build and Movement possess growths. The items Body Ring and Statue Frag can permanently increase the Con stat of a target unit by 2.

Attack Speed is determined by taking the unit's Con and subtracting the weight of the weapon equipped. Negative numbers result in a penalty to Speed for the unit. Positive numbers do not result in a bonus to attack speed.

Unlike later games, in Thracia 776, this formula doesn't apply to tome users who always take their tomes weight into account. In games that do not feature a Constitution or Build stat, Strength is used for calculating Attack Speed.

Games with Constitution/Build[]

Constitution, or Build, is present in the following games:

Example Calculations[]

Thracia 776 Formula[]

In Thracia 776, the Baron Boss, Gustav has a constitution of 20. The weight of his Master Lance is 16 and the weight of his Thoron tome is 9. When attacking with a Master Lance, Gustav's con (20) will be subtracted by the Master Lance's weight (16) equaling 4. This means Gustav will have no speed penalties when using his Master Lance. However if Gustav uses his Thoron tome, his constitution will be not be taken into account and as a result he will take a 9 speed penalty when attacking with the Thunder magic.

GBA Formula[]

In Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade, Nino's Con is 3. The weight of a Fire tome is 4. Therefore Nino's Con (3) subtracted by Fire's weight (4) yields a result of -1. This in turns means that when Nino enters combat, she will suffer a penalty of 1 Speed.

Rescue Stat - Mounted vs. Nonmounted Units[]

In order for one unit to rescue another, the rescuer's Aid must be higher than the rescued unit's Constitution.

In the case of non-mounted units, the Rescue, or Aid, stat is directly proportional to the Constitution of the unit in question. As the unit's Con rises, so does their Aid. This allows the unit to rescue heavier units.

However, In the case of mounted units, Aid and Constitution are inversely proportional. As Con rises, Aid is lowered. Thus, as the unit's Constitution rises, the unit loses the ability to rescue heavier units.


  • A comment made by Shouzou Kaga, indicates that one reason for the introduction of Constitution in Thracia 776 was to reduce the speed penalties given to wielders of heavy Axe weaponry.[1]
