
Erwin, also known as Count Gloucester, is a character mentioned in Fire Emblem: Three Houses before appearing in Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes. He is the head of House Gloucester, a county in the Leicester Alliance, and the father of Lorenz.


Erwin is the second most influential lord of the Alliance's roundtable. At some point in his youth, Erwin studied in the Officers Academy and participated in the Battle of the Eagle and Lion. He hired Jeralt's Mercenaries at one point in response to complains that poachers were hunting illegally in Sauin Village since he had granted them exclusive hunting rights. It's also rumored that a few years later, Erwin allegedly staged a monster accident which ended up killing the then-House Riegan's heir, Godfrey, along with Raphael's parents, under the pretext that he was interested in purchasing some art pieces from him.

Three Houses[]

"Just a minute! The following section contains spoilers. Viewing it will cost a lot. Are you prepared to pay for it?"

After Edelgard's declaration of war against the Church of Seiros, Erwin leads the pro-Empire faction of the Leicester Alliance and allows his lands to become a vassal for it as means of avoiding direct intervention after the war spreads out to Leicester, which in Azure Moon and Silver Snow, leads Erwin to send his son and some of his troops as reinforcements. Regardless, Erwin always ends up siding with the winning faction of the war by the end of the routes' stories. Only in Verdant Wind, after Nemesis' resurrection, Erwin and his troops attempt to intercept the King of Liberation's fell army once they reach Alliance lands, but are forced to retreat.

"End of spoilers. It's a pleasure doing business with you!"

Warriors: Three Hopes[]

Erwin discusses with Claude the details surrounding the Adrestian Empire's war against the Central Church, and while he's receptive of the Alliance Leader's request, he makes clear he can't commit to following them, and his upcoming moves will be based on the war's further developments.


While unseen in Three Houses, Erwin is described by many as an ambitious and pious man who puts his house and the people of his territory's benefit and safety first. It's also heavily implied in Three Houses by Lorenz that his father is his role model when it comes to matters of noble bearing and behavior, leadership, and so on. As shown more directly in Three Hopes, Erwin is above all else a pragmatist, given that he generally chooses sides in wartime for reasons that could be interpreted as rational, cowardly, or both.


Round Placement Character Version Votes


Gloucester is a southwest English county, the name means "bright fort". It has origin in the old English "Glevo", meaning "bright", and "Ceaster" which means "town" .

Gloucester also serves as a reference to the play King Lear, in which several characters of the Golden Deer house are named after. The Earl of Gloucester serves as the motivation of the main antagonist Edmund, the earl's illegitimate son.


  • Erwin shares his English voice actor, Jason Marnocha, with Freyr and Travant as they appear in Heroes.


Concept artwork of Erwin from Warriors: Three Hopes.

Concept artwork of Erwin from Warriors: Three Hopes.

Characters at Garreg Mach Monastery