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“Oh, sorry... That probably sounds weird. I've always been sickly. When I was little, I spent a lot of time in bed. So... I used to gaze out the window and see all the little birds flying around the sky... It must be fantastic! Flying wherever you want, whenever you want?!”
—Rhys talking to Ulki in a support conversation

Rhys is a playable character from Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance and Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn. He is a Priest who is playable from Chapter 2 of Path of Radiance and from Part 3 of Radiant Dawn onwards.


Originally just a civilian who used to live a life of healing the sick in a village, Rhys came across Titania–who was severely wounded during a mission. After nursing her back to health, he ended up joining the Greil Mercenaries.

Due to his frail condition, he often is left to care for the mercenary fort alongside the younger members Rolf and Mist. However, he is still a valuable asset to the team who continues to support them from the sidelines, as skillful staff-users like him are scarce yet necessary among the mercenaries. Prior to joining the mercenaries, he stayed at home with his parents and was unable to find work due to his weak constitution.


Rhys is a man of unfulfilled dreams. On several occasions, he has spoken with people regarding his various dreams and the activities he wishes he could partake in. Rhys' incapability to take part in such activities stems from his weak constitution, which serves as a barrier that prevents him from fulfilling his dreams.

In a Support Conversation with Mia in Path of Radiance, Rhys reveals that he has always wanted to be a swordfighter but isn't strong enough. Mia, sympathizing with Rhys, vows to help him strive for this dream of his while convinced that he will become her ultimate rival due to a fortune reading she got earlier. Unfortunately, after a few sessions, Rhys unable to cope with the strict training and falls terribly ill, resulting in the pair being forced to abandon their plan.

In yet another Support Conversation with Ulki, Rhys gushes about another dream of his, specifically that of wanting to soar through the skies with the birds he could see outside his window. Rhys reveals that he has always been fascinated by the Bird Laguz due to their ability to take to the skies, to which Ulki claims that flying is only natural to him and not particularly thrilling. Ulki then allows Rhys to ride on his back, giving him the opportunity to briefly experience flight.

His inability to defend himself and the frequency of his sickness incapacitating him leaves him feeling guilty from time to time, as shown in his Support Conversations with Titania and Rolf. He tries asking Titania if he can join her in her training, much to her surprise, and when asked about it, Rhys explains that he wished he could fend off enemies rather than force everyone else to look after him. He expresses a similar worry to Rolf when he tried concealing his sickness from him but ultimately fails, going so far as to proclaim that he should just pack his bags and leave so as not to be a burden on everyone. Both Titania and Rolf reassure him that he is an indispensable part of their mercenary group and that they love having him around, much to his joy and relief.

On the whole, Rhys is a very gentle and caring person who had been sheltered from the outside world for most of his life, resulting in a naïve personality. He has an optimistic outlook on life and often prays for the well-being of his friends, offering assurance and pieces of advice to them when the going gets tough. Rhys sends most of his income home to his elderly parents and is revealed to be an only child.


Path of Radiance[]


  • Chapter 2: Automatically from the start.

Base Statistics[]

Starting ClassAffinity
Priest Fire
SkillsWeaponStarting Items
Serenity Staff - D Heal

Growth Rates[]

HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res
40% 5% 60% 50% 40% 50% 25% 55%

Support Conversations[]

See also: Rhys/Supports

Promotion Gains[]

Item Required Promoted Class
( Master Seal) Bishop
1 +3 +1 +3 +2 +2 +2 +3 +1 +1
Skills Weapon Levels
Lumina C*

* Only if Staff mastery rank is at D or lower.


Subjective: The following part of this article is based upon the editor's personal experiences and opinions, and therefore may not be applicable for all readers.

Rhys' role as the only early-game healer is a difficult one to oversell. There aren't even any other options until Mist joins in chapter 9. Even when this happens, some players might elect to use Rhys anyway, at least for a period of time, due to Mist's poor base stats and staff rank. Once Mist begins to catch up in levels, promoting and gaining a mount in the process, Rhys begins to fall off. However, even in mid- and late-game, he may still find a niche in using status staves that Mist may not have the rank for yet.

Like most healers in Fire Emblem, Rhys is not a combat unit. He does gain light upon promoting but it's best to keep him behind ally lines. It's recommended to use the ward staff you gain early on to level him up earlier if you plan on promoting him. That being said he should never see front-line use due to his low speed and bulk. He can hold his own against magical enemies due to his high Res, but there's really no reason for him to confront them in the first place.

Radiant Dawn[]


Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Endgame
P 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 E P 1 2 3 E P 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 E P 1 2 3 4 5 E A1 A2 A3 A4 A5

◎=Forced ○=Available □=Available for selected △=Reinforcement

Base Statistics[]

Starting ClassAffinity
Bishop Fire
SkillsWeaponStarting Items
Shove Light - C
Staff - A

Growth Rates[]

HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res
40% 25% 65% 35% 35% 60% 20% 75%


Bond Support[]

Promotion Gains[]

Item Required Promoted Class
( Master Crown) Saint
1 +4 +4 +2 +2 +2 +4 +2 +0 +0
Skills Weapon Levels
Corona C* A**

* Only if Light mastery rank is at D or lower.
** Only if Staff mastery rank is at B or lower.


Subjective: The following part of this article is based upon the editor's personal experiences and opinions, and therefore may not be applicable for all readers.

Rhys will become playable as a 2nd Tier Bishop Class, and once he is promoted, he can potentially be one of three possible Saint class characters the player may obtain. Although there are several characters in Radiant Dawn who can utilise Light Magic, Rhys is still valuable as both a healer and a Light user. In both bases and growths, he excels in Magic, Resistance, and Luck.

Fire Emblem Heroes[]

Gentle Basker
A member of the Greil Mercenaries known for his gentle demeanor. He's taking to the battlefield in a swimsuit this time. Appears in Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn.

Base Stats[]



Palm StaffAssault-
Palm Staff+Palm Staff-
Heavenly LightImbue-
A Brazen Atk/Res 1--
Brazen Atk/Res 2 Brazen Atk/Res 1-
Brazen Atk/Res 3 Brazen Atk/Res 2
C Spur Res 1--
Drive Res 1 Spur Res 1
Drive Res 2 Drive Res 1


Subjective: The following part of this article is based upon the editor's personal experiences and opinions, and therefore may not be applicable for all readers.

Base Set[]
Skill Inheritance[]

Meet Some of the Heroes[]

Gentle Basker Rhys
Here's Rhys, the gentle priest who takes care of the Greil Mercenaries! He's come to Askr in vacation style!
Rhys is a healer, making him essential to the Greil Mercenaries' well-being. Normally, he uses a staff to heal Ike and friends whenever they get injured, but now that he's on vacation, he's carrying a palm tree instead!
That said, he seems to have a weak constitution, and I hear that marching with the mercenaries can be too much for him, forcing him to stop and rest in the shade. Actually, he's been spending a lot of his vacation resting in the shade, but without the marching part.
Rhys might be frail, but he gives everything he can to help his allies. Hopefully his summer vacation by the seaside will get him some well-deserved rest and keep him going!
Closely Associated Characters
Ike A kindhearted but stoic young man who has taken command of his father's mercenary band. Rhys is his trusted ally.
Titania Deputy commander of the Greil Mercenaries. An idealistic former knight who values honor. Rhys helped her when she was seriously wounded, leading her to invite him to join the Greil Mercenaries.


“O blessed goddess... Please... Look after these courageous warriors...”
—Rhys' death quote in Path of Radiance

“Oh, Goddess... Take pity...on soldiers such as we...”
—Rhys' death quote in Radiant Dawn


Rhys/Heroes Quotes


Radiant Dawn[]

Gentle Saint - Rhys (穏やかなる聖人, Odayakanaru seijin)
Rhys served as healer and opened a small chapel in a corner of their old keep. He taught school there.

Non-Canon Appearances[]

Fire Emblem 0 (Cipher)[]

Rhys is illustrated in the trading card game Fire Emblem Cipher with the following cards:


Round Placement Character Version Votes


The name 'Rhys' means 'ardor' in Welsh. His Japanese name, 'Kiruroi,' is a derivation of the Gaelic name 'Kilroy'. Just like the name Roy, Kilroy probably originates from the Gaelic element 'ruagh' which means 'red,' as well as 'caol' which means 'narrows, channel, or strait.'



See main article: Rhys/Gallery.