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"Myrmidon" redirects here. For the class from Gaiden and its remake, see here.

“A swift specialist in the blade who makes for a tricky target.”
—In-game description from Awakening.

The Myrmidon, or Sword Fighter, is a combat physical class that appears across the Fire Emblem series. Wielding Swords as their sole weapon of choice, the Myrmidon class is distinct from the similar Mercenary class, but closely linked to it in terms of origins and promotion paths.

Navarre, originally a Mercenary in the original game and Mystery of the Emblem, is credited for creating the archetype of Myrmidons, with the class's basic appearance and statistic traits derived from him. When the original two titles were remade, Navarre was reclassed as a Myrmidon.

What is the main weapon of choice for the Myrmidon class in Fire Emblem? toggle section

In Fire Emblem, the Myrmidon or Sword Fighter class primarily wields Swords. These weapons are known for their lightness and ease of use, contributing to a higher Hit Rate. The Myrmidon class, while distinct, shares origins and promotion paths with the Mercenary class.

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How does the Myrmidon class differ from the Mercenary class in Fire Emblem? toggle section

In Fire Emblem, the Myrmidon class, known for speed and skill, and the Mercenary class, recognized for high HP, strength, and defense, both use swords. However, they differ in promotion paths. Myrmidons advance into Swordmasters, while Mercenaries become Heroes, and in some instances, can also become mounted Rangers.

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Who is credited for creating the Myrmidon archetype in Fire Emblem? toggle section

Navarre, initially a Mercenary in the original Fire Emblem game and Mystery of the Emblem, is recognized for establishing the Myrmidon archetype. His basic appearance and statistical traits formed the foundation for the Myrmidon class, a combat physical class distinct from but closely related to the Mercenary class in terms of origins and promotion paths.

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What are the promotion paths for the Myrmidon class in Fire Emblem? toggle section

The Myrmidon class in Fire Emblem has various promotion paths. In Thracia 776, it can promote to Swordmaster or Mercenary. The Binding Blade establishes Swordmaster as the only promoted form of Myrmidon. The Sacred Stones adds the Assassin class as another promotion option. In Three Houses, Myrmidon is an optional promotion for Commoner or Noble classes after passing a Certification Exam. In Genealogy of the Holy War, the Hero class, a promotion of Myrmidon, is renamed to Forrest.

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How is the Myrmidon class linked to the Mercenary class in Fire Emblem? toggle section

In the Fire Emblem series, the Myrmidon class, also known as Sword Fighter, shares origins and promotion paths with the Mercenary class. The Myrmidon archetype was established by characters such as Navarre, who was originally a Mercenary. In some games, Mercenaries can advance to the Bow Knight class, similar to the Ranger option from Sacred Stones. However, starting from Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade, Mercenaries exclusively promote into Heroes, while Myrmidons advance to Swordmasters.

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History in the Series[]

The Myrmidon class, originally known as the Sword Fighter class, is introduced to the series in Genealogy of the Holy War, where it replaces the Mercenary as the primary Sword wielding foot unit. The class is able to promote into two different classes depending on the character; Ayra and Larcei promote into Swordmaster, while Chulainn, Ulster, Creidne and Dalvin promote into Forrest, the equivalent to the Mercenary's traditional Hero promotion.

In Thracia 776, the Sword Fighter class functions in much the same way as its predecessor, where some characters promote into Swordmaster and others promote into Mercenary, another Hero equivalent.

In Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade, the class is formally separated from the Mercenary class and the Swordmaster class is instituted as the sole promoted form of the Myrmidon class.

In The Sacred Stones, Myrmidons are given the further option to promote into the Assassin class alongside the Swordmaster class.

The Myrmidon class is simply known as Blade in the Japanese version of Radiant Dawn. Like its predecessors, the class promotes directly into the Swordmaster class, which in turn promotes into the Trueblade class when the necessary requirements are fulfilled.

In Shadow Dragon and New Mystery of the Emblem, remakes of the Archanea Series, some characters who were originally Mercenaries are instead Myrmidons, including Navarre and Radd.

In Awakening, the class is again given the further option to promote into the Assassin class alongside the Swordmaster class.

The class has been renamed Samurai in Fates and is treated as a Hoshidan class. The Samurai has the option to promote into the Master of Arms alongside the traditional Swordmaster. The Samurai class is regarded as the counterpart to the Nohrian Mercenary.

In the spin-off Tokyo Mirage Sessions ♯FE, the Myrmidon Navarre from Shadow Dragon appears as the Mirage partner of Yashiro Tsurugi. Navarre can promote into either a Hero or a Swordmaster. Myrmidons appear as enemy Mirages in Illusory 106 as Ironclad Myrmidon, and a stronger variant, the Regal Myrmidon, appears in Illusory Shibuya. A stronger variant of Regal Myrmidon called Bulwark Myrmidon, though similar in appearance, appears during the fight against Mirage Gangrel in Illusory Shibuya. An even stronger variant, the Wandering Myrmidon, appears as the final boss in the Encore exclusive EX Story.

The class appears again in Fire Emblem Warriors, where it is the base class of Owain. It's Hoshidan counterpart, the Samurai, also appears as an enemy-only class.

In Fire Emblem: Three Houses, the Myrmidon serves as an optional promoted class of the Commoner or Noble class if the unit passes the Certification Exam at Lv. 5 with a Sword Skill Level of D or higher and a Beginner Seal.

In Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes, the Myrmidon and its Beginner-tier kin (Soldier, Fighter, and Monk) are available to all units by default. Mastering the Myrmidon class allows the player to be able to branch out into either the Thief or Mercenary classes from the Training Grounds facility. Byleth and Shez's personal classes, Silverheart/Enlightened One and Fluegel/Asura, can be found within the Mercenary class tree.

In Fire Emblem Engage, the Sword Fighter class is a base class capable of promoting into either Hero or Swordmaster. It uses the Backup Battle Style, meaning it will engage in a chain attack if in attack range of an enemy unit that another player unit attacks.

Other Games[]

In TearRing Saga: Utna Heroes Saga, the class is separated from Mercenary, and Swordmaster is its direct promotion, similar to The Binding Blade.

In Vestaria Saga I, the Myrmidon is once again known as the Swordfighter. The class wields both Swords and Greatswords. The class comes with the Critical Edge skill which increases their crit rate based on their Skill.



Joshua myrmidon sword

Joshua, a myrmidon, attacking with a critical hit

The Myrmidon's superior Speed and Skill over other similar classes make them very formidable foot soldiers, but their comparatively lower HP, Strength and Defense make them difficult to protect against quick and accurate opponents.

While Myrmidons can easily deal with magic users and thieves with a single round of combat on the player phase, the same prowess may not necessarily be replicated on the enemy phase; when overwhelmed by too many of such enemies, they could potentially lose their superior edge and be felled. When facing heavier enemies, especially fighter-type units, the high Speed boasted by Myrmidons makes them proficient at evading clumsy blows. This is, however, offset by their typically mediocre Strength, especially when they are commanded to do battle with heavily armored units (exacerbated further if said armored units are immune to their damage).

Should a Myrmidon be attacked by slower units, especially a Fighter or Brigand, they are often able to kill or heavily damage their enemy in a single counterattack due to the consistency that they display in inflicting critical attacks.


Most female Myrmidons are depicted donning a tunic with an over-top that barely covers their waist and long, high boots with no leggings. Males, conversely, are depicted in a tunic and leggings with a belt and sheath (sometimes on their back) for their sword.

In titles where members of this class are outfitted with armour, they are usually restricted to extremely light breastplates or gorgets, a cloth headband (with a small steel plate covering their forehead in Awakening and Fates,) and sometimes small pauldrons depending on the game to indicate their lack of Defence.

In Fates, Samurai come better equipped, as they wear much sturdier chest plates and gorgets that resemble standing steel collars with various cultural clothing items worn underneath. Samurai are still considered to be under-equipped as compared to traditional Samurai, but this is changed the moment they promote into Swordmasters, where they are properly outfitted in a whole suit of Samurai armor.

In Three Houses, Myrmidons wear tunics that are brown, grey and the color of the house they represent. The exceptions are Byleth who wears a black and grey tunic with a pink outline, Dedue whose tunic consists of mostly neutral colors and Mercedes, whose tunic color scheme is a light shade of grey, brown and red. The female uniform has one pauldron instead of two and knee-high boots, though the outfit does have gauntlets, knee-pads ,and a belt and sheath.


Base Stats[]

FE4307010100506-- A-
FE520/183/2056/70266/5-- E-
TS20307802-5-- 4-
FE616/154/3-99/1002/10/158/5- D-
FE716/154/3-99/1002/10/158/5- D-
FE816/154/3-99/1002/10/158/5- D-
FE917/154/3055/6030/1610/710/7 D-
FE101860101104061010 D-
FE1116309110407-- E-
FE1216309110407-- E-
FE1316419100415-- E-
FE141740583335-- E-
FE162073664524-- D0
FE1720507823245- B-
FEW5177986555-- E-

Maximum Stats[]

FE480221525253020156-- A-
FE580202020203020-2020- A-
TS60191520203018-12-- 18-
FE66020-20203020201520- A-
FE76020-20203020201520- A-
FE86020-20203020201520- A-
FE940201520204020206-- A-
FE1030201020203020106-- A-
FE1160202020202020207-- A-
FE1260202020202020207-- A-
FE1360242227283022245-- A-
FE1440201623252418205-- B-
FE176740203741332722612- B-

Growth Rates[]

FE1610%0%0%0%5%/10%0%0%-5%/-10%--- +15%

Class Modifiers[]


Class Skills[]

FE4PursuitClass skill of Sword Fighters.
Critical +5
Base skill of all foot units.
Class skill of the Myrmidon, Halberdier and Reaver classes.
FE13Avoid +10
Learned at Level 1.
Learned at Level 10.
FE14Duelist's Blow
Learned at Level 1 and above.
Learned at Level 10 and above.
FE16Speed +2
Class Mastery.
Class Mastery.
FEW3H Axe Buster Lv 1
Rebellious Spirit
Spd +2
Sword Prowess
Flash Strike
Class skill.
1-star Class Mastery for certain units.
1-star Class Mastery for certain units.
2-star Class Mastery for all units.
3-star Class Mastery for certain units.
3-star Class Mastery for certain units.


Base ClassPromotion MethodPromoted Class
FE4Sword FighterChoose the "Class Change" option in the Home Castle when the relevant unit reaches Level 20.Swordmaster (Ayra, Larcei)
Forrest (Chulainn, Scáthach, Creidne and Dalvin)
FE5Sword FighterUse a Knight Proof on a Level 10+ Sword Fighter.Swordmaster (Shiva, Mareeta and Troude)
Mercenary (Machyua)
TSSword FighterUse a Knight Proof on a Level 10+ Sword Fighter.Swordmaster
FE6MyrmidonUse a Hero Crest on a Level 10+ Myrmidon.Swordmaster
FE7MyrmidonUse a Hero Crest or an Earth Seal on a Level 10+ Myrmidon.Swordmaster
FE8MyrmidonUse a Hero Crest or a Master Seal on a Level 10+ Myrmidon.Swordmaster
Use a Master Seal on a Level 10+ Myrmidon.
Use a Master Seal on a Level 10+ Myrmidon or train a Myrmidon to Level 21.
FE11MyrmidonUse a Master Seal on a Level 10+ Myrmidon.Swordmaster
FE12MyrmidonUse a Master Seal on a Level 10+ Myrmidon.Swordmaster
FE13MyrmidonUse a Master Seal on a Level 10+ Myrmidon.Swordmaster
FE14SamuraiUse a Master Seal on a Level 10+ Samurai.Swordmaster
Master of Arms
FE16Any classUse a Beginner Seal on a Level 5+ unit and pass the Myrmidon Certification Exam.Myrmidon
FE17 Sword FighterUse Master Seal on Level 10+ Sword Fighter.
Use Master Seal on Level 10+ Sword Fighter with Lance or Axe Proficiency.
FEWMyrmidonUse a Master Seal on Owain.Swordmaster
FEW3H MyrmidonUse an Intermediate Seal on a unit that has mastered the Myrmidon class. Mercenary

Notable Myrmidons[]

Genealogy of the Holy War[]

  • Ayra - The Isaachian princess master of the sword who fights for her homeland.
  • Chulainn - The son of the Lord of Sophara Castle in Isaach and a distant relative of Ayra.
  • Larcei - The daughter of Ayra and the twin sister of Scáthach.
  • Scáthach - The son of Ayra and the twin brother of Larcei.
  • Dalvin - Scáthach's substitute character and the twin brother of Creidne
  • Creidne - Larcei's substitute character and the twin brother of Dalvin.

Thracia 776[]

TearRing Saga: Utna Heroes Saga[]

  • Julia - The daughter of Yoda and the adopted sister of Shigen.
  • Vega - A mysterious man who is known as Dhullam's Angel of Death.
  • Shigen - The son of Karla and the nephew of Zeek who was adopted by Yoda.
  • Krisheena - A swordfighter searching for the ☆Dakruon in order to revive her lover, Aldo.

The Binding Blade[]

  • Rutger - A half Sacaen from Bulgar who seeks revenge against Bern.
  • Fir - A woman who travels in search of the best swordplay opponents anywhere.

The Blazing Blade[]

The Sacred Stones[]

  • Joshua - A gambling mercenary who has an evasive, almost aggravating personality.
  • Marisa - An aloof swordfighter and member of Gerik's Mercenaries whose nom de guerre strikes fear in others.

Path of Radiance[]

  • Mia - A mercenary fighting to improve her sword skills who doesn't sweat the details in life.
  • Zihark - A Daein mercenary who does not harbour hatred for the Laguz.

Radiant Dawn[]

Shadow Dragon[]

  • Navarre - A skilled fighter known as the Scarlet Sword who prefers his blade to do the talking.
  • Radd - A citizen of Port Warren who joins the Archanean League with Caesar.
  • Athena - A foreign warrior with a straightfoward personality that speaks with an accent.

New Mystery of the Emblem[]


  • Lon'qu - A skilled swordsman of Regna Ferox who is oddly skittish around women.
  • Owain - Lissa's overly theatrical son who loves to give weapons dramatic names.
  • Morgan (Only if Robin married to Lon'qu, Say'ri, Owain or Yen'fay).
  • Eirika (SpotPass)


  • Hana - A noble tomboy and one of Sakura's retainers who is skilled with the katana.
  • Hinata - A coarse, yet caring, Hoshidan samurai and one of Takumi's retainers.
  • Hisame - The son of Hinata. A mature boy who has a liking for pickled food.


Fire Emblem Warriors[]

  • Owain - Lissa's overly theatrical son who loves to give weapons dramatic names.

Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes[]

  • Shez - A young mercenary with a mysterious past whose survival changes the timeline.
  • Felix - A member of the Blue Lions and King Dimitri's right-hand man.

Vestaria Saga I[]

  • Haldyn - A warrior from the mainland who was in the employ of the Gallachians.


The Myrmidons were a tribe that followed Achilles and were renowned for the battle skills and loyalty to their leader. In modern times, a Myrmidon is someone who follows a cause without question. Many members of the class (such as Guy, Lon'qu, and Mia) could be called Myrmidons in this respect in relation to their devotion to swordplay. In modern fantasy, a Myrmidon is usually a swordsman, focusing on speed, wielding a sword in a single hand, while leaving the other free.


  • In some games, the manner by which Myrmidons handle the blade can be seen as a style of swordplay from a specific region on the continent.


Concept artwork of the Sword Fighter class from Genealogy of the Holy War.

Concept artwork of the Sword Fighter class from Genealogy of the Holy War.

Concept artwork of the Myrmidon class from Path of Radiance.

Concept artwork of the male variant of the Myrmidon class from Awakening.

Concept artwork of the male variant of the Myrmidon class from Awakening.

Concept artwork of the female variant of the Myrmidon class from Awakening.

Concept artwork of the female variant of the Myrmidon class from Awakening.

Concept art of a female Samurai (no hat) from Fates

Concept art of a female Samurai (no hat) from Fates

Concept art of a female Samurai (with hat) from Fates

Concept art of a female Samurai (with hat) from Fates

Concept art of a male Samurai (with hat) from Fates

Concept art of a male Samurai (with hat) from Fates

Concept art of a male Samurai (no hat) from Fates

Concept art of a male Samurai (no hat) from Fates

A Level 1 generic Sword Fighter, as he appears in the first series of the TCG.

A Level 1 generic Sword Fighter, as he appears in the first series of the TCG.

Generic CG portrait of the Sword Fighter class from Genealogy of the Holy War.

Generic CG portrait of the Sword Fighter class from Genealogy of the Holy War.

Generic CG portrait of the Myrmidon class from the GBA titles.

Generic CG portrait of the Myrmidon class from the GBA titles.

Generic portrait of a Swordfighter from Berwick Saga.

Generic portrait of a Swordfighter from Berwick Saga.

Generic portrait of a Swordfighter from Berwick Saga.

Generic portrait of a Swordfighter from Berwick Saga.

Generic CG portrait of the Myrmidon class from the DS titles.

Generic CG portrait of the Myrmidon class from the DS titles.

Generic portrait of a Myrmidon from Awakening.

Generic portrait of a Myrmidon from Awakening.

Battle model of Chulainn, a male Sword Fighter from Genealogy of the Holy War.

Battle model of Chulainn, a male Sword Fighter from Genealogy of the Holy War.

Battle model of Ayra, a female Sword Fighter from Genealogy of the Holy War.

Battle model of Ayra, a female Sword Fighter from Genealogy of the Holy War.

Battle model of Shiva, a male Sword Fighter from Thracia 776.

Battle model of Shiva, a male Sword Fighter from Thracia 776.

Battle model of Machyua, a female Sword Fighter from Thracia 776.

Battle model of Machyua, a female Sword Fighter from Thracia 776.

Battle model of Vega, a male Sword Fighter from TearRing Saga.

Battle model of Vega, a male Sword Fighter from TearRing Saga.

Battle model of Julia, a female Sword Fighter from TearRing Saga.

Battle model of Julia, a female Sword Fighter from TearRing Saga.

Animation of Rutger, a Myrmidon from The Binding Blade, showcasing both a normal and a critical attack.

Animation of Rutger, a Myrmidon from The Binding Blade, showcasing both a normal and a critical attack.

Battle model of Zihark, a male Myrmidon from Path of Radiance.

Battle model of Zihark, a male Myrmidon from Path of Radiance.

Battle model of Mia, a female Myrmidon from Path of Radiance.

Battle model of Mia, a female Myrmidon from Path of Radiance.

Battle model of Edward, a Myrmidon from Radiant Dawn.

Battle model of Edward, a Myrmidon from Radiant Dawn.

Battle model of Lon'qu, a male Myrmidon from Awakening.

Battle model of Lon'qu, a male Myrmidon from Awakening.

Battle model of Say'ri, a female Myrmidon from Awakening.

Battle model of Say'ri, a female Myrmidon from Awakening.

Battle model of Hinata, a male Samurai from Fates.

Battle model of Hinata, a male Samurai from Fates.

Battle model of Hana, a female Samurai from Fates.

Battle model of Hana, a female Samurai from Fates.

Battle model of a male Myrmidon in Fire Emblem Three Houses

Battle model of a male Myrmidon in Fire Emblem Three Houses

Battle model of a female Myrmidon from Fire Emblem Three Houses

Battle model of a female Myrmidon from Fire Emblem Three Houses

Ashe as a Myrmidon in Three Houses.

Ashe as a Myrmidon in Three Houses.

Generic class portrait of a Samurai from Fates.

Generic class portrait of a Samurai from Fates.

Map sprite of a male Sword Fighter from Genealogy of the Holy War.

Map sprite of a male Sword Fighter from Genealogy of the Holy War.

Map sprite of a female Sword Fighter from Genealogy of the Holy War.

Map sprite of a female Sword Fighter from Genealogy of the Holy War.

Map sprite of a male Myrmidon in Thracia 776.

Map sprite of a male Myrmidon in Thracia 776.

Map sprite of a female Myrmidon in Thracia 776.

Map sprite of a female Myrmidon in Thracia 776.

Map sprite of a male Sword Fighter from TearRing Saga.

Map sprite of a male Sword Fighter from TearRing Saga.

Map sprite of a female the Sword Fighter from TearRing Saga.

Map sprite of a female the Sword Fighter from TearRing Saga.

Map sprite of a male Myrmidon from the GBA titles.

Map sprite of a male Myrmidon from the GBA titles.

Map sprite of a female Myrmidon from the GBA titles.

Map sprite of a female Myrmidon from the GBA titles.

Map sprite of a male Myrmidon from Shadow Dragon.

Map sprite of a male Myrmidon from Shadow Dragon.

Map sprite of a male Myrmidon from Shin Monsho no Nazo.

Map sprite of a male Myrmidon from Shin Monsho no Nazo.

Map sprite of a female Myrmidon from Shin Monsho no Nazo.

Map sprite of a female Myrmidon from Shin Monsho no Nazo.

Map sprite of a male Myrmidon from Awakening.

Map sprite of a male Myrmidon from Awakening.

Map sprite of a male Samurai from Fates.

Map sprite of a male Samurai from Fates.