Pavise (Skill)

Pavise, also referred to as Cancel, is a skill introduced in Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War.

Typically utilized by Generals, it eliminates or at least reduces damage received by the user.


Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War[]

Name Activation Capacity

Great Shield
(User's Level)% -
Effects When activated, user takes no damage from enemy's strikes.
Users Class skill: General, Baron, Emperor
Notes -

Fire Emblem: Thracia 776[]

Name Activation Capacity

Great Shield
(User's Level)% -
Effects When activated, user takes no damage from enemy's strikes.
Users Class skill: Barons

Base skill: Xavier.

Notes -

TearRing Saga: Utna Heroes Saga[]

Name Activation Capacity

Big Shield
(User's Level)% -
Effects When activated, the user's Defense is increased by 20 for one of the enemy's attacks.
Users Base skill: Roger, Billford, Loffaru, Zachariah.
Notes -

Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones[]

Name Activation Capacity
Great Shield (Enemy's Level)% -
Effects Negates all damage when activated.
Users Class skill: Generals.
Notes -

Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance[]

Name Activation Capacity

(Skill)% 20
Effects Negates all damage when activated.
Users Occult skill: Hawk Laguz; Can be assigned with the Occult Scroll.
Notes -

Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn[]

Name Activation Capacity

(Skill)% 20
Effects Negates all damage when activated.
Users Base skill: Tibarn.
Notes -

Fire Emblem Awakening[]

Name Activation Capacity

(Skill)% -
Effects When activated, damage inflicted by Swords, Lances, Axes, Monster weapons, and Beaststones is halved.
Users Learned Skill: Level 15 Generals.
Notes -
Name Activation Capacity

(100%) -
Effects When activated, damage inflicted by Swords, Lances, Axes, Monster weapons, and Beaststones is halved.
Users Lunatic+, enemy only.
Notes -

Fire Emblem Fates[]

Name Activation Capacity

(Skill)% -
Effects When activated, damage inflicted by Swords, Lances, Axes, Monster weapons, Beaststones, and Puppet attacks is halved.
Users Learned by Generals at Level 15 or higher.
Notes -

Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia[]

Name Pavise
HP/Dur Rng Mt Hit Avo Crt
-3 ± ± ± ± ±
Effects Reduces damage from physical attacks by 50%.
Users Shield skill: Duma's Shield, Sage's Shield
Notes -

Fire Emblem Heroes[]

Name Charge SP

3 200
Effects Reduces damage inflicted by attacks from adjacent foes by 50%.
Users -
Notes Rarity:

Fire Emblem Warriors[]

Name Activation Capacity

Luck -
Effects Reduce damage from swords, axes, and spears.
Users Learned from Frederick's skill board.
Notes -

Fire Emblem: Three Houses[]

Name Activation Capacity

(Dex)% -
Effects Chance to reduce sword/lance/axe/brawling damage by half.
Users Learned by mastering the Fortress Knight class.
Notes Serve as the Barrier Ability of the Lord of the Lake and Titanus.

Effect provided by Rafail Gem, Aegis Shield, Thyrsus, and Fetters of Dromi with corresponding crest.

Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes[]

Name Activation Capacity

(Dex x 0.25)% -
Effects Grants a (Dex x 0.25%) chance of nullifying damage from enemies equipped with swords, lances, axes, or gauntlets.
Users Hubert, Dorothea, Dedue, Sylvain, Mercedes, Rodrigue, Lorenz, Hilda, Leonie, Lysithea, Holst, Balthus, Seteth, Flayn, Manuela, Catherine, Shamir, Jeralt, Gatekeeper, Sothis, Rhea, Arval (Fortress Knight Mastery Rank 2)
Notes -


A pavise is a type of large shield designed to protect the entire body, used primarily by archers and crossbowmen during the Middle Ages.


  • Radiant Dawn's US help description erroneously states that Pavise nullifies the effects of an enemy attack which is untrue as Pavise does not prevent poisoned weapons from poisoning the target. This was corrected in the European release.


Great Shield, as it appears in the first series of the TCG as a Surprise Card.

Great Shield, as it appears in the first series of the TCG as a Surprise Card.

Great Shield, as it appears in the third series of the TCG as a Surprise Card.

Great Shield, as it appears in the third series of the TCG as a Surprise Card.

An enemy Baron activating Great Shield in battle.

An enemy Baron activating Great Shield in battle.

Mus activating Great Shield in Fire Emblem: Thracia 776.

Tirado activating Great Shield in Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones

Tirado activating Great Shield in Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones

Fiona activating Pavise in Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn

Skills that predate the Skill system

Arts that predate the Combat Art system