Fire Emblem Plot Holes, Goofs and Unexplained Events

This is a list of known plot holes, goofs, and unexplained events in the Fire Emblem series. Please note that more information needs to be filled.

Fire Emblem Awakening[]

  • Panne talks about being raised by her mother alongside other taguel in supports with Ricken. However, in her supports with Yarne, Panne claims her mother died when she was an infant, and Panne never knew other taguel as a result.
  • In The Future Past 3 it is revealed that Grima had killed Naga in an alternate future, which was stated by Naga to be impossible. It is not clear if that particular Outrealm operated according to different laws, or if the Grima and Naga of the game's realm are wrong about their relationship. Although this contrasted by or arguably enhanced by Tiki taking up the mantle of Naga. That is, Naga meant the role of Naga was immortal (hence Tiki being able to fill it as Robin for Grima) or it is indeed more mysterious that Tiki could replace the original Naga as a 'new one' to still complete the Awakening ritual. This in turn makes it questionable whether Grima was actually killed here or just sealed away for another 1000 years when Lucina struck him down.

Fire Emblem: Three Houses[]

  • Thales explaines to Kronya, disguised as Monica, that her death would have revealed the truth about her identity, most likely meaning that her disguise would have worn off should she have died. However, when defeating Arundel and Cornelia, who are implied to be Those Who Slither in the Dark members that are disguising as them, their disguise will still be on even after their death.
  • The Flame Emperor sends Kostas and the other bandits to kill the house leaders, including Edelgard, at the beginning of the game, despite her being the Flame Emperor. It's later explained in Three Hopes that Edelgard never expected Kostas to succeed and the attack was meant to scare away the teacher travelling with them to the church as a way to make Jeritza the new teacher for the Black Eagles.
  • During his C-Support with Seteth, Hanneman claims that the former is the only person ever confirmed to bear a Major Crest of Cichol. Yet in Three Hopes, Leopold von Bergliez is shown to possess this exact Crest and even a corresponding Sacred Weapon to show it.

Fire Emblem Engage[]

  • Alear's forces travel a thousand years back in time and destroy the second Fell Dragon Shard. The destruction of the shard in the past means it's no longer functional in the present, but, as in many stories involving time travel, the causal ramifications of the act are left unexplained, as it introduces a time travel paradox. For example, in the new present, with the shard already destroyed, Zephia would have had no reason to use her lifeforce to create the crystal that allowed for the time travel to occur in the first place.
  • In that same vein, Alear's actions in fighting and defeating their past self have a direct impact on Past Alear and results in their first meeting with Lumera. However, it doesn't make sense that the present Alear would cause both the Fell Dragon Shard's destruction and initiate, even by accident, their first meeting with Lumera, as their relationship already existed in the original timeline's present.
  • When Alear temporarily loses the Dragonic Time Crystal and then gets it back, they can only rewind time back to the point at which they reclaimed it. However, in a prior cutscene, Veyle steals the crystal from Alear, and then uses it to steal the Emblem Rings off of them and their allies, as well, rewinding time to a point further in the past than she should have been allowed. Further, with the way that the scene plays out, the nature of the crystal's use doesn't match with its defined mechanics (i.e.: Rewinding time and then taking different actions as time moves forward), as Veyle casually reveals both the crystal and the rings are suddenly in her possession despite her taking no apparent action to steal them.


Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War[]

  • Units that have promoted won't produce the correct footsteps during cutscenes if the new class produces different sound effects while directing them in gameplay. This is most observable if the unit in question gained a horse upon promotion (despite being a mounted unit, they will sound like infantry units when moving in cutscenes), though it can also be observed in the case of a mounted unit whom the player promoted.
  • In her Endgame appearance, Hilda erroneously has major Dáinn Holy Blood, instead of her actual minor Fjalar blood. The "Project Naga" fan translation corrects this error.

Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade[]

  • In the US release of The Blazing Blade, there is an enemy called Bernard, whose US description states is the Knight Commander of Bern (it should be Knight Commander of Laus). This is a translation mistake, however, since it is fixed in the European release.
  • In Chapter 19xx, there is a flashback scene featuring a man and two children (who look suspiciously like younger versions of Nergal, Nils, and Ninian). The man says "Daddy has to go to Aenir...I'm going to get Mommy". The line was mistranslated and was supposed to read (not literally) "Daddy has to go and get Aenir... Mommy". In other words, Aenir is not the name of a place, but their mother.
  • When you recruit Harken with Lowen, Lowen comments about Lord Eliwood, Lord Marcus, and "Lady Isabella". Isabella is, of course, just a mistranslation of Isadora.
  • Various characters call the female Hanon a male.
  • In Chapter E23/H24, Jaffar takes issue with Nino healing him saying that the Black Fang's code is to "kill the weak so the strong may rise." However, on multiple chapters in the game the Black Fang use Troubadours, a class which can only be used to heal wounded allies.
  • During Chapter E27/H29, in the Augury, Nils states "...I sense a dire foe in the battle ahead. The weapon he wields is cursed. A sword that steals life energies and feeds them to its wielder." The weapon he is describing is obviously a Runesword, but the boss of this chapter (whether Lloyd or Linus) is equipped with a Light Brand. In the Japanese version, they were equipped with a Runesword instead.
  • In Chapter 30 in Hector's story, there is a misplaced escape coordinate for enemy thieves at (0, 6). It is located within a wall, so it cannot be used.
  • In Nino and Merlinus's B level support, Nino appears to say "Now you're going to listen closely to old Merlinus here, because..." This statement was mistranslated and was meant to say "Now I'm going to listen closely to old Merlinus here, because..."
  • In Louise and Heath's C level support, Heath says of Louise "So that's Marchioness Wrigley." Louise herself refers to it as Wrigley in her support with Erk. This is obviously a transliteration error as "Wrigley" is supposed to be "Reglay." Furthermore, as Pent is called "Count Reglay," Louise's title ought to have been translated as "Countess" rather than "Marchioness."
  • Under the Rienfleche's description, it is stated that it can attack multiple times like the Brave Bow; however, this is not the case.
  • Florina once calls her pegasus Makar (commonly believed to be a mistranslation of Mark), when it actually is named Huey.
  • The Wind Sword's Description is cut off, from "Capable of Indirect"; it is supposed to say "Capable of indirect combat".
  • In Heath and Priscilla's B level support, he has the line, "I'm fine. A few cuts and scratches won't kill me." However, there is a typo, and the word "kill" is spelled "killl".
  • In the beginning of Chapter 30, Nergal has the sprite of a normal Druid, rather than a Dark Druid.
  • During Hector's recruitment conversation with Legault in Chapter E19/H20, Legault uses "You're enemy", instead of "Your enemy".
  • Unlike other playable characters in this game that go on to sire children in The Binding Blade, it is possible for Rebecca to die.
  • If Jaffar is given Afa's Drops and the player achieves A or S ranking, he will commend the player in the Battle History, saying "...Good, or so I here." This is a typo: "here" should be spelled "hear".
  • Bartre's English paired ending with Karla has him dying not long after entrusting his daughter to Karel; however, Bartre appears in Binding Blade in perfect health. This is a translation error as the original Japanese ending doesn't mention Bartre dying.
  • Although Athos dies at the Dragon's Gate in The Blazing Blade, taking Forblaze along with him, the tome still appears in The Binding Blade, which establishes that it was sealed by Athos himself in Arcadia.

Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones[]

  • There is an enemy called Tirado, whose English description states he is aide to General Grado (it should be General Valter).
  • In Gilliam and Garcia's C Support, Garcia calls Gilliam "Garcia" at one point. This error was also present in the Japanese version but wasn't fixed in the US version. The European version fixed this error.
  • In Neimi and Gilliam's A Support, Neimi talks about Cormag, even though she does not know him or support with him. This is a mistranslation of Coma - Colm's Japanese name.
  • In Kyle and Syrene's C Support, Kyle calls Syrene "Selena".
  • When a Wyvern Knight activates Pierce and attacks consecutively without being interrupted by the enemy, the game may freeze depending on the amount of damage dealt during the first strike. It seems this glitch is caused by striking an enemy before their HP bar has finished decreasing. This glitch can be avoided by turning off battle animations for Wyvern Knights. In the Japanese version, there is no such freezing when using Pierce.

Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance[]

  • The detail windows show magic defense as one of the possible terrain bonuses. However, there is no terrain in the game that gives such a bonus.
  • In the English version of Path of Radiance, Rolf erroneously tells Tauroneo in their C support that his mother died and his father left his family. In Radiant Dawn, it is shown that Rolf's mother is alive and was the one who left the family while his father was dying. This error was not present in the Japanese version.
  • The English help description erroneously states that the Beorcguard causes the bearer to take half damage from any beorc attack, similar to the Laguzguard. This error was not present in the Beorcguard's Japanese description.
  • In Chapter 25, after the battle is won, the scene with Ike and his group hiking the mountain shows Ike on screen wearing his old Ranger costume even though he's been promoted to Lord class after Chapter 17, while in the text dialog box, it shows Ike's profile picture wearing his Lord costume.
  • Bryce is erroneously referred to as "Sir Bryan" in the ending cutscene of Chapter 20 in the North American version. This was fixed in the European version.
  • There is a typo in one of Janaff's death quotes in the North American version, where he asks Ike to look after his son. In Japanese, "son" is instead "prince", referring to Reyson. This was fixed in the European version.

Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn[]

  • The minimap in the third endgame of Part IV differs slightly from the actual map of the game. The minimap has more stairs compared to the actual map.
  • When looking at the Black Knight's description, it says he was one of Daein's four horsemen; it was called the Four Riders. It also states that he wields the skill Luna when he possesses the skill Eclipse, although this may be because Eclipse and Luna share the same Japanese name.
  • In some North American copies of Radiant Dawn, where they have the chart profiles for all of the characters, Muarim's profile was incorrect: he uses Mist's profile instead of his own. It should be noted that this isn't an error with the description, Mist's description is actually copied into the game twice.
  • In the North American version, Florete, a weapon exclusively used by Mist, is based on Strength despite the description saying it uses magic. This error was not present in the Japanese version and was fixed in the European version.
  • In some North American copies of Radiant Dawn, Resolve skill's description states it can raise Strength, Skill & Speed by 1.5 times when the user has less than 20% of their HP, where in fact it's always active when its user has less than 50% of their HP (But doesn't raise Strength anymore). In the Japanese version, the skill also only had a chance of activating, depending on its user's STR, making the skill less effective. The effect was changed in the NA & EU versions of the game, yet the NA localization stayed faithful to the original skill.
  • In some North American copies of Radiant Dawn, when you go into the Manage Skills menu and hover on Wrath skill, the secondary description on the right states that it increases the user's Critical chance by 50 when under 20% of its HP, whereas it is in fact less than 30% of its HP. In the Japanese version, the skill indeed requires the characters to be at less than 20% of its HP AND is a chance activation, base on its user's Speed, making this skill even more useless. This was changed in the NA & EU versions of the game.
  • In the Japanese and North American versions, when a Heron character attacks Dheginsea (by using a spell card) a conversation will occur, but the message boxes will be devoid of text. The actual conversations are supposed to be the same as the ones when they Talk to him. The European version fixed this error.
  • In Path of Radiance, Stefan claims that members of different laguz tribes cannot interbreed in his A support with Mordecai. However, if Leanne and Naesala have an A support at the end of Radiant Dawn, their ending mentions them having two children.

Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon[]

  • In the Japanese version, there are two images in the in-game guide showing a five-use Vulnerary. In the actual game, including the Japanese version, each Vulnerary can be used only up to three times. However, Vulneraries do have five uses apiece in the original Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light.
  • The top screen of the DS shows magic defense as one of the possible terrain bonuses. However, there is no terrain in the game that gives such a bonus.
  • There is a forest tile in Chapter 12 that lacks the visual distinction of one; this forest is distinct in Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light.
  • Wendell's epilogue title in the US version erroneously spells his name as "Wendel".

Fire Emblem Awakening[]

  • In the C Support conversation between the Avatar and Lissa, both characters use the word "Risen". However it is possible to unlock the C Support before Chapter 2, despite the fact that the Risen were nameless at that point in the game. This was corrected in the European localization of the game, where all instances of the word "Risen" are replaced with the word "Bandits".
  • In Chapter 6, should Gaius reach Emmeryn as an enemy, his AI will not hesitate to attack and kill her. This is rather odd as Gaius himself states that he wouldn't lay a finger on Emmeryn because it goes against his morals.
  • In Cordelia's A Support with the Avatar, there is a typo where Cordelia says "recuit" instead of "recruit".
  • In Brady's B Support with a female Avatar, she tells him "I so have other things I could be doing". This should read "I do have other things I could be doing".
  • There is a goof on Chrom's Great Lord map/world sprite. After Validar steals the Fire Emblem, Chrom's battle model does not show the Emblem but his map sprite still shows it on his arm. This also applies if Chrom promotes before Chapter 7 where he receives the Fire Emblem from Emmeryn. This is likely an oversight.
  • Gangrel's in-game description in Chapter 9 during the preparations is "The Former King of Plegia", the description used in Paralogue 18, instead of using the proper in-game description from Chapter 11, "The Mad King of Plegia".
  • If Morgan is Lucina's brother, he mentions in a support conversation that she always had Falchion by her side in the future, despite losing all of his memories of her.
  • In some of the DLC packs, some of the characters' battle quotes are formatted incorrectly. This results in it only being possible to view the script through the text viewer on the bottom screen.
    • In the EXPonential Growth DLC, Inigo calls the Entombed "Mummies", which is its name from the Japanese version.
    • In the Hot-Spring Scramble DLC, Nah calls the Dragonstone+ "True Dragonstone", which is its name from the Japanese version. Additionally, during Lissa's first conversation with Emmeryn, she uses Chrom's voice clip of "Hold on! I'm coming!"
  • In the North American localization, the Japanese voice language option does not function correctly, changing back to English if the game is reset. This error is not present in the European localization.
  • Most returning locations on Valm are completely incorrect with regards to corresponding locations in Fire Emblem Gaiden.
  • In Virion's support with the Avatar, he claims to don a cravat. What he is actually wearing is called a jabot.
  • If DLC and/or Bonus Box Einherjar (Priam and the other post game characters are alright though) are on a player's StreetPass team, any players they StreetPass with will instead receive a random computer generated team and the Avatar, just as if they StreetPassed somebody who doesn't own the game. These teams can be identified because they all have the team name "Outrealm Order" along with no pairings despite possibly having child units.
  • In Tiki's conversation with Nah, she will claim Nah is unique and the first ever manakete hybrid in history, even if a male Avatar/Robin married Nowi and thus also has Morgan, or if he marries Tiki and has Morgan with her.
    • However, one can assume that Nah is older than Morgan, as Morgan's C-support with her sibling states she is the younger sibling, meaning that Nah being the first manakete hybrid in history is still correct.

Fire Emblem Fates[]

  • Saizo and Hinoka's Support revolves around the former giving the latter letters from Ryoma. In Birthright, however, the Support can still happen when Ryoma is MIA, before he's recruited.
  • In Conquest and Revelation, Elise asks Arthur in their B Support to make Xander smile. This, and the following A Support where he meets Xander in person, can be unlocked before Xander is recruitable in both routes.
  • In Revelation, During Xander and Ryoma's A Support, Ryoma mentions the Vallites by name. Through the use of auxiliary battles, this conversation can occur before Chapter 18, where the party first learns of, then descends to Valla, meaning Ryoma should have vanished due to speaking of the hidden kingdom outside of its borders.
  • Orochi and Oboro's A Support has a typo where the latter thanks herself instead of Orochi.
  • When playing as a male Corrin and Jakob joins your army (regardless of route), he will tell you "I would to like fight at your side"; an obvious typo.
  • Charlotte's C Support with a male Corrin has her calling him "milady" at one point.
  • In Shigure's B Support with a female Kana, he says "you're acting like more like a teenager".

Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia[]

  • Gray and Tobin's Support revolves around the two crushing on Clair. The Support, however, can happen even before Clair is recruited.
  • Duma can be killed by Nosferatu.
    • This is likely intentional, in reference to how Nosferatu is able to do this in Gaiden, thanks to a presumed programming bug. However this still is not explained in game, and is thus still a plot hole.

Fire Emblem: Three Houses[]

  • In the Paralogue Land of the Golden Deer, Acheron, when defeated, uses the infantry death animation (falling on his knees and then face-planting on the ground) even if he doesn't actually die. This thing also happens in various side-quests that request to train with another army.
  • When Catherine and Cyril show up as enemy reinforcements in Chapter 12 if you side with the Empire, Cyril reuses one of his post-timeskip victory quotes while in his academy appearance. Catherine likewise reuses her selection quote.
  • In the event at the start of Verdant Wind chapter 15 where Claude receives a response from Judith, the "Alliance Soldier" who overhears that they will meet in Ailell uses a Kingdom soldier's model.
  • In Chapter 17's default ending mural in Crimson Flower where Edelgard is about to slay Dimitri, the illustration lacks the Adrestia coat of arms on her cape.
  • In Byleth and Catherine's paired ending in Azure Moon, the former is incorrectly said to be both the king of Fódlan and the archbishop of the Church.
  • In the Italian version, there's a major mistake in the naming of two of the 'Reunion' cutscenes. 'Reunion: Silver Snow' is called 'Il convegno: Vento Verde' (Reunion: Verdant Wind), while 'Reunion: Verdant Wind' is called 'Il convegno: Fiore Cremisi' (Reunion: Crimson Flower). This is quite grave as it's not a simple swap of names considering that there's no 'Reunion' cutscene for Crimson Flower. Despite the severity of this mistake, it's never been corrected in any version.
  • There are two mistakes in the cutscene 'Javelins of Light'.
    • The Death Knight will wield the Scythe of Sariel even if he was defeated by Caspar in the Paralogue 'The Face Beneath' (the Death Knight will give said weapon to Caspar) and so he should have wielded a Brave Lance.
    • Before showing Fort Merceus's ruins, Byleth's eyes will be their original indigo color, but when showing her face again, they'll be light green like they should be. This applies only for Female Byleth, as it doesn't happen with Male Byleth.
  • In the 'Wailing' cutscene, when returning to human form, Rhea wears her archbishop garb despite the fact that before transforming into the Immaculate One, Rhea wore a simple white dress.

Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes[]

  • In Ashe's and Sylvain's A Support, when the line "Castle Gaspard, huh? It makes sense. Adopted or not, you are Lord Lonato's only remaining heir" is spoken, the audio file of the respective line omits the words "only remaining".
  • In Azure Gleam, Seteth appears as an allied Wyvern Rider. When unlocked as playable the next chapter, he is instead a Cavalier.
  • Due to how weapons and classes in Three Hopes work, Seteth cannot wield his sacred weapon Spear of Assal in his canon class, Wyvern Rider, unless he is reclassed to the Cavalier classline.
    • Similarly, Annette cannot wield her Heroes' Relic Crusher in her canon classline without reclassing into Warrior/Wyvern Rider.
  • Throughout the game, soldiers in auxiliary battles stated to be bandits instead use other faction's soldier models, and vice versa.
    • Similarly, when Alois appears in the second chapter to rescue Shez and the house leaders, the generic Knight of Seiros with him uses an Imperial Mercenary's model.
    • Viscount Fenja uses the model for rogue Falcon Knights instead of the Imperial Falcon Knight.
    • Count Rowe uses the model for a bandit Mage despite being a kingdom lord.
    • Church soldiers use Kingdom soldier models in most Azure Gleam auxiliary battles.
  • Holst uses the exact same attire as a Hero, but since the class was omitted from Three Hopes, he is instead a swordmaster.
  • Following the battle in Chapter 11 of the Scarlet Blaze path, Male Shez says "...leave Fódlan in better shape than we found it." though the voice clip says "...leave Fódlan better than we found it."
  • Though it may be an intentional change, given that they are not the same timeline, some characters in Three Hopes are somehow taller following the game's two-year timeskip than they are following the five-year timeskip in Three Houses. Edelgard, for example, is 158 cm both before and after the timeskip in Three Houses, but is 162 cm in the War Phase of Three Hopes.

Fire Emblem Engage[]

  • In the dialogue between Past Alear and Lumera following Chapter 24, when the former says "I want to live. To see tomorrow. And the day after that." the voice clip repeats "And the day after that." a second time. This only happens with Male Alear.
  • In the Paralogue The Holy Knight when the fortress guard controlling the bridge is defeated, Alfred will say "Let's rest a here for a minute", with an extraneous "a".
  • Bunet's Pact Ring page in the Ally Notebook reads that "his finds joy in creating new dishes".

TearRing Saga: Utna Heroes Saga[]

  • Holmes realizes that Tia is the Shaman of Earth in two entirely different conversations with the same person. The second instance seems to be an oversight, as Holmes already had this realization and should remember that he did.

Unexplained Events[]

Fire Emblem: Thracia 776[]

  • It is mentioned by August in Chapter 2 that Lifis is killing many innocent people. The villagers in turn mention that they live in fear of the Lifis Pirates and their dreaded leader; Ronan specifically joins to put an end to their boss. Before the battle in Chapter 2x, Lifis specifically states to his underling that he does not intend to reform for Safy and only wants to be in a relationship with her. If the player releases Lifis after capturing him, Lifis states he isn't repentant and will continue his pillaging, in comparison even his minion, the barbaric Bucks says he is sorry for his killings and will now reform. Despite all this, Lifis can be recruited by the player by capturing and not releasing him. Despite Ronan's stated hatred of the Lifis and his pirates, his reaction to his foe joining is neither shown or explained as he has no more dialogue within the game.
  • It is unexplained how Lifis and Galzus are turned into a Deadlord if you did not recruit either of them.

Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade[]

  • During the events of The Black Shadow, Ursula flees the scene before the battle begins, claiming to have matters to attend to. Few matters could be more essential to the Black Fang's agenda than recapturing Ninian and Nils, and whatever actions she engages in bear no weight on the remainder of the game's plot, so it is difficult to imagine what matters she is referring to as the game offers no explanation to this.
  • Though Kishuna is a Magic Seal, he occasionally uses some magical power to Warp away when threatened. This is never explained.
  • It is unclear as to why Nergal, at the end of Chapter 19xx, teleported into the ruins where the chapter took place. It is a possibility that Nergal had a faint memory of being there many years ago.
  • At the end of the game, there is no explanation as to where Mark went, and there is also no explanation as to where they originated from and what happened to them before or during the events of The Binding Blade.
  • It is never clearly explained as to why Nils collapsed during Chapter E21/H22, or why Ninian does not want him moved, though it may have been because Nils had transferred some of his energy to Ninian earlier or because moving him might lead to the discovery that he is actually an Ice Dragon.
  • It is never revealed if Elbert actually was part of the rebellion against Ostia, as claimed by Erik. It is possible he intended to be a double agent, given his seeming opposition to both Nergal and Darin.

Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones[]

  • If Joshua dies in the story, Myrrh will take his place in Eirika's epilogue, but who would lead Jehanna in the resulting power vacuum is never addressed.

Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance[]

  • Why Zelgius appears at the end of the game, even after being defeated as the Black Knight, if Tanith dies is never explained.

Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn[]

  • How the Black Knight's armor lost its blessing is never explained.
  • Ike's ending indicates that he leaves Tellius for other lands, but it was previously established that all continents other than Tellius were lost in the Great Flood.

Fire Emblem: New Mystery of the Emblem[]

Fire Emblem Awakening[]

  • It is never explained why Tiki is living in the Mila Tree despite her slumbering in the Ice Dragon Temple after the events of Mystery of the Emblem.
  • It is never mentioned how, when, or why the Falchion was sealed.
  • It is never explained how the Fire Emblem changed function from banishing Earth Dragons to unlocking the ability to seal Grima with the Falchion.
  • It is unclear if the Earth Dragons have remained sealed in the Dragon's Table, despite being sealed longer than they had been before Shadow Dragon or if they ceased to exist completely.
    • It is also unknown as to how the Dragon's Table changed function from sealing the Earth Dragons away to becoming a sacrificial altar for Grima to feast on his worshippers.
  • It is not explained why Tiki is intentionally keeping the Binding Shield apart; it is entirely contrary to Marth and Gotoh's desire to keep it together as it keeps her from degeneration in addition to keeping Earth Dragons from being sealed.
  • Grima can only be destroyed by his own power, but the mechanism of this is never explained and is not true of any other entity in the series. Though other Dragons have been shown to resurrect when killed.
  • It is never explained how or why Grima is connected to the Dragon's Table when it was where Degenerated Dragons were sealed in Archanea.
  • It's unknown how the characters are able to wield the twelve holy weapons from Jugdral without having the Holy Blood necessary.
    • It is also unknown how the Grimleal came into possession of these weapons.
  • It is never explained how Emmeryn ended up at the Mountain Village.

Fire Emblem Fates[]

  • It is never fully explained why Anankos could not die.
  • Why Lilith can't return to her human form is never explained in detail.
  • Some characters' fate is left ambiguous when defeated in certain paths.
    • Benny and Charlotte's fate in Birthright is left unknown, although they most likely died after being defeated.
    • Rinkah's fate in Conquest, after retreating in Chapter 11, is unknown.

Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia[]

  • It is never explained how Duma developed his mutations (tentacles, eye, etc.) after Naga exiled him and his younger sister, Mila.
  • It's never explained in detail how Desaix came to know that Alm is Rudolf's son.
  • Whoever told the Duma Faithful of Delthea is up to discussion. It's implied that it was Slayde, but even if that's the case, it's unknown how he came to know about it.
  • Whoever explained to Fernand that Mycen didn't have a grandson is unknown. It was probably Desaix, but it's never been confirmed.
  • It's unknown how the Gradivus ended up in Valentia.

Fire Emblem: Three Houses[]

  • It is unknown how Edelgard is able to so swiftly change appearance to the Flame Emperor and back to normal in Chapters 6 and 8 in the Black Eagles' route.
  • Many times during the story, characters that can't learn Warp or Rescue are able to teleport away from the field, such as Hubert teleporting Edelgard away in Chapter 11. The means of this is unknown.
  • Since she doesn't appear outside Azure Moon and Crimson Flower, Fleche's fate in Silver Snow and Verdant Wind is unknown. It's also unknown if she ever tried to avenge her brother in Crimson Flower like in Azure Moon.
  • It's unknown if Byleth's encounter with Dimitri in Silver Snow was real or just a dream. That also leaves Dimitri's fate unknown.
  • Claude's fate in Silver Snow is unknown, though given his background, he likely fled back to Almyra.
  • It's never been explained why Rhea goes berserk in Silver Snow, but not in Verdant Wind. It should be noted that before transforming, her conditions were more or less the same in both paths. It's also never explained why the Crest Stones are resonating with Rhea, turning her berserk, in the first place.
  • Similarly, Crest Stone power has also never been explained. While implied to be the hearts of Nabateans, how multiple were able to resonate with just one Nabatean (Rhea) when they only have one heart is not explained, nor how Edelgard can wield it in her Hegemon form.
  • It is never explained why Nemesis appears in Verdant Wind but not in Silver Snow, despite the fact that the same conditions were present in each route.
  • No explanation on why Byleth didn't use the Divine Pulse to save Rodrigue in Azure Moon is ever given.
  • Rodrigue in Verdant Wind is implied to have been killed, but his ultimate fate is left unknown.
  • Cornelia's fate in Verdant Wind and Silver Snow is unknown.
  • Marianne's fate is left completely ambiguous in Part 2 if she was not recruited. She implies in her A support that she was close to committing suicide in the Academy Phase so it's possible this occurred, or she eventually succumbed to the Crest of the Beast.
    • This does make her the only student to never appear as an enemy unit (apart from the Battle of the Eagle and Lion).
  • It's unknown why Hanneman and Manuela join the Adrestian Empire if not recruited in Azure Moon.
  • Why the Agarthans use the Javelins of Light only three times (two times in Crimson Flower) in total despite their great destructive force is left to the imagination. However, given that Hubert is able to discern the location of Shambhala from their use, it's possible overuse of the Javelins of Light could have led to the discovery of the Agarthan headquarters sooner.
  • It is never explained why Rhea's death in Crimson Flower's ending resulted in Byleth losing Sothis' Crest Stone and becoming mortal once more, whereas in Silver Snow or Verdant Wind, despite Rhea's implied death, Byleth continues to have Sothis' powers and Crest Stone.
  • How Nemesis's Dark Creator Sword can function with the Crest Stones of Noa and Timotheos is never explained.
  • In the Cindered Shadows DLC, it is never explained if the Four Apostles were Nabateans or were humans bearing their crests that allied with Seiros in the War of Heroes.

Fire Emblem Engage[]

  • It is unknown why Zephia, a Manakete, never takes her dragon form, and it is unknown if she still has possession of her Dragonstone or if it was lost at some point.
  • It is unknown how the humans of the Fell Xenologue Elyos became corrupted and why only Nel, Rafal and the Four Winds were the only living beings left.
  • It is unknown how the Fell Xenologue Alear can be the biological child of Lumera, given that the main Alear is not genetically Lumera's child. This is especially odd given that Alear is the only Fell Xenologue character known to have wholly different parents compared to their main storyline counterpart.
  • The reasoning behind the Emblems' willingness to use full force against Alear and their allies in the Emblem Paralogues is not well-explained, as doing so is counterintuitive and puts Alear's army at seemingly unnecessary risk. This is particularly true in Classic Mode, where the Emblems may be responsible for the deaths of Alear and their allies.

Fire Emblem Heroes[]

  • In Book VII, certain details of Seiðr's life, such as how Kvasir became her, are unexplained, as she has no memory of her prior life despite Kvasir and Gullveig both having awareness of their other existences.

Fire Emblem Warriors[]

  • It is never explained why Lianna and Rowan didn't or couldn't use the Shield of Flames to battle Velezark and seal him away rather than killing him.
  • It's unknown how Gharnef can be harmed without the use of Starlight, despite him wielding Imhullu.

Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes[]

  • Despite it being a central mystery concerning the protagonist Shez, details of Shez's origins are never fully explained and at times such explanations are deliberately avoided.
    • The most likely explanation is that Shez's adopted mother was connected with the Agarthans in some way, as Myson states that Shez has Epimenides's core. The fact that Shez's biological parents died and that the adoptive mother raised him implies that she probably planted Epimenides's core in Shez.
  • It is never explained why Metodey, an officer under the Flame Emperor and member of the Adrestian army in Fire Emblem: Three Houses, is instead encountered as an independent bandit in Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes with seemingly no connection to the Adrestian force.
    • Although it's possible that Metodey was a bandit that was hired by Edelgard, just like Kostas. With her being less morally ambiguous than Three Houses, she probably wouldn't hire a blood-thirsty assassin like Metodey in this continuity.
    • It is also possible that Metodey betrayed Edelgard when Duke Aegir took over, and decided to loot and pillage villages when the Kingdom Army encounters him in Azure Gleam.
    • The most likely explanation is that Metodey was brought into the fold by Thales and Edelgard couldn't refuse. However, thanks to Edelgard being able to cut ties with Thales in Three Hopes, Edelgard no longer had any intention of keeping anyone of Metodey's character within her army.
  • It is never explained how the plan of Epimenides was intended to be carried out, as by the point in time that he began his plan and created Arval, Sothis, the specific target of his ire, was already dead/asleep. For his plan to have any purpose, it would require Sothis to be resurrected in some fashion and for Arval's host to, at best, chance upon meeting them.
    • If Epimenides knew that Rhea secured the Crest Stone of Flames to attempt to resurrect Sothis, this might have been his plan. However, Rhea kills Epimenides in the opening cutscene of the game, which occurs before Nemesis's defeat.
  • Why Epimenides suddenly switches from hunting Byleth to targeting the three house leaders via Zahras isn't explained. This doesn't make sense, as Epimenides's target was Sothis, not any of the house leaders.
  • It is never explained why Sothis did not activate Divine Pulse when her host is attacked by Epimenides, despite the fact that she awakens when normal Shez attacks Byleth.
    • This is rather confusing as Sothis appears to recognize Shez as Agarthan ("Perhaps you truly are one of their descendants,") but still does nothing when Epimenides activates.
  • It is never explained what happens to Sothis should the player recruit Byleth. While Byleth continues to have green hair and eyes, the Crest of Flames, and Divine Pulse, Sothis has no more appearances in the story and is not mentioned outside of Byleth and Shez's support chain.
  • It is never explained why Seteth and Flayn do not recognize Byleth as Sothis's vessel in Azure Gleam. While Jeralt does ask Dimitri to keep him and his mercenaries away from his former comrades of the Knights of Seiros, it is extremely unrealistic that the mercenaries and knights would never meet while fighting on the same side.
  • Similarly, Rhea can fight awakened Byleth in Scarlet Blaze/Golden Wildfire and does not recognize them. She will not hesitate to kill them despite the fact that Byleth is the vessel of her mother and the result of centuries worth of attempts to revive her.
  • Where and how Edelgard obtained Labraunda is never explained. It's possible that Labraunda was meant to be a secondary weapon for Seiros, but she is never seen wielding it.
  • How there are two Heroes' relics that use the same crest is never explained.
    • This applies to the Rafail Gem and the Ichor Scroll for the Crest of Lamine
    • Thunderbrand and Suttungr's Mystery for the Crest of Charon
  • The fact that Noa has a sacred weapon, the Scroll of Talos, lends credence to the possibility of the Four Apostles being Nabateans.
  • Why the Dark Creator Sword uses two Apostle Crest Stones, Noa and Timotheos (neither of which match Nemesis's Crest of Flames), is never explained.
  • How Epimenides obtained Hrotti is never explained. How he is also able to wield a physical weapon while inside Zahras is also never explained, nor how the player obtains it.
  • In the Azure Gleam route, Edelgard briefly transforms into the Hegemon Husk after Thales uses his sorcery to control her, but why this occurs is never explained. Despite Thales apparently having this ability over Edelgard, he never uses it again, even during the final battle when he confronts Dimitri's army with the mind-controlled Edelgard at his side.
  • Edelgard's fate in Azure Gleam is also unknown. The ending states that the combined forces of the Kingdom, Alliance, and Church pressed on to Enbarr to end the war, but with Thales and Duke Aegir dead, and Edelgard still in a child-like state, no one would be left to lead the Empire. Why Edelgard doesn't go back to normal after Thales's death is also never explained, nor is the nature of his mind control over her.
  • It is not explained why Shahid, who hates his half-brother Khalid, never realizes that Claude is Khalid, even in their final confrontation when they are standing close enough for him to reasonably recognize his brother's face and voice.