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“Knights of Bern! We strike now! Leave none alive! Don't even leave them time to scream in fear!”

Galle is an enemy character from Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade. He is the lover of Melady and the mentor of her younger brother, Zeiss.


Galle was born in Etruria, but he later joined the army in Bern and rose in rank as one of its most skilled generals. Due to his skill, he was supposed to become the third Wyvern General of Bern. However, Narcian put forth the complaint that Galle was not even a native of Bern and effectively blocked Galle's promotion and swiped the position for himself by spreading accusations about him. He is not bitter about this and continues to serve Zephiel faithfully. Before Narcian is dishonorably demoted and killed, Galle serves as Murdock's lieutenant, and becomes the third Wyvern General afterwards. In Chapter 21, he appears with a squad of Wyvern Riders to aid Murdock in fighting against Roy's army, but ultimately dies in battle.


The Binding Blade[]

Base Stats[]

Trial Maps[]

Starting ClassAffinity
Wyvern Lord-
WeaponStarting Items
Killer Lance
Light Brand

Growth Rates[]

HP S/M Skl Spd Lck Def Res
40% 20% 20% 15% 30% 30% 5%

Fire Emblem Heroes[]

Azure Rider
Considered by many to be the strongest Wyvern Lord of Bern's army, he is loyal to the leader of the Wyvern Generals, Murdock. Appears in Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade.

Base Stats[]



Iron Lance---
Steel Lance--
Guard LanceSteel Lance
Guard Lance+Guard Lance
Wyvern Lance--
Dragon Gaze--
Dragon FangDragon Gaze-
A Brazen Atk/Def 1--
Brazen Atk/Def 2 Brazen Atk/Def 1-
Brazen Atk/Def 3 Brazen Atk/Def 2
C Odd Atk Wave 1--
Odd Atk Wave 2 Odd Atk Wave 1-
Odd Atk Wave 3 Odd Atk Wave 2


Subjective: The following part of this article is based upon the editor's personal experiences and opinions, and therefore may not be applicable for all readers.

Base Set[]
Skill Inheritance[]

Meet Some of the Heroes[]

Azure Rider Galle
The Kingdom of Bern is the strongest military power on the continent of Elibe, and its army is headed by the three Wyvern Generals. But enough about them, let's talk about Galle, who's just as strong!
So, why didn't Galle get to join the Wyvern Generals? Well, it might be because he's not from Bern originally. In fact, there were certain people in the army who tried to keep him down because of it...
Still, Galle refused to let any sign of disappointment show. A lot of people were attracted to his gallant disposition, including his lover Melady.
Galle is a dark horse who keeps his feelings hidden, choosing instead to solemnly serve his lord. I think he's someone you can count on to get the job done, so I'm glad to have him working alongside the Order of Heroes!
Closely Associated Characters
Zephiel King of Bern. Once a kindhearted boy who became disillusioned with humanity. Wants his world to be ruled by dragons. Galle's lord.
Melady A wyvern rider who accompanies Guinivere. Though she is conflicted about opposing her homeland, she is loyal to her lady. Galle's lover.
Narcian One of three Wyvern Generals of Bern. Conceited and vainglorious. He blocked Galle's promotion to the Wyvern Generals by spreading accusations about him.


Special Conversations[]

Note: (Move the appropriate character to a space adjacent to Galle and choose the option to Talk.)

With Zeiss[]

  • Zeiss: Sir Galle...
  • Galle: Zeiss. You seem to be well.
  • Zeiss: Sir Galle... Must we truly fight?
  • Galle: Yes. We must.
  • Zeiss: I...I don't want to fight you! You're the last person I ever...
  • Galle: Zeiss! Are you a child?!
  • Zeiss: What...?!
  • Galle: Did you have this little faith in your choice when you left Bern? Do you regret your decision to fight against Bern?
  • Zeiss: No! My mind is...set... It still hurts to point my blade toward Bern, my homeland... But the path I chose was not a mistake...!
  • Galle: Then cast away your hesitation! Focus on defeating those who block the path that you have chosen. ...No matter who that may be.
  • Zeiss: Sir Galle...
  • Galle: Zeiss... Are a knight of Bern?
  • Zeiss: ...Of course!
  • Galle: Good! Then when next we meet, there will be no words. Our blades will cross, and one will be left standing!

With Melady[]

  • Melady: Galle...
  • Galle: Melady...
  • Melady: Galle... I...
  • Galle: Do not speak... You and I are both loyal knights. We both fight in our masters' names. That is all there is to know.
  • Melady: ......
  • Galle: Melady... This is probably the end, so let me say this. Melady, I am truly grateful I was fortunate enough to meet you. We trained together, and we fought alongside each other. Melady... The days I spent with you... They were the happiest days of my life.
  • Melady: M...mine, too...
  • Galle: ...Good-bye, Melady. My only regret is that we didn't meet in a more peaceful time.
  • Melady: Galle...

(Galle leaves screen)

  • Melady: Wait! Galle! Don't go! Gaaalle!!

Death Quote[]

“I fought honorably... I accept my death... Zeiss... Melady...”
—Galle's death quote


Galle/Heroes Quotes

Non-Canon Appearances[]

Fire Emblem 0 (Cipher)[]

Galle is illustrated in the trading card game Fire Emblem Cipher with the following cards:


Round Placement Character Version Votes


Gale as a man's name is from an English surname, ultimately from Middle English gaile "jovial". It can also be used as a form of the name Galen, a name derived from that of the ancient Greek physician, meaning "tranquil." A gale is also a powerful wind.


  • On the official Japanese website for Nintendo, Galle won 22nd place out of 80 in the character popularity poll for Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade. The male-female vote ratio is 2:1. The voter comments seem to generally focus on his strong principles as a knight and tragic outcome in the story.
  • Galle has real (non-generic) growth rates, which indicates that he may have originally been planned to be recruitable.
  • Galle will only ever attack Roy unless Roy is currently being rescued, thus he can easily be spared by keeping Roy out of Galle's range.
  • Galle is the only Trial map character fought as an enemy that doesn't join with the item he possesses in the main campaign, the Spear, and instead shows up with a Killer Lance and Light Brand, while the others show up with their weapons from the main campaign, some of which are only available in trial maps (i.e. Murdock's Tomahawk, Narcian's Runesword, Brunnya's Fimbulvetr, etc). This causes the Spear to be the only weapon that the Wyvern Generals possessed that couldn't be obtained at all, even when they become usable in the Trial Maps.


See main article: Galle/Gallery.