Guiding Ring

“For magic wielders and troubadours Lv. 10 and up.”
—In-game description, The Sacred Stones

The Guiding Ring is a promotional item that recurs throughout the Fire Emblem Series, permitting magic users Level 10 and above to promote into the second tier of their respective class lines.

Originally, the Guiding Ring was known as the Bishop's Ring, and promoted all available first-tier magic users into Bishops.

In TearRing Saga: Utna Heroes Saga, the equivalent of the Guiding Ring is the Saint's Proof, an item which promotes magic users into their respective second-tier classes.

In the GBA games, the magical promotion item became the Guiding Ring. Rather than converging all magic users into Bishops, the ring promotes Mages into Sages, Clerics, Priests, and Monks into Bishops, Troubadours into Valkyries, and Shamans into Druids. In The Sacred Stones, the branching promotion system allows the various magic users to promote into alternate classes. In this regard, Mages and Troubadours can be promoted into Mage Knights, Clerics into Valkyries, Priests and Monks into Sages, and Shamans into Summoners.

Item Information[]

Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light[]

Name Uses Worth Effect(s) / Note(s)
Bishop's Ring 1 2,000 Promotes Level 10+ Mages/Curates

Fire Emblem: Mystery of the Emblem[]

Name Uses Worth Effect(s) / Note(s)
Bishop's Ring 1 10,000 Promotes Level 10+ Sisters and Mages into Bishops.

TearRing Saga: Utna Heroes Saga[]

Name Uses Worth Effect(s) / Note(s)
Saint's Proof 1 11,700 Promotes Level 10+ magic users.

Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade[]

Name Uses Worth Effect(s) / Note(s)
Guiding Ring 1 10,000 Promotes Level 10+ Shamans, Mages, Priests and Troubadours.

Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade[]

“For magic wielders and troubadors Lv.10 and up.”
—In-game description

Name Uses Worth Effect(s) / Note(s)
Guiding Ring 1 10,000 Promotes Level 10+ Magic Users and Troubadours.

Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones[]

Name Uses Worth Effect(s) / Note(s)
Guiding Ring 1 10,000 Promotes Level 10+ Shamans, Mages, Monks, Priests and Troubadours.

Item Locations[]

Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light[]

Method Location
Dropped Gharnef (Ch. 23)
Treasure Ch. 19 - Chest
Secret Shop Ch. 23

Fire Emblem: Mystery of the Emblem[]

Method Location
Dropped Book 1: Enemy Bishop (Ch. 18)
Book 2: Yodel (Ch. 9) • Enemy Thief (Ch. 14)
Treasure Book 1: Ch. 15 - Chest
Book 2: Ch. 20 - Chest

TearRing Saga: Utna Heroes Saga[]

Method Location
Treasure M14 - Chest • M16 - Chest • M37 - Chest
Visit M17 - Village

Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade[]

Method Location
Steal Brunnya (Ch. 23)
Treasure Ch. 8 - Chest
Ch. 14 - Hidden in the sand. (Requires Sophia)
Ch. 20B - Chest
Visit Ch. 18A (Village)
Secret Shops Ch. 16Ch. 21

Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade[]

Method Location
Steal Eliwood's Story: Zoldam** (Ch. 17) • Jasmine*/Enemy Monk** (Ch. 22) • Enemy Sniper* (Ch. 27)
Hector's Story: Zoldam** (Ch. 18) • Jasmine*/Enemy Shaman** (Ch. 23) • Enemy Sniper* (Ch. 29)
Dropped Eliwood's Story: Enemy Shaman* (Ch. 17)
Hector's Story: Enemy Shaman* (Ch. 18)
Treasure Eliwood's Story: Ch. 19 - ChestCh. 25A - Chest
Hector's Story: Ch. 20 - ChestCh. 27A - Chest
Secret Shops Eliwood's Story: Ch. 29
Hector's Story: Ch. 31

*Normal Mode only.
**Hard Mode only.

Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones[]

Method Location
Dropped Pablo (Ch. 10A) • Shaman (Ch. 12B) • must be stolen from Enemy Shaman (Ch. 15) • Enemy Mage (Ch. 17)
Treasure Ch. 14A - ChestCh. 14B - Chest
Event Ch. 5 - End of chapter if all the Villages are intact.
Secret Shops Ch. 14ACh. 14BCh. 19


The Bishop's Ring, as it appears in the sixth series of the TCG.

The Bishop's Ring, as it appears in the sixth series of the TCG.

Artwork of the Saint's Proof from TearRing Saga: Utna Heroes Saga.

Artwork of the Saint's Proof from TearRing Saga: Utna Heroes Saga.