“Someone murdered Prince Kurth while he was returning from the Isaach campaign.”
Kurth is a non-playable character from Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War. He was the Prince of Grannvale and the son of Emperor Azmur. Kurth was also the lover of Cigyun and the father of Deirdre. He is the grandfather of Seliph, Julius, and Julia.
After the death of Duke Victor of Velthomer, who committed suicide upon learning of Cigyun's tryst with Kurth, Kurth began secretly aiding Arvis, Cigyun's son from Victor. Furthermore, he did not forget his affections for Cigyun for about 17 years, where the events of Genealogy of the Holy War approximately begin. This resulted in Kurth refusing to marry, despite court officials trying to get him to do so in order to preserve the Naga lineage.
Kurth later led the Grannvale army against Isaach, but was assassinated by Duke Lombard alongside his advisor Lord Ling, killed by his son Andrey. This is quickly followed up by Dukes Reptor and Lombard pinning Kurth's murder onto his loyal aide Byron. Sigurd, alongside many others, were named to be conspirators in the crime, setting the scene up for the Battle of Belhalla.
Genealogy of the Holy War (Mitsuki Oosawa)[]
Kurth has a small apparition in the manga itself, featuring his thoughts on Cigyun and Deirdre. He has apparently known of Deirdre's existence for a short while and is planning to organize a search party to locate her, meet her personally, and bring her to Grannvale. This is cut short when he's is ambushed alongside Byron and Ling, with him dying before ever meeting Deirdre.
'Kurth' is a possible romanization of 'Kurt', a name which means "full of wisdom". This is befitting of a descendant of Heim.
- In Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance and Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn, Kurthnaga's name is a combination of Kurth and his divine ancestor Naga's names. In his first appearance in Radiant Dawn, Kurthnaga assumes the name of Kurth when he is disguised as a travelling merchant.
- In the game's events, Kurth never learns of his daughter Deirdre's existence prior to his death. As said above, the Oosawa Mitsuki manga adaptation changes all of this.
First Generation Characters
Second Generation Characters