
Laus (ラウス Rausu, Lahus in the PAL versions of The Blazing Blade) is a territory of the Lycian League, a country made up of such territories in Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade and Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade. Lycia exists among other countries on the continent of Elibe.

Laus is Lycia's centermost territory, meaning it is the closest geographically to being in the middle of the country, as can be seen on a map of Lycia. However, this was not the case prior to the dissolution of Caelin after the events of The Blazing Blade. Before the absorption of Caelin into Ostia, Caelin was the centermost territory.

Laus is also relatively large, only comparable in size to the other major Lycian territories like Ostia and Pherae. Laus is geographically surrounded by other Lycian territories, although like most Lycian territories, its borders are rather vaguely-defined. To the north of Laus are Tuscana and Thria, to the east is the Ostian controlled land that was formerly Caelin, to the south is Badon and to the west are Ryerde and Worde.

Laus stands out among Lycia's territories for its military might. Although greatly depleted during both games, Laus's military was originally a match for any other Lycian province. However, the Laus Army was almost completely destroyed twice, during the course of both games it has appeared in.

The Marquesses of Laus are also shown to be traitorous and self-interested. In both games, the Marquesses of Laus—first Darin, and later his son Erik—betray Lycia and are subsequently fought and slain by the games' protagonists.

Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade[]

In The Blazing Blade, Nergal, the main antagonist, convinces Laus's marquess Darin to join in his plans through his morph, Ephidel. When Eliwood and Hector arrive in Laus to question the Marquess they are attacked near Castle Laus by a force lead by Darin's son, Erik.

After Erik's force begins to lose, Darin escapes with the majority of his forces. The battle ends, and after gathering information from Erik, the group gives chase to Marquess Laus. Darin then captures Castle Caelin to use as a temporary stronghold, until Eliwood, Hector and company arrive and more fighting ensues.

Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade[]

In The Binding Blade, it is revealed Erik has taken his father's position, rebuilt the territory and repaired its relationship with the rest of the league.

However during Bern's invasion, Erik became convinced that Bern would certainly win the war and there was no hope of victory against them. Narcian, a Wyvern general of Bern, convinced Erik that Bern would spare him and Laus if they assisted them in taking over Lycia. Erik's treachery was discovered by Roy and the Laus army proved unable to stop the Lycian league, leading to the death of Erik. With this, the bond between the nations of Lycia had again be severed.

If Roy marries Lilina it is mentioned the two united Laus and the other nations of Lycia into one Kingdom. In the other endings, it is not mentioned what happened to Laus or who succeeds Erik, as his heirs, if any, were not mentioned.



'Laus, laudis' means 'pride' in Latin.