Leicester Alliance

Leicester crest

Banner of the Leicester Alliance/Federation.

The Leicester Alliance (レスター諸侯同盟 Resutā Shokō Dōmei) is one of three nations on the continent of Fódlan.

In the Golden Wildfire route of Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes, the nation is reborn into the Leicester Federation (レスター連邦国 Resutā Renpō-koku).


The Leicester Alliance is located in eastern Fódlan, a temperate region of plains and mountains. Leicester Alliance Founding Day is celebrated annually on the 8th of the Horsebow Moon.

In contrast with the other two countries of Fódlan, the Alliance's relationship with the Church of Seiros is neither especially warm nor antagonistic.

Garreg Mach Monastery in central Fódlan organizes its students into three houses, with each house representing a different nation. Students from the Leicester Alliance are members of the Golden Deer.


Unlike other territories, the Leicester Alliance is a league of multiple noble families who refuse to swear fealty to any king or emperor. Instead, the Alliance is ruled jointly as a confederacy through roundtable conferences between the five most prominent allied dukes called the Five Great Lords, which is led by House Riegan and joined by the heads of House Goneril, House Gloucester, House Ordelia and House Edmund, all of which convene at the capital city of Derdriu. Each house's territory is technically an autonomous region, though they all swear reciprocal oaths of allegiance to each other.

Although membership in the Roundtable is generally hereditary, it is not permanent; House Daphnel was once a member of the Roundtable, but forfeited their seat to House Edmund after an internal dispute led to half of its members defecting to the Holy Kingdom of Faerghus and forming House Galatea.


The Alliance's military is derived from the troops maintained by each of its noble houses, which cooperate for mutual defense. In particular, House Goneril is chiefly tasked with military strikes and defense against the aggressive neighboring kingdom of Almyra. Soldiers of the Alliance are known for their skill with bows.


In Imperial Year 801, only a few decades after the secession of the Holy Kingdom of Faerghus from the Adrestian Empire, the nobles of the Leicester region also rebelled against the Empire, which found itself unable to reassert control. The Kingdom saw an opportunity to increase its political power and invaded, occupying and annexing Leicester. In 861, the three sons of the late King Klaus I divided the Kingdom between themselves, with one prince ruling Leicester as an archduke. In 881, upon the death of the archduke, the nobles of Leicester rejected his heir and launched a second bid for independence led by the influential Duke of Riegan, who himself belonged to a cadet branch of the Blaiddyd royal family. The Crescent Moon War ended in 901 with the nobles of Leicester gaining independence from the Kingdom and forming the Leicester Alliance.

The neighboring kingdom of Almyra invaded the Alliance in 961. The invasion was narrowly turned back with the help of an army from the Adrestian Empire. In 1101, the Alliance cooperated with the Empire and the Kingdom to construct Fódlan's Locket, a fortress in the mountains of Fódlan's Throat designed to counter further invasions from Almyra.

At some point, Godfrey von Riegan, son and heir of the reigning Duke Oswald von Riegan, passed away and left the house's future in jeopardy. In 1179, Claude von Riegan, grandson of Oswald through his mother, was legitimized as House Riegan's heir.

"Just a minute! The following section contains spoilers. Viewing it will cost a lot. Are you prepared to pay for it?"

After Edelgard declared war on the Church, Claude returned to Leicester and took charge of the Alliance. The country was fractured between the faction who supported the Church, led by Houses Riegan and Goneril, and the faction who supported the Empire, led by Houses Gloucester and Ordelia. Claude spent the next five years deliberately stirring up conflict between the factions in an effort to maintain a pretense of neutrality.

"End of spoilers. It's a pleasure doing business with you!"

Possible futures[]

Three Houses[]

The Alliance's history after 1180 differs depending on which student house that Byleth chose to teach at the Officers Academy.

"Just a minute! The following section contains spoilers. Viewing it will cost a lot. Are you prepared to pay for it?"

If the Golden Deer were chosen, after retaking the monastery to use as a base of operations, Claude and his allies launched a campaign against Adrestia by taking the Great Bridge of Myrddin on the Adrestia-Leicester border to use as a foothold. After a brutal three-way battle between Adrestia, Faerghus, and Leicester known as the Battle at Gronder, which resulted in the death of exiled Prince Dimitri and the effective end of the Kingdom, Claude conquered Fort Merceus. He then invaded Enbarr and slew Edelgard, bringing an end to the war and the Empire. Afterwards, Claude learned of a secret cult called "Those Who Slither in the Dark" who were planning to conquer Fódlan for themselves and had a key role in triggering the war between the Empire and the Church. Claude led the invasion of the cult's stronghold, Shambhala, and defeated both their leader Thales and the Liberation King Nemesis, resurrected in a last-ditch effort to wipe out the people of Fódlan. With the conflicts plaguing Fódlan finally over, Claude disbanded the Alliance and helped found the United Kingdom of Fódlan to govern the continent under Byleth's rule.

If the Black Eagles were chosen and Byleth sided with the Church upon learning of Edelgard's desire to overthrow it, Claude aided the Resistance Army by attacking Gloucester's army so that the Resistance could conquer the Great Bridge of Myrddin. He later led an invasion of the Empire, but vanished after the Battle at Gronder. The Alliance effectively ceased to exist after Claude's defeat, and its territories were absorbed by the nascent United Kingdom of Fódlan.

If the Black Eagles were chosen and Byleth sided with Edelgard upon learning of her desire to overthrow the Church, their reawakening decisively tipped the war in the Empire's favor. Adrestia invaded Leicester as a precursor to their conflict with the Kingdom and Church. Claude drew Adrestian forces to Derdriu with the intent of ending the conflict as quickly and with as few casualties as possible; he was defeated and either killed or forced into exile, and the Alliance was annexed back into the Empire.

If the Blue Lions were chosen, Claude aided Kingdom forces by attacking Gloucester's army so that the Resistance could conquer the Great Bridge of Myrddin. He later led an invasion of the Empire, but was defeated and forced to retreat at the Battle at Gronder. Imperial forces led by Volkhard later took advantage of the damage done to Leicester and the Kingdom army being occupied with the liberation of Fhirdiad to launch an invasion of the Alliance. Claude lured the Imperial forces to the Alliance capital of Derdriu, where Dimitri arrived in time to rescue him and crush the imperial forces in a pincer attack. In the aftermath, Claude disbanded the Alliance and ceded its territories back to the Kingdom.

"End of spoilers. It's a pleasure doing business with you!"

Three Hopes[]

The Alliance's history after 1180 differs depending on which student house that Shez chose to join at the Officers Academy, which is soon closed after Tomas' ousting.

"Just a minute! The following section contains spoilers. Viewing it will cost a lot. Are you prepared to pay for it?"

If the Golden Deer were chosen, a year after repelling an attack on Fódlan's Locket from Almyran forces led by Prince Shahid, Claude moves to protect the Great Bridge of Myrddin from falling into Imperial hands, but Count Gloucester surrenders after Imperial reinforcements led by Ferdinand arrived. Alliance and Imperial forces clash on and off all the way to Deirdru, where the Alliance is able to fend off Ferdinand's forces and send them into a retreat, and try to take the scion of House Aegir out in a pincer attack, but is rescued by Ladislava's sacrifice. They try to then go on the offensive and seize the county of Bergliez at the field where the Battle of the Eagle and the Lion used to be held, but Shahid's sudden invasion forced Leicester into a full retreat to engage the Almyran invasion, resulting in the prince's death.

Four moons later, Claude and the other Five Great Lords banded together to dissolve the Leicester Alliance and reform it into the Leicester Federation to be rid of the Roundtables' meetings stymying Leicester's war effort, drawing Adrestia to the treaty table. With the treaty between Leicester and Adrestia made, Leicester began moving to fight the Central Church and the Kingdom, but right before being able to force Dimitri to the treaty table to help destroy the Central Church without needless deaths, the county of Ordelia and neighboring territories are suddenly swept up in coordinated bandit attacks led by the remnants of Those Who Slither in the Dark, forcing the Federation to retreat to quell the uprising. Once dealt with, the Federation is made aware Edelgard and Imperial forces stationed at Garreg Mach would be overrun by Kingdom and Church forces, to which they intercepted and routed, resulting in the two breaking off, with Federation forces chasing after the Central Churchinto the Tailtean Plains while the Empire chases after the Kingdom forces, the resulting battle seeing Rhea's death and the dissolving of the Central Church.

"End of spoilers. It's a pleasure doing business with you!"


Notable People from Leicester[]


See: Noble Houses of Leicester
  • Claudia von Riegan - Second daughter of House Riegan in a distant past, she aimed to marry her lover, heir of House Daphnel.
  • Oswald von Riegan - The reigning Duke of Riegan, father of Godfrey, and grandfather of Claude.
  • Godfrey von Riegan - Late son of Oswald and Claude's uncle.
  • Tiana von Riegan - The daughter of Oswald, sister of Godfrey, and the mother of Claude.
  • Claude von Riegan - Heir to House Riegan, the leading house of the Leicester Alliance. Employs both an easygoing attitude and an effortless skill for scheming. House leader of the Golden Deer. Becomes leader of the Alliance during the events of Fire Emblem: Three Houses.
  • Erwin Fritz Gloucester - Current Head of House Gloucester and one of the most influential nobles in the Alliance.
  • Lorenz Hellman Gloucester - The son and heir of Count Gloucester.
  • Holst Sigiswald Goneril - Current Head of House Goneril and is widely acknowledged as the Alliance's greatest general.
  • Hilda Valentine Goneril - The daughter of House Goneril who has a lazy personality and a habit of manipulating people into doing things for her.
  • Lysithea von Ordelia - The determined daughter and heir of the current Count Ordelia who hates being treated like a child.
  • Tomas - A minor noble recommended by House Ordelia to work as a librarian at Garreg Mach Monastery.
  • Marianne von Edmund - The adopted daughter of Margrave Edmund who came under her current, renowned adoptive father after losing both parents.
  • Judith von Daphnel - The current Head of House Daphnel and a respected commander of the Alliance known as the "Hero of Daphnel".
  • Balthus von Albrecht - A former noble who ran away to Abyss due to money problems and revels in competition as Leicester's King of Grappling.
  • Acheron Lethe Phlegethon - A minor noble sharing a border with House Gloucester. He shares many connections in both the Alliance and the Empire. His political opportunism has earned him the nickname "Weathervane".


  • Raphael Kirsten - The eldest son of the Kirsten merchant family, his parents were attacked and killed by monsters. After the incident, he sold the family estate and resolved to become a knight to support his family.
  • Ignatz Victor - The second son of the Victor merchant family.
  • Leonie Pinelli - A young hunter from the village of Sauin aspiring to be a mercenary like her mentor Jeralt.
  • Shez - A mercenary born in a remote mountain village.
  • Berling - Captain of the Berling Mercenaries.
  • Getz - A member of the Berling Mercenaries.
  • Lazley - A member of the Berling Mercenaries.


Leicester is a city and unitary authority area in the East Midlands of England. It is said that the city was founded by King Leir, then known as Cair Lerion. Leir was also the basis for William Shakespeare's eponymous King Lear, from whom many of the Alliance's Houses take their names, including Goneril, Riegan, Ordelia (likely derived from Cordelia), Gloucester (and its capital of Edgaria), Albany, and Burgundy.


The Leicester Alliance

The Leicester Alliance

Characters at Garreg Mach Monastery