The Goddess's Rite of Rebirth

“The secret message that was in Lord Lonato's possession. It contained a deplorable plot to target the archbishop on the day of the Goddess's Rite of Rebirth. The plan seems unrealistic at best... But a threat is a threat. We must maintain constant vigilance.”

The Goddess's Rite of Rebirth is the fourth chapter of Fire Emblem: Three Houses.


Byleth receives a new mission from Rhea and Seteth to help with security on the day of the ritual for the Goddess's Rite of Rebirth. Byleth and their students tackle the areas lacking in security one by one and discover the enemy in the Holy Mausoleum.


Monastery Quests[]

Required Quests[]

Optional Quests[]

Month Only Quests[]




Item Cost Stock
Iron Sword 520
Steel Sword 910 3
Training Sword 260
Iron Lance 560
Steel Lance 910 3
Training Lance 280
Javelin 700 3
Iron Axe 600
Steel Axe 980 3
Training Axe 300
Hand Axe 750 3
Mace 720
Iron Bow 560
Steel Bow 910 3
Training Bow 350
Mini Bow 680
Iron Gauntlets 480
Steel Gauntlets 640 3
Training Gauntlets 240

Item Shop[]

Item Cost Stock
Leather Shield 500
Iron Shield 1000 3
Vulnerary 300
Beginner Seal 500
Intermediate Seal 1000 3
Torch 600
Pure Water 600 5
Door Key 300
Chest Key 300

Battalion Guild[]

Battalion Gambit Authority Cost
Church of Seiros Soldiers Disturbance E 1000
Seiros Mercenaries Onslaught E 1200
Seiros Holy Monks Stride E 1200
Seiros Sacred Monks Resonant White Magic E 1200
Seiros Magic Corps Group Flames D 1200
Seiros Pegasus Co. Assembly D 1200
Knights of Seiros Blaze C 1500
Kingdom Infantry Lure E 1000
Kingdom Lance Co. Group Lance Attack E 1200
Kingdom Brawlers Disturbance E 1200
Kingdom Magic Corps Group Ice D 1200
Kingdom Knights Assault Troop C 1500


This chapter is the first to feature the Death Knight, who is the most powerful enemy unit so far. He can severely wound any of your units or outright kill them at this point of the game so it is ill advised to attempt to attack him unless you have significantly leveled your allies. The Death Knight has the skill Counterattack, allowing him to counter any attempt to attack him regardless of range. Thankfully, he can be safely ignored, as he will not move from his starting spot in the center as long as he isn't attacked, or an ally ending their turn next to him (or inside his attack radius on Maddening). Defeating him, however, yields a Dark Seal, and is one of the few that can obtain in a single playthrough to promote a unit into a Dark Mage/Dark Bishop. It is possible to Steal the seal without fighting him, then having another ally with Draw Back, Reposition, or Shove can move the thief character out of his attack range, removing the need to defeat him for it. On NG+, if renown is used to train Lysithea's Reason to B, she can access the powerful Dark Spikes T spell and she can eliminate the Death Knight with ease.

The rest of the enemies on this map are mix of magic and physical units so minding who you send out is important when entering enemy attack ranges. The player has 25 turns to complete the mission. Enemy reinforcements show up as the battle progresses, but they only appear from the south. On Hard, the reinforcements spawn and attack/move on the same turn, making it imperative to not have units near the starting area. On Maddening, most mages have Seal Strength, making it best to counter them with units that aren't likely to see combat the following turn.

There are two chests on the map, so bringing Ashe and/or chest keys is useful. The chest located in the northwest contains a Spirit Dust, while the north east chest contains an Intermediate Seal. Completing this map awards the player the Sword of the Creator. It is a powerful sword that they can use to attack at 1-2 range and allows Byleth only to use Ruptured Heaven. The sword has 20 uses and Ruptured Heaven, which calculates Byleth's bonus damage based on their Magic stat, it consumes 3 durability. While it can break, the sword regenerates 5 uses if the player decides to rest for the day, rather than battle or visit the monastery or require Umbral Steel to repair. While 20 uses may not seem like a lot, there is still worth using the sword as in Chapter 10, the sword receives an upgrade and restores its uses.

Death Knight strategy (Maddening or any difficulty, does not require New Game+, any play through):

You need a character with an attack speed (AS) of at least 14 or higher and around 30 HP; their AS must be high enough to where the DK will not double the character. Additionally, consider giving this character any luck boosting items (Goddess Icon, Miracle Beans) you may have, as this will reduce the chances the character will receive a critical hit. This may take a couple of turns so try to be patient, use Divine Pulse to perform one or two different actions then move the character with the attack range of the DK again. The DLC supplied items help with getting the AS high enough.

Once you've survived the initial DK hit:

Black Eagles and Blue Lions: Ferdinand must have learned Knightkneeler (Lance Level C); give him the most powerful lance you have (likely a Steel Lance). Use Knightkneeler on the DK and see if his crest activates, as this prevents counterattacks. If it hits, pepper him with gambits (have close and long range gambits ready), then finish him off with Edelgard (Smash with an Iron or Steel Axe is likely enough). If Ferdinand's crest doesn't activate, use divine pulse, hit the DK with a gambit, then try with Ferdinand again. This may take a couple of resets or attempts but eventually his crest will activate and where you can follow the remainder of the suggested strategy. Just remember when using Divine Pulse not to immediately perform the exact same order of actions you did previously. Perform at least one different action (moving a character, using a gambit, etc.) before attempting an attack on the DK again.

For the Blue Lions, follow the above strategy to survive the DK's initial hit. Instead of Ferdinand, you're looking to get Dimitri's crest activated while using Knightkneeler. Dimitri may be powerful enough to finish off the DK in one hit with Knightkneeler and his crest activating, but just to be safe, hit the DK with a gambit or two first.

Golden Deer: The easiest of the three routes so long as you've poured everything into developing Lysithea's Reason skill. At Reason Level B, she will learn Dark Spikes. Similar to the Black Eagles strategy, have at least one character with an AS of 14 and boost their Luck with any stat boosting items. Once this character survives the DK's initial hit, pepper him with gambits, and finish him off with Dark Spikes.

These strategies will work but may require a little patience, a few resets, and a bit of luck.


FE16 Map The Goddess's Rite of Rebirth Reinforcements

Enemy Reinforcement Placements

At the start of Turn Seven:

Characters at Garreg Mach Monastery