
  • ️Invalid Date

“I'm trapped down here on the earth when all those I've loved are way up in the sky. So far away, beyond my reach... I wonder if they ever look down at me too.”
—Tiki in Xenologue 16 of Fire Emblem Awakening

Tiki is a playable character originally hailing from the Archanea Series of Fire Emblem. She is the young-appearing Manakete daughter of the Divine Dragon Naga.

Tiki later reappears as a playable character in Fire Emblem Awakening, now appearing as an adult.

What is the significance of Tiki's birth date in the Archanean Calendar? toggle section

Born on February 28, 500 years pre-Archanean Calendar, Tiki is the Divine Dragon tribe's Princess and Naga's daughter. Her birth date is crucial due to her immense power, which, if degenerated, could wipe out Archanea's human population. To safeguard humanity, Naga chose to send Tiki away.

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How does Tiki's power evolve from her youth to her adult form in Fire Emblem? toggle section

In Fire Emblem, Tiki evolves from a young form to an adult form, gaining strength but losing flexibility. Her dragon breath, unaffected by non-dragon enemies' defense, and her ability to transform for multiple turns using various dragonstones, make her a unique unit. Despite her low speed, she is a formidable character in her adult form.

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What is the origin of Tiki's tremendous power in the Fire Emblem series? toggle section

In the Fire Emblem series, Tiki's power stems from her dragon lineage. As a Manakete or a member of the Dragon tribe Laguz, she possesses longevity, spanning several centuries. Her dragonstones enable her to transform for extended periods, enhancing her combat capabilities. She can utilize a variety of dragonstones to adjust to diverse scenarios. Her dragon breath, bypassing the defense of non-dragon foes, further amplifies her power.

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What role does Tiki play in the Fire Emblem Awakening game? toggle section

Tiki, in Fire Emblem Awakening, supports two children characters, Lucina and Nah, unique for a first-generation character. She exists as a standard roster member and an Einherjar, with her younger self from Shadow Dragon appearing as a SpotPass character. She is recruited in Paralogue 17 and must survive the chapter. Her residence in the Mila Tree and maintenance of the Binding Shield are key aspects of her role.

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Who are the members of the Divine Dragon tribe that Tiki is princess of? toggle section

Princess Tiki belongs to the Divine Dragon tribe, her father being the Divine Dragon King, Naga. Bantu, a servant of the king, played a significant role in Tiki's life as her caretaker, liberating her from a thousand-year slumber in the Ice Dragon Temple and accompanying her on her travels.

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Shadow Dragon and Mystery of the Emblem[]

Born on February 28, 500 years before the start of the Archanean Calendar, Tiki is the Princess of the Divine Dragon tribe and daughter of Naga.

The power that she wields is one that is said to be tremendous to the point where if she were to degenerate, the humans residing within the continent of Archanea would be eradicated. In a desperate bid to shield the human race from the instability of Tiki's power, Naga makes the decision to send Tiki into a state of slumber in the Ice Dragon Temple to suppress her power. Naga then orders Gotoh to watch over Tiki.

When the Binding Shield is stolen and broken apart by Adrah, Gotoh extends Tiki's sleep, as she would be unable to control herself without the Shield's protection. Every so often, Tiki would awake from her sleep either from the constant nightmares that plagued her or out of a need to eat. Either way, one of the three other dragons at the shrine - Xane, Gotoh, and Bantu - would comfort or feed her and she would shortly be sent back to her slumber. During these short periods, she develops an almost familial relationship with the three, seeing Bantu as a beloved grandfather, Xane vaguely akin to an annoying elder brother, and Gotoh as a strict but fair figure of authority (although Gotoh is convinced that she must hate him for having subjected her to her millennia-long sleep). She also becomes used to Xane's shape-shifting antics enough to immediately see through them.

A thousand years after she was left in the Ice Dragon Temple, Bantu rouses Tiki from her sleep and proceeds to introduce her into the realm of human civilization, where he works tirelessly to care for her. This time of bliss proves to be transient, as the pair are later separated. Shortly after their separation, Tiki is captured and brainwashed by Gharnef and is compelled to fight against Marth. Bantu succeeds in urging her to snap out of her trance, whereupon she resolves to join Marth's cause, with the jubilant eagerness that she displays in doing so possibly functioning as an indication of her having grown infatuated with him. The remainder of the war sees Tiki meeting Xane again, who constantly frustrates her by imitating her actions. It is later revealed that Xane is present under Gotoh's orders, to protect Tiki.

After the War of Shadows concludes, Gotoh's attention is brought to the alarming revelation that an increasing number of Manaketes are slowly falling into madness. Fearing that Tiki will take after her counterparts, he hurriedly returns Tiki to the Ice Dragon Temple, where he returns her to a state of deep slumber. Should the shield fail to be restored, Gotoh would be forced to destroy Tiki to prevent her degeneration. Eventually, Gotoh entrusts her safety to Marth after he completes the Binding Shield, finally allowing Tiki the protection necessary to let her leave her slumber indefinitely. The conclusion of the War of Heroes sees Tiki eventually taking up residence in Archanea palace.


Main Story[]

Tiki returns 2,000 years later as a priestess of Naga in Valm, where she is reverentially known as the "Voice of the Divine Dragon", a being who is believed to be able to resonate with Naga and convey her blessings unto the common citizenry. Tiki resides in the Mila Tree, where she, prior to the events of Awakening, has safeguarded the blue gem of the Fire Emblem, Azure, for millennia, ever since the point in time where the gems were distributed.

Tiki is first introduced in the events of Awakening in Chapter 16, where she, upon rousing from her slumber and setting eyes on Lucina, mistakes her for Marth, and thereafter affectionately refers to her as "Mar-Mar". Lucina clarifies the truth of her identity, compelling Tiki to stand corrected, whereupon she briefly reminisces forlornly over the long-deceased Marth. Quickly snapping out of her reverie, Tiki then proceeds to ask Chrom if he has the Fire Emblem in his possession. Upon being presented with the Fire Emblem, she questions the whereabouts of the Gemstones, save for Argent and Azure. Receiving confusion in response to her remark, Tiki then explains that each one of the Gemstones is infused with a portion of Naga's power, and when mounted on the appropriate alcoves on the Fire Emblem, grants its wielder the ability to perform the rite of Awakening that is required to vanquish Grima. She then goes on to explain that this very fact has resulted in the Gemstones being deliberately removed from the shield and dispersed, before entrusting Azure into Chrom's care and assigning him the task of locating the three remaining Gemstones. Just as Chrom's party is about to depart to begin their search for the remaining Gemstones, Tiki, upon sensing the fell energies of Grima manifesting within Robin's core, halts them in their tracks, faintly remarking that they possess a power that resembles hers. As Robin responds in incredulity, Tiki hurriedly recomposes herself, passing off her words as nothing more than ones that are articulated without given due thought as a result of her grogginess from waking up. She decides to remain in the Mila Tree in the meantime.

Tiki later reappears in Paralogue 17, where she, entering the realm of the hallowed Divine Dragon Grounds, prepares to perform a ritual in order to awaken the powers of Naga residing within her, requiring her to lapse into a resolute state of meditative immobility. Her attempt to do so is, however, one that is beset with a threat, as a hoard of Risen soldiers appear with the intent of assassinating her. The threat is contained with the aid of Say'ri, Chrom, and Robin's efforts, allowing Tiki to complete the ritual. Upon regaining her vigor, Tiki enlists into the ranks of Chrom's army, resolving to defeat Grima. Alternatively, if Tiki is slain, the ritual will end in failure, rendering her unable to be recruited.

After the war ends, Tiki returns to the Divine Dragon Grounds, where she sleeps for several days. The life that she thereafter leads is one that is marked by her paying frequent visits to the humans inhabiting the nearby settlements.

The Future Past[]

Tiki plays a pivotal role in motivating the events of the Future Past DLC episodes, where she is first introduced at the end of the first Future Past episode. In response to Lucina's surprise at her appearing in the basement of Ylisstol instead of Mount Prism, she reveals that the mountain has been conquered by the Risen. She then proceeds to question the whereabouts of the other children characters, and although vexed upon learning that they had been sent on the perilous mission to retrieve the Gemstones, expresses understanding over Lucina's intent of saving the world by means of performing the Awakening. While in the midst of encouraging Lucina to have faith in the children's survival, Tiki suddenly senses the manifestation of a malicious force within the room. Swiftly responding by pushing Lucina out of harm's way, she is fatally wounded in the process. In her death throes, Tiki urges Lucina to do all she can within her power to save the world from ruin. She then expires, leaving Lucina to howl in agony and grief.

The significance of Tiki's role does not end on this note, however. After the destitute future-Robin overcomes Grima's control over his/her body and successfully warps Chrom's army out of his/her world, the soul of Tiki manifests in the Outrealm Gate. Here, she, by virtue of Naga's counterpart in her world having been overwhelmed by Grima, calmly asserts that she will assume the role of the new Naga in the said world instead. Tiki's soul then returns to Ylisstol, where she unveils her new identity and calmly reveals that the continued existence of her soul is entirely attributed to the timely intervention of Robin, who had effectively prevented it from being destroyed. She further crushes Grima's hopes by revealing that as a result of him engaging in the sacrilege of the divinity of Mount Prism, he had effectively sealed his doom by compelling Naga's power to be concentrated in Ylisstol instead. Granted the authority to resonate with the performer of the rite of Awakening and thence bequeath the power of Naga unto him/her, Tiki then accepts Lucina's covenant. The true power of Falchion awakened, Lucina proceeds to harness it in administering the final decisive blow onto Grima. After Grima has been obliterated, Tiki sadly informs Lucina that because of her role as the new Naga of their world, she can no longer coexist amongst humans anymore. Promising to watch over Lucina and her companions from the heavens with the Hero King Marth, Tiki then fades away.


Tiki appears as a DLC Emblem residing in the Bracelet of the Ancestor. She first appears in her own divine paralogue where she meets Alear whom she mistakes for Marth. Upon hearing about Alear's intentions, she challenges them to a battle to test their strength.


In the events of the Archanea Series, Tiki is a typical child, having an innocent outlook on life and easily attaching to others. She shares a close relationship with both Marth and Bantu, affectionately referring to them as "Mar-Mar" (お兄ちゃん lit. "Elder Brother" in the Japanese version) and "Ban-Ban" (お爺さん lit. "Grandpa" in the Japanese version) respectively; Bantu being the first person she interacted with when she was first awoken and Marth who protected her after Gharnef brainwashed her. Her relationship with Marth developed into more of a childish crush. Tiki recalls her slumber in a painful manner and thus hates to fall asleep as she is afraid she will sink back into the darkness that once held her and felt lonely while sleeping. Socially, she is excitable and eager to make friends. While not as close with him as she is to Bantu and Marth, she likes Xane, but is annoyed when he uses his mimicry to imitate her. She also hates vegetables unless they have been pickled.

In Awakening, two thousand years later, Tiki has matured significantly, and is much calmer and more serene. Small glimpses of her childish past still emerge on occasion, particularly when seeing her beloved, but long-departed, "Mar-Mar" through Lucina and Male Robin, and in her B support with Say'ri. She aspires to preserve the memory of her long-departed friends, vowing to protect the future that they had fought for as she does so. However, Tiki laments that all of her friends from her childhood have long since passed while she remains alive, and at the same time, she is well aware that those feelings will happen again when the Shepherds eventually meet the same fate as Marth's army. Despite all this, Tiki still wishes to interact with humans and make friendships with them, saying it's better to go through the loss of having those relationships rather than not having them at all. This is the primary reason she dislikes her title and status as the Voice of Naga since it creates a barrier for normal interactions with those she meets.


Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light[]


In Chapter 19, talk to Tiki (Enemy unit) with Bantu.

Base Stats[]

Starting Class
WeaponStarting Items

Growth Rates[]

HP Str Skl Spd Lck Wlv Def Res
80% 50% 90% 90% 90% 70% 0% 0%


Subjective: The following part of this article is based upon the editor's personal experiences and opinions, and therefore may not be applicable for all readers.

Tiki is a curious unit. Her bases appear low, but her Divinestone has very high Mt, giving her enough attacking power to stand out. She also boasts a positively monstrous 20 Defense with its stat bonuses in play, making her very durable. Tiki's growths are among the best in the game (barring Defense, which as mentioned, is already high enough to not be a problem), and her Divinestone being unbreakable makes her a good option for hard-hitting damage and tanking once she has gained a few levels. She also hits standard dragons very hard, turning her into a good dragon-killer for the late game. Note, however, that the Divinestone does not deal effective damage to Medeus.

Fire Emblem: Mystery of the Emblem[]


  • Book 1 - In Chapter 15, talk to Tiki (Enemy unit) with Bantu.
  • Book 2 - In Chapter 14, talk to Tiki (Enemy unit) with Marth after obtaining the Starsphere.

Base Stats[]

Growth Rates[]


Subjective: The following part of this article is based upon the editor's personal experiences and opinions, and therefore may not be applicable for all readers.

Tiki is the main beneficiary of Mystery of the Emblem's transformation and dragon mechanics, which make her a very unusual unit. Her dragon breath ignores the defense of non-dragon enemies and boasts 1-2 range, but her Speed will always be 0, meaning she can never double. Tiki's dragonstones transform her for several turns rather than being depleted shot by shot, causing them to last fairly long. Tiki receives access to many types of dragonstone, meaning she can change herself to fit the situation, and once again, her growths are very high.

For most of the game, Tiki should use the Wyvernstone as her main recourse. Though its stat boosts are somewhat lower than other stones, the Wyvernstone's boosts are still entirely serviceable, and it gives her two massive advantages: 12 Movement, and flight. This makes Tiki into the most mobile character in the game, surpassing even Dracoknights. Combine that with her natural range advantage, and Tiki becomes an excellent unit for skirmishing with the enemy, and its effectiveness against Ice Dragon enemies is another major aid. Aside from that, Tiki should consider the Magestone, which will give her absolutely ludicrous Resistance, and the Icestone, which enables her to heavily damage Fire Dragons, or even borrowing Bantu's Firestone. Tiki's signature Divinestone is generally the best after the Wyvernstone, since it has the largest stat boosts of the bunch, maintains flight, and boasts effective damage against all dragon types, including Medeus. The main downside to this is that obtaining stones apart from the Firestone and Divinestone requires the player to visit the Secret Shop, burning a Warp use in the process, but even with only a Firestone and a Divinestone, Tiki should remain good for the run of the game unless the player moves very slowly.

Overall, Tiki is a versatile unit that can fill a number of niches. Her only real weakness is her reliance on a Wyvernstone to reach her full potential.

Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon[]


In Chapter 19, talk to Tiki (Enemy unit) with Bantu.

Base Stats[]

Starting Class
WeaponStarting Items

Growth Rates[]

HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res
90% 50% 10% 80% 80% 90% 20% 2%

Support Relationships[]


Supported by


Subjective: The following part of this article is based upon the editor's personal experiences and opinions, and therefore may not be applicable for all readers.

Tiki possesses some very useful traits in Shadow Dragon due to her ability to use the Divinestone. The Divinestone posseses effectiveness against all types of dragons, including Earth Dragons. Due to this, while Tiki is not always useful in most maps, due to her low stats, using her to KO dragons allows her to be very useful.

Hilariously, her Divinestone is strong enough to allow Tiki to 2 hit KO Medeus at base. If one is willing to let her die to Medeus, they can revive Tiki using the Aum staff, and warp her to attack Medeus again, KOing him with ease. If one does not possess Aum, she does possess a small critical chance which can be reset until she criticals and KOs Medeus in a single attack.

Fire Emblem: New Mystery of the Emblem[]


In Chapter 14, talk to Tiki (Enemy unit) with Marth after obtaining the Starsphere.

Base Stats[]

Starting Class
WeaponStarting Items

Growth Rates[]

HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res
90% 50% 20% 80% 80% 90% 20% 5%

Support Relationships[]


Supported by


Subjective: The following part of this article is based upon the editor's personal experiences and opinions, and therefore may not be applicable for all readers.

Tiki has suffered greatly in the transition to New Mystery. Her Divinestone has lost its effective damage against Medeus, taking away one of her original niches as a Medeus-killer. The simplified transformation mechanics mean that Tiki's Dragonestones will deplete very quickly, losing a use with every round of combat. She has also lost her 1-2 range, and she no longer gains additional Movement or flight upon using a stone, turning her from one of the most mobile units to one of the most restricted. In theory, her Divinestone's effectiveness against other dragons means that she can hit them hard, but there are no dragons to speak of in the chapters after her joining, until well into the endgame where the dragons have likely grown so strong that Tiki cannot one-shot them, and when the player has access to Nagi to perform the role considerably better. What is more, Tiki is one of the units most susceptible to higher difficulties, as Lunatic will cause her prime targets to outrange her and deprive the player of the Warp needed to obtain any additional Dragonstones, and Lunatic Reverse means that using her as a dragon-killer becomes suicidal. Generally, Tiki is a unit who suffers major weaknesses without having a strong enough niche to compensate, and tends to struggle to find a place in the army.

Fire Emblem Awakening[]


Recruited at the end of Paralogue 17. Tiki must survive the chapter.

Base Stats[]

Growth Rates[]

HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res
130% 60% 45% 55% 50% 80% 60% 60%

Max Stat Modifiers[]

Str Mag Skl Spd Luk Def Res
0 -1 0 +1 +2 +1 +2


See also: Tiki/Supports

Class Sets[]

Base Classes Promoted Classes






Subjective: The following part of this article is based upon the editor's personal experiences and opinions, and therefore may not be applicable for all readers.

In Game

Tiki is similar to Nowi in terms of class sets, but stat-wise, Tiki differs from Nowi by virtue of excelling in Skill, Speed, Luck, and Defense while also being slightly weaker in terms of Strength and Resistance. However, her high Luck means that her chances of being beset by critical attacks are significantly lowered, alongside boosting the accuracy of her attacks. Also, Tiki is blessed with the tendency to receive at least 4 stat ups per level up on average until her stats begin to max out, allowing her battle prowess to be enhanced with ease. Starting off as a Level 20 Manakete with the Wyrmsbane skill, Tiki is essentially an effective Wyvern Rider killer right from the moment she joins, although second seals will need to be used on her to boost her stats. If the player seeks to keep Tiki as a Manakete, it is best that Tiki return to this class once she has acquired enough useful skills from other classes.

Tiki's two re-class options include the Mage and Wyvern Rider lines. From the Mage class line, Tiki is able to procure the Focus, Slow Burn, and Lifetaker skills, all of which makes her a serious threat when functioning as a solo unit. The Wyvern Rider class line, on the other hand, allows her to learn such skills like Swordbreaker to deal with Wyrmslayers, and also Quick Burn to make her a decent initial attacker.


SpotPass Tiki is fittingly weaker than her future self, though she possesses slightly more Resistance and Magic than said future counterpart. Nevertheless, SpotPass Tiki has her own advantages above her future counterpart, including having a larger set of possible classes, that which in turn presents her the opportunity to learn a cornucopia of skills that said future self can never learn, including the likes of such attack-based skills like Astra and Ignis, defensive-based skills like Pavise and Aegis, and the incredibly useful Galeforce.

Fire Emblem Engage[]

Known as the Emblem of Dragons. A naive young girl with the blood of Divine Dragons.

Emblem Skills[]

Emblem Ring
Bracelet of the Ancestor
Stat Boosts
HP Str Mag Def Res Dex Spd Lck Bld Mov
Sync Skills Engage Weapons Engage Skill Engage Attack
Eternal Claw
Tail Smash
Fire Breath
Ice Breath
Flame Breath
Dark Breath
Fog Breath
Draconic Form Divine Blessing

Bond Ring[]

Hero from beyond Elyos and a Divine Dragon princess. A manakete who took human form after sealing away her dragon power. She was Marth's staunch ally after he saved her from Gharnef's control.
C Rank Lck +1
B Rank Spd +1 Lck +1
World A Rank Dex +1 Spd +1 Lck +1
Hero-King S Rank Dex +1 Spd +1 Lck +2

Tokyo Mirage Sessions[]

Backup Skills[]

Name Description Unlocking Requirements
Idola_Safety.exe The effects of items and skills with Field effects will last longer. Tiki Side Story 1: I'll Tiki-Tiki You (For Reals)
Performer_Finder.exe Chance of obtaining 2 Performa from Session bonuses. Tiki Side Story 2: Coffee and Donuts
Wish_Granter.exe Chance of reducing EP cost to zero on skills used during battle. Tiki Side Story 3: Sleepless in Shibuya

Session Skills[]

Encore only

Type Name Weapon Notes
Fire Magic-Fire Area of Aspiration after completing Tiki's Side Story 1


Type Name Cost Description Unlocking Requirements Notes
Duo Arts Love For You Deals heavy Ice Magic damage to all enemies. Restores HP 1/2 bar of SP. Mamori Side Story 2: Fortuna Family's Sisters and Tiki Side Story 2: Coffee and Donuts Mamori and Tiki

Fire Emblem Heroes[]


Dragon Scion
A young Divine Dragon once put into a timeless sleep to keep her dragon impulses in check. Now longs for human company. Appears in Fire Emblem: Mystery of the Emblem.

Base Stats[]



Resplendent ✯✯✯✯✯


Fire Breath---
Fire Breath+---
Breath of FogFlametongue+-
Rising Flame--
Growing FlameRising Flame-
A Armored Blow 1--
Armored Blow 2 Armored Blow 1-
Armored Blow 3 Armored Blow 2
C Breath of Life 1--
Breath of Life 2 Breath of Life 1-
Breath of Life 3 Breath of Life 2


Subjective: The following part of this article is based upon the editor's personal experiences and opinions, and therefore may not be applicable for all readers.

Base Set[]

Young Tiki is one of two Red Dragon units part of the initial release of Heroes. She has relatively strong stats for a Book I unit, having 31 Atk and 30 Spd for passable offense and a mixed bulk score of 73 physical and 70 magical. As such, she has a lot of flexibility when being built, though many units after her specialize better and will outperform her for far less effort. Young Tiki still has her advantages and can pay dividends if invested into, especially given her access to a Resplendent Form that gives her a much needed boost to her stats.
Flametongue was Young Tiki's original weapon that is merely a 15 Mt generic breath weapon with no additional effects. Her Breath of Fog weapon, the same weapon she shares with her older counterpart, harkens back to her abilities in the Archanea series where she deals effective damage to dragon units, giving her a strong role in dragonslaying. It also gives her a Renewal 3 effect, healing 10 HP every even number turn, and the standard breath adaptive damage when combating ranged foes. Its refine grants Young Tiki an Atk/Def+5 during combat if she is within two spaces of a sword or dragon ally. This gives her strong synergy with such units, especially the likes of male Corrin who not only boosts her stats through the Yato's unique effect, but for the fact that he is a sword unit as well.
Growing Flame allows Young Tiki to deal damage in an area when it activates, allowing her to chip a wide range of enemies before initiating combat. Armored Blow grants her Def+6 when she initiates combat. Breath of Life heals 7 HP to allies that are adjacent to her when she initiates combat.


As a Dragon unit, Young Tiki's clearest vulnerability is any anti-dragon weapon, such as the plethora of Falchion units, Julia, and even her own Legendary form, who has both color and dragon effectiveness, and her own mother, who is much the same and can grant the dragon slaying effect to other allies. She is vulnerable to most debuffing units like Arvis, Saias, Gunnthrá, and Katarina. Brave Veronica, Maribelle, and any other Razzle Dazzle units handle her effectively. Finally, strong blues like Fallen Hardin, Brave Hector, and Effie can be strong counters.

Skill Inheritance Options[]

Regardless of sets, Young Tiki takes Reposition for her Support skill primarily, but Ardent Sacrifice can allow her to pseudo heal with Breath of Fog's regeneration. She can run either Moonbow, Bonfire, or Aether for her specials, though the last one usually requires that she has a Breath Skill.

Some consider having her inherit Lightning Breath just to have the Distant Counter effect built in so she can counter nearly all units and still receive the cooldown acceleration of Steady Breath/Warding Breath/Fierce Breath while some just stick with Breath of Fog and take the loss of countering in exchange for the stat boosts or running Distant Counter itself instead. On a budget, Fury is a generally good option to maintain both her bulk and increase her offense. Guard hinders her opponent's ability to charge specials while Swordbreaker can help to mitigate the threat of Falchion users as much as she can. Her Skill C is pretty flexible. She would enjoy Even Speed Wave to push her speed to prevent more unit's ability to double on her. On a budget, Young Tiki can take just about anything.

Meet Some of the Heroes[]

Dragon Scion Tiki
Here's Tiki, who came from the continent of Archanea! She's a manakete who can transform into a dragon, but she's also the princess of the Divine Dragons and wields exceptional power to back it up!
Tiki slumbered in the Ice Dragon Temple for over a thousand years. She was finally freed when her caretaker, Bantu, took pity on her and accompanied her on a journey outside.
But one day, Tiki was separated from Bantu. She went through a lot, but fortunately help was at hand—in the form of Marth, prince of Altea!
Tiki quickly took a shine to Marth, who she called "Mar-Mar," and decided to use her Divine Dragon powers to help him. She's still fighting her hardest to make Mar-Mar's wishes come true!
Closely Associated Characters
Bantu A manakete of the Fire Dragon clan, and Tiki's guardian. He released Tiki from the Ice Dragon Temple, where she had been kept hidden away.
Marth Prince of Altea who fights for his homeland and deeply values his friends. Saved Tiki's life.

Beachside Scion
A young Divine Dragon once put into a timeless sleep. Now super excited to play with everyone at the beach. Appears in Fire Emblem: Mystery of the Emblem.

Base Stats[]

Rarity: ✯✯✯✯✯

Beachside Scion
Summer's Breath
New Moon


Fire Breath---
Fire Breath+---
Summer's Breath--
New Moon--
MoonbowNew Moon-
A Atk/Def Bond 1--
Atk/Def Bond 2 Atk/Def Bond 1-
Atk/Def Bond 3 Atk/Def Bond 2
B Hit and Run-
C Dragon Valor 1--
Dragon Valor 2 Dragon Valor 1-
Dragon Valor 3 Dragon Valor 2


Subjective: The following part of this article is based upon the editor's personal experiences and opinions, and therefore may not be applicable for all readers.

Base Set[]

Though she has traveled to the beach, Beachside Tiki is a flying Red Dragon unit, making her a unique unit combination in the game that no other unit shares. Topped off with Armor level stat distributions and a valuable exclusive breath, Beachside Tiki's limited availability can be mitigated just by having a base copy of her alone in the end.

Summer's Breath carries four separate effects including a flat 3 increase to her Def, the ability to deal adaptive damage, is effective against dragon units, and accelerates her special cooldown when her foe initiates combat on her. Attack Defense Bond increases her Atk/Def by 5 when adjacent to an ally during combat and Hit and Run allows her to retreat after initiating on an opponent. Her last skill is great for training as she is the sole carrier of Dragon Valor, doubling the SP gains of ally Dragon units when she is deployed. If not training, it should be understandably replaced.

With her Dragon and Flier status, Beachside Tiki can be implemented on a variety of teams and synergize well on teams specializing in either. Though this carries an equally annoying double weakness, when applied correctly, she can be a terrifying unit.


Beachside Tiki maintains her vulnerability is any anti-dragon weapon, such as the plethora of Falchion units, Julia, and even her own Legendary form, which has both color and dragon effectiveness. However, unlike her base form, Beachside Tiki also is weak to bow units like Brave Lyn and Kinshi Hinoka because she is a flying unit. She is vulnerable to most debuffing units like Arvis, Saias, Gunnthrá, and Katarina. Brave Veronica, Maribelle, and any other Razzle Dazzle units handle her effectively. Finally, strong blues like Fallen Hardin, Brave Hector, and Effie can be strong counters.

Skill Inheritance Options[]

Regardless of sets, Beachside Tiki takes Reposition for her support skill as expected. Her special is a mixed bag as she can perform well, especially given her accelerated cooldown with her breath to quickly charge long specials including Ignis, Aether, and even Galeforce if feeling quirky.

Her Spd is high enough to avoid most doubles so she can take the likes of Guard to slow her opponent's special charge while cheap alternatives including Swordbreaker for Falchion counters or Renewal for regeneration can work. Distant Counter opens the door for her to counter many more units out there, though Fury can work on a budget if Atk/Def Bond is not to your liking. Skill C is flexible as her dual status allows her to take Dragon, Flying, or general support skills for specific team comps or take any sort of Skill C that will benefit her team composition as a whole.

Meet Some of the Heroes[]

Beachside Scion Tiki
Here's Tiki, the manakete princess, and she looks like she's having fun! I guess she must be excited about getting dressed up for the beach.
You'll normally see her wearing a big ribbon around her waist, but today, she's wearing a special swimming ring instead! It's so cute how big it looks on her.
Oh, and I see she's also carrying a dragonstone! No, wait, it's a dragonstone-shaped ice pop! I wonder what flavor it is?
Ice pop in hand, and swimming ring around her waist, Tiki's all ready to take on the beach! I hope she has a summer vacation to remember!
Closely Associated Characters
Marth Prince of Altea who fights for his homeland and deeply values his friends. Tiki's savior.

Legendary Dragon
A princess and daughter of the Divine Dragon. Left behind long ago, before Naga's death, she hides great power within herself. Appears in Fire Emblem: Mystery of the Emblem.

Base Stats[]

Rarity: ✯✯✯✯✯

Legendary Dragon
Divine Mist
New Moon


Fire Breath---
Fire Breath+---
Divine Mist--
New Moon--
MoonbowNew Moon-
A Fierce Stance 1--
Fierce Stance 2 Fierce Stance 1-
Fierce Stance 3 Fierce Stance 2
B Bold Fighter 1--
Bold Fighter 2 Bold Fighter 1-
Bold Fighter 3 Bold Fighter 2
Slick Fighter 1--
Slick Fighter 2 Slick Fighter 1-
Slick Fighter 3 Slick Fighter 2
C With Everyone!-
With Everyone! II With Everyone!


Subjective: The following part of this article is based upon the editor's personal experiences and opinions, and therefore may not be applicable for all readers.

Base Set[]

Upon her release, Legendary Tiki held the highest Base Stat total of all units with 180 as she is the first Armor Dragon unit introduced. This leaves her stat distribution very unclear as to her weakness as she has solid offensive stats and equally solid defensive stats. Depending on her load out, Legendary Tiki can flexibly fulfill just about any role, especially when devoted to a specific task focus.

Divine Mist can be considered an upgrade to Legendary Tiki's base forms' Breath of Fog, dealing effective damage to Dragons and deals adaptive damage while also giving her a Distant Counter effect. This opened up her three skills to run just about anything she desires, but her base kit alone has powerful tools at her disposal. Moonbow ignores 30% of her opponent's Def/Res stat and charges quickly. Fierce Breath increases her attack by 4 when initiated upon and also accelerates her cooldown by 1 per attack. Bold Fighter guarantees a follow-up attack when she initiates on top of a special acceleration per attack. Finally her exclusive skill With Everyone! grants Def/Res+5 to adjacent allies and herself when she starts a turn adjacent to an ally, which is an easy condition to fulfill to gain essentially a 15% boost to her defensive stats.

Legendary Tiki is an overall solid unit well worth acquiring and building as she requires very little outside inheritance and is basically functionally ready to go.


Despite her strong stats, Legendary Tiki is still vulnerable to anti-dragon and now anti-armor weapons. However, her defensive stats are high enough that only Green units in particular are strong counters. Particularly the likes of Julia, Deirdre, Bartre, Festival Elincia exploit her unit weakness. Strong greens like all green forms of Hector, Gunnthrá, Nino, and Lewyn can survive her attacks and deal out color advantage damage.

Skill Inheritance Options[]

As an armor unit, Pivot and Swap are solid choices. Due to her extremely accelerated cooldowns from her skill sets, Legendary Tiki can afford to take skills that charge longer like Ignis or Aether. Special Fighter. Finally Fortress Defense Resistance is an interesting tech choice for a Skill A as is effectively turns her into a veritable unbreakable fortress that stares down your opponent while pairing that with Special Fighter accelerates her own Special while slowing down your opponents like an advanced Guard skill.

Meet Some of the Heroes[]

Legendary Dragon Tiki
Here's Tiki! Isn't she adorable? Looks can be deceiving, though. You wouldn't believe how much power she's packing.
You see, she's the daughter of the legendary Naga, a powerful dragon! That's right—Tiki's a manakete who can transform herself into a dragon in battle.
Fearing that her power could devastate the world, Tiki slept for many years. Slightly more than "many," maybe... I think she's actually over a thousand years old.
With the blood of a fabled dragon coursing through her veins, I'd say she fits the "Legendary Hero" moniker pretty well. I hope we can get her to join the cause!
Closely Associated Characters
Marth The prince of the kingdom of Altea, who battles to restore his kingdom to its rightful place. During the events of Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon, he rescued Tiki, who was being manipulated, and protected her.

Torpid Dragon
Princess of the Divine Dragon tribe. She was taken to the Fane of Raman and, under Gharnef's control, incinerated all those who entered. Appears in Fire Emblem: Mystery of the Emblem.

Base Stats[]

Rarity: ✯✯✯✯✯

Torpid Dragon
Razing Breath
Glowing Ember


Fire Breath---
Fire Breath+---
Razing Breath--
Glowing Ember--
IgnisGlowing Ember-
A Brazen Atk/Spd 1-
Brazen Atk/Spd 2 Brazen Atk/Spd 1
Brazen Atk/Spd 3 Brazen Atk/Spd 2
B Special Fighter 1--
Special Fighter 2 Special Fighter 1-
Special Fighter 3 Special Fighter 2
C Solitary Dream-


Subjective: The following part of this article is based upon the editor's personal experiences and opinions, and therefore may not be applicable for all readers.

Base Set[]

Fallen Tiki is more or less now an easily accessible version of her Legendary form, but as a Colorless Dragon unit instead. This does give her advantages against her Legendary Form, but equally gives her new disadvantages, mainly her loss of place in the color advantage triangle. Still as a rare member of the colorless dragon unit and sole colorless dragon armor, Fallen Tiki has tremendous power, especially with her 180 BST, making her one of the most powerful units in the game stat wise.

Her Razing Breath carries an advantage against Dragon units, deals adaptive damage, and has built in Distant Counter, essentially echoing her Legendary form and giving her Skill A much needed availability to pair with her weapon. Ignis is a slow charging special that boosts her atks tremendously on her base 33 Def with a bane, but her base kit includes Special Fighter to accelerate that skills cooldown and deal high damage. Brazen Attack Speed boosts her Atk/Spd by 7 when under 80% health. Unfortunately, her health needs to be in a very specific range given that skills HP threshold to activate and Special Fighters. Finally, Fallen Tiki has an exclusive skill, Solitary Dream. It is a powerful skill as it either establishes her as a solo unit or a Dragon Team member as she gains a +4 to her Atk/Spd/Def/Res when adjacent to only dragon units or not adjacent to any unit whatsoever, plus a nifty self Armor March effect.

Fallen Tiki is a powerful enemy unit and, if the player is not careful, has deceptively more range when solo or on a focused team. She is a powerful asset overall and well worth the effort to acquire.


Despite her strong stats, Fallen Tiki is still vulnerable to anti-dragon and anti-armor weapons. Her threats include her own Legendary Form, all Falchion users, Book of Naga users, and all versions of Micaiah. As a colorless unit, she is also weak to Raventomes and any Mage with that tome's effect with Triangle Adept. This includes both genders of Robin, Lyon, and Sophia.

Skill Inheritance Options[]

As an armor unit, Pivot and Swap are solid choices. Glimmer works well on Fallen Tiki's self-boosts and when used on a dragon team. Breath skills like Steady Breath and Fierce Breath work better for her as a Skill A to accelerate her cooldowns and allow her to go as far as to run longer cooldown specials with better effectiveness, especially Aether. Fury works better than her Brazen skill for a Skill A as to focus is put on the technically +8 to her stats when the conditions of Solitary Dream is applied.

Meet Some of the Heroes[]

Torpid Dragon Tiki
There was a time when Tiki was kidnapped by a fiendish mastermind called Gharnef, and he forced her to do his bidding by brainwashing her with some creepy spell! How awful!
She'd always been so friendly and cheerful before, but when that spell took control of her mind, she got REAL scary all of a sudden...
To make things worse, she couldn't control her Divine Dragon powers anymore, sending her on a violent rampage!
Fortunately, Bantu was there to save the day! A fellow manakete, he loved and cared for her despite the dangers her power presented, and he was the one who managed to get her to snap out of the spell's effects. Thank goodness he was able to bring her back!
Closely Associated Characters
Gharnef A former disciple of Gotoh, the White Sage. Plotting world domination, he revived Medeus, the Shadow Dragon, in order to take advantage of his power. He seized Tiki from Bantu, her caretaker, and used a spell to control her.
Marth The prince of the kingdom of Altea, who battles to restore his kingdom to its rightful place. Kind and warm-hearted, he values his friends above all else. Marth worked with Bantu to rescue Tiki from Gharnef's control.

Harmonic Hope
A Divine Dragon and Ice Dragon, Tiki and Ninian have come to make memories at the harvest festival. They appear in Fire Emblem: Mystery of the Emblem / The Blazing Blade.

Base Stats[]

Rarity: ✯✯✯✯✯

Harmonic Hope
Frostfire Breath
Rally Spd


Fire Breath---
Fire Breath+---
Frostfire Breath--
Rally Spd---
Rally Up Spd---
Rally Up Spd+---
A Atk/Spd Push 1--
Atk/Spd Push 2 Atk/Spd Push 1-
Atk/Spd Push 3 Atk/Spd Push 2-
Atk/Spd Push 4 Atk/Spd Push 3
B Aerobatics 1--
Aerobatics 2 Aerobatics 1-
Aerobatics 3 Aerobatics 2
C With Everyone!-

Harmonized Skill[]

Harmonized Skill Resonance Effect
Grants【Resonance: Blades】to unit and allies from the same titles as unit.

Grants another action to ally with the highest HP that is within 2 spaces, has already acted, and is from the same titles as unit (excluding unit). (Allies with Sing or Dance can be granted this effect as well. If multiple units meet the conditions, effect will not trigger.

【Resonance: Blades】

Grants Atk/Spd+4 during combat for 1 turn.

(Harmonized Skills can be used by tapping the Harmonized button. Harmonized Skills cannot be used by units deployed using Pair Up.)

Mystery of the Emblem / The Blazing Blade

Increases scores in Resonant Battles.

(More details can be found in the Help messages within Resonant Battles.)


Subjective: The following part of this article is based upon the editor's personal experiences and opinions, and therefore may not be applicable for all readers.

Base Set[]

Accompanied by Ninian, Halloween Tiki is a Flying Blue Dragon Harmonized Hero. The pair is incredibly strong, boasting a 39 Atk/42 Spd for Halloween Tiki's offense, allowing her to hit hard and double a lot of units. Her overall bulk is not the strongest, but decent enough for both categories to take a stray hit or two. With her flier mobility, she is incredibly dangerous to be left alone as no unit is safe from her even if they try to hide. For the purposes of scoring in Harmonized Battles, Halloween Tiki has incredible potential in assisting in clearing the maps, but her main power from her Harmonized Skill have incredible applications as well.
Allies within two spaces of her who share the same games of origin (Mystery of the Emblem and Blazing Blade) can receive her Harmonized Skill's effects. The ally with the highest HP who has already acted can perform another turn of action. This can apply even to Dancer units like Phina, Nils, and Ninian's two other forms. As such, they are a limited, but still incredibly potent refreshing units, albeit one that can only be used once per battle. It does require specific manipulation to target the intended target, but the effects are still nonetheless powerful for the right units to use.
Frostfire Breath grants Halloween Tiki effective damage against Dragons and a flat +3 to her Atk stat. If she has any sort of bonus on her, she gains +6 Atk/Spd during combat and also a further increase to her Atk based on the total bonuses to her Def/Res x1.5, granting her even further firepower with the right allies boosting her.
Rally Up Speed+ is a great Arena scoring skill and allows her to boost her targeted ally's Spd by 6 when used. Atk/Spd Push 4 increases her Atk/Spd by 7 if she starts combat over 25% of her maximum HP, though she does suffer a 5 damage non-lethal recoil after combat if she attacked. Aerobatics allows her to move to any space adjacent to an ally infantry, armored, or cavalry unit within two spaces, giving her incredible mobility. With Everyone! grants her and her adjacent allies Def/Res +5 at the start of her turn, perfectly synching with her weapon, meaning that she can gain a +15 buff minimum to her Atk.


Halloween Tiki's lower res is an easy target to address her in combat, thus mainly green mages deal color advantage damage. Julia is particularly problematic for her as she has color advantage and effective damage against her Dragon status or Naga who can give her Divine Fang effect to strong units. Without Iote's Shield she is also susceptible to the effective damage from bows.

Skill Inheritance[]

Frostfire Breath essentially is a Bladetome so Glimmer is a natural fit as Halloween Tiki's boost potential has incredible heights. Positional assist skills like Reposition generally has better combat potential for those who are not too concerned with Arena scoring. For the most part, her base kit already has strong tools that synergize with her weapon, so replacing them with alternatives is more up to player's discretion when trying to make more gimmicky builds.

Meet Some of the Heroes[]

Harmonic Hope Tiki
Two Heroes have come from separate worlds to enjoy the harvest festival together! Here's Tiki and Ninian!
Tiki, a Divine Dragon, is sporting a cute, impish costume for the festival. I'm told that it's supposed to be an oni, a kind of monster from a faraway land. I love the ribbons—they look just like the kind you'd find on wrapped-up sweets!
Meanwhile, Ninian has complemented her new friend's costume by coming dressed as an angelic tennyo—another fantastic being from exotic locales. That colorful, candy-themed belt adds a wonderfully playful touch to the outfit!
Tiki and Ninian might look and act very differently to one another, but one thing they have in common is, er...spending most of their lives being pursued by villains. Well, anyway, this is the harvest festival, and it's time to have some fun! Happy harvest festival, everyone!
Closely Associated Characters
Marth Prince of Altea who fights for his homeland and deeply values his friends. He saved Tiki's life.
Eliwood A sincere noble of Pherae. His friends Lyn and Hector serve him loyally. He saved Ninian's life.

Awakened Blood
Divine Dragon princess, entrusted to slumber by the White Sage, Gotoh, reawakened after the restoration of the Binding Shield. Appears in Fire Emblem: Mystery of the Emblem.

Base Stats[]

Rarity: ✯✯✯✯✯

Awakened Blood
Awoken Breath
Chilling Wind


Fire Breath---
Fire Breath+---
Awoken Breath--
Chilling Wind---
A Spd Res Finish 1--
Spd Res Finish 2 Spd Res Finish 1-
Spd Res Finish 3 Spd Res Finish 2-
Spd Res Finish 4 Spd Res Finish 3
B Spd Res Bulwark 1--
Spd Res Bulwark 2 Spd Res Bulwark 1-
Spd Res Bulwark 3 Spd Res Bulwark 2-
C All Together!-


Subjective: The following part of this article is based upon the editor's personal experiences and opinions, and therefore may not be applicable for all readers.

Base Set[]

Ascended Young Tiki is currently one of the strongest Red Dragons due to her base kit being almost flawless. By the fact that she is an Ascended unit, this Young Tiki is capable of enduring well the Enemy Phase, specially when she is near her allies, to the point that even most of anti-dragon weapons are weak to defeat her and she'll recover 7 HP after each combat.

Awoken Breath gives her effective damage against other dragons and difficults their Special Skills by increasing +1 to their count. Her fairly good defense and high resistance is suited with her Iceberg special skill and, combined with her exclusive All Together! C skill when near to her allies, makes Ascended Tiki increasing all stats and behave like an Armored unit that reduces almost every damage that she takes and recover HP after each combat, which can be increased with some support units like Attuned Peony, not to mention that it also decreases damage caused by area-of-effect specials like Rising Wind and similar.

Her Speed Resistance Bulwark protects her allies behind her from being attacked, due to the ability to block and limit the opponent's movement if they plan to move near her. Finally, her Speed Resistance Finish further reinforces her Speed and Resistance when near of her allies and grants additional HP recover each time she activates her special skill.

Aside from that, if Ascended Young Tiki is equipped with a Distant Counter Sacred Seal, she is a threat to almost any mage that attack her, because she counters and defeats them easily.


Ascended Young Tiki is incredibly strong, but not invincible. On one hand, units that can null her damage reduction with skills like Deadeye or Lethality can easily defeat her or at least leave her weak even if she is near of her allies. On the other hand, Blue Lance users with enough strong Attack stat can exploit her fairly low defense. Also, although Mythic Naga can't defeat her easily, she grants anti-dragon effect to her nearby allies, so they, with enough strong Attack stat can have a chance to take down Ascended Young Tiki.

If the opponent doesn't have a chance to apply these counters to her for some reason, there is a last resort. Ascended Young Tiki becomes weak when there are no allies nearby, so if she is far away from them or all of them are defeated, the opponent can take her down easily and thus win the battle.

Skill Inheritance[]

As Ascended Young Tiki endures well most attacks when near her allies, her best assist skill to assign her is Reposition to send her ally behind her, in case an offensive ally with low durability attacks the opponent and she is near and behind. If the player plans to deal efficiently with pre-charged Special skills, Attack Resistance Scowl is an excellent option for that.

Meet Some of the Heroes[]

Awakened Blood Tiki
Tiki, princess of the Divine Dragons, has joined the ranks of the Ascended Heroes! She's filled with a new sense of purpose: to help Marth, the Hero who rescued her from a fate of being sealed away!
Take a look at the cape that Tiki's wearing. Do you recognize it? I hear it used to be Marth's—the very same one he wore when he was a boy, in fact!
That's not all! Tiki's arm straps, shoes, belt, and skirt are all designed in the same style as the young Marth's attire. And around her neck, she's wearing the dragonstone that contains her true power!
Tiki's new outfit makes her feelings toward Marth loud and clear. She looks up to him so much, and she's doing her best to be just a little bit more like him. I'm rooting for you, Tiki!
Closely Associated Characters
Marth Prince of Altea who fights for his homeland and deeply values his friends. Tiki's savior.
Bantu A manakete of the Fire Dragon clan, and Tiki's guardian. He released Tiki from the Ice Dragon Temple, where she had been kept hidden away.


Naga's Voice
Known as the Voice of the Divine Dragon. Has lived for ages. Once friends with Marth. Appears in Fire Emblem Awakening.

Base Stats[]





Resplendent ✯✯✯✯✯


Fire Breath---
Fire Breath+--
Lightning BreathFire Breath+
Lightning Breath+Lightning Breath
Breath of FogLightning Breath+-
Glowing Ember-
BonfireGlowing Ember-
A Defiant Atk 1--
Defiant Atk 2 Defiant Atk 1
Defiant Atk 3 Defiant Atk 2
C Spur Res 1-
Spur Res 2 Spur Res 1
Spur Res 3 Spur Res 2


Subjective: The following part of this article is based upon the editor's personal experiences and opinions, and therefore may not be applicable for all readers.

Base Set[]

Adult Tiki is the other Red Dragon unit introduced with her younger form at the start of the Heroes life. While she may be the same person, she is vastly different from her Young Form stat wise. Young Tiki can be flexibly built, but Adult Tiki is a little more one note, but a strong one at that. Her most notable weakness is her low Spd, so low that it really cannot be salvaged to reduce many Spd advantages. However, she innately carries Lightning Breath making her an excellent enemy phase unit, especially when paired with the right skills.

Tiki, like her younger form, also acquired access to Breath of Fog, dealing effective damage to dragon enemies, dealing adaptive damage against an opponent's lower defensive stat, and a nice 10 HP recovery every two turns, giving her self-sustenance. When refined, she gains +5 to her Atk/Spd when within two spaces of an ally dragon or sword unit. While the latter is barely going to affect her, the Atk boost is essentially a 10% boost.

Bonfire is her Special, which her high Def gives her a decent power boost when activated. Defiant Attack increases her Atk by 7 when under 50% health. While that is a strong boost, maintain that HP threshold is difficult. Finally, Spur Resistance boost her adjacent allies Res by 4 during combat.

Adult Tiki is an affordable unit given her easy accessibility and works wonders defensively. If willing to sacrifice some other units, she can become a powerful asset as a baiting unit.


As a Dragon unit, Adult Tiki's clearest vulnerability is any anti-dragon weapon, such as the plethora of Falchion units, Julia, and even her own Legendary form, which has both color and dragon effectiveness. She is vulnerable to most debuffing units like Arvis, Saias, Gunnthrá, and Katarina. Brave Veronica, Maribelle, and any other Razzle Dazzle units handle her effectively. Finally, strong blues like Fallen Hardin, Brave Hector, and Effie can be strong counters.

Skill Inheritance Options[]

Adult Tiki is a true grown defensive character, thus focusing on inheriting skills for that purpose is advisable. However, he sets will differ slightly depending on her preferred weapon. Regardless, Reposition is the standard Support Skill and Skill B is usually Guard to slow enemy special cooldown. Quick Riposte is generally reserved as the Seal for Adult Tiki, but can be run in her Skill B to open her seals for something else. Skill C is flexible enough for her to run just about any supportive skill or even Threaten Resistance to penalize enemy units.

If running Breath of Fog, taking Distant Counter gives her the ability to expand the range of units she can counter with her weapon. She can run Steady Breath, Warding Breath, and Fierce Breath as great alternatives, though if running Lightning Breath, one of these three are advisable since it innately carries the Distant Counter effect. On a budget, Fury gives a flat boost and the post battle damage can be mitigated by Breath of Fog's regeneration. Glimmer works well with the Breath of Fog variant as she is likely receiving tons of stat boosts from allies and her Fog's effect while Aether is a slow charging, but powerful skill when activated.

Meet Some of the Heroes[]

Naga's Voice Tiki
Tiki is a Divine Dragon and a manakete who can shift between human and draconic forms. She's been around a long time—since the age of Marth, the Hero-King, in fact!
On the continent of Valm, where Divine Dragon worship is prevalent, Tiki was venerated as the Voice of the Divine Dragon. It's no surprise that the belligerent Valmese Empire was after her...
Eventually, the empire succeeded in capturing Tiki—but she was freed by Chrom, the prince of Ylisse, and his allies.
Tiki joined Chrom's group from then on, and helped show the descendant of the Hero-King the way forward!
Closely Associated Characters
Naga Ruler of the Divine Dragons. Takes on a variety of appearances in the presence of humans, and is said to have saved the world from despair. Parent to Tiki.
Chrom A prince of Ylisse and descendant of the Hero-King. Leads the Shepherds. Rescues Tiki from the Valmese Empire.
Marth Prince of Altea who fights for his homeland and deeply values his friends. During her younger days, Tiki called him "Mar-Mar."

Summering Scion
Known as the Voice of the Divine Dragon. Has lived through thousands of summers, but usually doesn't need to worry about swimming gear. Appears in Fire Emblem Awakening.

Base Stats[]

Rarity: ✯✯✯✯✯

Summering Scion
Melon Crusher+


Iron Axe---
Steel Axe---
Melon Crusher---
Melon Crusher+--
A Close Def 1--
Close Def 2 Close Def 1-
Close Def 3 Close Def 2
C Axe Valor 1--
Axe Valor 2 Axe Valor 1-
Axe Valor 3 Axe Valor 2


Subjective: The following part of this article is based upon the editor's personal experiences and opinions, and therefore may not be applicable for all readers.

Base Set[]

Ylissean Summer Tiki is unique amongst her variants as she is the sole non-dragon variation, instead wielding a smashed watermelon on a stick, making her an infantry Axe unit. Unfortunately, she is rather lackluster aside from her high Atk. The rest are remarkably average, leaving her some flexibility, but few units that she strongly threatens.

Melon Crusher has an innate Fury 2-like effect, boosting her four main stats by 2 when at 100% at start of battle, however after the battle concludes, she takes 2 non-lethal damage. Sol heals her for 50% of damage dealt when activated, keeping her healed, but ultimately contributes very little as she can recover all health she took during the battle, but Melon Crusher's penalty still applies afterwards, leaving her still at the very least 2 HP under her 100% threshold. Close Guard reduces damage taken when she is initiated on, but once again, there is a few benefits from the skill, but still does not offset the penalty.

However, despite these skills, Ylissean Summer Tiki has one shining gem of a skill that make her extremely valuable, and that is Axe Valor. She doubles the SP gains of all axe allies when she is deployed, allowing her axe allies to grind SP to learn their necessary skills, making her a valuable unit for this non-PVP oriented skill alone as she is currently the sole carrier of the skill as of the start of Book III.

Ylissean Summer Tiki is a run-of-the-mill Axe infantry unit mired by her limited availability and no real specialization that allows flexibility when built in various ways with specific skill inheritances to make her a certain way


Ylissean Summer Tiki has so many counters, that you can expect just about any sort of green counter to be here. Strong Red Swords like Ayra, Mia, Elincia, Zelgius, and Black Knight are there. Red Tomes like Katarina, Tharja's various forms, Celica, Julius, and Arvis dispatch her easily.

Skill Inheritance Options[]

Ylissean Summer Tiki can build be flexibility built to suit a task. Reposition is a given for her sets while Bonfire pairs nicely with her good Def stat.

She can be built defensively with Slaying Axe for its accelerated cooldown and built with Steady/Warding/Fierce Breath for even faster cooldowns, Guard to slow down her opponent's special, and just about any Skill C.

She can become offensive oriented with a Brave Axe, taking Death Blow as her focus is put on her Player Turn offense while Chill Defense or Hit and Run pair nicely with her skills.

Meet Some of the Heroes[]

Summering Scion Tiki
Tiki is venerated by the people of the continent of Valm, who call her the Voice of the Divine Dragon. But today she's off duty, because it's time to hit the beach!
She's just as much a fan of this red swimsuit as I am. But even though Tiki can take the form of a dragon, she says that too much time in the water makes her skin scaly!
Tiki just came back from playing a game on the beach where you have to smash watermelons with a stick while blindfolded. I guess that stick will also serve to smash her foes!
The long-lived Tiki has seen so many summers, I can't begin to imagine what that's like. Still, I'm sure a beach vacation with the Order of Heroes will make this summer stand out more than any other!
Closely Associated Characters
Chrom A prince of Ylisse and descendant of the Hero-King. Leads the Shepherds. Rescues Tiki from the Valmese Empire.
Marth Prince of Altea who fights for his homeland and deeply values his friends. During her younger days, Tiki called him "Mar-Mar."

Fated Divinity
A manakete who has lived for thousands of years, through many ages. Worshipped as the Voice of the Divine Dragon by the people of Valm. Appears in Fire Emblem Awakening.

Base Stats[]

Rarity: ✯✯✯✯✯

Fated Divinity
Remote Breath
Night Sky


Fire Breath---
Fire Breath+---
Remote Breath--
Night Sky---
GlimmerNight Sky--
A Atk/Res Finish 1--
Atk/Res Finish 2 Atk/Res Finish 1-
Atk/Res Finish 3 Atk/Res Finish 2-
Atk/Res Finish 4 Atk/Res Finish 3
B New Divinity-
C Threaten Res 1--
Threaten Def/Res 1 Threaten Res 1-
Threaten Def/Res 2 Threaten Def/Res 1-
Def/Res Menace Threaten Def/Res 2


Subjective: The following part of this article is based upon the editor's personal experiences and opinions, and therefore may not be applicable for all readers.

Base Set[]

Brave Adult Tiki, garbed in the clothes of her youth and runner-up in the female category of the sixth Choose Your Legends event, is a Green Dragon Infantry unit who is granted a powerful kit to match her achievement. Sitting on a 43 Atk value, Brave Adult Tiki hits hard and due to her mixed bulk scores of 77 physical and 81 magical, she has a lot of staying power to duel units. Her 27 Spd is low, leaving her unable to score follow-up attacks naturally, but she naturally carries enough tools to circumvent this minor inconvenience stat wise. By virtue of being a Brave unit, Brave Adult Tiki is an incredibly strong unit and well worth considering picking up as the free CYL6 unit.
Remote Breath grants her an accelerated cooldown trigger and also gives her effective damage against dragon units. If she is within three spaces of an ally, she gains +5 to her four core stats and performs a guaranteed follow-up attack. If she can trigger her special during combat, she gains a charge of her special before combat starts. If her foe can trigger their special and has at least 5 more Res than her foe, she adds a +1 count to her foe's special trigger. Finally, it has the standard dragon adaptive damage.
New Divinity allows her to inflict Atk/Res-5 on her foe during combat if she has at least 25% of her HP at the start of combat. If she has higher Res after calculating bonuses and penalties, she reduces damage from attacks in combat or Area of Effect specials by the difference of the stats x4, maxing out at a 40% reduction if the difference is 10 or more. Finally, if her HP is at least 40% of its maximum, she prevents her foe from performing a follow-up attack. As a result of her two unique skills.
Glimmer boosts her damage dealt by 50% when it activates and works well if she can get enough buffs to increase her raw damage. Attack Resistance Finish activates if she is within three spaces of an ally. At its fourth tier grants Brave Adult Tiki Atk/Res+7 and if her special is ready or has already triggered during the current turn, she gains +5 to her damage and heals her 7 HP after combat if she attacked her foe, even if she dealt no damage. Defense Resistance Menace inflicts Def/Res-6 to the closest foe(s) within four spaces of her. Brave Adult Tiki's kit synergy works to maximize her Res thresholds and with proper spacing, becomes a potent offensive and defensive threat, making her well rounded to suit any situation.


Brave Adult Tiki's weaknesses are broken down by several components, which independently and collectively can be exploited to break down her plethora of activation requirements. Guard and similar effects immediately hampers most of her skills that require her special activation, possibly requiring her to inherit tempo skills to circumvent this weakness. Her low Spd means that she is reliant on her weapon to score her follow-up attacks in most instances, thus Null Follow-Up removes a valuable component of her offense. Finally, addressing Tiki's allies first also deactivates her skills that require an ally nearby to activate. At base, Brave Adult Tiki is still a dragon user meaning that dragon effective weapons severely hamper her. Legendary Marth and his Binding Shield skill outright stops her from counterattacking on top of his dragon slaying effect. Naga's Divine Fang skill also provides the dragon slaying effect to her teammates, allowing even more units to hard counter her.

Skill Inheritance[]

Brave Adult Tiki's only empty slot is her Assist skill, in which Reposition is the best for utility and usage. Replacing Glimmer with Iceberg is an option as well so she can deal more raw damage thanks to her high 41 Res and the two attack cooldown in tandem with her skill effects.

Meet Some of the Heroes[]

Fated Divinity Tiki
Tiki came here from the continent of Valm. Known as the Voice of the Divine Dragon, she's a manakete who can take on the form of a dragon herself, and she's lived for so long that her name appears in ancient legends!
Speaking of which, check out the adorable ribbon on the back of her new outfit! It's a nice callback to what she wore when she traveled with Marth, who later became the Hero-King of Ylissean legend.
Oh, and the pendant she's wearing is actually a dragonstone! Yes, that sparkling little rock contains her draconic powers!
Tiki still looked like a child when she was traveling with Marth. If her old friends could see how she's grown up now, I'm sure they'd all be stunned!
Closely Associated Characters
Naga Ruler of the Divine Dragons. Takes on a variety of appearances in the presence of humans, and is said to have saved the world from despair. Parent to Tiki.
Chrom A prince of Ylisse and descendant of the Hero-King. Leads the Shepherds. Rescues Tiki from the Valmese Empire.
Marth Prince of Altea who fights for his homeland and deeply values his friends. During her younger days, Tiki called him "Mar-Mar."

Fire Emblem Warriors[]

Tiki's fighting style in Fire Emblem Warriors differs greatly from the way she is depicted as fighting in other games. Rather than use her Dragonstone to transform and do battle, she primarily remains in her humanoid form and engages the enemy in melee combat. Her fighting style has a childish, comic edge to it, as her combos include her charging forward and flailing her arms before falling over. When she enters the Awakening state, she uses her Dragonstone to temporarily take her dragon form, which the player controls for a limited time before Tiki reverts to her humanoid form. To aid this, she can transfer energy from her Warrior Special attack gauge to her Awakening gauge in order to fill it faster.

Base Stats[]

Starting Class
WeaponStarting Items
Stone - EBronzestone


See also: Tiki/Warriors Supports


Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light[]


“N-no... Don't... Don't come near me!”
—Tiki's pre-battle quote in Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light.


“Ban-Ban... I'm...sorry...”
—Tiki's death quote in Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light.

Mystery of the Emblem[]

“...Do...Don't...Don't... ...Get near me...”
—Boss quote in book 1 of Mystery of the Emblem.

—Tiki's death quote in book 1 of Mystery of the Emblem.

—Tiki's death quote in book 2 of Mystery of the Emblem.

Shadow Dragon[]


“N-no! Please! Come no closer!”
—Tiki's pre-battle quote in Shadow Dragon.


“Ban-Ban... Wh-why did you leave me?”
—Tiki's death quote as a boss in Shadow Dragon.

“No...I don't want to be...alone...”
—Tiki's death quote in Shadow Dragon.

New Mystery of the Emblem[]

—Tiki's death quote in Classic Mode in New Mystery of the Emblem.

“Oh, I'm sorry... Mar-Mar... I'm going back...”
—Tiki's retreat quote in Casual Mode in New Mystery of the Emblem.


Tiki/Awakening Quotes


Tiki/Engage Quotes


Tiki/Heroes Quotes


Tiki/Warriors Quotes

Possible Endings[]

Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light[]

She loves to tell everyone how much she's grown up in recent times.

Mystery of the Emblem[]

Book 1[]

Divine Princess Tiki
By Bantu's side she quietly passed her days.

Book 2[]

Divine Princess Tiki
She lived her days happily, warmly surrounded by the citizens of Pales.

Shadow Dragon[]

Tiki - Dragon Scion
Tiki lived a peaceful life with Bantu. She spoke fondly of her adventures with Marth, even long after they had ended.

New Mystery of the Emblem[]

Tiki - Divine Princess
Tiki lived happily in the palace town, surrounded by her dearest friends.


Tiki - Divine Voice (神竜の巫女, Shinryū no Miko lit. Shrine Maiden of the Divine Dragon)
Exhausted from the war, Tiki returned to the Divine Dragon Grounds and slept for several days. Afterward, she was said to come down and visit the people regularly.
Tiki and Robin
Many wrote of Robin's legendary exploits, but accounts of his origins and character varied. Scholars, poets, and bards agreed on one thing alone--he loved his wife, Tiki, above all else.

Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE[]

Tiki - Mirage Uta-loid
After defeating the Shadow Dragon, Tiki and the others returned to their world, but the Uta-loid Tiki still continued to receive updates and patches, and remained a cultural icon and favorite of the public. Tiki's popularity lasts even after Enter-Kingdom, and she eventually becomes a virtual idol known worldwide.
Tiki - Troubled Uta-loid
After Tiki and the others returned to their world, they wrote a record of their adventures in order to one day fulfill their promise to Itsuki - a story they called the Tome of Mirages. It spread all over their world, attracting interest toward the performing arts.
Tiki - Virtual Empath
Tiki and the others returned to their world and committed their adventures to a script. Their singing and acting was admittingly clumsy, but the denizens of their world applauded their efforts, and it became the first step in reviving the arts in their lands. Whenever the group went, a new delicacy was introduced to the locals almost overnight: a fried ring of sweet dough.
Tiki - Miracle Uta-Loid
With the Shadow Dragon slain, Tiki and the others returned to their world. There, with everyone's help, Tiki held a live concert. Before a massive audience, she sings "This World Isn't an Illusion," a song tied to her memories of Itsuki, with all her heart. The faint glimmer twinkling in the audience may be the first new flicker of Performa...

Non-Canon Appearances[]

Super Smash Bros. Series[]

Tiki first appears in Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS and Wii U as a collectible trophy. Tiki's trophy features both her human and Manakete forms in Fire Emblem Awakening. One of Lucina's alternate color palettes is based on Tiki's Awakening color scheme.

Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS and Wii U[]

For 3DS Trophy Profile[]
Type Image Description
Tiki Tiki resides in Valm as the Voice of the Divine Dragon. You might be surprised to learn that she is 3,000 years old. As befitting one of the Divine Dragon Tribe, she has a very calm demeanor... but every so often, she'll show her youthful spirit.

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate[]

In Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, the adult version of Tiki from Fire Emblem Awakening is an assist trophy. She will turn into a dragon and flies around the stage breathing fire upon the summoner's opponents. She can be KO'd if she takes enough damage. Tiki also appears as two spirits, using artwork from Shadow Dragon that can be enhanced into her artwork from Awakening.

Spirit Info[]
No. Name Image Type Class Slots Effect
630 Tiki Primary (Neutral) ★★☆☆ (Advanced) 2 Can Be Enhanced at Lv. 99
631 Tiki (Naga's Voice) Primary (Neutral) ★★★☆ (Ace) 3 Fire/Explosion Resist ↑
Spirit Battle
Spirit Enemy Fighter(s) Type Power / Class Stage Rules Conditions Music

No. 630
•Marth Neutral 3,700 / ★★☆☆ (Advanced) Spear Pillar (hazards off) •Assist Trophy Tiki •Hostile assist trophies will appears "Fire Emblem Theme (Heroic Origins)"

Tokyo Mirage Sessions ♯FE[]

Tiki appears in Tokyo Mirage Sessions ♯FE, with her appearance based on her younger self from Shadow Dragon. Acting as the visual character of a Vocaloid-like software called Uta-Loid, Tiki is still a Mirage like the rest, but has a popular following online and younger audiences create and share songs made using her software. Not just a fictional character, Tiki also resides in a place called the Bloom Palace, from which she aids the party. She treats the game's protagonist, Itsuki Aoi, like a big brother.

According to her in-game profile, Tiki is five years old, and was "born" on February 28, the day of Uta-Loid Tiki's 1.0 release. She has no blood type due to being a Mirage, and she stands at 3'7" (110 cm).

Project X Zone 2[]

Tiki appears as a non-playable character. She is first seen in Prologue 5 conversing with Valkyrie from Bandai Namco's Legend of Valkyrie series. When Yuri and Flynn from Tales of Vesperia enter, Tiki compares them to Ogma and Navarre.

During Chapter 35, Juri from Capcom's Street Fighter series attempts to kidnap Tiki under orders from fellow Street Fighter character, M. Bison. In Chapter 36, taking place in the Outrealm Hot Springs, Tiki arrives after all enemies are defeated. She reveals that she can open up rifts from the Outrealms, but the gates need time to charge. She invites the party to relax at the springs while they wait, although it ultimately ends with only the females able to enjoy a bath.

She is last seen in the Epilogue, where she mentions to Flynn that he would have made good friends with Marth. Flynn remarks that memories of friendships can never be replaced, which Tiki agrees with.

Tiki calls Valkyrie "Val-Val" and Flynn "Flyn-Flyn" in the same vein she addressed Marth as "Mar-Mar."


A descendant of the divine dragon tribe, rulers of the Manakete dragon tribe. The people revere her as an oracle, the Voice of the divine dragon Naga.

She has lived for thousands of years and even fought as a friend alongside the Hero-King Marth. She is intelligent and thoughtful, but she can also be prone to curious leaps in logic, as well as sudden bouts of sleepiness. Her foul moods upon being awakened have become the stuff of legend among the rest of the army.

She joins Chrom to restore peace using the power of the Fire Emblem, a treasure of the Halidom of Ylisse that is said to be able to grant wishes.

Dragalia Lost[]

Unit Type Rarity
Weapon Max HP
Element Max Strength


Divine Wings Deals 1 hit of 376% water damage to surrounding enemies, and raises the Divine Dragon gauge by 260 UTP if the attack connects. If this skill is used when in Divine Dragon form, a variant called Breath of Fog will be used instead.

Breath of Fog costs 3480 SP instead, deals 1 hit of 1738% water damage to enemies directly ahead, and inflicts frostbite

Dragon Valor Fills the user's Divine Dragon gauge by 600 UTP. If this skill is used when in Divine Dragon form, a variant called Divine Dragon Blow will be used instead.

Divine Dragon Blow costs 5800 SP instead, and deals 1 hit of 1808% water damage to the target and nearby enemies. Frostbitten foes take 1 hit of 2712% water damage instead.


Standard Attack Damage Increases the power of standard attacks by 20%. Benefits your whole team.
(Water) Dragon Haste If a team member is attuned to Water: increases their dragon gauge fill rate by 20%. Benefits your whole team.


Dragon Scion Replaces the dragon gauge with a Divine Dragon gauge that holds a max of 1,800 points. Tapping the gauge after it has filled to at least 560 points will allow Tiki to transform into her Divine Dragon form.
Burn Res Reduces susceptibility to burning by 100%.
Frostbitten Punisher Increases damage to frostbitten enemies by 30%.

Fire Emblem 0 (Cipher)[]

Tiki is illustrated in the trading card game with the following cards:


Round Placement Character Version Votes

CYL1 66
Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light/Shadow Dragon
Mystery of the Emblem/New Mystery of the Emblem
CYL2 63

Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light/Shadow Dragon

Mystery of the Emblem/New Mystery of the Emblem

CYL3 41
(From highest)

Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light/Shadow Dragon
Mystery of the Emblem/New Mystery of the Emblem
(From combined)

CYL4 57

Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light/Shadow Dragon
Mystery of the Emblem/New Mystery of the Emblem

Tokyo Mirage Sessions ♯FE
CYL5 58

Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light/Shadow Dragon
Mystery of the Emblem/New Mystery of the Emblem


Tokyo Mirage Sessions ♯FE

CYL8 78

Tokyo Mirage Sessions ♯FE

Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light/Shadow Dragon
Mystery of the Emblem/New Mystery of the Emblem
Ineligible Tiki


  • Not counting Einherjar characters, Tiki is the only playable character in Fire Emblem Awakening to return from a previous entry. There is also an Einherjar in the game based on her appearance from Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon.
  • In Awakening, Tiki is the only first-generation character (barring Robin) to be able to support two children characters who are not her own, Lucina and Nah.
  • A set of map sprites depicting Tiki in the Pegasus Knight class line exists within the game data of Awakening, although they are unused in the main game itself.
  • Tiki shares her English voice actress, Mela Lee, with Naga.
  • It is not explained why Tiki is living in the Mila Tree and keeping the Binding Shield apart in Awakening, the latter is especially contrary to Marth and Gotoh's desire to keep it together as it keeps her from degeneration.
    • It is possible that in two thousand years, Tiki has probably grown strong and stable enough to be apart from the Binding Shield.
  • Tiki is the first character in Fire Emblem Heroes to receive two summer-themed swimsuit variant costumes. The Adult version of Tiki received one in Summer 2017 as part of the Ylissean Summer banner, while the younger Tiki received such a variant in Summer 2018 as part of the A Sketchy Summer banner. Also, Younger Tiki is the first Breath character introduced in a special paralogue.
  • Unlike all three of Marth's Awakening incarnations, SpotPass Tiki seems oddly unable to return to her original, unique class once reclassed to a different line. On the plus side, this consequently means that she loses her weakness to Wyrmslayers, any incarnation of the Falchion, Book of Naga, and another Manakete bearing the Wyrmsbane Skill.
  • Robin and Tiki's Support conversation in Warriors is supposed to mirror the B-Support conversation with Female Robin in Awakening. The roles of the person dreaming are reversed.
  • Tiki is classified as a dagger unit in Dragalia Lost. This is most likely because her dragon form has to be activated like the other dragons, as there is no functional analogue for dragonstones in the game.


See main article: Tiki/Gallery.


Characters (3 - 12) - Classes (3 - 12) - Items (3 - 12) - Weapons (3 - 12) - Chapters - Music (3 - 12) - Translation (3 - 12)

Downloadable Episodes (Exclusive to New Mystery of the Emblem)

Related Terms and Classes