Wyvern Generals

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The Wyvern Generals (also known as the Dragon Generals) are the highest ranking soldiers in the kingdom of Bern, having a level of authority second only to the king himself.

The generals consisted of

These four generals rivaled even the power of the King of Bern. Of the Wyvern Generals known in Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade, Murdock has held the title longest, having it 20 years prior in Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade. Originally, Galle was to be the third Wyvern General, but the title was taken by Narcian after the latter complained that Galle was not even a native of Bern. Eventually, Narcian was demoted because he disobeyed multiple orders and failed to defeat Roy's army on several occasions. Ironically, his title was given to Galle. Narcian was then killed by the Lycian army lead by Roy while trying to redeem himself. Galle and Murdock fell while trying to protect the Shrine of Seals from Roy (or Galle leaves, never to be seen again). Brunnya fell with a group of remnant soldiers trying to protect Idunn and Jahn.

After Bern's defeat against the Etrurian army, Guinivere ascends as the new Queen of Bern. It's unknown if there were succesors to the Wyvern General titles or not, although it's implied that Melady, Guinivere's retainer or her brother Zeiss become at least one of them.

Musical Theme[]

With the exception of Galle, the Wyvern Generals share a battle theme, called In The Name of Bern. The song would later appear in Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade as a bonus track, but not in the PAL version of the game.