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“All my life, I've known how to angle to get everything I've ever wanted. Money, social standing, the whole kit and caboodle. See, that's how the Savage Mockingbird lives. Ever since I was a kid, it's how I've done things.”
—Yuri to Constance

Yuri is a playable character from Fire Emblem: Three Houses and Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes. He is the leader of the Ashen Wolves, and lives under the Officers Academy in an underground society, which is called Abyss. He's also currently the only known bearer of the Crest of Aubin. Yuri is a main character of Cindered Shadows. He is 19 years old at the start of the game and wields swords as his main weapon.

What is the significance of Yuri's role as the leader of the Ashen Wolves? toggle section

In the Fire Emblem series, Yuri leads the Ashen Wolves. Previously an Officers Academy student, he was expelled for undisclosed reasons. He's known as a staunch protector of the vulnerable. Yuri seemingly betrays the Ashen Wolves, but this is a deception. He aids in overcoming Aelfric, who transforms into an Umbral Beast.

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What is the underground society, Abyss, where Yuri lives? toggle section

Abyss, located under Garreg Mach Monastery, is an underground society where the Ashen Wolf House, led by Yuri, conducts their studies. Its residents, including Yuri, are those forced to abandon their surface homes. The society and the surface maintain a mutual non-interference pact, though recent incidents have seen surface dwellers infringing on this agreement.

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How does Yuri's past influence his actions and decisions in the game? toggle section

Yuri's past as a swindler and manipulator shapes his actions and decisions in the game. He's a skilled tactician, executing plans alone or with help. His honorable spirit, despite his past, leads to feelings of guilt over his actions, influencing his decisions like his refusal to leave Abyss due to his past killings. His dedication to the Abyssians, driven by his past, sees him return to the underground to ensure their wellbeing.

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What is the 'Savage Mockingbird' lifestyle that Yuri mentions? toggle section

Yuri's 'Savage Mockingbird' lifestyle is a strategy he employs to achieve his desires, such as wealth and status. It involves manipulation, engaging in illicit activities, and swindling, which has led to his moniker as the Savage Mockingbird.

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What are some key events that occur during Yuri's tea party in Fire Emblem? toggle section

Yuri's tea party in Fire Emblem involves engaging conversations on topics like dinner invitations, new gambits, advice, comrades, cats, market children, close calls, cooking mishaps, equipment upkeep, allies, monastery exploration, fashion, favorite sweets, dining hall food, and future hopes. His preferred tea blends are Albinean Berry Blend, Honeyed-Fruit Blend, and Seiros Tea. This event is a social activity where Byleth bonds with the Officers Academy students and Garreg Mach Monastery staff.

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Yuri is the leader of the Ashen Wolves. He was a student of the Officers Academy, but was expelled due to unknown circumstances, and moved to live in the Abyss. Underneath his crude speech, it can be vaguely seen that he holds a strong desire to protect the residents of Abyss.

Early life[]

He was born in the year 1160, in a poor town in Western Faerghus. His mother was a prostitute, and the identity of his father is unknown.

At some point during his childhood, his family hosted and nursed an elderly man back to health. As a token of gratitude, he taught him how to read and write, the memory of which he kept within a notebook. Some time later, he fell deathly ill to a plague which wiped almost his entire town, but was saved and healed by the same elderly man, who passed away some time later due to natural causes. This chain of events inspired him to obtain his compassionate resolve.

"Just a minute! The following section contains spoilers. Viewing it will cost a lot. Are you prepared to pay for it?"

In the year 1174, he is noticed by Count Rowe and taken as an adoptive son, where he took the name Yuri. Though he still kept his true name, he hid it out of necessity. Although he tells Byleth his true name in their S Support, it is never revealed to the player.

At some point, Yuri was hired as an assassin by an unknown sponsor to kill Count Varley's young daughter, Bernadetta, as she possessed the Crest of Indech. He infiltrated House Varley by taking on a job as an assistant gardener, and believing that he could only accomplish the job by obtaining her trust, befriended Bernadetta. She considered him to be her first friend and they played around the gardens, and he considered her to be the first one he had to babysit frequently. Once enough trust had been formed, Yuri snuck into her room to kill her, but couldn't bring himself to do so, which he claimed was his biggest mistake at the time. This brief moment of hesitation allowed for Count Varley to burst in and catch him in the act, where he had his men severely beat him, though he survived. Bernadetta was not informed of the assassination attempt, mistakenly believing that she was responsible for his death.

In 1178, Yuri was enrolled in Garreg Mach's Officers Academy, but was expelled due to a scandal. When he and other knights were tasked with killing people from a gang, Yuri recognized them as old friends, and killed his fellow knights during an ensuing argument over their task. Due to this incident, he was slated for execution but Aelfric argued that he should be pardoned and sent to Abyss. In actuality, Archbishop Rhea tasked Yuri with keeping an eye on Aelfric, due to his recent suspicious behavior. These events notably did not happen during the events of the main game, as Aelfric had been exiled from the church well before Yuri ended up in Abyss, his life there apparently being voluntary with no mention of any crime against the church.

"End of spoilers. It's a pleasure doing business with you!"

Academy Phase[]

In Imperial Year 1180, Yuri can be found in Abyss, occasionally popping up to the surface when his interest is piqued. If Byleth recruits him, he will show up to lectures along with Byleth's other students; however, if Byleth does not recruit him, he does not become a student. Unlike recruits from other houses, Yuri is not enrolled at the Garreg Mach Officers Academy, but rather a personal student of Byleth. No matter what, his loyalty remains with the people of Abyss.

Cindered Shadows[]

"Just a minute! The following section contains spoilers. Viewing it will cost a lot. Are you prepared to pay for it?"

First appearing in Chapter 1, Yuri and the other Abyssians have been dealing with an unusual amount of surface contact, all of whom have been aggressive. He is seen planning with Balthus when Byleth and their students discover a hole in the surface leading into the Abyss. They encounter an Abyssian, who flees to Yuri and informs him of their presence. Yuri believes that they do not intend to attack with their meager numbers, but decides to meet them as they are not knights, but are still working with the Church.

Upon meeting them, the Abyssians challenge the arrivals, but are promptly defeated. Balthus and the others inform the group of their peoples' plight, and Byleth agrees to help them. They are able to drive the invading mercenaries out, thanks to a trap set up by Yuri to lure the mercenaries to them.

When Aelfric is captured after retrieving the Chalice, Yuri accompanied the others to rescue him. Once Aelfric was rescued however, he revealed his true motives, and Yuri also appeared to have sided with him. Yuri is teleported away along with the other members of the Ashen Wolves, but tells Byleth to save him and the others.

Returning to the Abyss, Yuri reveals his true colors to Aelfric, though he is subsequently bound with his fellow members into a blood vortice. He and the others survive, thanks to Byleth's timely arrival as he had warned them beforehand. He later assists in taking down Aelfric, who turned into an Umbral Beast after an improper ritual.

In Yuri and Constance's shared Paralogue, the two learn of a Relic that Duke Gerth is taking care of. They decide to seek an audience with him, but when they arrive, they find him being attacked by thieves. Duke Gerth takes care of one of the thieves, only for the thief to transform into a Demonic Beast, surprising Yuri. More thieves turn into Demonic Beasts, but all are put down, and the enemy commander is routed. Following the battle, Duke Gerth decides to hand the relic, the Fetters of Dromi, to them. Yuri stated that he had accompanied Byleth and Constance after realizing it was compatible with him, and promised them that he would not misuse the Hero's Relic.

"End of spoilers. It's a pleasure doing business with you!"

War Phase[]

"Just a minute! The following section contains spoilers. Viewing it will cost a lot. Are you prepared to pay for it?"

During the five year timeskip, Yuri diligently protects Abyss, occasionally leaving the Monastery to do so. When Byleth returns, Yuri is happy to welcome them back.

If Yuri fights Gwendal, he calls him a "mongrel" for turning against Count Rowe, but Yuri will say he knows Gwendal cared for him as a child. If Yuri fights Ashe, he attempts to persuade him not to give his life for his adoptive house.

"End of spoilers. It's a pleasure doing business with you!"


Described as being of crass speech but extremely devoted to the protection of Abyssians, even when it is not easy to tell, it is clear that Yuri is quite sharp-tongued and reserved upon his introduction, dryly teasing his fellow classmates. However, he is also shown to be kind under his rough exterior, and he cares deeply for the safety of those who live in Abyss, due to his upbringing in which he barely survived a plague that killed numerous villagers, thanks to the assistance of an elderly man his family had taken care of.

Such caring is why he sides with any nation regardless of route chosen, stating that he doesn't like fighting losing battles and wants to ensure the safety of his people. This is further reflected on how he doesn't stay in the nation he allied with in his solo ending on any route, and always returns to the underground to ensure the prosperity of the Abyssians.

Despite his looks, Yuri can be quite frightening when he wants to be, as his reputation as the Savage Mockingbird was established from swindling, participating in illicit markets, and manipulating others for a living in order to help the less fortunate by putting on a charming nature in order to manipulate the more privileged into giving him what he wants, with few daring to cross him.

Like Claude, Yuri is an extremely skilled tactician and his personality can catch others off-guard. He always ensures that his tactics will always work as desired, even if it means he has to temporarily betray his allies without making them aware of his plans, and as such, he will often execute them alone, although he does appreciate assistance if offered. Being the boss of a gang of Abyssians, Yuri is also good at keeping secrets, although he will disclose them to those he has complete trust in.

Despite being flippant about it, Yuri's honorable spirit makes him think little of himself due to his shady past, even telling a young girl that she should never say she wants to grow up to be like him. This also leads to him being genuinely shamed by the killings that landed him in Abyss, to the point of objecting when Rhea states she'll allow him to leave, only for her to point out that Yuri must live with what he has done. Yuri also holds absolute contempt for Miklan, calling him a slimebag for being a more repugnant criminal than he is along with believing he could run Miklan's gang in a better way.

Yuri's roster profile reveals that he has a hatred of singing in public, reflected in a low affinity for attending Choir Practice and disliking being given a Book of Sheet Music as a gift. He is in fact an incredibly talented singer, and is shown in supports with Dorothea that he still will sing for children on occasion. It is revealed that his hatred for singing comes from his time spent in the Imperial capital, as during the peak of Dorothea's popularity as a diva, nobles vying for her "were willing to compromise with an inferior substitute", describing the experience of pleasing the nobles as leaving him feeling "filthy and unlovable".

He is quite flirtatious with Byleth at times, though it can be quite difficult to tell whether it is genuine or not. He is also a devout believer of Seiros, as is his mother, and claims to have a habit of praying before any big event ever since he was little.

More personal information is revealed about Yuri in his supports with Shez in Three Hopes.

"Just a minute! The following section contains spoilers. Viewing it will cost a lot. Are you prepared to pay for it?"

His true name is partially revealed, Shez only saying "Reg—" before Yuri cuts them off. Yuri later explains to Shez that he was named after the ancient name of a bright star that the goddess made into a disciple, but considered it an "ostentatious" name for a penniless kid.

"End of spoilers. It's a pleasure doing business with you!"


Fire Emblem: Three Houses[]

Base Stats[]

As a Mission Assistant[]

A Cursed Relic[]
Level C E E E E E E E - - -

As an Enemy[]

A Skirmish in Abyss[]
Level B E E E E E B C - - -

Growth Rates[]










Armored Knight






Dark Mage





Fortress Knight


Wyvern Rider





Dark Bishop



War Monk

Wyvern Lord

Mortal Savant

Great Knight

Bow Knight

Dark Knight

Holy Knight

War Master

Maximum Stats[]


With all saint statue bonuses activated

Learnt Magic[]
Skill Level Reason Faith
D Wind Heal
D+ - Nosferatu
C Cutting Gale Recover
C+ - -
B Sagittae Silence
B+ - -
A Excalibur Aura
A+ - -
Learnt Abilities[]
Ability Learned at Notes
Sword Prowess Lv 2 Innate -
Sword Prowess Lv 3 C+ Replaces Sword Prowess Lv 2
Sword Prowess Lv 4 B+ Replaces Sword Prowess Lv 3
Sword Prowess Lv 5 A+ Replaces Sword Prowess Lv 4
Wrath Strike Innate -
Grounder C -
Windsweep C+ -
Axebreaker B -
Finesse Blade A -
Sword Crit +10 S -
Swordfaire S+ -
Lance Prowess Lv 1 E+ -
Lance Prowess Lv 2 D+ Replaces Lance Prowess Lv 1
Lance Prowess Lv 3 C+ Replaces Lance Prowess Lv 2
Lance Prowess Lv 4 B+ Replaces Lance Prowess Lv 3
Lance Prowess Lv 5 A+ Replaces Lance Prowess Lv 4
Tempest Lance D -
Knightkneeler C -
Swordbreaker B -
Lance Crit +10 S -
Lancefaire S+ -
Axe Prowess Lv 1 E+ -
Axe Prowess Lv 2 D+ Replaces Axe Prowess Lv 1
Axe Prowess Lv 3 C+ Replaces Axe Prowess Lv 2
Axe Prowess Lv 4 B+ Replaces Axe Prowess Lv 3
Axe Prowess Lv 5 A+ Replaces Axe Prowess Lv 4
Smash D -
Helm Splitter C -
Lancebreaker B -
Axe Crit +10 S -
Axefaire S+ -
Bow Prowess Lv 1 E+ -
Bow Prowess Lv 2 D+ Replaces Bow Prowess Lv 1
Bow Prowess Lv 3 C+ Replaces Bow Prowess Lv 2
Bow Prowess Lv 4 B+ Replaces Bow Prowess Lv 3
Bow Prowess Lv 5 A+ Replaces Bow Prowess Lv 4
Deadeye Unlocked after twelve tutoring sessions in Bows
Curved Shot D -
Close Counter C -
Bow Crit +10 S -
Bowfaire S+ -
Brawling Prowess Lv 1 E+ -
Brawling Prowess Lv 2 D+ Replaces Brawling Prowess Lv 1
Brawling Prowess Lv 3 C+ Replaces Brawling Prowess Lv 2
Brawling Prowess Lv 4 B+ Replaces Brawling Prowess Lv 3
Brawling Prowess Lv 5 A+ Replaces Brawling Prowess Lv 4
Fading Blow D -
Rushing Blow C -
Healing Focus B -
Brawl Crit +10 S -
Fistfaire S+ -
Reason Lv 1 Innate -
Reason Lv 2 D+ Replaces Reason Lv 1
Reason Lv 3 C+ Replaces Reason Lv 2
Reason Lv 4 B+ Replaces Reason Lv 3
Reason Lv 5 A+ Replaces Reason Lv 4
Black Magic Range +1 S -
Black Tomefaire S+ -
Faith Lv 1 Innate -
Faith Lv 2 D+ Replaces Faith Lv 1
Faith Lv 3 C+ Replaces Faith Lv 2
Faith Lv 4 B+ Replaces Faith Lv 3
Faith Lv 5 A+ Replaces Faith Lv 4
White Magic Range +1 S -
White Tomefaire S+ -
Authority Lv 2 Innate -
Authority Lv 3 C+ Replaces Authority Lv 2
Authority Lv 4 B+ Replaces Authority Lv 3
Authority Lv 5 A+ Replaces Authority Lv 4
Battalion Vantage C -
Model Leader C+ -
Defensive Tactics B -
Offensive Tactics S+ -
Weight -3 C -
Smite B -
Weight -5 A+ Replaces Weight -3
Armored Effect Null S+ -
Dexterity +4 C -
Movement +1 A+ -
Cavalry Effect Null S+ -
Alert Stance B -
Alert Stance+ A+ Replaces Alert Stance
Flying Effect Null S+ -


After completing Chapter 6 of Cindered Shadows, Yuri can be recruited in the main story from Chapter 2 onwards.


Subjective: The following part of this article is based upon the editor's personal experiences and opinions, and therefore may not be applicable for all readers.

Yuri serves as an extremely fast, versatile character in both physical and magical capability. He has the highest Speed growth in the whole game, coupled with good Charm and Luck, as well as reasonable Strength and Dexterity growths. All of his other growths are average or below-average, especially his HP, making him fragile if he doesn't dodge. His personal skill, Honorable Spirit, makes him ideal as a lone wolf who can go off on his own and still fight ably. The one thing that holds him back are his weaknesses in Lance, Axe, Riding and Flying, which can hinder him in acquiring many different classes. He also has a low number of Support chains, which makes Gambit Boosts and Linked Attacks less effective with him compared to other characters.

Yuri's spell list is solid, having access to Silence, Aura, and Excalibur, though his poor Magic along with a mediocre growth means he won't compete directly with dedicated mages. Additionally, his lack of access to Gremory means he'll have to be conservative with his limited spell charges. Nevertheless, his wide array of spells helps a great deal in letting him adapt to many different situations, especially when classed as a Trickster.

There are a large number of skills that Yuri should look to acquire, regardless of which class he ends up in by the endgame. In nearly any run, Thief is valuable to acquire for Steal, which he can easily use with his Speed. His budding talent in Bows means Archer can be acquired easily for Hit +20, giving him more accuracy if needed. Coupled with his Sword strength, he can class into Assassin for Lethality, which will have boosted chances thanks to the 60% Dexterity growth boost. Mage provides Fiendish Blow to augment his magic damage, while Priest provides Miracle to take advantage of his good Luck. Despite his skill weaknesses, Brigand is a good choice to acquire Death Blow, while Cavalier provides Desperation to take advantage of his exceptional Speed, although both classes will require diligent training. Mortal Savant is a potential late-game class for Yuri, but it should not be used for leveling purposes due to the Speed growth penalty. Unfortunately, his weaknesses in Flying and Axes make Wyvern Rider and Wyvern Lord difficult to acquire, and thus make it hard for him to get Alert Stance+.

Yuri can also make for a very excellent Dancer. His Charm growth will easily guarantee his win, and the growth bonus will power up the Sword Dance combat art. His proficiency in Swords pair perfectly with Sword Avoid +20, making an excellent dodge tank, and his Relic will allow him to retreat after dancing for an ally. Dancer also lets him use his various spell options.

Yuri's arguably best class is Trickster, especially when equipped with the Fetters of Dromi. The relic gives him +1 Movement, Canto, Aegis, and Pavise when he equips it. Coupled with Trickster's unique Combat Art, Foul Play, this allows him to warp an ally to safety, and then escape from sticky situations via the Canto effect. Even if he cannot get away from danger after swapping with an ally, the Aegis and Pavise effects will do a great deal in keeping him alive thanks to his good Dexterity. Trickster might not have Swordfaire, but it makes up for it with its versatility and utility.

Overall, Yuri is one of the most potent characters in the game, potentially bordering on being overpowered. His unrivaled Speed makes him exceptional at dodging and landing doubles, his good Luck and Dexterity mean criticals are relatively easy, while his versatility and utility are hard to match. He truly comes across as a jack-of-all-trades, master-of-all, with his only shortcomings being durability and his small number of Support chains.

Do note however, that the Fetters of Dromi are not exclusive to him, and there are units who may make better use of the relic, such as Byleth or Catherine, especially on New Game+, where they can also make use of the damage halving effect via the Aubin Crest Stones.

Gift List[]
Gift Name Type of Gift Description Rank
Tasty Baked Treat Favorite A baked confection made by mixing fruit into dough. Appreciated by those with a sweet tooth.
Goddess Statuette Favorite A beautiful wood carving of the goddess. Appreciated by those who like art or carving, and by devout believers. ★★★
Arithmetic Textbook Favorite A textbook for studying arithmetic with everyday examples of its use. Appreciated by those who enjoy studying. ★★★
Board Game Favorite A fun activity in which players compete using stones on a board. Appreciated by those who enjoy tactical thinking. ★★★★
Owl Feather Favorite A feather from a messenger owl that can be used in a variety of ways. Appreciated by everyone. ★★★
Book of Sheet Music Dislike An old collection of sheet music filled with hymns and pastoral songs. Appreciated by those who enjoy music. ★★★
Riding Boots Dislike Boots specially made for mastering the equestrian arts. Appreciated by those who enjoy horseback riding. ★★★
Meal Name Type of Meal Description
Grilled Herring Favorite Herring caught off the coast of Albinea, shredded and grilled in an earthenware pot with sliced turnips.
Saghert and Cream Favorite A baked confection coated with Noa fruit cream and a currant reduction, often enjoyed as a dessert at family gatherings.
Fish and Bean Soup Favorite A soup made by simmering white trout and chickpeas. A simple yet wholesome dish.
Sautéed Jerky Favorite Jerky aged in the monastery and sautéed for a delightfully salty flavor. A perfect snack to go with your favorite drink.
Onion Gratin Soup Favorite Onions stewed with white trout and baked with a layer of cheese on top. Will warm you up from the inside out.
Sweet Bun Trio Favorite Traditional pastries from Faerghus, known for their subtle sweetness. The dough is made with eggs and sugar.
Fisherman's Bounty Favorite Freshly-caught fish are cut into chunks and stewed together to make this hearty dish.
Pheasant Roast with Berry Sauce Favorite Well-roasted Fódlan pheasant drizzled with a berry reduction sauce.
Fish Sandwich Favorite A simple dish. Airmid pike is pickled in vinegar and served with cabbage between two slices of bread.
Pickled Rabbit Skewers Favorite Hunks of rabbit meat are pickled in bacchus, skewered, and roasted over an open flame to create this flavorful dish.
Country-Style Red Turnip Plate Favorite A balanced meal including red turnip and verona stew, red turnip salad, and sautéed red turnip with garlic.
Peach Sorbet Favorite A sorbet made with thin slices of magically frozen peach, dusted with bean flour.
Two-Fish Sauté Favorite Two types of fish are cut into strips and sautéed in butter. This lavish meal hails from Enbarr, the Imperial Capital.
Daphnel Stew Favorite Minced poultry and onions boiled with salt. The simple recipe lets high-quality ingredients speak for themselves.
Vegetable Stir-Fry Favorite A dish of dried tomatoes, cabbage, chickpeas, and other vegetables, stir-fried with eggs. Nutritious and very filling.
Spicy Fish and Turnip Stew Dislike Spicy stew made with Teutates loach and turnips. The monastery's unique recipe features spices from Dagda
Super-Spicy Fish Dango Dislike A light snack, popular in the Empire. Small, spicy balls of fried dough packed with white trout and dried tomato.
Sautéed Pheasant and Eggs Dislike Thin slices of bird meat and shredded cabbage, mixed with scrambled eggs and sautéed with spices. Invention of a certain noble.
Gautier Cheese Gratin Dislike A gratin of bird meat topped with heaps of Gautier cheese, which is famous for its low fat content. It has a unique flavor.
Bourgeois Pike Dislike A gourmet fish dish with Airmid pike, vegetables, and a sprinkle of expensive spices. Popular among nobles.
Lost Items[]
Lost Item Description
Makeup Brush A thin brush for applying makeup around the eyes. It probably belongs to someone who wears eyeshadows.
Suspicious Dice Dice that always produce the same result when thrown. They probably belong to a skilled swindler.

Tea Party Conversations[]

See also: Yuri/Tea Party


See also: Yuri/Supports

Fire Emblem Heroes[]

Ashen Valiant
Leader of the Ashen Wolf House. Behind the tough talk lies a valiant defender of the weak. Appears in Fire Emblem: Three Houses.

Base Stats[]

Rarity: ✯✯✯✯✯

Ashen Valiant
Honorable Blade
Night Sky


Iron Dagger---
Steel Dagger---
Silver Dagger---
Honorable Blade--
Foul PlaySwap--
Night Sky---
GlimmerNight Sky ---
A Colorless Duel Infantry 1--
Colorless Duel Infantry 2 Colorless Duel Infantry 1-
Colorless Duel Infantry 3 Colorless Duel Infantry 2-
C Duel Infantry 4 Colorless Duel Infantry 3
C Time's Pulse 1--
Time's Pulse 2 Time's Pulse 1-
Time's Pulse 3 Time's Pulse 2


Subjective: The following part of this article is based upon the editor's personal experiences and opinions, and therefore may not be applicable for all readers.

Base Set[]

Yuri is a Colorless Dagger Infantry with a ton of power behind him that mainly comes from his impressive base kit effects. However, his stats are not to be trifled with either with an impressive 39 Atk and 43 Spd with neutral IVs, he hits incredibly hard and can score doubles on a vast array of foes. While his mixed bulk is mediocre, scoring 66 physical and 69 magical, he shines best mainly acting as a hit and run unit. He is easily one of the strongest dagger units to date, not only due to his statline, but the sheer strength of his base kit alone. While he may need a little bit of luxury investment, he will easily pay in dividends once he is at full power.
Honorable Blade is his unique weapon and its effects are reminiscent of his unique Heroes' Relics, Fetters of Dromi. He has a【Canto (2)】effect, allowing him to move two spaces after either attacking, destroying a structure, or using an Assist Skill on an ally. He has 1 additional tile of movement, allowing him to move the equivalent of a Cavalry. If he attacks, he applies【Dagger 7】to his foe and any foe within two spaces of his target with -7 Def/Res. Finally if his foe has at least 50% of their max HP at the start of combat, he gains +6 Atk/Spd. Yuri is an extremely strong opening unit, and in Aether Raids, he can destroy enemy structures and safely retreat, sometimes preventing his foe from starting their advance if he can completely step outside of their range. However, Yuri's exclusive skills do not stop here.
Foul Play allows Yuri to swap places with an ally that is three tiles away from where he ends his position. The massive range of this skill is in essence an improvement of Swap and in tandem with his Honorable Blade【Canto (2)】effect opens a wide range of tactical usage of this skill both offensively and defensively. As such, it can be incredibly tricky to predict how he will move or use his skill combinations, but the sheer tactical advantages he can secure as a result ultimately makes him a valuable asset in the player's hand and a dangerous foe in the opponent's.
C Duel Infantry 4 grants +5 HP and +2 Atk/Spd/Def/Res as flat base stats, plus it helps to improve his Arena Scoring. Time's Pulse grants him special cooldown acceleration if he starts his turn with his Special fully charged, allowing him to apply pressure once he has inherited a skill.


Yuri's middling defenses are a problem as he needs to avoid taking damage at all costs since he can barely survive a stray attack or two if left in a compromising situation. During his opponent's turn is where he is at his weakest so avoiding leaving him vulnerable during that turn is best for Yuri. Mila and Bridal Fjorm can both inflict their Assist Skill disabling effect, helping to remove a problematic aspect of his kit by denying the usage of Foul Play. Fallen Lyon is a considerable counter as Yuri can struggle to deal damage to him and a combination of Fallen Lyon's respectable Atk and color advantage damage he can inflict through his Blood Tome can serve as a modest check.

Skill Inheritance[]

Glimmer or Moonbow work great as Yuri's special as their quick charges can keep Time Pulse's effect going so he can consistently apply pressure through sheer damage output. His skill B can be filled with a host of useful skills. On the premium side, Null Follow-Up is great to secure his highly likely follow-up attacks, Special Spiral helps to further keep his Special constantly active, and Windsweep denies his foes from being able to counterattack since he is likely to hold the Spd advantage in most match-ups. Attack Speed Ideal, Fury, or Life and Death, all at their fourth tier, are worthy replacements for players unconcerned with arena scoring as the benefits of the stat increases to Fury and Life and Death are much higher and/or are more focused on Yuri's greatest stat strengths.

Meet Some of the Heroes[]

Ashen Valiant Yuri
There's a secret world below Garreg Mach Monastery—a place called Abyss. This is where members of the Ashen Wolf House engage in their Officers Academy studies away from prying eyes, and here's their leader...Yuri!
Abyss is an underground society inhabited by those who, for one reason or another, were forced to leave their homes aboveground. This is true of Yuri as well.
Yuri had a troubled upbringing, and he can be a little blunt and coarse with his language. But while he might be rough around the edges, he's always been compassionate toward his allies and those who look to him for support.
So don't let appearances deceive you—beneath that intimidating exterior, he's actually a really nice guy! I'm positive he'll be an invaluable asset to the Order of Heroes!
Closely Associated Characters
Constance Young lady of the fallen Imperial house of Nuvelle. Has an overbearing attitude until she's somewhere with sunlight. One of Yuri's fellow students.
Balthus Former noble who ran away to Abyss due to money problems. Revels in competition as Leicester's King of Grappling. One of Yuri's fellow students.
Hapi An apathetic young woman whose sighs have the unique ability to draw monsters to her. One of Yuri's fellow students.

Underground Lord
Leader of the Ashen Wolf House and proficient with both magic and the sword. He fights for those who can't protect themselves, seeking no favor. Appears in Fire Emblem: Three Houses.

Base Stats[]

Rarity: ✯✯✯✯✯

Underground Lord
Abyssal Blade


Iron Dagger---
Steel Dagger---
Silver Dagger---
Abyssal Blade--
Foul PlaySwap--
A Sorcery Blade 1--
Sorcery Blade 2 Sorcery Blade 1-
Sorcery Blade 3 Sorcery Blade 2-
Atk/Spd Hexblade Sorcery Blade 3
B Seal Spd 1--
Seal Spd 2 Seal Spd 1-
Seal Spd 3 Seal Spd 2-
Seal Spd 4 Seal Spd 3
C Fetters of Dromi--


Subjective: The following part of this article is based upon the editor's personal experiences and opinions, and therefore may not be applicable for all readers.

Base Set[]
Skill Inheritance[]

Meet Some of the Heroes[]

Underground Lord Yuri
Not every Hero stands at the forefront of history. Take Yuri, for example!
Yuri came from humble origins, and his natural charm, wits, and chivalrous spirit took him to the center stage of Fódlan's underworld.
Eventually, he was adopted by a noble family, and sent to the Officers Academy at Garreg Mach Monastery for an education. But after he was embroiled in a scandal, he was forced to live in Abyss.
There, Yuri once again won the hearts of his fellow outcasts, and assumed a leader-like role while fighting to defend the powerless!
Closely Associated Characters
Constance Young lady of the fallen Imperial house of Nuvelle. Has an overbearing attitude until she's somewhere with sunlight. One of Yuri's fellow students.
Balthus Former noble who ran away to Abyss due to money problems. Revels in competition as Leicester's King of Grappling. One of Yuri's fellow students.
Hapi An apathetic young woman whose sighs have the unique ability to draw monsters to her. One of Yuri's fellow students.

Warriors: Three Hopes[]

Base Stats[]


See also: Yuri/Warriors: Three Hopes Supports

Recruitment (Warriors)[]

Yuri can be recruited in all three routes, some more sooner than others, though of the Ashen Wolves, he's typically a mid to late route recruit, and the last recruitable Ashen Wolf in two of the three routes.

Yuri will be recruited as long as the player picks the Persuade Yuri Strategy during the planning portions, otherwise he will be killed during the missions.

  • In Azure Gleam, Yuri, alongside Shamir, can be recruited in chapter nine during the main mission, " Saving of the Silver Maiden".
  • In both Scarlet Blaze and Golden Wildfire, Yuri, alongside Byleth and Jeralt, can be recruited in the main missions of the two routes' respective tenth chapters and the first chapters of Part II, "Subjugation of the Western Kingdom" in Scarlet Blaze, and "Ambush on the Federation King" in Golden Wildfire.


Three Houses[]



Yuri/Heroes Quotes

Warriors: Three Hopes[]

Yuri/Warriors: Three Hopes Quotes

Possible Endings[]

"Just a minute! The following section contains spoilers. Viewing it will cost a lot. Are you prepared to pay for it?"

Yuri - Underground Lord
After Fódlan healed from the war, Yuri's organization spend the next few decades cultivating and controlling illicit markets. Not coincidentally, wherever Yuri's underground business thrived, so did orphanages or almshouses. For the awe and respect of his generosity earn him among the downtrodden, Yuri came to be known as the the "Underground Lord."
Yuri and Byleth (Crimson Flower)
No sooner than the modest wedding ceremony between Byleth and Yuri over than the battle of those who slither in the dark began in earnest. Through the bloody and brutal fight, the couple became known for their constant determination the save every possible life, leaving none behind. The battle marks the last mention of them on official sources, but stories abound of the order they brought to the underworld upon their triumphant return.
Yuri and Male Byleth (Azure Moon)
As the new Archbishop of the Church of Seiros, Byleth worked tirelessly to reform and rebuild in the aftermath of a devastating war. Constantly at his side during that time was his husband, Yuri, who's policy proposals led, time and again, to better education and opportunities for the less fortunate. After working to ensure a bright and prosperous future for Fódlan, the couple stepped back from the public eye vanished from official record. Curiously, informal notes and letters from friends suggested that the pair was extraordinarily long-lived and their youth was untouched by the passage of time.
Yuri and Male Byleth (Verdant Wind/Silver Snow)
As the new leader of the United Kingdom of Fódlan, Byleth worked tirelessly to reform and rebuild in the aftermath of a devastating war. Constantly at his side during that time was his husband, Yuri, who's policy proposals led, time and again, to better education and opportunities for the less fortunate. After working to ensure a bright and prosperous future for Fódlan, the couple stepped back from the public eye vanished from official record. Curiously, informal notes and letters from friends suggested that the pair was extraordinarily long-lived and their youth was untouched by the passage of time.
Yuri and Female Byleth (Azure Moon)
As the new Archbishop of the Church of Seiros, Byleth worked tirelessly to reform and rebuild in the aftermath of a devastating war. Constantly at her side during that time was her husband, Yuri, whose policy proposals led, time and again, to better education and opportunities for the less fortunate—a legacy that was later taken up by the couple's children. A trove of their love letters, uncovered many years later, revealed that she called him by an entirely different name in private. Scholars have never learned why.
Yuri and Female Byleth (Verdant Wind/Silver Snow)
As the new leader of the United Kingdom of Fódlan, Byleth worked tirelessly to reform and rebuild in the aftermath of a devastating war. Constantly at her side during that time was her husband, Yuri, who's policy proposals led, time and again, to better education and opportunities for the less fortunate, a legacy that was later taken up by the couple's children. A trove of their love letters, uncovered many years later, revealed that she called him by an entirely different name in private. Scholars never learned why.
Yuri and Bernadetta
Bernadetta's struggle with anxiety made it difficult for her to take over as the head of House Varley. She became so overwhelmed that when Yuri chanced to visit her domain, she literally grabbed hold of his arm and refused to let go. Baffling as it was for Yuri at the time, this peculiar state of affairs eventually led to marriage. The commonfolk were initially perplexed, but over the years they became grateful for Count Varley's surprising husband. His presence kept her calm and allowed her to deal with her people more frequently and easily. As a result, her talent for governance blossomed and her rule was widely celebrated.
Yuri and Dorothea
A new opera company was born of the postwar rebuilding period. This troupe, headed up by a former songstress, was comprised of hand-picked talent from all walks of life. Though it began humbly, over the years it grew to rival even the Mittelfrank Opera Company in its greatness. The most popular production in its repertoire was a tale of a disillusioned songstress making a comeback with the help of her ambitious lover. Through that story, the names of Yuri and Dorothea live on to this very day.
Yuri and Ingrid (Azure Moon)
Yuri disappeared into the underworld of the western Kingdom and faded away into obscurity. The only account of him after that comes from a Kingdom knight's journal, uncovered many decades later, which tells of Yuri's efforts to win the king's support for an orphanage and medical clinic to be built in the slums of the castle town. It is believed that the journal belonged to Ingrid, who had declined to rule House Galatea in order to serve House Blaiddyd as a knight. According to a local rumor, Ingrid eventually retired from knighthood to become the owner of an inn. There, it is said she and the man she wrote about cooked dishes loved by rich and poor alike.
Yuri and Ingrid (Other Routes)
When Galatea territory was seized, Ingrid argued strongly for the preservation of its borders. Her request was granted and she was appointed to rule. Though, since she had previously abandoned her noble house, she was not well accepted by the people. Despite this, she found that the commonfolk carried out her policies with unexpected enthusiasm and efficiency. She soon discovered that it was Yuri who had convinced them of her wisdom. The two were reunited and eventually married, and under their stewardship, Galatea territory flourished, It is said that, after a busy day of governance, Ingrid yearned for nothing more than a home-cooked meal prepared by her husband.
Yuri and Balthus
After the war, Yuri returned to the underworld. Some time after assuming control of the illicit markets, he happened upon Balthus, who had become so down on his luck that he had collapsed in an alley. Yuri helped Balthus back to his feet and offered him work as a bodyguard. While Balthus first accepted just to get by, he came to enjoy the lifestyle so much that he remained at Yuri's side for the rest of his days. The underworld kingpin and the Indomitable King of Grappling made such an impression on the world that their names were feared for centuries.
Yuri and Constance
After the war, Constance devoted herself to her magical research. Her unorthodox methods allowed her to make great strides, which earned her acclaim and eventually enabled her to restore her noble house. Afterward, almost as if to spite her detractors, she married Yuri. The pair made a happy, if unconventional, couple, as the husband frequently ventured away for months on end. In the long years of their marriage, however, Constance laughed off any concerns as she known to say Yuri always knew to find his way home. Many decades later, he passed away in bed alongside his beloved wife.
Yuri and Hapi
Yuri accompanied Hapi to the village where she was born. The surprise nature of the visit, combined with a local custom of massive celebrations for family reunions, made things awkward at first. The party did not get started until nightfall, but Hapi was able to reunite with her parents, and under that starry sky, lasting bonds were forged. In fact, it is said that Yuri, a complete stranger, made such an impression that the welcome party lasted for seven days and nights before he was finally permitted to leave. Years later, they returned for another visit-this time as a couple. The village turned out en masse for the wedding, held under those same stars.

"End of spoilers. It's a pleasure doing business with you!"

Non-Canon Appearances[]

Fire Emblem 0 (Cipher)[]

Yuri is illustrated in the trading card game Fire Emblem Cipher with the following cards:


Round Placement Character Version Votes

CYL5 10
Three Houses (War Arc, Academy Arc)
CYL6 14

Three Houses (War Arc, Academy Arc)
CYL7 16

Three Houses (War Arc, Academy Arc)
Warriors: Three Hopes
CYL8 25

Three Houses (War Arc, Academy Arc)
Warriors: Three Hopes


The name Yuri exists in many languages with differing origins. In Russian and Ukrainian, it is the form of George. In Hebrew, Yuri or Uri means "the light of God". In Japanese, it can mean "lily" (百合) or "permanence" (悠) () and "village" (里) (ri).


  • Talking to Yuri in the Abyss in Chapter 7 will reveal that when he was originally enrolled in the Officers Academy, he was a member of the Blue Lions class and handily won the Battle of the Eagle and Lion.
  • Yuri is one of the characters who can have S-Supports with both Male and Female Byleth. The others are Edelgard, Linhardt, Dorothea, Mercedes, Gilbert (platonic), Alois (platonic), Rhea, Sothis, and Jeritza.
    • With Edelgard he is the second house leader able to do so.
  • Yuri is one of only four playable characters in Three Houses that learn the spell Silence, the other three being Marianne, Manuela and Claude.
  • Yuri uses purple and white colors for his classes.
    • He is the only unit to do so, meaning that all of his battle models are technically unique. He shares this distinction with Bernadetta, Lorenz, Leonie, and Constance.
  • Yuri's real name is most likely Regulus, one of the brightest stars in the night sky and part of the constellation Leo. It is sometimes called "the heart of the lion" or "star of the Lion's breast", which may be a reference to Yuri's origins in Faerghus. Regulus itself is a Latin name meaning "prince" or "little king".


See main article: Yuri/Gallery.

Characters at Garreg Mach Monastery