Forward 50 2013 Archives
A Year of Looking In — and Speaking Out
Two thousand thirteen has been an inside/outside kind of year, a time of agonizing introspection for the Jewish community as a whole, and one in which individual American Jews played dramatic roles on the national stage. It was a year of thrilling gains and heartbreaking loss, a year when new words crept into our vocabulary, some welcome, others not.
The introspection was fueled by the release of the Pew Research Center’s authoritative survey of American Jews, illustrating a generational shift toward a more fluid Jewish identity. It was Joe Neubauer, a son of Holocaust survivors, whose financial support made the survey possible and whose central insight — that data and facts should shape decisions — now stands as a charge to the Jewish community.
While focused on our own story, American Jews also actively contributed to the national narrative. Edie Windsor was the plaintiff in the historic U.S. Supreme Court decision to overturn the Defense of Marriage Act, heralding marriage equality for gays and lesbians. Sheryl Sandberg’s exhortation for women to “lean in” to their careers introduced a new phrase to the American lexicon. And Veronique Pozner’s extraordinary grace in dealing with her son’s death in the Newtown school massacre served as a stirring model of grief and resolve.
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Forward 50 2013 Avi Weiss
Despite continued opposition from his right flank, in 2013 Avi Weiss witnessed the coming of age of two of the groundbreaking Orthodox institutions he created. This summer, Weiss presided over the first graduation ceremony of female clerics at Yeshivat Maharat, and smoothly passed the reins of his flagship rabbinic school, Yeshivat Chovevei Torah, to a…
Nov 10, 2013 | < 1 min read
Forward 50 2013 Francesca Segal
This has been quite a year for debut novelist Francesca Segal, the 33-year-old author of “The Innocents.” Her book won the National Jewish Book Award for fiction, the Sami Rohr Prize for Jewish Literature, the 2013 Harold U. Ribalow prize, and was longlisted for the 2013 Women’s Prize for Fiction. The novel reimagines Edith Wharton’s…
Nov 10, 2013 | < 1 min read
Forward 50 2013 Mordechai Twersky
Hundreds of alumni from Yeshiva University High School for Boys knew that their former administrator, Rabbi George Finkelstein, behaved inappropriately with students during the 1970s, ’80s and ’90s. But only one of those students, Mordechai Twersky, battled to ensure that the allegations saw the light of day. Ignored for decades by Yeshiva University’s presidents Rabbi…
Nov 10, 2013 | < 1 min read
Forward 50 2013 Arieh Warshel
Spearheading the Jewish invasion of Sweden this year was Arieh Warshel, 72, the Israeli-American chemist who shared the Nobel Prize in chemistry with Michael Levitt and Martin Karplus for “the development of multi-scale models for complex chemical systems.” This translates roughly to creating computer programs that simulate complex chemical processes — mirroring real life, but…
Nov 10, 2013 | < 1 min read
Forward 50 2013 Sarah Bunin Benor
While working in the library as a college student, Sarah Bunin Benor stumbled upon references to Judeo-Italian and other Jewish languages she’d never heard of before. This discovery inspired her to become a sociolinguist and study Jewish languages around the world and close to home. Her book, “Becoming Frum: How Newcomers Learn the Language and…
Nov 10, 2013 | < 1 min read
Forward 50 2013 Ruth Wisse
Political scientist Wallace Stanley Sayre once said: “Academic politics is the most vicious and bitter form of politics, because the stakes are so low.” When it comes to Jewish studies professor Ruth Wisse, the politics have certainly been fierce, but the stakes have hardly been low. Wisse, 77, is the Martin Peretz professor of Yiddish…
Nov 10, 2013 | < 1 min read
Forward 50 2013 Angelina Jolie
What was Jewish about Angelina Jolie’s decision to have her breasts surgically removed? Everything. The Hollywood superstar stunned million of fans with the stark and eloquent announcement that she had chosen to proactively undergo the procedure to reduce her risk of contracting breast cancer. Jolie, whose mother died from breast cancer, explained that she took…
Nov 10, 2013 | < 1 min read
Forward 50 2013 Bob Filner
Of the Three Horsemen of Jewish sexual misdoing of 2013, Bob Filner was by far the worst. Anthony Weiner’s sexting episode, which came repeatedly to attention during his botched New York City mayoral run, was weird and embarrassing. Eliot Spitzer’s dalliance with hookers, which came up again during his failed New York City comptroller campaign,…
Nov 10, 2013 | < 1 min read