
Coffee - The Fuller Center for Housing

  • ️Tue Sep 24 2024
David Snell, Fuller Center for Housing President

The Fuller Center Blend from Cafe Campesino Coffee Roasters is a blend of fair trade, organic, shade-grown coffees from Latin America and Indonesia. It boasts a medium body and medium acidity with a nutty fragrance and a fruity, sweet aroma and flavor. It is an extremely well-balanced coffee with a delightful aftertaste. The bright Latin American acidity pairs beautifully with the rich, earthy Sumatran body.

About Cafe Campesino

Based in Americus, Georgia (as is The Fuller Center for Housing), Cafe Campesino sources its coffee through Cooperative Coffees, an import cooperative that supplies Fair Trade and Organic green coffees to a membership of 23 coffee roasters throughout North America.

Together with Cooperative Coffees, Cafe Campesino is committed to cultivating an equitable and sustainable global trade community among a network of small-holder producer cooperatives spanning Africa, Asia, Central and South America. Through Fair Trade arrangements, our coffee farmers are able to access the resources needed in the development of their communities, the preservation of their cultures, and the conservation of their lands.