LGBT Victims - Gay History Wiki

This is a list of LGBT's that were killed/murdered for being gay. To some they could be considered martyrs, to others victims. But what ever the status, they were all people whose lives tragically ended too early because they lived, or someone believed they lived, a life that they did not choose.

I should explain some of the entries here. Some people may not agree with including those who have committed suicide, but my argument here is that many of them would not have done so if the society in which they lived had accepted them and who they were. If they felt comfortable with their sexuality without having to worry about losing their families, jobs, and acceptance of God, they might not have done so. Additionally, there are severally entries that do not note what their sexuality was. These individuals came from lists that I had found long ago and didn't, at the time, think to note the specifics down. I will fix these notations as I am able to find additional information. They were most likely transgendered, as memorial lists for the transgendered are common, but I'm not 100% sure. The key for the various types of sexuality included in this list are as follows:

(L = Lesbian; G = Gay; B = Bi-sexual; T = Transgender; CD = Cross Dresser / Transvestite ; I = Intersexed; S = Straight, killed by association)

1st Century

Date Name Location SO Age Occupation Cause Killer
1 AD Dong Xian China G ? Emperor's lover forced suicide the emperor

13th Century

Date Name Location SO Age Occupation Cause Killer
1292 John de Wettre Ghent, Belgium G 29 Knife maker burned at stake Government in Ghent

14th Century

Date Portrait Name Location SO Age Occupation Cause Killer
1312 Piers Gaveston Kenilworth, England G ? Regent of England beheaded English gentry
1314 Guy d'Auvergne England G? ? Templar Knight burned at the stake ?
1314 Jacques de Molay England G? ? Templar GM burned at stake ?
1317 Robert de Peronne (dit de Bray) France G? ? ? burned at stake ?
1323 Arnaud de Vernioles Pamiers, France G ? subdeacon Life Imprisonment at monestary ?
1327 Edward II Plantagenet Berkeley Castle, England B ? King of England Impaled ?
1334 Pierre Porier Dorche, France ? ? ? burned at stake ?
1354 Unnamed Transvestite Venice, Italy T ? ? burned at stake ?
1365, May 7 Giovanni di Giovanni Florence, Italy G 15 prostitute? red-hot iron in anus Podesta Court
1372 Monsier Remoin France ? ? ? burned at stake ?

15th Century

Date Portrait Name Location SO Age Occupation Cause Killer
1435 Jacques Purgatoire Bourges, France ? ? ? burned at stake ?
1440 Gilles de Rais France ? ? ? burned at stake ?
1457 Gilles de Nevers France ? ? ? burned at stake ?


Knight of Honenberg Zurich G 30? Knight burned at stake City of Zurich


Squire of Honenberg Zurich G 18? Squire burned at stake City of Zurich

16th Century

Date Name Location SO Age Occupation Cause Killer
1513 40 men and a Prince Isthmus of Panama G ? nobles eaten by dogs Vasco Núñez de Balboa
1519 Jean Moret France ? ? ? burned at stake ?
1534 Antoine Mellin France ? ? ? condemned ?
1536 Benoit Grealou France ? ? Priest burned at stake ?
1540 Nicolas Ferry France ? ? ? burned at stake ?
1550, Jul 19 Jacopo Bonfadio Genoa, Italy G 42 historian beheaded Genoese Govt
1556 Dominique Phinot Lyon, France G 46 Composer ? ?
1566 Unnamed Florida ? ? Priest executed ?
1566 Guillermo Florida ? ? Lutheran Interpreter executed ?
1585 Transsexual #1 Seville, Spain T ? ? executed ?
1585 Transsexual #2 Seville, Spain T ? ? executed ?
1585 Transsexual #3 Seville, Spain T ? ? executed ?
1586 Nicolas Dadon France ? ? College Regent hung ?
1586 Richard Renviosy France ? ? Priest/Musician executed ?
1597 Alonso Telles Giron Place de Seville, Spain ? ? "il gran tio" executed ?
1598 Ruffin Fortias France ? ? ? burned at stake ?

17th Century

Date Name Location SO Age Occupation Cause Killer
1601 Jean-Imbert Brunet France G ? ? burned at stake ?
1602 Charles Auvre Paris, France G ? ? ? ?
1604 Unnamed Seville, Spain G ? Street Vendor ? ?
1611 Francois Beaupled France G ? ? burned at stake ?
1612 Gervais Lienard France G ? ? burned at stake ?
1619 Lucilio Vanini Toulouse, France G ? Priest executed ?
1621 Jean Fontaine ? G ? ? ? ?
1623 Toussaint Bedier France G ? ? hung ?
1624 Jean Perier France G ? ? burned at stake ?
1624 Richard Cornish Virginia Colony G ? Captain of 'Ambrose' executed ?
1631 Mervyn Touchet England B ? Earl of Castlehaven executed ?
1631 Florentius Fitz-Patrick Tyburn, London, Eng B ? Servant for Touchet executed ?
1631 Giles Broadway Tyburn, London, Eng B ? Servant of Touchet executed ?
1633 Leonard Moreuil France G ? ? burned at stake ?
1640 John Atherton Dublin, Ireland G 42 Bishop hung Irish Govt
1640 John Childe Brandon Bridge, Ireland G ? tithe proctor ? Irish Govt
1646 William Plaine New Haven, CT G ? ? ? ?
1646 Jan Creoli New Netherlands Colony G ? ? ? ?
1650 Felix Simon France G ? ? burned at stake ?
1654, Oct 24 Jerome Dusquesnoy Belgium G ? brother of sculptor Francois burned at stake ?
1655 John Knight New Haven, CT G ? a servant ? ?
1658 14 men Mexico City, Mex G ? ? burned Duke of Albuquerque
1660 Jan Quisthout van der Linde New Amsterdam Colony G ? ? ? ?
1661 Jacques Paulmier France G ? ? burned at staked ?
1661, Dec 29 Jacques Chausson Paris, France G ? ? burned at stake ?
1666 Antoine Mazouer France G ? ? burned at stake ?
1666 Emery Ange Dugaton France G ? ? burned at stake ?
1667 Claude Fabre France G ? ? hung ?
1671 Antoine Bouquet France G ? ? burned at stake ?
1677 Salomon Peresson France G ? ? burned at stake ?
1677 Philippe Bouvet de la Contamine France G ? ? hung ?
1678 Maurice Violain France G ? ? burned at stake ?
1678 Lambert Trippodiere France G ? ? burned at stake ?
1679, Nov Lisbetha Olsdotter Sweden L ? soldier decapitated Royal Court
1680 Rene du Tertre France G ? ? burned at stake ?

18th Century

Date Name Location SO Age Occupation Cause Killer
1703, Jan 22 Gabriel de Berger Netherlands G ? ? ? ?
1704, Jun 15 Ludwig le Gros Prussia G ? ? beheaded ?
1704, Jun 15 Martin Schultze Prussia G ? ? beheaded ?
1706, Oct 9 James Ball ? G ? English sailor executed (sod w/cabin boy)
1712 Mingo Massachusetts G ? slave ? ?
1714 Toussaint Pellien France G ? ? hung ?
1720 Philippe Basse France G ? ? burned at stake ?
1720 Bernard Mocmanesse France G ? ? burned at stake ?
1726 Benjamin DesHauffours Paris G ? ? burned at stake ?
1726, May 9 William Griffin Tyburn G ? ? hung ?
1726, May 9 Gabriel Lawrence Tyburn G ? ? hung ?
1726, May 9 Thomas Wright Tyburn G ? ? hung ?
1727, Dec 2 Adriaen Spoor Gun Island G ? ? ? ?
1727, Dec 2 Pieter Engels Gun Island G ? ? ? ?
1729, Jan 31 Ephraim Ostermann Prussia G ? baker ? ?
1730 Lt. Hans von Katte Prussia G ? soldier beheaded King of Prussia
1730 Anthony Byureegen Holland G 72 vendor executed ?
1730 Mathijs de Goijer Holland G 41 quartermaster executed ?
1730 Gerrit Frericks Holland G 48 farmer executed ?
1730 Steven Schuerings Holland G 19 soldier executed ?
1730 Hendrick van Battum Holland G 36 beggar executed ?
1730 Heribert V. Berselen Holland G ? servant strangled ?
1730 Jan van Beveren Holland G 42 clerk executed ?
1730 Jan van Lennek Holland G 57 cannon and vinter executed ?
1730, Jun 12 Herman Mouilliont Holland G ? servant hung ?
1730, Jun 12 Pieter Styn Holland G ? embroiderer hung ?
1730, Jun 12 Dirk van Royen Holland G ? ? hung ?
1730, Jun 12 Frans Verheyden Holland G ? ? hung ?
1730, Jun 12 Cornelius Wassemar Holland G ? milkman hung ?
1730, Jun 24 Johannes Keep Holland G ? decorator hung ?
1730, Jun 24 Pieter Morteyn Holland G ? ? strangled and burnt ?
1730, Jun 24 Janes Sohn Holland G ? ? strangled and burnt ?
1730, Jun 26 Cornelius Boes Holland G ? servant of Keep drowned ?
1730, Jun 26 Maurits van Eeden Holland G ? house servant drowned ?
1730, Jun 29 Steven Klok Holland G ? soldier strangled ?
1730, Jun 29 Jan Westhoff Holland G ? soldier strangled ?
1730, Jul 12 Casper Abrahams Berse Frisin, Netherlands G ? ? executed ?
1730, Jul 17 Leendert de Haas Holland G 60 candlemaker ? ?
1730, Jul 17 Casper Schroder Holland G ? distiller strangled ?
1730, Jul 21 Adriaen Kuyleman Holland G ? glove launderer hung ?
1730, Jul 21 Willem la Feber Holland G ? tavern keeper hung ?
1730, Jul 21 David Muntslager Holland G 50 stableman hung ?
1730, Jul 21 Pieter van der Hal Holland G ? grain carrier hung ?
1730, Jul 24 Cornelius Krevel Delft, Holland G 40 ? hung ?
1730, Jul 24 Jan Moens Delft, Holland G 55 ? hung ?
1730, Jul 24 Matthijs van der Meer Delft, Holland G 34 ? hung ?
1730, Sep 16 Lourens Hospuijn Holland G ? Chief Det. of Navy ? ?
1730, Sep 24 Hendrick Berents Zuidhorn, Holland G 32 ? strangled ?
1730, Sep 24 Jan Berents Zuidhorn, Holland G 19 ? strangled ?
1730, Sep 24 Jan Idses Zuidhorn, Holland G 19 ? strangled ?
1730, Sep 24 Gerrit Loer Zuidhorn, Holland G 46 ? strangled ?
1731, Sep 24 men Faan, Amsterdam G ? ? strangled ?
1750, Jul Bruno Lenoir Paris, France G ? ? burned at stake ?
1750, Jul Jean Diot Paris, France G ? ? burned at stake ?
1761, Jul 2 George Newton ? G ? English sailor ? ?
1761, Jul 2 Thomas Finney ? G ? English sailor ? ?
1763 Unnamed Man Amsterdam G ? ? executed ?
1773 M. Bourdeux France G 20 soldier double suicide self
1773 M. Humain France G 24 soldier double suicide self
1780, Apr 11 William Smith England G ? ? beaten in a pillory a mob
1783, Oct 1 Friar Jacques Francois Paschal France G ? ? ? ?
1785, Dec 20 Joseph Ross Pennsylvania G ? ? ? ?
1788 Unknown man of La Florida Havana, Cuba G ? ? executed Gov. Zespedes y Velasco
1797 Benson HMS St George G ? sailor executed British Govt
1797 Francis HMS St George G ? sailor executed British Govt
1797, May 15 Capt Henry Allen England G ? ? hung ?
1797, Jul 29 2 Unnamed Sailors ? G ? ? executed ?

19th Century

Date Name Location SO Age Occupation Cause Killer
1802 Greenwood HMS Vengeance G ? sailor executed British Govt
1802 Fuller HMS Vengeance G ? sailor executed British Govt
1806, Summer John Powell Lancaster, Eng G ? ? hung ?
1806, Summer Thomas Rix Lancaster, Eng G ? ? hung ?
1806, Summer Samuel Stocton Lancaster, Eng G ? ? hung ?
1806, Summer Isaac Hitchen Lancaster, Eng G ? ? hung ?
1806, Summer Joseph Holland Lancaster, Eng G ? ? hung ?
1808, Spring William Billey Kent, England G ? ? hung ?
1809, Spring James Bartlett Surrey, England G ? ? hung ?
1811, Spring Thomas Cox Berkshire, England G ? ? hung ?
1811, Mar 7 John Newbolt Hepburn London, England G 42 English Navy Ensign hung British Govt
1811, Mar 7 Thomas White London, England G 16 English Navy Drummer hung British Govt
1812, Apr David Thompson Myers Northumberland G ? ? ? ?
1813, Spring George Godfrey Kent, England G ? ? hung ?
1813, Spring Robert King Kent, England G ? ? hung ?
1814, Spring William Wheeler Salisbury, Eng G ? ? hung ?
1814, Summer John Otooway Kent, England G ? ? hung ?
1814, Summer Henry Youens Kent, England G ? ? hung ?
1816, Feb 1 4 men London, England G ? Sailors on 'Africaine' hung ?
1819, Jul 28 Daniel Howard New York G ? ? ? in prison
1822, Jul 19 John Moverly England G ? Sailor ? ?
1828, Dec 22 George Browne NSW, Australia G ? ? ? ?
1829 Alexander Sergeyevich Griboyedov Russia? G ? ? beaten mob
1829, Jan 7 William Maxwell England G ? Sailor hung ?
1832, Feb 28 Michael Connolly NSW, Australia G ? ? ? ?
1833, Aug Capt. Nicholas Nicholls London, Eng G 50 Ship Capt ? ?
1833, Aug 12 Henry Nichols England G ? ? hung ?
1834, Feb 15 Samuel Jones NSW, Australia G ? ? ? ?
1834, May 19 Michael Cary NSW, Australia G ? ? ? ?
1835, Apr 8 John Smith London, Eng G ? ? hung ?
1835, Apr 8 James Pratt London, Eng G ? ? hung ?
1835, Jul James Hony NSW, Australia G ? ? beaten ?
1836, May Stanley Stokes Brighton, Eng G ? ? ? ?
1836, Nov 10 William Hazeldon NSW, Australia G ? ? ? ?
1836, Nov 17 John Mead NSW, Australia G ? ? ? ?
1839, Aug 7 Thomas Parry NSW, Australia G ? ? ? ?
1864, Oct 28 Frederick Jones Utah G ? ? murdered lover's father
1870, Jun 18 Lord Arthur Pelham-Clinton England G 30 gentlemen suicide self
1871, Nov 23 Ada Brown Lewiston, Maine L 14 student drowned double suicide
1871, Nov 23 Anna Wood Lewiston, Maine L 16 student drowned double suicide
1886 Ludwig II von Wittelsbach Bavaria G ? King of Bavaria drowned ?suicide
1886, Dec 25 Lizzie Hart Boston, MA L 19 unemployed poison double suicide
1886, Dec 25 Sadie Bigelow Boston, MA L 19 unemployed poison double suicide
1891, Mar 4 L. Franentna Cincinnati, OH G? ? student ? double suicide
1891, Mar 4 Ernest Salinger Cincinnati, OH G? ? student ? double suicide
1891, Easter Portia Hill Doyle White Oaks, NM L ? governess shot double suicide
1891, Easter Jessie Rigley White Oaks, NM L ? governess shot double suicide
1891, Aug 1 Mrs. Jack Sanders Fort Worth, TX L ? housewife morphine double suicide
1891, Aug 1 Silence Morgan Fort Worth, TX L ? "women of the town" morphine double suicide
1891, Sep 2 Anna Gorosowski Buffalo, NY L? ? ? hung double suicide
1891, Sep 2 Catharine Schmidt Buffalo, NY L? ? ? hung double suicide
1892 Freda Ward ? L 17 ? murdered love Alice Mitchell
1892 Alice Mitchell ? L 19 ? life in insane asylum self
1892, May 13 Unknown Highgate, England L? ? ? drowned double suicide
1892, May 13 Unknown Highgate, England L? ? ? drowned double suicide
1894, Oct 17 Harris Olney Brooklyn, NY G? 28 jockey gas double suicide
1894, Oct 17 James Dalton Brooklyn, NY G? ? horse races gas double suicide
1895 Mollie Dale New York L ? ? killed her father
1896, Apr 25 Edna Varney Downsville, WI L? 16 ? drowned double suicide
1896, Apr 25 Emma Cunningham Downsville, WI L? 15 ? drowned double suicide
1896, Dec 31 Harry Ridgely Baltimore, MD G? 30 ? gas double suicide
1896, Dec 31 John C. Griffith Baltimore, MD G? 30 ? gas double suicide
1897, Feb 10 R. A. Newcome Grand Island, Neb G? ? merchant? gas double suicide
1897, Feb 10 Unknown Grand Island, Neb G? ? merchant? gas double suicide
1897, Apr 28 Dr. J. C. McCall San Francisco, CA G? ? doctor poison? double suicide
1897, Apr 28 Frank Boley San Francisco, CA G? ? carpenter poison? double suicide
1897, Oct 2 Robert Monroe 1261 Broadway, NYC G ? theatre producer? suffocation double suicide
1897, Oct 2 Unknown Man 1261 Broadway, NYC G 24 theatre? suffocation double suicide
1898, Aug 18 Bessie Foust Philadelphia, PA L ? ? drowned double suicide
1898, Aug 18 Maud Hoffnagle Philadelphia, PA L ? ? drowned double suicide
1899, Apr 10 Gertie Leland Columbus, Ohio L 18 servant poison double suicide
1899, Apr 10 Daisy Null Columbus, Ohio L 17 servant poison double suicide
1899, Nov 1 Unknown Chicago, IL G? ? laborer asphyxiated double suicide
1899, Nov 1 Unknown Chicago, IL G? ? laborer asphyxiated double suicide

1900 - 1919

Date Portrait Name Location SO Age Occupation Cause Killer
1900, Sep 8 Robert Truax Deadwood, SD G? ? miner shot ?
1900, Sep 8 Patrick Nagle Deadwood, SD G? ? miner shot ?
1900, Oct 14 Donald Breker Pana, IL G? ? ? hit by train double suicide
1900, Oct 14 Antone Ruchem Pana, IL G? ? ? hit by train double suicide
1903, May 6 John Ryan Yuma, Arizona G? ? ? hung in cell suicide
1904, May 5 Charles Douglass Camden, NJ G 43 ? laudanum double suicide
1904, May 5 John Zeigler Camden, NJ G ? ? carbolic acid double suicide
1904, Oct 11 Minnie Hand Kankakee, IL L? 20 ? strychnine double suicide
1904, Oct 11 Lulu Cook Kankakee, IL L? 14 ? strychnine double suicide
1904, Dec 5 Charles Nelson New York, NY G? 23 ? gas double suicide
1904, Dec 30 George Weber New York, NY G? 32 ? cyanide of potassium double suicide
1904, Dec 30 George Brown New York, NY G? 32 ? cyanide of potassium double suicide
1905, Jun 16 Mrs. Young Freeport, IL L? 28 ? drowned double suicide
1905, Jun 16 Miss Meda Pyle Freeport, IL L? 16 ? drowned double suicide
1906, Jan 27 W. A. Sewell Philadelphia, PA G ? ? gas double suicide
1906, Jan 27 Leo T. Livingston Philadelphia, PA G ? ? gas double suicide
1906, Aug 17 Unknown Sparta, WI G? 35 ? hit by train double suicide
1906, Aug 17 Unknown Sparta, WI G? 20 ? hit by train double suicide
1907, Jul 15 Jiu Jin "Qinxiong" China L 32 revolutionary beheaded Government of China
1907, Sep 27 Unknown Hamilton, OH G 28 ? gas double suicide
1907, Sep 27 Unknown Hamilton, OH G 23 ? gas double suicide
1907, Dec 16 Hubert M. Schmidt Milwaukee, WI G 20 janitor slit throat double suicide
1907, Dec 16 Thomas M. Stanton Milwaukee, WI G 25 ? gun double suicide
1908, Feb 12 Peter Toomey New York, NY G? 30 waiter gas double suicide
1908, Feb 12 George Molloy New York, NY G? 30 waiter gas double suicide
1910 unnamed Denver, Colorado G ? engineering student ? suicide
1911, Jan 24 George Cale Cleveland, OH G? ? ? ? double suicide
1911, Jan 24 Otto Hummel Cleveland, OH G? ? ? ? double suicide
1913, May Col. Alfred Redl Germany G 49 Army officer suicide self

1920 - 1969

Date Portrait Name Location SO Age Occupation Cause Killer
1932, Apr 27


Hart Crane SS Orizaba, Gulf of Mexico G 33 poet suicide self
1934, Jun 30


Edmund Heines Munich, Ger G 37 SA Gruppenführer shot SS Officers
1934, Jun 30 Unidentified Munich, Ger G 18 SA Troop Leader shot SS Officers
1934, Jun 30


Karl Ernst Lichterflede, Berlin, Ger B? 30 SA Gruppenführer shot SS firing squad
1934, Jul 1


Emil Sembach Germany G 43 SS Oberfuhrer shot SS officers
1934, Jul 2 Ernst Roehm Munich, Ger G 47 SA Leader shot Adolf Hitler?
1965, Sep 20


Claude Berkeley Amsterdam G 30 film director bludgeoned Hans von Zon
1968, Oct 31


Ramon Novarro Hollywood, CA G 69 silent film star beaten Paul & Tom Ferguson
1969 J. McCann Los Angeles, CA G ? ? beaten police
1969, Apr 22 Frank Bartley Berkeley, CA G 34 ? shot policeman
1969, Jun 18 unknown Reggio Emillia, Italy G ? ? shot / suicide? police raid


Date Name Location SO Age Occupation Cause Killer
1970, Mar 8 Laverne (Larry) Turner Los Angeles, Ca T ? ? shot LAPD
1972 Unidentified New York, NY T ? ? stabbed ?
1972, April 21 Michelle (Maxwell) Confait London T ? ? burned alive ?
1972, Dec 24 Edward D. Moore Long Beach, CA B ? Marine strangled Randy Kraft
1973 Jamie Ford San Diego, CA G ? ? stabbed ?
1973, Feb 6 Unidentified #1 Long Beach, CA G 18-20 ? strangled Randy Kraft
1973, April 6? Unidentified #2 Huntington Beach, Ca G ? ? suffocated Randy Kraft
1973, April 22 Unidentified #3 Sunset Beach, Ca G 20 ? strangled Randy Kraft
1973, Nov 24 William Battles South Bronx, NY G ? ? beaten ?
1974 Harvey Aberles New York, NY T ? ? shot NYPD
1974, Jun 24 Jae Stevens San Francisco, CA T ? ? stabbed ?
1974, Aug 3 Thomas Lee Long Beach, Ca oil field G 25 ? strangled Randy Kraft
1974, Nov 26 James Reeves Costa Mesa, Ca G 19 ? suffocated Randy Kraft
1975, Mar 15 Barbarela (Joe V.) San Francisco, CA T ? ? stabbed ?
1975, Apr Lisa R. Yancey San Francisco, CA T ? ? stabbed ?
1976 Toni Lee New York, NY T ? ? stabbed ?
1976, Apr 4 Jody Susan Ford Birmingham, AL ? ? ? shot ?
1976, May Nikki ? T ? ? thrown off roof ?
1976, May 20 Terri Williams Moore Lynnville, IA ? ? ? shot ?
1977, Feb 14 Robert Gary New Orleans, LA G ? ? stabbed 50x Warren Harris
1977, Mar 21 Jack Savell New Orleans, LA G ? ? stabbed Warren Harris
1977, Apr 1 Alvin Delano New Orleans, LA G ? ? stabbed Warren Harris
1977, Apr Ernest Pommier New Orleans, LA G 75 ? stabbed Warren Harris
1977, Jun 21 Robert Hillsborough San Francisco, CA G 33 Gardner stabbed 15x John Cordova
1977, Jul 10 Benderella Tacoma, WA T ? ? shot ?
1977, Jul 24 Cynthia Coffman Nashville, TN ? ? ? shot ?
1977, Jul 24 Felicia Coffman Nashville, TN ? ? ? shot ?
1977, Dec 21 Perry Young New York, NY ? ? ? shot ?
1978, Feb 9 Giovanni Campi Lombardi, Italy G ? ? ? ?
1978, Mar 14 Giovanni Gelati Lombardi, Italy G ? ? ? ?
1978, Nov 27 Harvey Milk San Francisco, CA G 48 City Councilman shot Dan White
1978, Dec 18 Luciano Stefanato Veneto, Italy G ? ? ? ?
1979 Unidentified Boston, MA T ? ? ? ?
1979 Ernest Garcia ? G ? ? ? ?
1979 Charles Moya ? G 30 ? ? ?
1979 Tony Gutierrez ? G 32 ? ? ?
1979, May 22 Dario Taddei Toscana, Italy G ? ? ? ?
1979, Aug 4 Angelo Marzari Veneto, Italy G 55 ? ? ?
1979, Oct 7 Steven Charles Manhattan, NY G 17 ? beaten Costabile "Gus" Farace
1979, Dec 12 Claudio Costa Veneto, Italy G ? ? ? ?
1979, Dec 16 Rita Sellers El Rancho, CA G ? ? ? ?

1980 - 1984

Date Portrait Name Location SO Age Occupation Cause Killer
1980 Kristi Independence Kelly California T ? ? ? Dannites?
1980, Mar 28 Carol Ann Oetting Austin, TX L 42 ? shot ?
1980, Apr 30 Domenico Raso Valdaosta, Italy G ? ? ? ?
1980, Jun 30 Antonio Mannara Lazio, Italy G 24 ? ? ?
1980, Oct 17 Antonio Galatola Sicily, Italy G 15 ? ? ?
1980, Oct 17 Giorgio Giammona Sicily, Italy G 25 ? ? ?
1980, Dec 15 Jean Shelley Boushard Fox Howell, NJ T 32 ? shot Robert Fox
1981 (March 3?)


Steve Kennedy San Francisco, CA G 29? ? shot ?
1981, Jan 3 Barbara Brodie Feltonville, PA T ? ? impaled ?
1981, Mar 3 Ernestine (Ernest) Murray Oakland, CA T 32 ? shot ?
1981, Mar 3 Joe Duque Bexar Co., TX G 18 student beaten David Villarreal
1981, Aug 15 Andre Vacarro Providence, RI T ? ? stabbed/shot ?
1981, Oct 7


Diane Delia New York, NY T 24 drag performer shot 4x Robert Ferrara
1981, Dec 4 James Weber Central Park, NY G 42 actor shot David Bullock
1981, Dec 15 Stephen Hassell New York, NY G 29 businessman shot David Bullock
1981, Dec 23 Michael Winley Harlem River, NY G? ? male prostitute? shot David Bullock
1981, Dec 25 Heriberto Morales New York, NY G 50 ? shot David Bullock
1981, Dec 25 Terry Wilson New York, NY ? ? ? stabbed ?
1982 Unidentified Quebec, Canada T ? ? stabbed ?
1982, Jan 4 Unidentified Washington, DC T ? ? shot ?
1982, Jan 4 Eric Fuller Mount Morris Park, NY G 28 ? shot David Bullock
1982, Feb 16 Dianne Aubert ? T ? ? stabbed 121x ?
1982, Mar 5 Carlo Lombardi Campania, Italy G ? ? ? ?
1982, Mar 7 Agostino Sanseverino Sicily, Italy G 32 ? ? ?
1982, Mar 22 Jay Reynolds Lexington, KY ? ? ? ? Larry Eyler
1982, Apr 24 Salvatore Pappalardo Lazio, Italy G 36 ? ? ?
1982, Jun 19 Amedeo Gilli Lazio, Italy G 56 ? ? ?
1982, Jun 23 Cosimo Agnusdei Lazio, Italy G 65 ? ? ?
1982, Jun 28 Ignazio Porcari Lazio, Italy G ? ? ? ?
1982, Aug 1 Umberto Regosa Emilia Romagna, Italy G 47 ? ? ?
1982, Aug 10 Rickey Lee Bryant Fort Worth, TX G ? ? ? lover
1982, Sep 14 David Fields Pittsburg, PA G 17 escort throat cut unsolved
1982, Sep 14 Kim Loring Rodgers Pittsburg, PA G 27 escort throat cut unsolved
1982, Oct 3 Delvoyd Baker Indianapolis, IN G 14 ? ? Larry Eyler
1982, Oct 23 Steven Crockett Indianapolis, IN G 19 ? ? Larry Eyler
1982, Nov 6 Robert Foley Indiana G ? ? ? Larry Eyler
1982, Dec 25 John Johnson Belshaw, IN G 25 ? ? Larry Eyler
1982, Dec 28 John Roach Belleville, IN G 21 ? ? Larry Eyler
1982, Dec 28 Steven Agan Newport, IN G ? ? ? Larry Eyler
1983 Tara O'Hara Berlin, Germany T ? ? beaten ?
1983, Jan 10 Luigi Pitera Campania, Italy G 36 ? ? ?
1983, Jan 10 Vincenzo Contini Campania, Italy G 42 ? ? ?
1983, Aug 31 Ralph Calise Lake Forest, IL G ? ? ? Larry Eyler
1983, Sep 16 Andrea de Luca Lazio, Italy G 55 ? ? ?
1983, Oct 4 Derrick Hansen Kenosha, WA G 14 ? ? ?
1983, Oct 15 Linda Williams Yonkers, NY G ? ? stabbed ?
1983, Dec 7 Richard Wayne Indianapolis, IN G ? ? ? Larry Eyler
1984 Unidentified Miami, FL T ? ? shot ?
1984 Adele Bailry Victoria, Australia ? ? ? shot ?
1984, May Chiron (Allen Byrd) Collins Philadelphia, PA T ? ? stabbed 42x ?
1984, Jul 7 Charlie Howard Bangor, ME ? ? ? thrown from bridge ?
1984, Jul 27 Paolo Oniti Lazio, Italy G 44 ? ? ?
1984, Aug 4 Giuseppe Muccio Piemonte, Italy G 32 ? ? ?
1984, Aug 21 Danny Bridges Chicago, IL G 15 male prostitute ? Larry Eyler
1984, Sep 4 Geradious Romers Lazio, Italy G 39 ? ? ?
1984, Sep 14 Giancarlo Raspi Umbria, Italy G 38 ? ? ?
1984, Oct 20 Philip Robert Filshire Toronto, Canada ? ? ? stabbed ?

1985 - 1989

Date Name Location SO Age Occupation Cause Killer
1985, Jan 26 Mario Beato Lazio, Italy G 70 ? ? ?
1985, Mar 1 Tianna (Timothy) Langly Philadelphia, PA T ? ? shot ?
1985, Apr 17 Cortez Morris Philadelphia, PA ? ? ? stabbed ?
1985, Jul 16 Felix Benitez New York, NY ? ? ? ? ?
1985, Jul 17 Stella (Jerome Brent) Essie Chicago, IL T ? ? sledgehammer ?
1985, Aug 15 Clyde Massie Pittsburgh, PA ? ? ? shot ?
1985, Sep 3 Giovanni Milianti Tuscany, Italy G 42 ? ? ?
1985, Oct 7 Jessica (Gerardo) Castillo New Brunswick, NY T ? ? shot ?
1985, Nov 1 Gennaro Ciciola Lazio, Italy G 40 ? ? ?
1985, Dec 1 Francesco Bottiglieri Lombardia, Italy G ? ? ? ?
1986, Apr 6 Carlos Humberto Licona Tegucigalpa, Honduras G ? ? shot 4x ?
1986, May Louise Wan Florida ? ? ? beaten ?
1986, May 10 Bruno Dejana Piemonte, Italy G 54 ? ? ?
1986, Jun 30 Tanya (Jonathan) Streater Philadelphia, PA T ? ? shot ?
1986, Jun 30 Tina (Faustino) Arroyo Philadelphia, PA T ? ? shot ?
1986, Jul 17 Alfred Miess Rowswell Los Angeles, CA G 46 ? ? Juan Chavez
1986, Sep Floyd Olson Minneapolis, MN G ? ? strangled ?
1986, Sep 16 Dianne (Anthony Ellsworth) Carter Boston, MA T ? ? shot ?
1986, Oct 1 David F. McLaughlin Syracuse, NY ? ? ? stabbed ?
1986, Oct 31 "John" Desert City, CA ? ? ? shot ?
1986, Nov 23 Kenneth Kenner ? G 39 ? roofing hatchet ?
1987 Anthony Milano Levittown, PA ? ? ? ? ?
1987 Marvin Ball Oklahoma City, OK ? ? ? shot ?
1987, Jan 1 Raymond Keam Alison Park, Australia ? ? ? beaten ?
1987, Jan 12 Michelle Byrne Nashville, TN ? ? ? tortured / beaten ?
1987, Feb 6 Jane (James Boyd) Golden St. Petersburg, FL T ? ? ? ?
1987, Mar 2 Lisa Janna Black Toronto, Canada ? ? ? stabbed in eye ?
1987, May 25 Antonio Fiorino Sicily, Italy G ? ? ? ?
1987, Jul Camilla (Cam) Lyman Hopkinson, RI T ? ? ? ?
1987, Sep 16 Lodovico Mosconi Lombardia, Italy G 59 ? ? ?
1987, Oct 4 Franco Migani Emilia Romagna, Italy G ? ? ? ?
1987, Oct 4 Gabriele Montanari Emilia Romagna, Italy G ? ? ? ?
1987, Nov 3 Attilio Balistreri Sicily, Italy G 63 ? strangled ?
1987, Nov 27 Gennaro Marino Campania, Italy G 44 ? ? ?
1987, Dec 25 Crystal (Rosando) Sanches Reyes Oxnard, CA T ? ? shot ?
1988 Ruby Bota Gibsonton, FL ? ? ? ? ?
1988 Cesare Cerutti de Castigliano Piemonte, Italy G 63 ? ? ?
1988, May 15 Richard Reihl Hartford, CT ? ? ? bludgeoned ?
1988, May 15 Tommy Trimble Texas G 34 ? ? serial killer
1988, May 15 Lloyd Griffin Texas G 27 ? ? serial killer
1988, Jun 26 Samantha York Fayetteville, NC ? ? ? ? ?
1988, Jul 17 Ramon Baez Mexico City, Mex G ? ? ? ?
1988, Jul 21 Luca Coppola Sicily, Italy G 31 ? ? ?
1988, Jul 21 Giancarlo Prati Sicily, Italy G 45 ? ? ?
1988, Sep 24 Sergio Borgiotti Toscany, Italy G 47 ? ? ?
1988, Sep 24 Wildmer Biagini Emilia Romagno, Italy G 51 ? ? ?
1988, Oct 4 Charles Albert Lizotte Toronto, Canada G ? ? beaten ?
1988, Oct 20 Toni (David) Lowry Pittsburgh, CA T ? ? stabbed ?
1988, Nov 4 Vernon Sivilla Norfolk, VA G ? ? hit and run ?
1988, Nov 20 Unidentified Santa Ana, CA G ? ? shot ?
1988, Dec 28 William Allen Alexandria Park, Australia G ? ? beaten ?
1989 Venus Xtravaganza New York, NY T ? ? ? ?
1989 Petty Santiago South Bronx, NY ? ? ? ? ?
1989 Ross Warren South Bondi, Australia G ? ? thrown from cliff ?
1989 John Russell South Bondi, Australia G 31 ? thrown from cliff ?
1989, Jan 15 Giacomo Brigliano Liguria, Italy G 50 ? ? ?
1989, Feb 16 Steven Hernandez Portland, OR G ? ? ? ?
1989, Mar 18 Adriano Gioia Lazio, Italy G ? ? ? ?
1989, May Lindsay (Todd Asay) Alexander San Francisco, CA T ? ? shot ?
1989, May 24 Francesco Raiteri Piemonte, Italy G ? ? ? ?
1989, Jun 28 Carla Leigh Salazar Santa Ana, CA G ? ? stabbed ?
1989, Sep 15 Ruben Jarin Panis Los Angeles, CA G ? clothes designer ? Juan Chavez
1989, Sep 28 Giuseppe Aliprandi Lazio, Italy G 52 ? ? ?
1989, Sep 28 Mickael Tartakowsky Lazio, Italy G 57 ? ? ?
1989, Oct 1 Juaquin Jiminez New York, NY ? ? ? beaten ?
1989, Oct 12 Donald Charles Kleeman Los Angeles, CA G ? ? ? Juan Chavez
1989, Oct 22 Robert Sibert ? G ? ? shot Keith Goodman
1989, Oct 23 Michael Allen Cates Los Angeles, CA G ? ? ? Juan Chavez
1989, Oct 31 Salvatore Barraco Liguia, Italy G 53 ? ? ?
1989, Nov 5 Leo Hildebrand Los Angeles, CA G ? ? ? Juan Chavez
1989, Nov 28 Brian Poole Balboa Park, San Diego, CA G ? ? ? ?
1989, Nov 29 Dr. Martha Alsup Anguilla L ? ? ? ?
1989, Nov 29 Dr. Susan Galbin Anguilla L ? ? ? ?
1989, Dec 2 Charles Dorfeouil Lombardi, Italy G 48 ? ? ?
1989, Dec 21 Harold D. Williams ? G ? ? shot Keith Goodman


Date Name Location SO Age Occupation Cause Killer
1990 3 men Nahavand G ? ? ? ?
1990 2 women Langrood L ? ? stoned ?
1990 Charlie Resender Texas G 38 ? ? ?
1990 Thanh Nguyen Texas G 29 ? ? ?
1990, Jun 11 Castra Nova Estabon ? T ? ? shot ?
1990, Jun 24 Sherri Ransom ? T ? ? beaten ?
1990, Jul 2 Jose Angel Osuna ? G? ? ? shot ?
1990, Sep 4 Donald Pierce ? G ? ? run over ?
1990, Oct Tasha Dunn ? T ? ? bludgeoned ?
1990, Nov 5 Michelle Maree ? ? ? ? shot ?
1990, Dec 24 Edna Brown Atlanta, GA T ? ? shot ?


Date Name Location SO Age Occupation Cause Killer
1991 David A. Perez ? G ? ? ? ?
1991, Oct Lynn Therrett ? ? ? ? ? ?
1991, Oct 14 Huriell (David King) Lockett Atlanta, GA T ? ? shot ?
1991, Oct 29 Unknown Atlanta, GA T ? ? blunt force ?
1991, Oct 29 Rhonda (Ronnie Dean Lyles) Star Atlanta, GA T ? ? shot ?
1991, Nov 8 Jean (Woodrow) Powell Atlanta, GA T ? ? shot ?
1991, Dec 17 Kenneth (Midnight) Robinson ? T ? ? stabbed ?
1991, Dec 29 Richard Goldman ? G ? ? shot his father


Date Name Location SO Age Occupation Cause Killer
1992, Feb 13 James Holman Colorado G 36 ? stabbed ?
1992, Feb 18 Jessy Santiago ? T ? ? stabbed ?
1992, May 22 Mauricio Bassa California G ? ? ? ?
1992, May 30 Harold Draper ? G ? ? stabbed ?
1992, May 30 John Garfield California G ? ? ? ?
1992, June Rene "Michelle" Ouellet ? G ? ? stabbed ?
1992, Jun 2 David Stewart Colorado G ? ? stabbed ?
1992, Jun 11 Sanford "Sam" Swift ? G ? ? ? ?
1992, Jun 18 Unknown Oaxaca, Mex T ? ? beaten ?
1992, Jul 6 Marsha P. Johnson ? T ? ? drowned ?
1992, Jul 13 Rene de la Torre Gonzales Mexico City, Mex G ? ? stabbed ?
1992, Jul 13 Francisco Estrada Valle Mexico City, Mex G ? ? stabbed ?
1992, Jul 13 Javier Rivero Melendez Mexico City, Mex G ? ? stabbed ?
1992, Jul 13 Francisco Palomera Pimentel Mexico City, Mex G ? ? stabbed ?
1992, Jul 13 Nicolas Amerena Lagunes Mexico City, Mex G ? ? stabbed ?
1992, Jul 16 Benjamin Zesch Colorado G 61 ? stabbed ?
1992, Sep 15 Robert Ferrell Colorado G 57 ? stabbed ?
1992, Oct 24 Joseph Charles Holleran Arizona G ? ? beaten ?
1992, Nov Victor Hugo Casitlejos Tuxtia, Mex G ? ? shot ?
1992, Nov 8 Anthony Swain Atlanta, GA G ? ? stabbed ?
1992, Dec Stephanie (Stephen) Chapman ? T ? ? shot ?
1992, Dec 8 Grayce "Candace" Baxter ? T ? ? choked ?
1992, Dec 19 Derry Glenn Atlanta, GA G ? ? shot ?
1992, Dec 20 Unidentified Atlanta, GA T ? ? shot ?
1992, Dec 21 Jack Cowles ? G ? ? ? ?
1992, Dec 21 Kenneth Love ? G ? ? ? ?
1992, Dec 26 Anthony Carr Colorado G 33 ? stabbed ?


Date Name Location SO Age Occupation Cause Killer
1993 Peter Walker Battersea, Eng G ? choreographer suffocated Colin Ireland
1993 Christopher Dunn Wealdstone, Eng G ? librarian suffocated Colin Ireland
1993 Perry Bradley III Kensington, Eng G 35 (American) strangled Colin Ireland
1993 Andrew Collier Dalston, Eng G 33 ? strangled Colin Ireland
1993, Jan 3 Eric Moore ? G ? ? ? ?
1993, Jan 7 Ana Maria Rosales ? T ? ? ? ?
1993, Jan 8 Charles Logan ? G ? ? ? ?
1993, Jan 14 Elizabeth Kelle Davidson Georgia L ? ? shot ?
1993, Jan 22 Randy Gonzales Colorado G 26 ? stabbed ?
1993, Jan 26 Christiana D'Arcy Hartford, CT T ? ? strangled ?
1993, Feb 3 Alan Haskell ? G ? ? ? ?
1993, Feb 6 Neftali Ramirez Ruiz Tuxtia, Mex G ? ? shot ?
1993, Feb 14 James Flaherty Florida G 52 ? stabbed & strangled ?
1993, Mar 11 Michael Cooper Florida G ? ? multiple gunshot ?
1993, Jul 7 Keith Michael Ogden California G ? ? ? ?
1993, Jul 8 John Duncan O'Friel California G ? ? ? ?
1993, Jul 21 James Primus Alabama G ? ? ? ?
1993, Jul 30 Chris Miller Little Rock, Arkansas G ? ? stabbed and beaten 3 men
1993, Aug Emanuel Joseph Spiteri ? G ? chef strangled Colin Ireland
1993, Aug 5 Father Ronald Dwayne Maupin Napa, CA G ? ? stabbed ?
1993, Aug 17 Donnie O. Osby Florida G ? ? shot ?
1993, Sep 6 Dinh Van Vo Honolulu, HI G ? ? strangled ?
1993, Sep 16 Ricky Godbolt ? ? ? ? ? ?
1993, Sep 16 Rogers Donahue ? ? ? ? ? ?
1993, Oct 7 Marquita Johnson ? ? ? ? shot 3x ?
1993, Oct 8 Robert Walter Laurel, Miss G 34 ? ? 16 year old
1993, Oct 8 Joseph Shoemake Laurel, Miss G 24 ? ? 16 year old
1993, Nov 2 Steven R. Heyman Colorado G 47 ? bludgeoned ?
1993, Dec Brandon Teena Falls City, Neb. T ? ? ? ?
1993, Dec 10 James Maile Connecticut G 25 ? bludgeoned ?
1993, Dec 19 Larry Venzant Chicago, IL T 20 ? stabbed David Feikema
1993, Dec 22 James Graves California G 50 ? ? ?


Date Name Location SO Age Occupation Cause Killer
1994, Jan 2 Johanna Langer ? ? ? ? stabbed 120x ?
1994, Jan 16 Duane Linsley Arizona ? ? ? shot ?
1994, Feb 5 Paul McClure ? ? ? ? ? ?
1994, Feb 25 Ronnie Hugh Smith Arkansas G 58 ? bludgeoned ?
1994, March Craig Duncan Florida G ? ? stabbed ?
1994, Mar 18 Frank W. White ? ? ? ? ? ?
1994, Mar 24 Tony Ray California ? ? ? ? ?
1994, Mar 28 Tommy Wenger California ? ? ? ? ?
1994, Apr Raymundo Figueroa Pinto Carnitan, Mex G ? ? ? ?
1994, Apr 4 Robert Haines Arizona G ? ? shot ?
1994, Apr 4 David A. Jarman ? G ? ? ? ?
1994, May 8 Bruce Hutchinson Colorado G ? ? bludgeoned ?
1994, May 9 Andrew Rowe ? ? ? ? ? ?
1994, May 10 Marvin Greenwell ? ? ? ? ? ?
1994, May 17 Stuart Jerome Moses ? ? ? ? ? ?
1994, May 23 Paul Anderson Colorado ? ? ? ? ?
1994, Jun 6 Michael Despain Arizona ? ? ? ? ?
1994, Jun 23 Shelton Thigpen ? ? ? ? ? ?
1994, Jul 4 Therman Brown California ? ? ? ? ?
1994, Sep 17 Lazaro Comesana Miami, Florida G ? ? strangled ?
1994, Oct 17 Jon Simmons California ? ? ? ? ?
1994, Oct 26 Luna Tegucigalpa, Honduras T ? ? ? ?
1994, Nov 3 Claudio Orlando dos Santos Florianopolis, Brazil G ? Pres of ADDH beaten police
1994, Nov 20 Walter Jammell Hinton Florida G 43 ? ? ?
1994, Dec 2 Terrie Ladwig Concord, CA T 28 ? strangled ?
1994, Dec 12 Thomas Frazee Arizona G 28 ? shot ?


Date Name Location SO Age Occupation Cause Killer
1995 Mara Duvouw ? ? ? ? ? ?
1995, May 8 Bill Clayton ? ? ? ? ? ?
1995, May 15 Debra Forte ? T ? ? beaten & stabbed ?
1995, June Unknown Santiago, Chile T ? ? beaten ?
1995, Jun 27 Liborio Cruz Calzada de Tlalpan, Mex. G ? ? beaten ?
1995, Aug 7 Tyra Hunter Washington, DC T ? ? refused medical Hospital ER
1995, Aug 18 Mocha Celis ? T ? ? shot ?
1995, Oct 11 Quincy Favors Taylor Atlanta, GA T ? ? shot ?
1995, Oct 14 Steven Wilson Middletown, Delaware G ? ? beaten & drowned ?
1995, Nov 20 Chanelle Pickett ? T ? ? beaten & strangled ?


Date Name Location SO Age Occupation Cause Killer
1996, Mar 22 Christian Paige Chicago, IL T 24 female impersonator stabbed 15+x ?
1996, May 20 Shawn Keegan Toronto, Canada T 19 prostitute shot 2x Marcello Palma
1996, May 20 Deanna (Thomas) Wilkinson Toronto, Canada T 31 prostitute shot Marcello Palma
1996, Jul 20 Keooudorn Phothisane Minneapolis, MN T 21 prostitute? bludgeoned ?
1996, Aug 15 Thomas Hall Wahiawa, HI G ? ? beaten ?
1996, Nov 4 Dion Webster ? ? ? ? stabbed ?
1996, Nov 9 Alan Fitzgerald Walker Fayetteville, Arizona ? ? ? beaten & strangled ?


Date Portrait Name Location SO Age Occupation Cause Killer
1997 Toya Charlton ? ? ? ? shot ?
1997, Apr 27 Jeffrey Allen Trail Minneapolis, MN ? ? ? ? Andrew Phillip Cunanan
1997, May 3 David Jon Madson Rush City, MN ? ? ? shot 3x Andrew Phillip Cunanan
1997, Jun 25 Delfino Martinez Galvez Mexico ? ? ? ? ?
1997, Jul 15


Gianni Versace Miami Beach, FL G 50 designer shot Andrew Phillip Cunanan
1997, Jul 25 Irving Sicherer Aventura, FL G ? ? ? ?
1997, Jul 25 Anthony Martilotto Fort Lauderdale, FL G ? ? ? ?
1997, Aug 25 six Inmates Jamaica ? ? ? ? other prisoners
1997, Oct Stacey Estupinian Guatemala City, Guat. ? ? ? ? ?
1997, Oct 2 Maria "La Conchita" Palencia ? ? ? ? shot ?
1997, Oct 14 Luis Palencio Guatemala City, Guat. ? ? ? ? ?
1997, Oct 15 Robert H. Jones New Castle, Delaware G ? ? shot ?
1997, Nov 5


James Robert Baker Pacific Palisades, CA G 51 author suicide self
1997, Dec 24 Vianna Faye Williams ? ? ? ? stabbed ?


Date Portrait Name Location SO Age Occupation Cause Killer
1998 Kim Australia T ? model thrown from cliff ?
1998, Jan Thomas Moffat Phoenix, Arizona G ? ? ? ?
1998, Jan Ali Sherifi Hamadan, Iran G ? ? ? ?
1998, Jan 4 Enrico Sini Luzi Lazio, Italy G ? ? ? ?
1998, Jan 14 Renato Degni Lombardia, Italy G 66 ? ? ?
1998, Feb Robert Hernandez Phoenix, Arizona G ? ? shot ?
1998, Feb 14 Tasha Dunn Tampa, FL G ? ? beaten ?
1998, Feb 24 Jacqueline Julita Anderson Portland, OR G 29 ? shot ?
1998, Mar 13 Brian Wilmes ? ? 45 ? beaten ?
1998, Mar 22 Abdul Sami Herat ? ? ? buried alive ?
1998, Mar 22 Bismellah Herat ? ? ? buried alive ?
1998, Mar 24 Leslie Re'Geanna Chicago, IL ? ? ? run down ?
1998, Mar 25 Rev. Ramon Martinez Port Sulpher, LA ? ? ? stabbed ?
1998, May 2


Justin Fashanu Shoreditch, London G 37 footballer suicide self
1998, May 5 Karla Barrahona El Salvador ? ? ? shot ?
1998, May 15 Sigfrilda Arguelles Shantall Catacmas, Honduras ? ? ? stabbed ?
1998, Jun 4 Santos Cruz El Salvador ? ? ? shot ?
1998, Aug 4 Junior "Luana" de Silva Logo Salvador, Brazil ? ? ? drowned police
1998, Aug 18 Fitzroy "Jamaica" Green ? ? ? ? stabbed ?
1998, Sep 12 Unidentified ? T ? ? stabbed 20x ?
1998, Sep 20 Chanel Chandler ? ? ? ? stabbed ?
1998, Oct 12


Matthew Shepard Laramie, WY G 21 student tortured Aaron McKinney and Russell Henderson
1998, Nov 28 Rita Hester ? ? ? ? stabbed ?


Date Name Location SO Age Occupation Cause Killer
1999, Jan 9 Lauryn Paige ? T ? ? stabbed ?
1999, Jan 9 Harold Jack Eisenhoth II Eldorado, Colorado G ? ? hammer ?
1999, Feb 6 Steve Dwayne Garcia ? ? ? ? shot ?
1999, Feb 19 Billy Jack Gauthier Sylacauga, AL ? ? ? ? ?
1999, Feb 20 Chris Muzett ? ? ? ? strangled ?
1999, Feb 25 Unknown ? T ? ? shot ?
1999, Mar 29 Tracey Thompson Cordele, GA T 33 ? beaten ?
1999, May 29 James Edwin Appleby II San Juan, PR ? ? ? stabbed ?
1999, July John C. Lloys Gainseville, FL G ? ? stabbed 29x ?
1999, Jul 5 Pfc. Barry Winchell Fort Campbell, KY ? ? ? ? ?
1999, Sep 30 Daniel O'Brien Denver, Colorado G 36 ? strangled ?
1999, Oct Jose Armando Rivera San Salvador, El Salvador ? ? ? ? ?
1999, Oct 15 Sissy (Charles) Bolden Savannah, GA T ? ? ? ?
1999, Oct 22 Antonio Texera dos Santos ? ? ? ? ? ?
1999, Dec? Simone San Francisco, CA T ? model thrown - five stories ?
1999, Dec 8 Unnamed Infant ? I ? ? blunt force mother
1999, Dec 10 Nestor Adonai Marenco San Salvador, El Salvador G ? ? ? ?
1999, Dec 13 Efrain Lopez Rivera Puerto Rico G ? ? stabbed ?
1999, Dec 27 Larry Lee Guatemala, Guat. G 41 reporter ? ?


Date Portrait Name Location SO Age Occupation Cause Killer
2000, Feb 3 Jill Seidel Honolulu, HI L ? ? ? ?
2000, Feb 16 Vanese-Larena Ledesma Cordoba, Argentina G ? ? beaten & tortured ?
2000, Mar 3 Brian David James Hyer Kingman, Arizona G 31 ? shot ?
2000, April Deja Johnson aka Dondre Miami, FL T 28 ? shot ?
2000, Apr 23 Tyra Henderson ? T ? ? bludgeoned ?
2000, May 20 Astrid La Fontaine ? T ? ? shot ?
2000, Jun 8 Jamie (James) L. Brown Longboat Key, FL T 57 ? stabbed ?
2000, Jun 20


Amanda Milan New York City T 25 model throat slashed Dwayne McCuller
2000, Jul 4 JR Warren West Virginia ? ? ? ? ?
2000, Jul 5 Beverly Lineth Guatemala City, Guat. ? ? ? beaten ?
2000, Jul 21 Julia Carrizales Webster, TX ? ? ? strangled ?
2000, Jul 29 Dayana (Jose Luis) Nieves Carabobo, Nicaragua ? ? ? ? ?
2000, Aug 19 Mark Blum N. Miami Beach, FL G 48 ? dumbell ?
2000, Aug 27 Keith F. Jackson Miami, FL G 32 ? blunt force trauma ?
2000, Sep 22 Danny Overstreet Roanoke, VI ? ? ? ? ?
2000, Oct 6 Steve Ruck Cedar Ridge, Colorado G 31 ? shot ?
2000, Oct 18 Joe Hal Faughn Winter Park, FL G 50 designer ? Bertram Francis "Frank" Knight
2000, Nov 19 Walquiria (Walter) San Salvador, El Salvador T ? ? shot ?
2000, Nov 20 Billy Jean Lavette Savannah, GA T ? ? blunt force ?


Date Name Location SO Age Occupation Cause Killer
2001, Jan 26 Brandi Houston Houston, TX ? ? ? ? ?
2001, Feb 25 Victor Pachas ? ? ? ? beaten, stabbed & suffocated ?
2001, Mar 4 Francisco Javier Luna Houston, TX ? ? ? shot ?
2001, Apr 10 Antonio Johnson ? ? ? ? shot ?
2001, Apr 18 Alexandra ? T ? ? run down ?
2001, Jun 16 Fred C. "FC" Martinez Jr Cortez, Colorado G 16 student beaten ?
2001, Jun 18 Carlo Enrique Teixeira ? ? ? ? shot ?
2001, Jul 26 Della (Lester Childress) Reeves ? T ? ? stabbed ?
2001, Jul 29 David Blare, aka Steve Perry Ketchikan, Alaska G ? ? ? ?
2001, Nov Tomas Morales Miami, FL G 70 ? ? ?
2001, Nov 21 Jamie (James) Jackson ? T ? ? beaten ?
2001, Dec 12 Terrianne Summers Jacksonville, FL T ? ? shot ?
2001, Dec 23 Raimundo Nonato ? ? ? ? machete ?


Date Name Location SO Age Occupation Cause Killer
2002, Jan 11 Michelle Paz Valencia, Venezuela T ? ? shot 4x ?
2002, Feb 16 Raymond (Amy Soos) Phoenix, Arizona T ? ? ? ?
2002, Feb 25 Unidentified ? T ? ? chocked & stabbed ?
2002, March 3 Alejandro Ray Lucero Phoenix, Arizona G ? ? ? ?
2002, Mar 23 Antonia K. ? T ? ? run over Neo-Nazi
2002, Apr 10 Arlene (Hector) Diaz ? T ? ? shot ?
2002, Apr 26 Jocelyn Sandberg Colorado Springs, Colorado L 42 activist hit with rock ?
2002, May 17 Gary "Brazon" McMurtry ? ? ? ? samurai sword ?
2002, Jun 7 Aretha "ReRe" (Franklin Freeman) Scott ? ? ? ? shot ?
2002, Jul 15 Nguyen Bui Linh ? ? ? ? stabbed ?
2002, Aug 12 Ukea Davis ? ? ? ? shot ?
2002, Aug 20 Daisy (Porfiro) Mejia ? T ? ? blunt force ?
2002, Dec 4 Fernanda (Boris Javier) Covarrubi ? T ? ? mutilation ?
2002, Dec 14 Tamyra Michaels ? ? ? ? shot ?
2002, Dec 24 Roberta Nizah Morris ? ? ? ? beaten w/ crowbar ?


Date Portrait Name Location SO Age Occupation Cause Killer
2003, Jan 8 Cinnamon (Timothy) Broadus ? ? ? ? shot ?
2003, Mar 22 Merlinka ? ? ? ? beaten ?
2003, Jun 18 Michael Charles Hurd Houston, TX ? ? ? shot ?
2003, Jul 1 Dayana Valverde ? ? ? ? shot ?
2003, Jul 20 Cinnamon (Kendrick) Perry Montrose, TX ? ? ? shot ?
2003, Aug 16 Bella Evangelista ? ? ? ? shot ?
2003, Aug 26 Cassandra "Tula" Do ? ? ? ? strangled ?
2003, Aug 30 Enrico Taglialatela ? ? ? ? burned alive ?
2003, Oct 7


Ryan Halligan Essex Junction, VT G 13 student suicide self
2003, Oct 10 Erika Johana ? ? ? ? blunt force ?
2003, Oct 30 Rider Orcero ? ? ? ? beaten & stangled ?
2003, Nov 30 China (Lee) Zainal ? ? ? ? stabbed 9x ?


Date Name Location SO Age Occupation Cause Killer
2004, Jul 20 Leandro Bispo Estavao ? ? ? ? stabbed ?
2004, Sep 13 Andre ? ? ? ? bludgeoned ?
2004, Aug 14 Rivera Rene ? ? ? ? throat slashed ?
2004, Aug 15 Joel Robles ? ? ? ? stabbed ?
2004, Aug 28 Bella Martinez ? ? ? ? shot ?
2004, Nov 3 Gisberta Porto, Portugal T ? ? stoned ?
2004, Nov 3 Divas B. Manitoba, Canada T ? ? ? ?
2004, Nov 6 Unknown Long Beach, CA T ? ? beaten ?
2004, Nov 19 Penny Port Sheffield, Eng T ? ? stabbed ?
2004, Nov 26 Unknown Surco, Peru T ? ? incinerated ?
2004, Dec 3 Luana Migliarino, Italy T ? ? shot ?
2004, Dec 20 C. Hernandez Mendoza, Argentina T ? ? stabbed ?
2004, Dec 21 Dr. Robert Binenfeld Monroe, NY G ? ? strangled ?
2004, Dec 26 Felicia Moreno Hollywood, CA T ? ? shot 2x ?
2004, Dec 27 Ryan Shey Hoski Albuquerque, NM T ? ? beaten ?


Date Name Location SO Age Occupation Cause Killer
2005, Jan 12 Unknown Parana, Argentina T ? ? ? ?
2005, Jan 28 Ronnie Parks Jr. Tampa, FL G ? ? beaten his father
2005, Feb 16 Karlien Carstens Okahandja, Namibia ? ? ? strangled ?
2005, Feb 22 Unknown Neuquen, Argentina T ? ? ? ?
2005, Mar 1 Michelle (Eddie) Chung Chou Lee Daly City, CA ? ? ? stabbed ?
2005, Mar 17 Phool Chand Yadav Lucknow, India T ? ? raped ?
2005, Mar 26 Mylene Marseilles, France T ? ? stabbed ?
2005, Apr 12 Alejandra Galicio Bahia Blanca, Argentina T ? ? beaten ?
2005, May 1 Ashley Nickson Dothan, AL T ? ? shot ?
2005, May 6 Delilah (Amancio) Corrales Yuma, AZ T ? ? "violent trauma" ?
2005, May 16 Julio Argueta Miami, FL T ? ? stabbed 12x ?
2005, May 22 Timothy Blair Jr. Louisville, KY G ? ? shot ?
2005, May 28 Marisa Buenos Aires, Argentina T ? ? stabbed 15x ?
2005, Jun 18 Kasha (Antonio Wright) Blue Chicago, IL T ? ? stabbed ?
2005, July Irene Amsterdam T ? ? stabbed ?
2005, Jul 19 Mahmoud Asgari Edalat Square, Mashhad, Iran G ? ? hung ?
2005, Jul 19 Ayaz Marhoni Edalat Square, Mashhad, Iran G ? ? hung ?
2005, Oct 12 Christina Smith Houston, TX T ? ? shot ?
2005, Oct 17 Kaaseem Adalla Juanda Glenwood, IA T 60 ? shot ?
2005, Nov 11 Unknown Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia T ? ? slit throat ?
2005, Nov 15 Donathyn J. Rodgers Cleveland, OH ? ? ? shot ?
2005, Nov 20 Rani North Calcutta T ? ? stoned ?
2005, Nov 21 Vanessa Facen San Diego, CA T ? ? ? ?
2005, Nov 27 Unknown Northridge, CA T ? ? mutilated John Freeman
2005, Dec 4 Simone Walton Dallas, TX T ? ? shot ?
2005, Dec 18 Paulina (Juan Pablo) Mendez Guatemala City, Guat. T ? ? shot police


Date Name Location SO Age Occupation Cause Killer
2006, Feb 3 Alexis (Brandon) L. King Nicetown, PA T ? ? shot ?
2006, Feb 9 Tiffany Berry Memphis, TN T ? ? shot ?
2006, Feb 15 Yardena Marsh Tel Aviv, Israel T ? ? shot ?
2006, Mar 21 Melissa "Mo" Green Phoenix, AZ T ? ? shot ?
2006, May 20 Alfred Dibble Stockton, CA T ? ? beaten ?
2006, May 26 Sudka (aka Lakshmi) Tiruchy, India T ? ? genital mutilation ?
2006, Jun 10 Barbara (Honduran Geovanny) Calderon Guatemala City T ? ? shot ?
2006, Nov 26 Valentina (Mario) Falco Novara, Italy T ? ? stabbed ?


Date Name Location SO Age Occupation Cause Killer
2007, Jan 7 Nakia Ladelle Baker Nashville, TN T 31 ? trauma to head ?
2007, Jan 11 Hasan Sabeh Baghdad, Iraq T 34 ? stripped & shot Islamist death squad
2007, Jan 31 Keittirat Longnawa Rassada, Thailand T ? ? throat slit 9 youths
2007, Feb 18 Tatiana (Aldomiro Gomes) Trani, Italy T 57 ? head smashed ?
2007, Mar 5 Moira Donaire Viña del Mar, Chile T 30 ? stabbed 5x street vendor
2007, Mar 16 Michelle "Chela" Carrasco Santiago, Chile T 54 ? beaten ?
2007, Mar 16 Ruby Rodriguez San Francisco, CA T 27 ? strangled ?
2007, Mar 23 Erica Keel Philadelphia, PA T 21 ? hit by car 3x+ ?
2007, Apr 2 Bret T. Turner Madison, WI T 48 ? stabbed ?
2007, Apr 21 Manuela di Cesare Pescara, Italy T 37 ? head smashed ?
2007, Jul 7 Unidentified Kingston, Jamaica T ? ? gunshot ?
2007, Jul 20 Victoria Arellano San Pedro, CA T ? ? denied medication ?
2007, Jul 29 Oscar Mosqueda Daytona Beach, FL T ? shot ?
2007, Aug 1 Stefania Coppi Roma, Italy T 35 ? beaten ?
2007, Aug 30 Maribelle Reyes Houston, TX T ? ? denied medical treatment ?
2007, Nov 12 Thanawoot Wiriyananon Phuket, Thailand T 19 ? strangled ?
2007, Nov 17 Elly "Sayep" Susanna Jakarta, Indonesia T ? ? drowned public order officers
2007, Nov 19 Sally (Salvador) Camatoy Dubai, Philippines T ? ? beaten ?
2007, Nov 21 Kellie Telesford Thornton Heath, UK T 39 ? Strangled ?
2007, Dec 23 Brian McGlothian Cincinnati, OH CD 25 ? shot Antonio Williams
2007, Dec 28 Gabriela Alejandra Albornoz Santiago, Chile T ? ? stabbed ?

January-June 2008

Date Name Location SO Age Occupation Cause Killer
2008 Ege Tanyurek Adiyaman, Turkey G ? ? (forced?) suicide self
2008 Ali Iraq T ? ? executed Gov of Iraq
2008 Unidentified w/ Ali Iraq T ? ? executed Gov of Iraq
2008, Jan 8 Patrick Murphy Albuquerque, NM CD 39 ? shot ?
2008, Jan 8 Stacy Brown Baltimore, MD T 30 ? shot in head ?
2008, Jan 21 Adolphus Simmons Charleston, SC T 18 ? shot ?
2008, Jan 22 Fedra Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia T ? ? not reported ?
2008, Feb 4 Ashley Sweeney Detroit, MI T ? sex worker shot ?
2008, Feb 10 Sanesha (Talib) Stewart Bronx, NY T 25 ? stabbed ?
2008, Feb 12 Lawrence King Oxnard, CA G 15 student shot classmates
2008, Feb 22 Simmie Williams, Jr. Fort Lauderdale, FL G 17 student shot ?
2008, Mar 15 Luna Lisbon, Portugal T ? ? beaten ?
2008, Apr 16 Lloyd Nixon West Palm Beach, FL G 45 ? beaten ?
2008, May 26 Felicia Melton-Smyth Puerto Vallarta, Mex T ? HIV activist stabbed Francisco Javier Hollos
2008, Jun 24 Silvana Berisha Hamburg, Germany T ? ? stabbed ?

July-December 2008

Date Portrait Name Location SO Age Occupation Cause Killer
2008, Jul 1 Ebony (Rodney) Whitaker Memphis, TN T 20 ? shot ?
2008, Jul 2 Daisy Dube Johannesburg, Africa T ? ? ? ?
2008, Jul 11 Rosa Pazos Sevilla, Spain T ? ? stabbed ?
2008, Jul 14 Juan Carlos Aucalle Coronel Lombardi, Italy G 35 ? run over ?
2008, Jul 16


Ahmet Yildiz Istanbul, Turkey G 23 physics student machine gun his family?
2008, Jul 17 Angie Zapata Greeley, CO T 18 ? beaten Alan Ray Andrade
2008, Jul 17 Jaylynn L. Namauu Makiki Honolulu, HI T 35 ? stabbed ?
2008, Jul 29 Samantha Rangel Brandau Milan, Italy T 30 ? stabbed a gang
2008, Aug 20 Nakhia (Nikki) Williams Louisville, KT T 29 ? shot ?
2008, Sep 21 Ruby Molina Sacramento, CA T 22 ? drowned ?
2008, Oct 6


Kim Ji-hoo Jamsil, Seoul, SK G 23 actor & model suicide self
2008, Nov 6 trans women Bahia, Brazil T ? ? ? ?
2008, Nov 3 Aimee Wilcoxson Aurora, CO T 34 ? ? ?
2008, Nov 9 Duanna Johnson Memphis, TN T 42 ? shot ?
2008, Nov 11 Dilek Ince Ankara, Turkey T ? ? shot ?
2008, Nov 14


Lateisha Green Syracuse, NY T 22 Motel Supervisor shot Dwight R. DeLee
2008, Nov 20 Yasmin Honduras T ? sex worker beaten ?
2008, Dec 5 transwomen Bahia, Brazil T ? ? ? ?
2008, Dec 17 Noelia Honduras T ? sex worker beaten ?
2008, Dec 17


Jennifer Gale Austin, Texas T 47 homeless exposure City of Austin
2008, Dec 19 Unidentified Gebze, Turkey T ? ? shot 2x ?
2008, Dec 24 Unidentified Milan, Italy T 50 ? head injury ?
2008, Dec 26


Taysia Elzy Indianapolis, IN T 34 ? shot 4x Christopher Conwell
2008, Dec 26


Michael Green Indianapolis, IN G? 22 ? shot Christopher Conwell

January 2009

Date Portrait Name Location SO Age Occupation Cause Killer
2009, Jan Daisy San Cristobal, Mexico T ? ? ? ?
2009, Jan 1 Kátia Otacílio Vilela Jataí, Brazil T 48 bar owner stabbed 14x ?
2009, Jan 3 Mhtium Abululak Catelfranco Veneto, Italy T 33 ? stabbed ?
2009, Jan 7 Alexas Rojas Castro Monterrey, Mex. T 35 ? stabbed 12x ?
2009, Jan 9


Cynthia Nicole Comayaguela, Honduras T 32 Colecitvo Violeta spokesperson shot ?
2009, Jan 9 Marcelo Cairo Souza Jataí, Brazil T 22 ? shot ?
2009, Jan 16 Aline da Silva Ribeira Castelfranco Veneto, Italy T 23 ? ? ?
2009, Jan 17


Caprice Curry San Francisco, CA T 31 unemployed (homeless?) stabbed ?
2009, Jan 18 Bella Pasar Minggu, Jakarta T 35 ? stabbed ?
2009, Jan 18 Silvana Rocha Gilvan Silva Aracaju, Brazil T 40 sex worker beaten ?
2009, Jan 18 "Rovilson" Teixeira Londrina, Brazil T 18 ? stabbed 7x ?
2009, Jan 19 unidentified Londrina, Brazil T 25 ? stabbed 4x ?
2009, Jan 19 Minja Kochis Belgrade, Serbia T 39 ? stabbed 2x ?
2009, Jan 19 Mateus Silva Italy T 28 sex worker beaten ?
2009, Jan 20 Albor "Victor Manuel" Camacho Acámbaro, Mexico T 24 ? tortured & beaten ?
2009, Jan 20 Guillén "Juan Carlos" Bautista Acámbaro, Mexico T 17 ? tortured & beaten ?
2009, Jan 22 Dayana Nicole Castillo García Tarapoto, Perú T 31 beauty salon owner stabbed ?
2009, Jan 22 Unidentified Guayaquil, Ecuador T 28 ? head injuries ?
2009, Jan 22 Taysia Elzy Indianapolis, Indiana T 34 ? ? ?
2009, Jan 25 Cita Solorzano (muxé) Asunción Ixtaltepec, Mexico T 40 ? ? ?
2009, Jan 28 Camila Hernández Nieto Sincelejo, Colombia T 18 ? stabbed ?

February 2009

Date Name Location SO Age Occupation Cause Killer
2009, Feb 1 Noor Azlan Khamis Johor Bahru, Malaysia T 29 ? stabbed ?
2009, Feb 1 Will Teixeira da Silva Recife, Brazil T 25 ? shot ?
2009, Feb 1 Ailton Correa Maia Curitiba, Brazil T 31 ? shot ?
2009, Feb 10 Cristy Guatemala City, Guatemala T 25 ? stabbed 30x ?
2009, Feb 18 Puttalakshmi's Bangalore, India T 30 a hijra raped & thrown from a moving car ?
2009, Feb 18 Camila Pereira Uberlandia, Brazil T 20 ? stabbed ?
2009, Feb 18 "Joe" Campinas, Brazil T 30 ? stoned ?
2009, Feb 20 Cris Francisco das Neves Cabo de Santo Agostinho, Brazil T 31 ? head wounds ?
2009, Feb 21 Vicky Londoño Chavarría Ibagué, Columbia T ? ? stabbed ?
2009, Feb 27 Pequeña P Gualeguaychú, Argentina T 27 ? strangled ?

March 2009

Date Portrait Name Location SO Age Occupation Cause Killer
2009, Mar Xiao Qian Kunming, China T 40 ? ? ?
2009, Mar 1 Miriam Nunes Lucas Ribeirão das Neves, Brazil T 41 ? shot ?
2009, Mar 3


Ebru (Dilan Pirinc) Soykan Istanbul, Turkey T 28 ? stabbed ?
2009, Mar 4 Guimarães de Lima João Pessoa, Brazil T 20 ? shot ?
2009, Mar 4 "Wanderson Wanderley" Teixeira da Rocha João Pessoa, Brazil T 20 ? shot ?
2009, Mar 5 "Danilo" Borges Londrinas, Brazil T 19 sex worker shot ?
2009, Mar 5 unidentified Nova Iguaco, Brazil T ? sex worker shot ?
2009, Mar 8 Kirsi Ubri Santiago, Dominican Republic T 24 ? stabbed ?
2009, Mar 10 "Julio" Avila Albarracín Mar del Plata, Argentina T 32 ? stabbed ?
2009, Mar 12 Adriana Sánchez López Juchitan, Mex. T 31 ? ? ?
2009, Mar 19-21 Virgen Castro Carrillo river in Sinaloa, Mex. T 30 ? shot ?
2009, Mar 20 Claudia Sao Paulo, Brazil T ? ? beaten & castrated ?
2009, Mar 22 "Francisco" Nazareno Italy T 31 seller poisoned ?
2009, Mar 22 Eda Yildirm Bursa, Italy T 48 ? decapitated & emasculated ?
2009, Mar 24 Sasha Estefania Caracas, Venezuela T ? ? shot ?
2009, Mar 24 Smail L. Valencia, Spain T 36 ? beaten ?
2009, Mar 24 Ramya Thanjavur, India T 34 ? strangled ?
2009, Mar 24 unidentified Belo Horizonte, Brazil T 26 ? shot ?
2009, Mar 27 unidentified Salvador, Brazil T ? seller stabbed ?

April 2009

Date Portrait Name Location SO Age Occupation Cause Killer
2009, Apr 1 Gisela "Roni" Galante Gualeguaychú, Argentina T 42 ? ? ?
2009, Apr 11 Unidentified Niteroi, Brazil T 40 ? shot ?
2009, Apr 11 Melek K. Ankara, Turkey T 25 activist ? ?
2009, Apr 14


Jimmy McCollough Fayetteville, NC G 34 drag performer ? ?
2009, Apr 18 Carneiro de Sousa Fortaleza, Brazil T ? ? shot ?
2009, Apr 21 Eduardo "Jeva" Padilla Santiago, Dominican Rep. T 23 ? tortured & shot 40x ?
2009, Apr 23 Ramon Martinez Santiago, Dominican Rep. T 26 ? tortured & stabbed ?
2009, Apr 27 Juliana Martins Curitiba, Brazil T 28 ? shot ?
2009, Apr 27 Britney Pereira Cuiaba, Brazil T 23 ? beaten ?

May 2009

Date Name Location SO Age Occupation Cause Killer
2009, May Ketlin Uruaçu, Brazil T 19 ? dismembered ?
2009, May 3 dos Santos Varzea Grande, Brazil T 19 ? strangled ?
2009, May 4 Fernanda Botelho Curitiba, Brazil T ? ? ? ?
2009, May 6 Jenifer Curitiba, Brazil T ? ? ? ?
2009, May 6 Richard Milton "Diksy" Jones Wellington, New Zealand T 64 ? ? ?
2009, May 7 Tigresa de Souza Reis Feira de Santana, Brazil T ? ? shot ?
2009, May 18 Xiomaran Duras Caracas, Venezuela T 27 ? shot 6x ?
2009, May 22 Cagla Ankara, Turkey T ? ? stabbed ?
2009, May 24 Unidentified Belo Horizonte, Brazil T ? ? shot 13x ?
2009, May 25 Foxy Ivy Detroit, MI T 35 ? shot ?
2009, May 26 Dara Curitiba, Brazil T ? ? shot ?
2009, May 26 "Pedro" Sánchez Pérez San Miguel Canoa, Honduras T ?23 ? stabbed ?

June 2009

Date Portrait Name Location SO Age Occupation Cause Killer
2009, Jun 1 Papucha La Victoria, Peru T 25 ? shot ?
2009, Jun 7 "La Luli" San Lorenzo, Puerto Rico T 30 ? stabbed ?
2009, Jun 9 Kelly (Frederick) Watson Albuquerque, NM T 32 ? ? ?
2009, Jun 11 Tanya Ardón San Salvador, El Salvador T 17 ? ? ?
2009, Jun 11 Catherine San Salvador, El Salvador T 28 ? ? ?
2009, Jun 11 Carla Regina Bento Sao Paulo, Brazil T 30 ? strangled ?
2009, Jun 14 Rafaele Curitiba, Brazil T ? ? shot ?
2009, Jun 16 Anita Fajardo Ríos El Carmen, Mex T ? ? stabbed ?
2009, Jun 22 not reported Belem, Brazil 16 sex worker shot client
2009, Jun 23


Kamilla Volgograd, Russia T 30 ? shot Vladmir
2009, Jun 24 Luana Maceió, Brazil T 22 ? shot ?
2009, Jun 24 Enrique "Jhosvani" Guevara Lima, Peru T 42 ? ? ?
2009, Jun 29 Hadise Istanbul, Turkey T ? ? stabbed ?
2009, Jun 29 Vicki Hernández Castillo San Pedro Sula, Honduras T ? ? shot ?
2009, Jun 30 Valeria Tegucigalpa, Honduras T ? ? shot ?
2009, Jun 30 Martina Jackson Honduras T ? ? shot ?

July 2009

Date Portrait Name Location SO Age Occupation Cause Killer
2009, Jul 1 Christopher Jermaine Scott Philadelphia, PA T 36 ? shot ?
2009, Jul 6 Violeta Vergara Conde Venezuela T 19 ? beaten ?
2009, Jul 7 Terri Benally Albuquerque, NM T 42 ? beaten ?
2009, Jul 9


Cesar Torres El Paso, TX G 39 ? blunt force ?
2009, Jul 12 "Judecir" Marinho de Oliveira Fortaleza, Brazil T ? ? shot ?
2009, Jul 15 not reported Aparecida de Goiânia, Brazil T ? ? shot ?
2009, Jul 17 Fernanda Cerqueira da Silva Vila Barão, Brazil T 18 ? shot ?
2009, Jul 17 “Jesús Gerardo” Ávalos Mexico T 22 ? shot ?
2009, Jul 18 not reported Sonsonate, El Salvador T ? ? stabbed ?
2009, Jul 23 not reported Penang, Malaysia T 27 ? head injury ?
2009, Jul 25 Bianca João Pessoa, Brazil T ? ? ? ?
2009, Jul 26 Eric "Beyonce" Lee New Orleans, LA G 21 drag performer stabbed ?

August 2009

Date Portrait Name Location SO Age Occupation Cause Killer
2009, Aug not reported Algiers, Algeria T ? ? beaten ?
2009, Aug 2 Kleberson Allan dos Anjos Santos Ribeirão Pires, Brazil T ? ? shot ?
2009, Aug 9 Héctor Emilio Maradiaga Snaider Tegucigalpa, Honduras T 24 ? shot ?
2009, Aug 16 Kanan al Muthia Setapak, Malaysia T 42 ? ? ?
2009, Aug 26 Tyli'a Mack (NaNa Boo) Washington, DC T 21 ? stabbed ?
2009, Aug 28


Paulina Ibarra Hollywood, CA T 24 ? stabbed ?


Date Portrait Name Location SO Age Occupation Cause Killer
2010, Sep 9


Billy Lucas Greensburg, IN G 15 student suicide self
2010, Sep 19


Seth Walsh Tehachapi, CA G 13 student suicide self
2010, Sep 22


Tyler Clementi Piscataway, NJ G 18 violinist/student suicide, jumped from George Washington Bridge self
2010, Sep 23


Asher Brown Houston, TX G 13 student suicide self
2010, Nov 29 Idania Roberta Sevilla Raudales Comayaguela City, Honduras T 58 ? slit throat ?
2010, Dec 22 Luisa Alvarado Hernandez Comayaguela City, Honduras T 23 ? stoned, beaten & burned ?
2010, Dec 22 Lady Oscar Martinez Salgado Tegucigalpa, Honduras T 43 ? burned & stabbed ?


Date Portraits Name Location SO Age Occupation Cause Killer
2011, Jan 2 Reana "Cheo" Bustamente Tegucigalpa, Honduras T ? ? stabbed ?
2011, Jan 7 Genesis Briget Makaligton Comayaguela City, Honduras T 25? ? strangled ?
2011, Jan 10 Krissy Bates Minneapolis, Minnesota T 45 ? stabbed ?
2011, Jan 18 Fergie Alice Ferg San Pedro Sula, Honduras T ? ? shot ?
2011, Feb 19 Tyra Trent Baltimore, Maryland T 25 ? strangled ?
2011, Mar 2 Priscila Brandao Belo Horizonte, Brazil T 22 ? shot in head ?
2011, Mar 8 Marcal Camero Tye Forrest City, Arkansas T 25 ? shot & dragged ?
2011, Mar 10 Shakira Harahap Taman Lawang, Jakarta T 28 ? shot ?
2011, Jun 13 "Miss Nate Nate" Eugene Davis Houston, Texas T 44 ? shot ?
2011, Jul 20 Lashai McLean Washington, DC T 23 ? shot ?
2011, Jul 31 Didem Findikzade, Istanbul T 26 ? slit throat ?
2011, Aug 1 Camila Guzman New York, NY T 38 ? stabbed ?
2011, Aug 6 Gaby Jalisco, Mexico T ? ? beaten & burned ?
2011, Aug 24 unidentified Paris, France T 30? ? stabbed ?
2011, Sep 10 Gaurav Gopalan Washington, DC T 35 ? beaten ?
2011, Sep 18


Jamey Rodemeyer Amherst, NY B 14 student suicide self
2011, Oct 6 Ramazan Cetin Gaziantep, Turkey T 24 ? shot ?
2011, Oct 14 Jamie Hubley Ottawa, ON G 15 student suicide self
2011, Oct 23 Shelley Hilliard Detroit, MI T 19 ? decapitated
2011, Oct 30 Jessica Rollon Bergamo, Italy T 32 ? strangled ?
2011, Nov 4 Astrid Carolina Lopez Cruz Madrid, Spain T 30 ? beaten & stabbed ?
2011, Nov 17 Chassity Nathan Vickers Hollywood, CA T 32 ? shot ?


Date Portraits Name Location SO Age Occupation Cause Killer
2012, Apr 15


Kenneth James Weishuhn Jr. Paullina, IA G 14 student suicide self
2012, Apr 22


Jack Denton Reese Mountain Green, UT G 17 student suicide self
2012, May 6


Jay "Corey" Jones Rochester, MN G 17 student suicide self
2012, Jun 2


Brandon Elizares El Paso, TX G 16 student suicide self

Removed From List

Date Name Location Reason for removal
1807 Francois Fieudard England He was a French seaman tried for homosexuality on March 21, 1807 in Launceston. Further research by "Trish of Nowra NSW" shows that his death sentence was reprieved and he was transported to New South Wales for life. He sailed aboard the "Admiral Gambier" which departed Porstmouth on July 2, 1808 and arrived in Sydney on December 20, 1808. He received a conditional pardon on January 31, 1820.
1807 Ambroise Morin England He was a French seaman tried for homosexuality on March 21, 1807 in Launceston. Further research by "Trish of Nowra NSW" shows that his death sentence was reprieved and he was transported to New South Wales for life. He sailed aboard the "Admiral Gambier" which departed Portsmouth on July 2, 1808 and arrived in Sydney on December 20, 1808. There is no record of him after his arrival in Australia.
1992, Apr 21 Cameron B. Tanner San Francisco, CA Cameron B. Tanner was born Richard Reese in about 1947 and also went by the nick name of "Butchie". He has been included in several transgender memorials because he was sometimes perform in drag. However, I have received an e-mail from a friend of his information me that he was not transgendered and that, to his knowledge, his murder was not a hate crime but rather a random murder and mugging by gang members. He is still included here to honor his memory.
2001, Jan 21 James Jerome Mack Buffalo, NY James was a 17 year old student from Buffalo who was brutally murdered by five other students. His name has regularly been found on transgender memorial lists since that time. However, I have received kind correspondence from his family to inform me that he was not transgendered and was not gay - they are not sure why his name started showing up on the lists. They are, however, saddened by the many senseless deaths listed here and have asked that his name not be removed. So I am including him here. All of these young men and women should be remembered.