Piast 1
Ziemomysl, Ct of Poland (922-962), +ca 962/963 (possibly a son of Leszek); He had issue:
- A1. son, +963
- A2. Czcibór, +after 24.6.972
- A3. Mieszko I, baptized in 966, Ct of Poland (962-993), *922, +Poznan 25.5.992, bur St.Peter, Poznan; 1m: NN; 2m: 965 Dobrava of Bohemia (*ca 937 +977); 3m: 979/980 Oda (+1023) dau.of Gf Dietrich von Haldensleben, Mgve of the Nordmark
- B1. [1m.] a son, +after 23.3.973
- B2. [2m.] Boleslaw I "Chrobry" "the Brave", Ct of Poland (993-1024), became King of Poland (1024-25), Duke of Bohemia (1003-04), *967, +17.6.1025; 1m: 984 (div 985/6) N, a dau.of Mgve Rikdag of Meissen; 2m: 985 (div 987) Judith of Hungary; 3m: 987 Emnilde (+1017) dau.of the Sorb chieftain Dobromir; 4m: Czicania 3.2.1018 Oda (+1025) dau.of Mgve Ekkehard of Meissen
- C1. [1m.] a daughter, *984/985; m.996/997 N, Pr of Pomerania
- C2. [1m.] a son, *before 985/986
- C3. [2m.] Bezprym Pr of Poland (1031-32), *987/987, +1032
- C4. [3m.] Mieszko II Lambert King of Poland (1025-34), *990, +murdered 10.5.1034; m.Merseburg ca 1013 Richeza of Lorraine (*before 1000 +21.3.1063)
- D1. Kazimierz I Karol, Ct of Poland (1039-58), *25.7.1016, +28.11.1058; m.1041/42 Dobronega of Kiev (+1087)
- E2. Wladislaw I Herman, Ct of Poland (1079-1102), *1043, +4.6.1102; 1m: ca 1080 Judith of Bohemia (*ca 1056 +25.12.1086); 2m: ca 1089 Jutta of Germany (*1047 +1100)
- F1. [1m.] Boleslaw III "Krzywousty" "Wrymouth", Ct of Poland (1102-11)+(1111-39), Duke of Pomerania (1122-38), *20.8.1085, +28.10.1138; 1m: 1103 Zbyslava of Kiev (+1109/12); 2m: III/VII.1115 Salome (+1144) dau.of Gf Heinrich von Berg-Schelkingen; Before his death arranged a careful division of his domains among his numerous sons.
- G1. [1m.] Wladyslaw II "Wygnaniec", Pr of Cracow and Silesia (1139-46), *1105, +Altenburg 30.5.1159, bur Pegau nr Altenburg; m.1125/27 Agnes of Austria (+1160/63); for his issue see HERE
- G2. [1m.] a daughter, *before 1111; m.1124 Pr Vsevelod of Murom
- G3. [1m.] a son, *1107/08, +after 1109
- G3. [2m.] Leszek, *1115/16, +26.8. before 1138
- G4. [2m.] Kazimierz, *16.8.1122, +19.10.1131
- G5. [2m.] Boleslaw IV "Kedzierzawy, Pr of Masovia, Kujavia and Cracow (1138-46), Poland (1146-73), *1122/25, +3.4.1173; 1m: 1137 Vierchoslava of Novgorod (+after 1148); 2m: Maria N (+after 1167)
- H1. [1m.] Boleslaw, *1156, +1172
- H2. [1m.] a daughter, *before 1160, +after 1178; m.1172/73 Pr Vasilko of Shumsk (+after 1182)
- H3. [2m.] Leszek Pr of Masovia and Kujavia 1173, *1160/65, +1186
- G6. [2m.] Mieszko III "Stary" "the Old", Pr of Cracow (1173-77)+(1190)+(1199-1202), Pr of Great Poland (1138-77)+(1194-1202), Duke of Pomerania (1138-1202), *1126/27, +Kalisz 13.3.1202; 1m: 1136/40 Elisabeth of Hungary (*1128 +ca 1155); 2m: 1151/54 Yevdokia of Kiev; for his issue see HERE
- G7. [2m.] Pr Henryk of Sandomir, *1127/31, +18.10.1166
- G8. [2m.] Kazimierz II "Sprawiedliwy" "the Just", Pr of Sandomir and Cracow 1177, Pr of Kujawia and Mazowia 1186, Ct of Poland (1177-94), *1138, +5.5.1194; 1m: ca 1163 Helena of Znaim (+1202/06); 2m: 1185/86 Yelena of Kiev; for his issue see HERE
- G9. [2m.] Ryksa, *1116/17, +after 25.12.1155; 1m: 1129/30 King Magnus of Vaestergotland, co-king of Denmark (*1106 +1134); 2m: after 18.5.1136 Pr Vladimir of Novgorod (+after 1167); 3m: after 1143 King Sverker of Sweden (+1156)
- G10. [2m.] a daughter, *before 1119; m.before 1132 Gf Konrad von Plötzkau, Mgve of the Nordmark (+1133)
- G11. [2m.] Zofia, +10.10.1136
- G11. [2m.] Gertruda, a nun at Zwiefelten, *1123/24, Zwiefalten 7.5.+1160, bur there
- G12. [2m.] Dobronega=Ludgarde, *before 1129, +after 26.10.1147; m.ca 1142 Mgve Dietrich of Niederlausitz (+1185)
- G13. [2m.] Judith, *after 1130, +8.8. 1170-76; m.1148 Mgve Otto I of Brandenburg (+1184)
- G14. [2m.] Agnieszka, *1137/38, +after 1182; m.1151/52 Great Pr Mstislav II of Kiev (+1170/72)
- F1. [1m.] Boleslaw III "Krzywousty" "Wrymouth", Ct of Poland (1102-11)+(1111-39), Duke of Pomerania (1122-38), *20.8.1085, +28.10.1138; 1m: 1103 Zbyslava of Kiev (+1109/12); 2m: III/VII.1115 Salome (+1144) dau.of Gf Heinrich von Berg-Schelkingen; Before his death arranged a careful division of his domains among his numerous sons.
- C1. Dytryk, Pr of Poland, +after 7.7.1032
Rulers of Cracow and Poland
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Last updated 25th November 2007