GMC MotorHome Registry

The GMC Motorhome Registry was created in 1993 as a structure for learning how many of our Classics were still in service, how they were being used (motor homes, ambulances, mobile offices, etc) and where in the world they were.

So far the Registry has found over 8,718 of the 12,921 coaches produced by GM Truck & Coach Division.

No other classic motor home brand has a Registry!

Please help us find the remaining units by printing this form and, a) handing it to a GMC owner, b) completing the information and mailing it to me, or c) completing it on-line by clicking the "Online Form" button above. Thanks!


Your Name:

City, State (Province), Zip:



Area Code / Home Phone #: ______ / ______ - ________
Area Code / Cell Phone #:

Email address:

Vehicle Identification Number:

Model (as built - Palm Beach, Eleganza, Royale, Etc.):

______ / ______ - ________


TZE _______ V ________________


Build Date (from the decal on the glove box door
 - look for a number on the top line just left of center that looks
 like "032174" or something similar):
Month / Year YOU acquired this GMC?: ______________________________

Previous Owner:
Previous Owner City / State: ____________________________________
Any unique or unusual modifications?: ____________________________________

The information you provide to the Registry is held as confidential. It is not loaned, sold, rented, etc. to any groups or entities.

Thanks for your help.

Billy Massey
7110 Forbess Dr.
Brownwood, TX 76801

Service Mark
