gsvit - open source software FDTD solver with graphics card support
GSvit covers set of numerical tools for Finite Difference in Time Domain calculations supporting use of Nvidia CUDA environment compatible graphics cards. Main scientific purposes include research in nanotechnology and nanoscale optics, like scanning near-field optical microscopy, tip enhanced Raman scattering, rough surface scattering, etc. However, as FDTD is an universal method, it can be used for any other purposes.
Main mission of this project is to convert set of already developed software tools described here:
P. Klapetek, M. Valtr: Near-field optical microscopy simulations using graphics processing units, Surf. Interface Analysis, 2010, 42, pp 1109-1113
P. Klapetek et al: Rough surface scattering simulations using graphics cards, Applied Surface Science, 2010, 256, pp 5640-5643.
into GNU GPL based open source software. This process is rather slow, at least for some of the algorithms, but seems to be converging.
Since version 1.6 also a graphical user interface XSvit is provided, useful for parameter files setup and visualisation:

9.11.2022 | After Corona pandemic we are happy to announce another SPM workshop, to be held on April 20-21, 2023 in Lednice, Czech Republic. All SPM enthusiasts are warmly welcome! |
28.02.2020 | Version 1.9.4 was released. |
11.06.2019 | Version 1.9.3 was released. |
05.09.2018 | Version 1.9.1 was released. |
23.07.2018 | Version 1.9 was released. |
30.06.2018 | Documentation was switched to DokuWiki system. |
25.06.2018 | Version 1.9-rc1 was released. User interface was improved. Parameters can be changed in a separated window instead of dialog windows. |
16.06.2017 | Version 1.8.2 was released. It is mostly a (huge) bug fix release. Check the download page. |
03.08.2015 | Please note that the link for download of Windows version wasn't updated and it was still connected with the older 1.8 version. This was corrected now and the link is connected with the newer 1.8.1 version. We are sorry for this! |
18.02.2015 | We invite all the fans of Scanning Probe Microscopy to our SPM workshop, March 25-27th in Lednice, Czech Republic |
13.02.2015 | Version 1.8.1 was released. It is a small bug fix release. Versioning was changed to three number format. Check the download page. |
12.02.2015 | Version 1.8 was released. Piecewise Linear Recursive Convolution and Auxiliary Differential Equations method were added. Many bugs were fixed. |
17.09.2014 | Version 1.7 was released. One small step for mankind, one giant leap for GSvit. |
26.03.2014 | Version 1.6 was released. It is the first release with XSvit - parametr file viewer and GSvit launcher. Bugreports are welcome! |
26.02.2014 | A bug fix for Windows OS was released. The mising libraries bug was fixed. |
05.02.2014 | Version 1.5 was released. A bug in tetrahedron loading was corrected and layered TSF and layered focused TSF were implemented (CPU only). |
03.01.2014 | Version 1.4 was released. Optical force calculation was introduced and the Debye and critical point model media now work on GPU. |
11.12.2013 | Version 1.3 was released. Significant speedup on CPU and a slight speedup of some algorithms on GPU was achieved. |
30.09.2013 | Version 1.2 was released. Focused light source was added and focused light source and periodic NFFF were implemented on GPU. |
24.07.2013 | Version 1.1 was released. Periodic near-to-far field transform was added and many bugs were fixed. |
13.06.2013 | Version 1.0 was released. Generaly, a bug fix release. |
10.04.2013 | Version 0.99 was released. Several new data inputs were introduced. |
Petr Klapetek, pklapetek(at)cmi(dot)cz
Project is developed at Department of Nanometrology, Czech Metrology Institute, and is developed with support of EURAMET joint research projects "Scatterometry" and "Raman" receiving funding from the European Community's Seventh Framework Programme, ERA-NET Plus, under Grant Agreement No. 217257 and by Ministry of Trade of the Czech Republic under contract FR/TI1/168
(c) Petr Klapetek, 2013