Lev Gumilev. Searches for an Imaginary Kingdom. The trefoil of the Tree of Thought (14)
- ️Wed Nov 29 2006
The trefoil of the Mouse-Hole
Lev Gumilev
{325} 14. A Space-Time Scheme
Conversation with an Arts Man
What is history? Science? Yes, there's no argument. Art? Of course, for the ancient Greeks included Clio among the nine Muses. Philosophy? There is no doubt of this for all those acquainted with the monist method. But apart from this, history is a craft, because for successful work the historian should become a "dab hand" at a series of purely technical devices and methods for processing obstinate material. In this he is like the sculptor or artist who has also raised a craft to the level of artistry.
In colleges of fine art and music a factor is taken into account which, unfortunately, is often neglected in arts faculties - the ability to acquire technique. They consider that anyone can learn to draw or play the piano, but if learning this is difficult, it is better to recommend the student to take some other subject. This is right, because if the ABC is difficult, then the works of art, which are all people want, will not be achieved. So, the task is to ensure that comprehending history should be an easy matter.
For a long time this simple thought seemed to me unquestionable, but I came to be convinced to the contrary. Shortly after publishing part of the preceding chapter as an article, [+72] I met an arts man and had a long conversation with him. Among many subjects one arose which is directly connected with the thesis propounded here. The arts man said that it was the process of work that concerned him, not the result, and that he counted a well compiled bibliography as the crowning glory of research. In this way he did not offend against logic, but set another task - to overcome the difficulties and accumulate knowledge as an aim in itself. Based on his principle he considered the addition of a new text, a factual detail, or a variant {326} translation to the treasure house of knowledge as the highest achievement
I fear I was sharp when I called this approach trophy hunting, and the "treasure house" an antique shop. This approach missed what I considered most important, the search for truth. The gathering of material itself is only useful to a certain point, after which the accumulation of information becomes unencompassable and, so, the sense of understanding is lost.
Simple methods of systematising, alphabetically, by centuries, countries etc , give no sense of understanding, any more than simple arithmetical addition in columns replaces integration. But if we search, there is a way out - the co-ordination of material and the hierarchical organisation of information. Empirical generalisation arises as a result of such work, and this V.I. Vernadskii has equated in reliability to an actually observed fact. [+73] In his opinion, we can only raise high the edifice of our knowledge and understanding by means of continuity, continuing the work started by the great scholars of the past, but for this we have no need to repeat the work they have done. It is more sensible to set new tasks, since each generation demands that authors reply to questions that worry it, and not those that worried its distant ancestors.
But how are we to get round the verbosity of former authors, and one's own, which was necessary to prove a particular thesis and is not needed once it has been proved?
There is a means for this, too this is the undeservedly despised word - a scheme.
In the natural and technical sciences a scheme is the corner-stone of any constructuon, because it is regarded as a device easing both the construction of the work and its perception by the consumer, in our case the reader. A scheme is a purposeful generalisation of material it allows one to survey the essence of the subject investigated, leaving out the details obscuring it. It is easy to take in a scheme, so, strength remains to go further, i.e. to pose hypotheses and arrange to check them A scheme is the skeleton of the work without which it becomes a medusa or cephalopod mollusc. The latter also find themselves a suitable habitat, but, alas, it is always a restricted one, and without schematic generalisation a meeting point of various branches of knowledge is impossible, and this alone {327} gives the necessary corrective to check the veracity of the information given by ancient authors. As for bibliography, it has been compiled by Professor G. Moravcsik, [+74] and I refer the interested reader to that solid work.
Here my friend the arts man observed that, although my ideas were not without interest, they had not been proved at all. At first, I was extremely surprised, but when I managed to understand the sense of what he was saying I saw that here, too, he was strictly consistent. He called proof only a text containing precisely formulated information, but not considerations about the subject raised. Of course, I did not agree with him. In that case, of course, I would have been obliged to assert that Prester John ruled in the "Three Indias"! Instead, I proposed putting my, obviously conventional, scheme down in terms of time and space and he would be convinced that the facts speak for themselves. For clarity the whole essential information has been reduced to a synchronic table and four historical maps with annotations, so that a broad historical panorama is obtained. We have not taken primary information as a standard, but first order generalisation obtained earlier as a result of precise analysis of details. Thus, the principle of the hierarchical organisation of information and a scale ensuring a review of the subject as a whole have been observed.
In the accounting system offered, a "proved statement" will not be one which has a footnote to an authentic source, but one which does not contradict strictly established facts and logic, however paradoxical the conclusion based on such principles. Incidentally, this is how all natural scientists work.
I hope that my arts friend will not complain of my methods of argument, though they are unusual for him, and it even seems to me that with a certain amount of impartiality he will be convinced of their sensible and fruitful nature.
A Synchronic Table
The intention of the table is to give a visual survey of the events described in the text against the background of world history. Two conventional generalisations have been used to this end - time and space. A breakdown into decades gives us a summary conception of {328} the course and direction of historical processes; with a closer approximation one gets a kaleidoscopic perception, with a more distant, an amorphic one.
The territory of Eurasia has been broken down into five ethno-cultural regions which correspond to geographic areas for the period studied, with some small but justified tolerance taking account of campaigns of conquest. We move from east to west in the following order: the Far East, including China, Tibet and Manchuria, the zone of monsoon precipitation and area of Chinese culture and Buddhist propaganda. The Great Steppe, the arid zone and area of nomad culture and Nestorianism. The Near East, the sub-tropical zone and area of Muslim super-ethnic culture; Eastern Europe, the region of the dissemination of Byzantine culture in the form of Orthodoxy; the West, the feudal, Catholic Romano-German cultural unity in the zone of abundant cyclone precipitation and relatively high average annual temperature. As this division was considered real by contemporaries in the Middle Ages, it is most convenient for us. The comparatively full list of events in the outer columns is intended to tie in little known events to those known to the reader from middle school text-books (see table, p. 330).
Historical Ethnography
The best system of generalising data on the ethnogenesis of nomad peoples in east Central Asia is schematic maps covering either the whole of east Central Asia, when it is necessary to note the details of ethnic mixing, or the whole of Eurasia, if the development of events in Asia is linked with their echoes in Europe.
The main task of the scheme offered is to explain the nature and sequence of ethnic transformations taking place in Middle Asia from the eighth to the fourteenth centuries and to establish the part played by the confessional principle in ethnic integration against the background of Asia's history. Therefore, the schematic maps, more precisely blueprints, are supplied with annotations giving essential information on both peoples and periods shown. Thus, the historical and ethnographic scheme not only illustrates our basic text, but supplements it and extends the researcher's view, giving him the parallel perspective needed to correct conclusions reached earlier by another route. The maps should be used jointly with the {329} synchronic table, since together they supply the space and time scheme with the help of which one can most easily find one's bearings in the events described in the book.
The ancient period of the ethnogenesis of the nomads is not shown in the scheme since special investigations have been devoted to it: The Hun-nu, Moscow, 1960 and The Hun-nu in China Moscow, 1974 (both in Russian).
Decade |
Far East |
Great Steppe |
Near East |
Eastern Europe |
Western Europe |
861-70 |
Insurrections in China soldiers and peasants |
War between Kirghiz and Uighurs |
Turkish guardsmen change the caliphs Seizure of Eastern Persia by Yakub Saffarid Rising by Zindji |
Break between Byzantium and the Papal throne |
Division of the Empire between Charles the Bald and Louis the German |
871-80 |
Rising by Huang Chao who takes both capitals of China Loyang and Chang' An |
Tangut found Xia-go Shato in Ordos |
Yakub seizes Khorasan, but is repulsed from Baghdad and dies Amr succeeds him |
Greek offensive against the Arabs |
Division of Germany into three and formation of the Arslat kingdom |
881-90 |
Defeat of Huang Chao by Shato and Tangut forces serving the Tang dynasty |
Shato acquire Shanxi (where they become Sinicised) Khitan conquer Tatab and Tatars (Snivel) |
Zindji suppressed |
Greek-Bulgar war begins Pechenegs enter Black Sea area |
War with Normans, and Carolingians deprived of power Eudes of Pans |
891-900 |
Fall of the Tang dynasty |
Pechenegs force Guz out of Emba into Turkmenia |
Rising by Qarmatians in Bahrein Ismail Samani captured Amr and conquered Taraz |
Hungarian incursion into Bulgaria Pecheneg raid on Hungarians |
Hungarians move to Pannonia Catalonia and Aquitaine become separate |
901-10 |
The general Zhu Wen founds the Later Liang dynasty (in Chang' An) Period of Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms starts in 1907 |
Ye-lu Ambagan unites the eight tribes Turks attack Mavarannahr |
Institution of rank of Emir al-Umar and limitation of caliph's authority |
Attacks by Rus` on Constantinople and Mazanderan |
Hungarian raids on Germany and Italy |
911-20 |
Ye-lu Ambagan try to conquer Dansyan, Togon and Zubu, but repulsed by Turkic Shato |
Buid's appearance |
Pressure Bolgar on Greeks, Pecheneg on Rus`, Arabs on Georgia |
Formation duchy of Normandy. Election of Henry the Fowler as king of Germany |
920-30 |
Li Cun-xu founds Hou-Tang (in Loyang) |
Khitan drive Kirghiz from Orkhon and conquer Bokhai Seljuk accept Islam |
Devastation of Mecca by Qarmatians Ruin of caliphate |
Volga Bolgars convert to Islam Greek victories over Bulgars and Arabs |
"Feudal revolution" against Carolingians |
931-40 |
Shi Kin-tan (Shato) in alliance with Khitan founds Hou-Jin (in Kaifeng) |
Khitan incursion into China Seizure of Beijing |
Caliphate loses Samosata, Malatia, Western Armenia |
Khazar victory over Alans, Byzantium, Rus` Pechenegs Persecution of Jews in Byzantium |
War of Germans against Danes, Slavs, Hungarians |
941-50 |
Liu Zhi-yuan (Shato) founds Hou-Han and drives out Khitan |
Khitan kingdom becomes Liao empire (i.e., is Simcised) |
Capture of Balasagun by pagan Turks Shi'ism in Mavarannahr, Nasr renounces it Mutiny and executions under Nukh |
Campaigns of Rus` against Byzantium and Berdaa |
Louis IV d'Outremer, King of France, vainly struggles with his feudal lords |
951-60 |
Gou Wei founded Hou Zhou which became Song in 960 after coup by Zhao Kuang-ym |
Karluk converted to Islam |
Decline of Samanid Emirate Buyids in Baghdad |
Ol'ga baptised |
Campaign of German king Otto I in Italy Germans rout Hungarians on the Lekh |
961-70 |
Song begin conquest of southern China |
Tatars in alliance with Song Rising by all Amur tribes against Liao suppressed |
Seizure of Egypt by Fatimids |
Victory of Byzantium in Crete, Syria and Bulgaria Fall of the Khazar kaganate |
Campaign by Otto I in Italy Creation of the German nation |
971-80 |
Song conclude conquest of southern China and Shato in Shanxi |
Founding of Ghazni sultanate |
Pecheneg offensive against Rus`, Bulgars against Byzantium |
Subjugation of Poland by Otto I and German war with Czechs |
981-90 |
Khitan (Liao) beat the Chinese (Song) |
Zubu routed by Khitan Song embassy with gifts to Uighuria to persuade Uighurs to submit to China |
Seljuks settle around Bokhara Agreement between caliph and Nestorian catholicos |
Start of the struggle between Rus` and the Latin West War with Pechenegs Conversion of Rus` |
At an Imperial Council in Verona it is decided to wage war "against the Greeks and Saracens" |
991-1000 |
Disintegration of Song empire (peasant risings) Christians expelled from China |
Mutiny of Zubu against Liao, suppressed |
Fall of the Samanids |
Greek victories over Bulgarians and Arabs in Syria |
Adoption by Hungary of the Latin rite Rome the capital of the Empire |
1001-10 |
Liao victories over Khitan, Koreans, Uighurs and Tatars |
Tatars submit to Khitan |
War of Karakhanids with Mahmud Ghaznevi |
Persistent war between Byzantium and Bulgaria |
Ardum, marquis of Ivrea, defends Lombardy against the German emperors |
1011-20 |
Koreans repulse Khitan |
Rising of Zubu and Dansyan against Liao, pacified |
Karluk repulse the 'Chinese Turks' (Zubu) from Yarkand |
Conquest of Bulgaria Defeat of Svyatopolk the Accursed |
Acquisition of Henry II's kingdom of Lombardy by the emperors |
1021-30 |
War of the Khitan (Liao) with Tangut (Xia) over Uighuna |
Rising by Zubu against Liao |
Weakening of Arabs in Syria and Iran |
Unioon of Armenia with Byzantium Division of Rus` along Dnepr (battle of Listven) |
Change of dynasty in Germany, Conrad II of Franconia conquers the Poles, Eudes of Champagne, the Lyutichi and irrupts into Italy where he issues the oldest law on fiefs (in the Roncal valley) |
1031-40 |
Xia (Tangut) strengthened and war with Song Gosrai king of Tubot |
Victories of Seljuks over Ghaznevids |
Victory of Rus` over Pechenegs, Byzantium over Arabs |
1041-50 |
Victories of Khitan (Liao) over Tangut (Xia) and Chinese (Song) |
Zubu deliver horses to Liao |
Seljuks conquer Khwarizm and Iran Islamisation of Turks in Kipchak steppe |
Secession of Bulgaria and Serbia from Byzantium Incursion of Pechenegs, pressed by Guz, into Byzantium |
Victories by Germany over Poles, Czechs, Hungarians |
1051-60 |
Peace and alliance of Liao and Xia |
Zubu tribes and their king drive horses and camels into Liao |
Victory of Seljuks over Buyids and Fatimids |
Defeat of Pechenegs by Polovtsy and Guz Polovtsy incursion into Rus` Peace between Byzantium and Pechenegs |
Schism of the churches Unification of Normandy and its victory over France |
1061-70 |
War between China and Tangut Tibetan victory over Tangut |
Seljuks conquer Iran Defeat of Armenia and Georgia |
Incursion of Polovtsy into Rus` |
Norman conquest of England |
1071-80 |
Khitan move into Shanxi, Chinese into Amdo |
Rising of Zubu against Liao Leader seized |
Seljuks conquer Syria, Asia Minor, Tarmiz, Nicaea, Haleb and Mavarannahr Hasan Sabbah in Alamut |
Expulsion of Izyaslav who is supported by Emperor and Pope Izyaslav's return |
Normans seize southern Italy, Hungarians Belgrade Henry IV at Canossa |
1081-90 |
Tangut transfer the war to China |
Peace between Zubu and Liao Mogusy recognised as chief of all Zubu tribes |
Normans invade Epirus, Pechenegs Thrace |
Henry IV fights the Normans |
1091-1100 |
Increase in strength of Jurchen Decline in might of Liao Khotan people attack Tangut |
Rising of Mogusy against Liao with help of Basmil and Dalidi |
Dissension in Seljuk sultanate |
Victory of Greeks over Turks and Pechenegs Conference of princes at Lyubech |
First Crusade |
1101-10 |
Alliance of Tangut and Tubot and defeat of Chinese |
Khitan victory Suppression of remaining Zubu resistance Conversion of Ongut |
Ismailites in Syria Georgians defeat Turks at Trialeti |
Victory of Greeks over Normans |
Boemund's call to fight the Greeks Defeat of Henry IV |
1111-20 |
Rising by Jurchen, they seize Bokhai and Liaodong |
Last rising of Zubu suppressed (end of Zubu) |
Sanjar seizes Ghazna, Alexius Comnenus wins Asia Minor |
Polovtsy defeat Guz, Pechenegs and Belaya Vezha Campaigns of Russian princes against Polovtsy |
War of Emperor Henry V with Popes |
1121-30 |
Fall of Liao and Northern Song Formation of Southern Song and Qi Jurchen conquer Amdo |
Tatars and Mongols are vassals of Jurchen kingdom, Kin (Jin) |
Khan of Kashgar defeats Kara-Kitai of Ye-lu Dashi |
Mess Pechenegs by Greeks Turks by Georgians; Tiflis capital of Georgia |
Concordat Worms between the Pope and Emperor Sugerius, strengthening of the king's power in France |
1131-40 |
Jurchen advance halted Rising at lake Dongdinghu of Qi liquidated by Song |
Mongols defeated the Jurchen Kara-Kitai defeated Mahmud at Hodjent |
Sanjar's campaign against Khwarizm Restoration of the lay authority of the caliph |
Winning of Asia Minor from Turks Disintegration of Kiev Rus` Peace between Rus` and Polovtsy |
1141-50 |
Capitulation of Southern Song and shameful peace Executions in Kin |
Peace between Mongols and Kin Battle of Katwan |
Turks conquer Edessa |
War between Ol'govichi and Izyaslav II |
Second Crusade German campaign against Wends, unsuccessful |
1151-60 |
Disintegration in Km Murder of Digunai and campaign against south stopped |
Mongol and Tangut alliance against Jurchen |
Sanjar captured by Guz, but escapes Fall of Seljuk sultanate |
Victory of Greeks over Hungarians, Normans, Crusaders and Serbs |
Barbarossa's campaigns in Italy Henry II Plantagenet king of England |
1161-70 |
War between Jurchen and Mongols and Chinese Peace of Lunsin |
War of Tatars against Mongols Breakdown of Mongol clan and tribal union |
Sala ad-Din founds Ayubid dynasty in Egypt Gunds destroy Ghaznevid state |
Georgians conquer Am Defeat of Kiev by Andrei Bogolyubskii |
Campaigns by Germans against Elbe Slavs and Italy War between England and France, Scotland, and conquest of part of Ireland |
1171-80 |
Laws against Chinese influence in Jin empire under Emperor Wu-lu |
Disturbances in Kerait and in Kara-Khitan khanates |
Growth in strength of Khwarizm (Tekesh) |
Break between Byzantium and Venice, and Greeks defeated by Seljuks at Minocephalos |
Defeat of Frederick I at Legnano and his peace with Pope Alexander III |
1181-90 |
"Period of complete tranquillity" |
First time Temujin chosen as khan Mongols defeat Tatars |
Crusaders defeated at Lake Tiberias and fall of Jerusalem |
Murder of Andronicus Comnenus and foundation of Wallachian-Bulgarian kingdom |
Frederick I destroys the burggrafs |
1191-1200 |
Consolidation of north-west frontier of Km Empire |
Naiman intervene in Kerait khanate |
Third Crusade Khwarizmshah conquers Iraq and Signak |
Bulgars defeat Byzantium and Empire falls apart |
Hohenstaufen conquer Naples and Sicily War between Richard I and Philip II Augustus |
1201-10 |
War of Song against Kin, peace Khitan rise against Jurchen |
Jamuqa chosen as gurkhan Defeat of Kerait, Naiman and Merkit by Mongols, Great kuriltai |
Khwarizmshah Muhammed conquers Gur and wars with Kara-Khitan |
Fourth Crusade, Latin Empire, war with Bulgaria and peace Pope's call for blockade of Rus` |
France conquers Normandy Start of Albigensian crusade |
1211-20 |
War of Mongols against Kin Fall of Beijing |
Kuchlug ruler of Kara-Khitan Kuchlug's defeat and death |
Crusade of Hungarians and Germans to Egypt fruitless |
Georgia flourishes under Queen Tamara |
French victory (at Bouvignes) over Germans, Flemings and English |
1221-30 |
War of Jurchen against Mongols and Chinese |
Mongols conquer Tangut Death of Chinggiskhan and election of Ogedei |
War of Khwarizm with Mongols and defeat of Khwarizm Crusade of Frederick II Compromise with Muslims |
Battle on the Kalka Epirus Greeks win back Solun and defeated by Bulgarians |
Pope Gregory II excommunicates Frederick II Teutonic Order in Prussia. End of Albigensian crusade; inquisition |
1231-40 |
Fall of Kin (Jurchen) Empire Conflict of Mongols and Song Empire |
Reforms of Ye-lu Chu-cai Building of Karakorum |
Mongols conquer Iran, Armenia and Georgia |
Mongols conquer Rus`, Poland, Hungary, Bulgaria |
Defeat of Knights of the Sword in Lithuania and their fusion with Teutonic Order |
1241-50 |
Mongols invade Sichuan and Henan |
Death of Ogedei, election and death of Guyuk Batu increases in strength |
Crusade of Louis IX to Egypt, his defeat by Mamluks, surrender of Damietta |
Crusaders invade Rus`, repulsed by Aleksandr Nevskii |
1251-60 |
Mongols subjugate Tibet and irrupt into Annam |
Election and death of Mongke Kubilai declares himself khan and rising of Ank-Boke |
Mamluk coup in Egypt, Louis IX leaves Palestine Mamluks defeat Mongols |
Suppression of pro-Catholic party in Rus` |
War of Guelphs and Ghibellines throughout Europe |
1261-70 |
Mongol offensive against Song Empire Transfer of Mongol capital to Beijing, adoption of name Yuan |
Defeat of Arik-Boke Qaidu consolidates in Seven Streams area |
Alliance of Mamluks and Golden Horde against Iran Ilkhans Fall of Antioch |
Greeks recover Constantinople and Morea |
Defeat of Ghibellines by Charles of Anjou Ruin of Hohenstaufens |
1271-80 |
Mongol conquest of Song Empire completed |
Start of Qaidu's war against Kubilai |
Prince Edward of England tries to make an alliance with Ilkhan Abaga Armistice between Crusaders and Mamluks |
Tatar-Russian forces conquer Caucasus War of Byzantium with Charles of Anjou |
Council of Lyons Czechia devastated by Rudolph Habsburg |
1281-90 |
Yuan Empire subjugates Indochina and Zond archipelago |
Insurrection and defeat of Naya Nestorianism brought under control |
Mamluks defeat Mongols Muslim revolution in Iran put down |
Tatar campaigns against Hungary and Poland with no particular results and unsuccessful attack on Iran |
Sicilian Vespers War of Provence against Aragon Rise of Genoa and Florence |
1291-1300 |
Kubilai dies, his grandson Temur succeeds |
Arrival of Montecorvino in Beijing Offensive of Qaidu to Selenga, repelled by Ongut forces |
Mamluks conquer Acre Ilkhan Ghazan converted to Islam |
Rise and defeat of Nogai Khan Toktu associated with lamas |
War between France and England English invade Scotland Peace between Aragon and Charles II of Anjou |
1301-10 |
Conversion of Chinese forbidden as result of Taoists' complaint Attempt to convert khan Haisan |
Gaidudies Decline of Chagatai ulus Peace Fictitious unification of all Mongol uluses, but actual dissension and enmity |
Mamluks defeat Mongols in Syria Knights of St John conquer Rhodes |
Rus` part of Golden Horde |
Conflict between Boniface VIII and Philip the Fair Popes confined to Avignon Templars arrested |
1311-20 |
Buddhists take churches from Christians on banks of Yangzi |
Defeat of Golden Horde by Persian Mongols Annihilation of Nestorian Mongols in Iran |
Golden Horde converted to Islam Executions of Buddhists and pagans Support for Moscow against Tver' |
Execution of Templars Scots defeat English, and Swiss the Austnans |
1321-30 |
Montecorvino dies, decline of Catholic bishopric in China 'Russian regiment' formed in Beijing |
Rise of Ottomans they seize Brusa and Nicomedia |
Devastation of Tver` by Moscow - Tatar forces of Ivan Kalita. Rise of Moscow |
Ludwig of Bavaria s campaign against Rome fruitless |
1331-40 |
Alans living in Beijing ask the Pope to send a bishop |
Decline in the power of the llkhan sand collapse of the Mongol-Persian khanate |
Consolidation of Lithuania under Gedymin, of Serbia under Stefan Dushan |
The whole of Italy subject only to local rulers Petrarch king of poets Humanism Start of Hundred Years War |
1341-50 |
Creation of White Lotus sect and of Followers of Maitreya, an anti-Mongol trend |
Disintegration of the Chagatai ulus and transfer of power to Emirs |
Formation of Serbadar state (in Khorasan) and of Seid (in Mazanderan) |
Khan Janibek supports Moscow against Lithuania Poles seize Galicia |
Battle of Crecy |
1351-60 |
Rising by Red Turbans, decline of Yuan Empire |
Ottomans take Gallipoli peninsula |
'Great Revolt' in the Golden Horde, transfer of power to officers Alliance of Moscow and the Horde broken |
Battle of Poitiers Jacquerie Temporary decline of France |
General note. In the eighth century, dominance of the Great Steppe passed from Turks to Uighurs (747) and then to the Kirghiz (847), but the limits of the kaganates are omitted on the map (see L.N. Gumilev, The Ancient Turks (in Russian), Moscow, 1967). Attention is paid to the small tribes who by the tenth century fused together into peoples and formed the five great states: Khitan (Chinese Liao), Shato (Kin), Dansyan (later Tangut, Chinese Xi-xia), Uighuria (Chinese Khoikhu) - two independent principalities, and the Tibetans who later created the ephemeral Tubot kingdom. As regards ethnogenesis, tribes small in numbers deserve great attention so we here give their ethnic classification, embracing linguistic, anthropological and historical data.
A. Turkic-speaking tribes
I. Europeoid west Siberian tribes
(1) Kengeres (Kangar, Kangyui, Kengerli, Pechenegs)
(2) Kirghiz, Eniseiones (Gegu, Khagyas)
(3) Kipchak (Kyui-yue-she, Polovtsy)
(4) Cigil (Jikil)
(5) Tyurgeshi (people consisting of two large tribes: the Abar aborigines of Dzungaria and the Mukrin nomads coming from the Amur in the third century).
II. The Teless group of tribes who spread from Khesi throughout the Great Steppe in the 4th cent.; Europeoid, deriving from the eastern branch of the I order white race.
(1) Uighurs or Tokuz-Oguz (Chinese Khoikhu)
(2) Yagma (Chinese Yan-mian)
(3) Tongra (Chinese (Tongluo)
(4) Bugu (Chinese Pugu)
(5) Kurykan (Chinese Guligan)
(6) Izgil (Chinese Sijie)
(7) (Chinese Sytsze)
(8) Telengit (Chinese Duolange)
(9) Bayirku (Chinese Bayegu)
(10) Ediz (Chinese Adie)
(11) (Chinese Huxie)
(12) (Chinese Kibi)
(13) (Chinese Hun)
(14) (Chinese Baisi)
(15) (Chinese Gong-yue), their Teless origin is doubtful
III. The Chui group, descendants of the Hun who remained in Central Asia in the second cent.
(1) Chuyue
(2) Chumi
(3) Shato, offshoot of the Chuyue(4) Kimek (Chinese Chumugun); united with the Kipchak and formed the Koman (Cuman) people or Polovtsy
IV. Dzungarian group
(1) Karluk
(2) Basmil
(3) Neshet
(4) Shu-ni-she
(5) Khuluvu
(3, 4, 5 - united with Basmil and took their name)
V. Sayan-Altai group
(1) Chik a people who died out, in contemporary Tuva
(2) Tubalar (Chinese Dubo)
(3) Echzhen (Chinese Ezhi)
(4) Turk after 747 (Chinese Tujue/Turku), a branch of the Gokturk (Blue, or Heavenly, Turks who lived on the Orkhon until 747; they settled in the Mountain Altai as Teles (tribe) and Todosh (group). At the present time they have fused with the Telengit. In the tenth to twelfth centuries they were known as Tikin (from Turkish Tegin "prince'); evidently the title of their ruler). Conquered by the Mongols in 1207-8.
B. Mongol-speaking peoples
(1) Khitan or Khitai
(2) Tatab (Chinese Xi)
(3) Togon or Tu-yu-hun, a branch of the Xian-bi in the fourth century who migrated to Tsaidam and were conquered by the Tibetans in seventh cent.
(4) Tatars, a tribal union
(5) Mongols in the strict sense of the word.
C. Tungus-speaking tribes
(1) T'ele
(2) Ugi
(3) Jurchen
D. Tibetan-speaking tribes
(1) Dansyan, or Tangut, descendants of ancient Zhun
(2) Tubo, or Tibetans, descendants of ancient Kyan
E. Tribes whose ethnic group is unclear
(1) Merkit, perhaps Turk, perhaps Mongol, perhaps Samodii
(2) Az, perhaps part of Kirghiz people, perhaps simply a "small minority"
(3) Gyuilobo, ?!
(4) Heiche, a nickname, literally Black Wagon. Chinese geographers considered they lived on the borders of the real and the fantasy worlds where the "Turks with cows' feet" allegedly lived.
General note.
Compared with the preceding map, the reduction in the number of Turkish tribes and their replacement by several large Mongol ones which now form the main complement of the steppe is striking. The Turkic tribes, with one exception, adopt either Jurchen (Ongut), or Muslim (Karluk, Kalach, Kengerlu) culture. The Kipchak are the exception, but even they, too, on the western border of the steppe enter the region of Russian-Byzantine culture. The genuinely steppe tribes (Zubu) and the Kara-Khitan seek independent paths of development and find them by accepting Nestorianism or Bon. The confessional indicator of community gradually supersedes the tribal one.{345}
General note.
Alongside political fragmentation, ethnic and cultural blocks defined by their confessional nature stand out clearly: the Roman Catholic world, the Orthodox countries and the Nestorian church united with the Jacobite (monophysites) in 1142 divide Christianity into three mutually hostile camps. Similarly, in the Muslim lands there are two centres: the Sunni caliphate of the "Abbasids in Baghdad and the Ismaili caliphate of the Fatimids in Cairo. Northern China is taken over by Buddhism, Southern, the Song Empire, by Confucianism. Tibetan Bon successfully competes with Buddhism and Nestorianism. In Siberia there are two different religious systems: the Evenki have Shamanism and the Ugrians have dualism. The former spirit worship rapidly gives way to the world religions.States and tribal unions:
1. Kingdom of Scotland
2. Kingdom of Norway
3. Kingdom of Sweden
4. Kingdom of England
5. Kingdom of Denmark
6. Baltic peoples: Ests, Livs, Letts, Lithuanians, Prussians
7. Russian grand principality
8. Kingdom of France
9. Holy Roman Empire of German peoples
10. Kingdom of Bohemia
11. Kingdom of Poland
12. Kingdom of Portugal
13. Kingdom of Castille
14. Kingdom of Navarre
15. Kingdom of Aragon
16. Papacy
17. Kingdom of Hungary
18. Kingdom of Sicily
19. Byzantine Empire
20. Kingdom of Georgia
21. Great Bulgar (khanate)
22. Maghrib (till 1147 the Almoravid emirate, later the Almohad caliphate)
23. Kingdom of Armenia Minor
24. Sultanate of the Great Seljuks
25. Khwarizm (shah)
26. Gurid sultanate
27. Kara-Khitan khanate
28. Idykut of Uighuria
29. Tangut kingdom
30. Kin Empire (Jin)
31. Fatimid caliphate
32. Tribal union of Bahrein Beduin
33. Song Empire
34. Korio kingdom
35. "Zubu" tribal union
36. Kerman
General note.
In the course of the preceding century the world has been transformed. In place of ethnic and cultural blocks, coalitions based on political clashes have arisen. At the headquarters of the Great Khan Kubilai, Buddhists, Christians of all confessions and Confucians engage in hand to hand clashes, and against them Muslims, Nestorians, followers of the Black Faith also stand forth. Religious allegiance ceases to be an indicator of political attitude throughout the Mongol Empire, but this is a slow process and in particular cases it is this which causes insurrections and punitive expeditions. The same picture is found on the western borderlands of the continent: the Templars enter into contacts with the Muslims against the Nestorians and Armenians; the Ghibellines seek aid from the Saracens and the Greeks against the Papal throne; the Popes enlist the pagan Lithuanians as allies against Christian Rus`; only Castille carries out its reconquest in a principled fashion, though here there is evidently a simple coincidence of the concerns of the Christian world and of nationalism. Ethnic unities arise in place of the collapsing confessional ones, i.e. a slow crystallisation of nationalities takes place signifying the advance of a new period with its own rhythms of development.Tribes are not shown in the Mongol ulus as they had ceased to exist, being swallowed up by the hordes. Subsequently, when the hordes disintegrated, tribal unions again arise, but different ones. Although some of them take the ancient names, their meaning is different and relates to a new historical period starting in the fourteenth century and ending at the end of the nineteenth.
Chronology as The Science of Time
In comparing chronological tables it is usual to restrict oneself to a simple listing of facts arbitrarily selected and dated. Yet in this way the vector is inevitably lost, i.e. the direction of events in that causal sequence which we call history. Therefore, wishing to sum up our charts, we not only give precise dates for events needed to be recalled and referred to, but also the direction of the course of history at particular moments, trying to take account of its varied zigzags. This is of no significance for social development taken broadly, since the contradictions cancel one another out, but in detail it is essential to take account of them, because we are concerned not only with the genesis of nomad feudalism, but also with why the Kingdom of Prester John remained an unfulfilled dream and why Arik-Boke, without concealing his Nestorian convictions, lost his kingdom and his life although the Mongol people supported him. Up to now we have tried to explain the facts separately, but this is only a stage on the way to giving a general overview. Further along the way, if we are successful, we may pose the question: is the regular sequence of historical events not a function of time? But this is only a hint about the paths of future research; meanwhile we can say that, if our supposition is correct, the movement of time is uneven, for events taking place in a single region are not evenly distributed on the chronological scale, but are bunched. The attached table convinces us of this.
Date |
Event |
Interpretation |
861 |
Uighurs occupy Turfan oasis, and Karluk Kashgar |
End of Tang dynasty expansion |
880 |
Huang Chao's peasant forces take Loyang and Chang'an and Shato and Tangut nomad tribes come to defence of Tang dynasty |
Tang Empire splits into China and the steppe zone |
884 |
Defeat of Huang Chao' s insurrection and creation of Tangut and Shato principalities on the shores of Huang He |
Steppe victory over China |
907 |
Ye-lu Ambagan declares himself "heavenly emperor" of the Khitan Overthrow of the Tang dynasty and war of the Hou-Liang dynasty against Shato |
Appearance of a 'third force' and a three-sided war |
916 |
Ye-lu Ambagan declares his favour to Buddhism as a non-Chinese religion |
Persecution of everything foreign in China and growth of anti-Chinese attitude in steppe |
920 |
Rising by Manichaeans in China, suppressed |
923 |
Overthrow of Hou-Liang dynasty by Shato and foundation of Hou-Tang dynasty |
Gradual Sinicization of Turkic Shato |
924 |
Khitan subjugate steppe up to Orkhon |
Khitan Khanate grows in strength |
926 |
Khitan subjugate Bokhai |
Consolidation of anti-Chinese forces |
936 |
Overthrow of Hou-Tang dynasty and establishment of Hou-Jin under a Khitan protectorate |
946 |
Khitan conquer Hou-Jin |
947 |
Khitan renamed as Liao Empire Shato and Chinese drive Khitan from China and found Hou Han (Shato) dynasty |
951 |
Chinese overthrow Hou-Han and found Hou-Zhou dynasty, and the Shato Bei-Han (in Shanxi) and make an alliance with Liao |
National reaction in China against nomads and Buddhism |
960 |
Foundation of Song dynasty |
965-7 |
Insurrection of all Amur tribes against Liao, suppressed |
979 |
Bei-han (Shato) conquered by Chinese |
Steppe and forest tribes resist |
982 |
Tangut rise against China |
Chinese influence |
� 1000 |
Christians driven from China |
1007 |
War between nomads (Zubu) and Liao |
1008 |
War between Tangut and Uighurs |
1009 |
Conversion of Kerait |
1013/14 |
"Infidel Turks" attack Yarkend, repulsed by Karluk |
1015 |
Tibetans oppose Tangut in alliance with Song Empire |
Tangut grew in strength and the creation of an original culture on borders of China and the Great Steppe |
1036 |
Tangut conquer Eastern Uighuria |
1044 |
Tangut compel China to accept peace and repel Khitan attack |
1100 |
Khitan rout the nomads (Zubu) who were in revolt |
Suppression of steppe dwellers by Sinicized Khitan |
1115 |
Rising by Jurchen against Liao |
Fall of Liao Empire Rise of a local (original) forest culture |
1118 |
Alliance of Jurchen and Chinese aganist Liao |
1124 |
Departure of Ye-lu Dashi to Orkhon |
1125 |
Fall of Liao War of Jurchen against China (Song) in alliance with Tangut |
1129 |
Ye-lu Dashi takes Balasaghun |
1131 |
Jurchen subjugate Northern China and Eastern Tibet |
1135 |
Mongol war against Jurchen |
Renewal of steppe culture and its upsurge |
1137 |
Victory of Ye-lu Dashi at Hodjent |
1139 |
Mongols rout Jurchen at Hailin mountain Chinese offensive against Jurchen |
1141 |
Ye-lu Dashi defeats Seljuks in Katwan valley |
1142 |
Nestorians and Jacobites unite |
Position of eastern Christians strengthened |
1143 |
Defection of northern borderlands |
of Kara-Khitan khanate and formation of Naiman khanate there |
1145 |
Rumour of Kingdom of Prester John in Western Europe |
1147 |
Peace between Mongols and Jurchen subject to Jurchen paying tribute to Mongols |
A victory saving Southern China (Song Empire) |
1161 |
Renewal by Jurchen of destructive war against Mongols |
Competition between two peoples on an upsurge |
1171 |
Exile and return of Ong-qan the Kerait Disintegration of the Mongol tribal union |
1182 |
Temujin chosen khan, with title of Chinggis, by part of Mongols |
Consolidation of 'people of long will' against clan and tribal traditions, their internal struggle |
1196-8 |
Ong-qan exiled by Naiman, but returns with Temujin's help |
1200 |
Part of Mongols, Merkit, Naiman, Oirat and Tatars unite against Temujin, Jamuqa chosen gurkhan |
1202 |
Defeat of Jumuqa's troops by Temujin and Ong-qan the Kerait |
1203 |
Temujin conquers the Kerait khanate |
1204 |
Temujin conquers the Naiman khanate |
1205 |
Capture and execution of Jamuqa |
1206 |
Great kuriltai and Temujin chosen anew as Chinggiskhan |
Victory of "people of long will" |
1208 |
Mongols conquer forest people of Siberia |
Creation of a steppe power |
1209 |
Uighurs voluntarily submit to Chinggis |
1210 |
Start of Mongol war with Jurchen |
Continuation of war for leadership in Eastern Asia |
1211 |
Kuchlug, leader of Naiman, seizes power in Kara-Khitan khanate |
1214 |
Religious persecution against Muslims in Kara-Khitan khanate |
Nestorians become active |
1215 |
Mongols take Beijing and agree armistice with Jurchen |
1216 |
Mongols exterminate Merkit on Irghiz, and their clash with Khwarizmians |
Muslim advance on steppe |
1218 |
Mongols conquer Kara-Khitan khanate |
Unification of steppe completed |
1219 |
Mongol incursion into Khwarizm |
Mongol counter-attack on Muslim |
1220 |
Bukhara and Samarkand taken |
1221 |
Gurganj (near Urgench) taken |
1223 |
Mongols devastate Merv Battle on the Kalka |
1224 |
Chinggiskhan returns to the steppe |
1226 |
Ye-lu Chu-cai's programme approved by Chinggiskhan |
Start of a struggle between two trends in Mongol internal policy |
1227 |
Mongols conquer Tangut Jochi killed Death of Chinggiskhan |
1229 |
Ogedei chosen khan |
1231 |
Defeat of Jelal ad-Din by noyan Chormagan |
End of two wars |
1235 |
Mongols conquer Jurchen Empire |
1254 |
Treaty of Hetoum I with Mongke-khan Byzantine and Syrian emissaries in Karakorum |
1256 |
Mongke expresses himself in favour of Buddhism, and Arik-Boke of Christianity Batu khan dies, his son Sartak poisoned by Muslims, his heir Ulagchi dies |
1257 |
Berke ascends throne of Golden Horde Execution of khansha Boroqchin |
Self-isolation of Golden Horde from Mongol ulus |
1258 |
Baghdad taken by Mongols and their protection of Near East Christians, incursion into Southern China and protection of Buddhism |
Yellow (Nestorian) Crusade |
1259 |
Death of Mongke Slaughter of Nestorians in Samarkand by Berke's troops |
1260 |
War over the throne between Kubilai and Arik-Boke Defeat of Kit-Buka by Mamluks at Ain Jalud Crusaders and Pope against Mongols and Armenians |
Disintegration of Mongol ulus |
1261 |
Split between Golden Horde and Ilkhan Foundation of a diocese in Sarai |
under pressure from the masses of conquered peoples |
1262 |
War between Golden Horde and Persian Mongols Slaughter in Rus` of fiscal officers sent by Kubilai from Beijing |
1263 |
Aleksandr Nevskii agrees with khan Berke on an alliance of Rus` and the Golden Horde but dies Arik-Boke capitulates |
Effective liberation of Rus` from Mongol authority |
1264 |
Transfer of Mongol capital from Karakorum to Beijing |
1267 |
Quaidu's offensive occupying the Seven Streams area |
Creation of resistance to the khan by Mongols he had ignored |
1269 |
Livonian Germans cease offensive against Novgorod - "for they greatly feared even the name of the Tatars" |
Consequences of alliance between Great Russia and the Golden Horde |
1271 |
Kubilai declared himself 'Emperor of China of the Yuan dynasty' |
Betrayal of his people |
1274 |
Ilkhan Abaga asked help from the Pope and the Council of Lyons against the Mamluks and promises to accept Catholicism |
1275 |
Qaidu begins war against Kubilai |
War of people against the army |
1287 |
Naya's insurrection under the banner of the cross |
1293 |
Montecorvino arrives in China |
Stab in the back for the Nestorians |
1294 |
Kubilai's death |
1301 |
Qaidu's death |
1304 |
Christian propaganda forbidden in Yuan Empire |
1305 |
Buddhists take churches from Christians on banks of the Yangzi |
Consequences of papal interference in the affairs of the eastern church |
1312 |
Ozbeg converts Golden Horde to Islam |
1319 |
Suppression of the rising by the Persian Nestorian Mongols |
1330 |
Russian regiment quartered around Beijing |
1357 |
"Great Revolt" in the Golden Horde Death of Janibek |
End of the Mongol period and of Nestorian culture |
1362 |
Mamai's coup and violation of the traditional alliance of Rus` and the Golden Horde |
1368 |
Chinese in revolt take Beijing |
Now, it seems, we are in a position to summarise the results of our work, but � all the same this is so difficult that we must put up with the 'considerations apropos' in the following chapter.
[+72] L.N. Gumilev, "Mongoly XIII v i 'Slovo o polku Igoreve'".
[+73] V.I. Vernadskii, Biosfera 19.
[+74] Gy. Moravcsik, Byzantinoturcica.