Cardinal and Ordinal Numbers - Help me learn German
- ️Tue May 05 2015
January 6, 2014 Posted in Numerals
Cardinal numbers
1 eins | 11 elf | 30 dreißig |
2 zwei | 12 zwölf | 40 vierzig |
3 drei | 13 dreizehn | 50 fünfzig |
4 vier | 14 vierzehn | 60 sechzig |
5 fünf | 15 fünfzehn | 70 siebzig |
6 sechs | 16 sechzehn | 80 achtzig |
7 sieben | 17 siebzehn | 90 neunzig |
8 acht | 18 achtzehn | 100 (ein)hundert |
9 neun | 19 neunzehn | 600 sechshundert |
10 zehn | 20 zwanzig | 700 siebenhundert |
1000 (ein)tausend 4000 viertausend
10 000 zehntausend 100 000 hunderttausend
1 000 000 eine Million 3 000 000 drei Millionen
1 00 000 000 hundert Millionen
From 20 to 99 the units come before the tens and are joined by the conjunction und (in English: “and”), e. g.:
24 = 4 + 20 = vier und zwanzig = vierundzwanzig
32 = 2 + 30 zweiunddreißig
64 = 4 + 60 vierundsechzig
96 = 6 + 90 sechsundneunzig
65 fünfundsechzig (5 und 60)
82 zweiundachtzig (2 und 80)
36 sechsunddreißig (6 und 30)
This reverse order characterises only the units and tens, not the hundreds, thousands, millions and so on:
5327 fünftausenddreihundertsiebenundzwanzig (5000 + 300 + 7 + 20)
All the numbers can be used as nouns of the feminine gender, e.g. die Drei = a mark of three at school or the bus number three, and so on.
Zero is called die Null, and it can be used in the plural, too (Nullen, e.g. Die Ziffer 1 wird von 6 Nullen gefolgt – The digit 1 is followed by 6 zeros)
Die Million is always used as a noun and is written with a capital. It is even used in the plural when talking about more than one million (zwei Millionen, fünf Millionen, etc.). Hundert and tausend are not used in the plural even if talking about more than one hundred or one thousand (zweihundert, sechstausend, etc.)
Numerals less than one million are written in one single word, so very long words can arise:
128 (ein)hundertachtundzwanzig
256 zweihundertsechsundfünfzig
3674 dreitausendsechshundertvierundsiebzig
92 676 zweiundneunzigtausendsechshundertsechsundsiebzig
863 372 achthundertdreiundsechzigtausenddreihundertzweiundsiebzig
As millions are separate nouns they make up separate words within a numeral:
1 738 539 eine Million siebenhundertachtunddreißigtausendfünfhundertneununddreißig
8 263 802 acht Millionen zweihundertdreiundsechzigtausendachthundertzwei
Year numbers
Year numbers are expressed in a very similar way to English:
1984 – neunzehnhundertvierundachtzig
1848 – achtzehnhundertachtundvierzig
1222 – zwölfhundertzweiundzwanzig
1492 – vierzehnhundertzweiundneunzig
Ordinal numbers
1. erste | 11. elfte | 30. dreißigste |
2. zweite | 12. zwölfte | 40. vierzigste |
3. dritte | 13. dreizehnte | 50. fünfzigste |
4. vierte | 14. vierzehnte | 60. sechzigste |
5. fünfte | 15. fünfzehnte | 70. siebzigste |
6. sechste | 16. sechzehnte | 80. achtzigste |
7. siebente / siebte | 17. siebzehnte | 90. neunzigste |
8. achte | 18. achtzehnte | 100. hundertste |
9. neunte | 19. neunzehnte | 1000. tausendste |
10. zehnte | 20. zwanzigste | 1 000 000. millionste |
Ordinal numbers under 19 are formed by -te ending, above 19 they are formed by -ste ending. Irregular ones are: 1. erste, 3. dritte, 8. achte.
When writing ordinal numbers, they do not need to be designated by their last letters and a dot is enough, though last letter designation is also possible: 1st = 1te or 1., 2nd = 2te or 2.
Multiple millions as ordinal numbers are not nouns; they are written in one single word, and a capital first letter is not used. They do not take a plural: zwei Miliionen, but: zweimillionste.
Ordinal numbers are considered adjectives, so they are declined in the same way as adjectives, e.g. das erste Bild (the first picture).
Very large numbers – just as a curiosity
Adding a further three zeros to a very large number, we get another number with its own name. So after one million (eine Million) we get one billion (eine Milliarde), then one trillion (eine Billion), then one quadrillion (eine Billiarde). As can be seen the names of large numbers differ significantly between German and English, as in German the -illion and -illiarde endings follow each other alternately.
Similarly to Million, the names of very large numbers are treated as nouns and are used in the plural when speaking about more than one of them:
1 000 000 000 eine Milliarde
2 000 000 000 zwei Milliarden
1 000 000 000 000 eine Billion
3 000 000 000 000 drei Billionen
Very large numbers are expressed as powers of ten. These numbers are not used in everyday life:
106 | million | Million |
109 | billion | Milliarde |
1012 | trillion | Billion |
1015 | quadrillion | Billiarde |
1018 | quintillion | Trillion |
1021 | sextillion | Trilliarde |
1024 | septillion | Quadrillion |
1027 | octillion | Quadrilliarde |
1030 | nonillion | Quintilion |
1033 | decillion | Quintilliarde |
1036 | undecillion | Sextillion |
1039 | duodecillion | Sextilliarde |
1042 | tredecillion | Septillion |
1045 | quattuordecillion | Septilliarde |
1048 | quindecillion | Oktillion |
1051 | sexdecillion | Oktilliarde |
1054 | septendecillion | Nonillion |
1057 | octodecillion | Nonilliarde |
1060 | novemdecillion | Dezillion |
1063 | vigintillion | Dezilliarde |
1066 | unvigintillion | Undezillion |
1069 | duovigintillion | Undezilliarde |
1072 | tresvigintillion | D(u)odezillion |
1075 | quattuorvigintillion | D(u)odezilliarde |
1078 | quinvigintillion | Tredezillion |
1081 | sesvigintillion | Tredezilliarde |
1084 | septemvigintillion | Quattuordezillion |
1087 | octovigintillion | Quattuordezilliarde |
1090 | novemvigintillion | Quindezillion |
1093 | trigintillion | Quindezilliarde |
1096 | untrigintillion | Se(x)dezillion |
1099 | duotrigintillion | Se(x)dezilliarde |