Writers - LC Linked Data Service: Authorities and Vocabularies | Library of Congress

  • ️Fri Jun 10 2016
  • found: Work cat.: Gullar, Ferreira. Ferreira Gullar : in conversation with = en conversación con Ariel Jiménez, 2012(interviews with writer Ferreira Gullar)

  • found: Wikipedia, June 10, 2016(Ferreira Gullar is the pen name for José Ribamar Ferreira (born September 10, 1930), a Brazilian poet, playwright, essayist, art critic, and television writer.)

  • found: Dictionary of occupational titles, via WWW, June 10, 2016(Writers. This group includes occupations primarily concerned with researching and writing material for performance, publication, or broadcast. Includes reporting, analyzing, and interpreting facts, events, and personalities; developing fiction or nonfiction ideas, using various literary techniques to produce plays, novels, poems, or other related works; critically evaluating art, music, drama, and other artistic presentations; and persuading the general public to favor personalities, goods, and services. Writers often rewrite material developed by others and perform editorial duties but are distinguished from editors because they are primarily responsible for originating written material. Technical writers are also included in this group. Occupations which include writing but are primarily involved with other disciplines, such as economics, psychology, and history, are grouped according to primary involvement. Narrower titles: Columnist/Commentator; Copy Writer; Critic; Editorial Writer; Humorist; Librettist; Lyricist; Playwright; Poet; Writer, Prose, Fiction and Nonfiction; Screen Writer; Continuity Writer; Reader; Newscaster; Newswriter; Reporter; Script Reader; Writer, Technical Publications)

  • found: O*NET OnLine, June 10, 2016(Poets, Lyricists and Creative Writers: Create original written works, such as scripts, essays, prose, poetry or song lyrics, for publication or performance; Writers and Authors: Originate and prepare written material, such as scripts, stories, advertisements, and other material)

  • found: LCSH, June 10, 2016(Authors. UF Writers. NT Aerospace writers; Biographers; Copy writers; Diarists; Dramatists; Erotic literature writers; Essayists; Fable writers; Financial writers; Food writers; Ghost writers; Hack writers; Horticultural writers; Journalists; Nature writers; Novelists; Outdoor writers; Pamphleteers; Poets; Radio writers; Science writers; Screenwriters; Speechwriters; Technology writers; Television writers; Travel writers; Wine writers)

  • found: Merriam-Webster dictionary online, June 10, 2016:writer (Simple definition: someone whose work is to write books, poems, stories, etc.; someone who has written something. Full definition: one that writes: as a: author; b: one who writes stock options) author (Simple definition: a person who has written something; especially : a person who has written a book or who writes many books; a person who starts or creates something (such as a plan or idea). Full definition: 1 a) one that originates or creates : source <software authors> <film authors> <the author of this crime> b) capitalized: God. 2. the writer of a literary work (as a book))

  • found: Oxford dictionaries online, June 10, 2016(writer noun. 1. A person who has written a particular text. 1.1. A person who writes books, stories, or articles as a job or regular occupation; author noun. 1. A writer of a book, article, or report. 1.1. Someone who writes books as a profession)