Gay bathhouses - LC Linked Data Service: Authorities and Vocabularies | Library of Congress
- ️Sun Jul 17 2005
Baths, Gay
Gay baths
Gay men's bathhouses
Gay saunas
Gay steam baths
Saunas, Gay
Steam baths, Gay
Tubs (Gay bathhouses)
Broader Terms
Exact Matching Concepts from Other Schemes
Closely Matching Concepts from Other Schemes
found: Work cat.: Prior, J.S. Sydney gay saunas, 1967-2000, 2004:p. 11 (gay sauna also variously called "gay bathhouse," "gay baths," "the baths," "bathhouses," "steam baths," "the tubs," "sex clubs," and "fuck clubs") glossary (Gay Bathhouse: a name used less frequently within Sydney for a gay sauna; Gay Sauna: a gay sex institution that emerged in Sydney during the second half of the 20th century and which was designed specifically to facilitate social and sexual encounters between men, particularly gay men. The establishment is equipped with facilities for bathing; Tubs: another name for a gay sauna)
found: Encyc. of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender history in America, c2004(Bathhouses; gay bathhouses)
found: Reader's guide to lesbian and gay studies, 2000(Bathhouses. Gay bathhouses occupy a centry (albeit) contested location within gay history and politics; gay baths)
found: Hogan, S. Completely queer : the gay and lesbian encyc., 1998(Baths/Bathhouses; gay-friendly baths and "saunas"; gay baths; gay men's baths)
found: Encyc. of homosexuality, 1990(Bathhouses. In these establishments only a small area of the premises is devoted to immersion tubs and sauna rooms; the bulk of the floor space consists of cubicles which are used for resting and for consensual sexual encounters; gay bathhouses; in Europe, bathhouses--usually termed saunas there--continue to flourish)
found: Wikipedia, July 17, 2005(Gay bathhouses, also known as (gay) saunas or steam baths (and sometimes called, in gay slang in some regions, "the baths" or "the tubs"), are places where men can go to have sex with other men (note that not all men who visit gay bathhouses consider themselves "gay"))
found: LC database, July 17, 2005(ti: Gay bathhouses and public health policy)
LC Classification
- HQ76.965.B38
Instance Of
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Change Notes
2005-07-17: new
2022-12-22: revised
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