International Viewpoint - online socialist magazine

International Viewpoint, the monthly English-language magazine of the Fourth International, is a window to radical alternatives world-wide, carrying reports, analysis and debates from all corners of the globe. Correspondents in over 50 countries report on popular struggles, and the debates that are shaping the left of tomorrow.

  • Serbia

    Chronology of the struggle

    23 March, by

    The scale and intensity of this movement is unprecedented in Serbia’s recent history – and in the entire history of student movements in Europe. The students have gained widespread support in academia and beyond. Around 5,000 university professors signed an online letter of solidarity, and by the end of December 2024, 85 universities – 74 per cent of the country’s universities – had joined the protests. Farmers blocked Serbia’s main highway in December, and artists, high school students, teachers , education unions, lawyers , and media associations have also expressed their support, with 73 schools suspending classes in solidarity with the students .

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  • Sudan

    Sudan : Towards partition

    22 March, by Paul Martial

    Although with little media coverage, the war in Sudan remains the most costly conflict in the world from a humanitarian point of view: 11 million people have been displaced and half the population is in a situation of food insecurity. The creation of a parallel government has broken the unity of the Taqaddum coalition led by former minister Abdallah Hamdok from the transitional government which emerged from the Sudanese revolution.

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  • Yemen

    Yemen on the brink

    21 March, by Gilbert Achcar

    Now that Trump has returned to the White House with far greater arrogance than during his first term, the possibility of re-escalating the war in Yemen with direct US involvement has become very real.

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  • USA

    Class, Race, and Gender in the 2024 elections

    20 March, by Kay Mann

    Kamala Harris’ loss to Donald Trump in the 2024 presidential elections was due in large part to declining support for the Democratic candidate from union members, African Americans, and Latino/a s suggesting a decline in class consciousness, working class solidarity, and the strengthening of masculinist and white racial identities. These are shocking not only because of Trump’s hostility to unions, working class problems, and his overt racism and sexism, but because these groups have long been part of the Democratic party voting bloc.

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  • Algeria

    Algeria: Colonisation and racism

    19 March, by Édouard Soulier, Louisa D

    Jean-Michel Apathie, a well-known French mainstream columnist, was suspended from the RTL television channel on 5 March after pointing out that France had committed massacres during the colonisation of Algeria.

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Recently posted Features

  • Germany

    On the 2025 German elections

    23 March, by Jakob Schaefer, Promise Li

    Promise Li, a socialist from Hong Kong now based in Los Angeles, interviews Jakob Schäfer for Borderless. Jacob is a retired steelworker, having served on the steering committee of the Network for Fighting Trade Unions (VKG). He is also a member of the International Sozialistische Organization (ISO) and the editor of the magazine Die Internationale. Promise is is a member of Tempest Collective and Solidarity, and has been active in higher education rank-and-file union work, international solidarity and antiwar campaigns, and Chinatown tenant organizing.. The interview was conducted on 25 February 2025 and appeared in Borderless on February 2025.

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  • Left-wing isolationism: a path to political irrelevance in Europe’s defence debate

    23 March, by Hanna Perekhoda

    The European Parliament has voted on the resolution that sets the line on defence and rearmament. The harshest criticism of the European Commission’s resolution on defence and rearmament comes from the Left political group. Among them is Manon Aubry (France Insoumise), who denounces, “You find money for tanks but not for hospitals.” She sarcastically remarked, “It’s as if, all of a sudden, there was no longer any global warming or poverty, and the only priority was armoured vehicles.” Similarly, Benedetta Scuderi of the Greens argues that “this arms race” undermines growth and public finances. Other voices have joined the chorus, including the Left co-chair Martin Schirdewan and Danilo Della Valle of the Five Star Movement. During Della Valle’s speech, a group of representatives of the Five Star Movement held a protest waving placards such as "No more guns" or "More jobs, less guns".

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  • Campism

    Against Campism, for International Working-Class Solidarity

    21 March, by Dan La Botz, Jason Schulman

    As socialists we must espouse a truly internationalist politics, one that supports democratic and working-class movements around the world. We support such movements in their struggles against tyrannical governments and the ruling classes of all countries, just as we welcome their solidarity with us. As U.S. socialists we oppose the imperialism of the United States, but as internationalists we must also oppose the authoritarianism and imperialism of other states, regardless of what those who run those states call themselves. That is, we must oppose “campism.”

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  • Middle East

    Free Syria scares Israel, that’s why it sows hatred and occupies

    21 March, by Joseph Daher

    Israel has a vested interest in keeping Syria weak and fragmented, especially now that the people can openly show support for Palestine, says Joseph Daher.

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