
BARCODE | Security System Technology

Posted on May 2nd, 2011 by Ron Gibson

What is Barcode:

A barcode is an optical machine-readable representation of data. Barcodes represent data by varying the widths and spacing of parallel lines, and may be referred to as linear or 1 dimensional. Barcodes originally were scanned by special–optical scanners called barcode readers, scanners and interpretive software are available on devices including desktop printers.

Here we are talking about barcode as because in the Parking and Revenue control Setup we deal with the Barcode. The Barcode is printed on the Ticket and as well as on the Receipt. Barcode is scanned on the Cashier Station for the verification of the Visitor and hence helps in collection revenue.

This helps track items and also reduces instances of shoplifting involving price tag swapping, although shoplifters can now print their own barcodes.

Barcodes are widely used in shop floor control applications software where employees can scan work orders and track the time spent on a job.

The mapping between messages and barcodes is called a symbology. The specification of a symbology includes the encoding of the single digits/characters of the message as well as the start and stop markers into bars and space, the size of the quiet zone required to be before and after the barcode as well as the computation of a checksum. The main functions of bar coding are accuracy and speed. Scanning is much faster than manually entering the series of numbers into a computer with a keyboard or number pad.


iWatch Systems offers advance extended support for Parking and Revenue Collection Setup. We also use the Code 39 pattern. Code 39 (also called Code 3 of 9) is an alphanumeric bar code. The symbol can be as long as necessary to store the encoded data. It is designed to encode 26 uppercase letters, 10 digits and 7 special characters. It can be extended to code all 128 ASCII characters by using a two character coding scheme. Each data character encoded in a Code 39 symbol is made up of 5 bars and 4 spaces for a total of 9 elements. Each bar or space is either “wide” or “narrow” and 3 out of the 9 elements are always wide. That’s what gave the code its other name – Code 3 of 9.

Barcodes can be printed using most computer printers. The simplest way to print a barcode with your computer printer is to use a barcode font. You install the font on your computer just like any other font, and you can switch to the barcode font the same way you switch to any standard font.

This entry was posted on Monday, May 2nd, 2011 at and is filed under Access Control, Discretionary access control, Information, Intelligence, iWatch Visitor Management System, TCP/ IP platform. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.