
Michael Arias goes live-action with "Heaven's Door"

by Chris MaGee

While Michael Arias may not be a household name many Japanese film buffs will know his 2007 animated film "Tekkon Kinkreet". Now it looks like the official website and teaser trailer for his live-action film debut have hit the net. "Heaven's Door" stars Tomoya Nagase and Mayuko Fukuda as two people who after discovering that they are both terminally ill set out an an a road trip to the sea. Mika Omori who penned the scripts for Kei Kataoka's "Install" and Toshio Lee's upcoming "Detroit Metal City" adapted the story from the 1997 German comedy "Knockin’ On Heaven’s Door" written and directed by Thomas Jahn. In that film the leads were two males friends, so the casting of Nagase and Fukuda says to me that Omori and Arias may be playing up the romance a bit more with their film.

"Heaven's Door" is set to be released early next year. Thanks to Ryuganji.net for this story.