
Names for Tobago

  • ️Boomert, Arie
  • ️Mon Jan 01 2001

Allaire Louis
1981 « The Saurian pineal eye in Antillean art and mythology », Journal of Latin American Lore, 7, pp. 3-22.

Anderson Edgar
1970 Senie Kurzemnieki Amerika un Tobago kolonizacija. Daugava, Stockholm.

ca 1560 [Mapa de la Provincia de los Aruacas], spanish manuscript map, reproduced in Hermann González Oropeza (ed.), Atlas de la historia cartográfica de Venezuela, 1983, lám. XXI, Enzo Papi, Caracas.

1642 Tobago. English manuscript map, reproduced in Edgar Anderson 1970, Senie Kurzemnieki Amerika un Tobago kolonizacija, p. 80, Daugava, Stockholm.

1928 « Vocabulario de Español a Caribe..., 1789 », in Catálogo de la Real Biblioteca, I, Manuscritos: Lenguas de América, vol. I, pp. 197-212, Madrid [orig. written 1789].

Archibald R. Douglas
1987-1995 Tobago: « Melancholy Isle », 2 vols, Westindiana/University of the West Indies, Port-of-Spain/St Augustine.

Aspinall Sir Algernon
1934 A Wayfarer in the West Indies, 3rd ed., London.

Boomert Arie
1986 « The Cayo complex of St. Vincent: Ethnohistorical and archaeological aspects of the Island Carib problem », Antropológica, 66, pp. 3-68.

2000 Trinidad, Tobago and the Lower Orinoco Interaction Sphere, Cairi Publications, Alkmaar.

Breton Père Raymond
1900 Dictionaire Français-Caraibe, Platzmann, Leipzig [first publ. Auxerre 1666].

1978 Relations de l’Île de la Guadeloupe, Société d’Histoire de la Guadeloupe, Basse-Terre [orig. written 1647-1656].

1999 Dictionnaire caraïbe-français, Marina Besada Paisa (ed.), Karthala/IRD, Paris [first publ. Auxerre 1665].

Brinton Daniel G.
1871 « The Arawack language of Guiana in its linguistic and ethnological relations », Transactions of the American Philosophical Society, 14, pp. 427-444.

Caesar Erol
1984 « Superstitions among Tobago fisherfolk », in Report conference on culture and the cultural heritage of Tobago, Mt Irvine Bay 1984, pp. 63-64.

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Columbus Ferdinand
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1954 Diccionario crítico etimológico de la lengua Castellana, 4 vols, Francke, Bern.

Dauxion-Lavaysse Jean-François
1820 A statistical, commercial, and political description of Venezuela, Trinidad, Margarita, and Tobago (transl. from the French), Whittaker, London.

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1936 « De namen der Antillen », West-Indische Gids, 18, pp. 33-37.

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De la Borde Sieur
1886 « History of the Origin, Customs, Wars, and Travels of the Caribs, Savages of the Antilles in America », G. J. A. Bosch-Reitz (transl. from the French), Timehri, 5, pp. 224-254 [first publ. Paris 1674].

De Laet Johannes
1931-1937 Iaerlyck Verhael van de Verrichtinghen der Geoctroyeerde West-Indische Compagnie, 4 vols, S. P. L. L’Honoré Naber (ed.), Werken van de Linschoten Vereeniging, 34, 35, 37, 40, ’s-Gravenhage [orig. written 1623-1636].

Devas Raymond P.
1974 A history of the island of Grenada, 1498-1796, St George’s, Grenada.

Dudley Sir Robert
1646 [Guiana], in Arcano del Mare, America XIII, Firenze, italian map, reproduced in G. F. Warner (ed.), 1899, The voyage of Robert Dudley, [...] to the West Indies, 1594-1595, Map A, Hakluyt Society 2: 3, London.

Ernst Adolfo
1889 « On the etymology of the word tobacco », American Anthropologist, 2, pp. 133-142.

Espinosa Antonio Vázquez de
1942 Compendium and description of the West Indies, C. Upton Clark (ed. and transl. from the Spanish), Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections, 102, Washington, D.C. [orig. written ca 1628-1629].

Friederici Georg
1960 Amerikanistisches Wörterbuch und Hilfswörterbuch für den Amerikanisten : Deutsch-Spanisch-Englisch, Abhandlungen aus dem Gebiet der Auslandskunde, Reihe B, Band 53, Universität Hamburg, Cram/De Ruyter, Hamburg.

Fowler John
1774 A summary account of the present flourishing state of the respectable colony of Tobago in the British West Indies, London.

Furst Peter T.
1992.– « Tobacco », in Silvio A. Bedini (ed.), The Christopher Columbus Encyclopedia, vol. I, pp. 279-281, Simon & Schuster, New York.

Goslinga Cornelis Ch.
1971 The Dutch in the Caribbean and on the Wild Coast 1580-1680, Van Gorcum, Assen.

Gullick Charles J. M. R. C.
1985 Myths of a minority: The changing traditions of the Vincentian Caribs, Van Gorcum, Assen.

Gumilla Padre José
1963 El Orinoco Ilustrado y Defendido, José Nucete-Sardi (ed.), 2 vols, Biblioteca de la Academia Nacional de la Historia, 68, Caracas [first publ. Madrid 1741].

Honem Diego (?)
ca 1540 [Map of the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean], spanish manuscript map, partially reproduced in Hermann González Oropeza (ed.), 1983, Atlas de la historia cartográfica de Venezuela, lám. XIX, Enzo Papi, Caracas.

Humboldt Baron Alexander von
1852-1853 Personal narrative of travels to the Equinoctial regions of America, during the years 1799-1804, Thomassina Ross (ed. and transl. from the French), 3 vols, London.

Jesse Father C.
1963 « The Spanish Cedula of December 23, 1511, on the subject of the Caribs », Caribbean Quarterly, 9 (3), pp. 22-32.

Jiménez G. Morella A.
1986 La esclavitud indígena en Venezuela (siglo xvi), Biblioteca de la Academia Nacional de la Historia, 185, Caracas.

Keymis Laurence
1904 « A relation of the second voyage to Guiana, performed and written in the yeere 1596 », in Richard Hakluyt, The Principal Navigations Voyages Traffiques & Discoveries of the English Nation, vol. X, pp. 441-495, MacLehose, Glasgow [first publ. London 1599].

Konetzke Richard (ed.)
1953-1962 Colección de documentos para la historia de la formación social de Hispanoamérica 1493-1810, 3 vols, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Madrid.

Las Casas Bartolomé de
1957-1961 Historia de las Indias, J. Pérez de Tudela Bueso (ed.), 2 vols, Biblioteca de Autores Españoles, 95-96, Madrid [orig. written 1520-1561].

Lovén Sven
1935 Origins of the Tainan culture, West Indies, Elander, Göteborg.

Martin Robert M.
1836 History of the West Indies comprising Jamaica, Trinidad, Honduras, Tobago, Grenada, the Bahamas, and the Virgin Islands, vol. I, London.

Maxwell John C.
1948 « Geology of Tobago, British West Indies », Bulletin of the Geological Society of America, 59, pp. 801-854.

Morison Samuel E.
1942 Christopher Columbus : Admiral of the Ocean Sea, 2 vols, Little/Brown, Boston.

1955 Christopher Columbus, Mariner, New American Library, New York.

Morison Samuel E. (ed.)
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Morison Samuel E. and M. Obregón
1964 The Caribbean as Columbus saw it, Little/Brown, Boston.

Nardin Jean-Claude
1962 « Sur le nom de l’Île de Tabago », Caribbean Studies, 2 (2), pp. 31-34.

Otte Enrique (ed.)
1967 Cedularios de la monarquía española de Margarita, Nueva Andalucia y Caracas (1553-1604), Caracas.

Ottley Carlton R.
1970 A history of place-names in Trinidad and Tobago, Ottley, Diego Martin.

Oviedo y Valdés Gonzalo Fernández de
ca 1545 [Mapa del rio de Huyapari], spanish manuscript map, reproduced in Gonzalo Fernández de Oviedo y Valdés, 1959, Historia general y natural de las Indias, Islas y Tierra Firme del Mar Océano, Juan Pérez de Tudela Bueso (ed.), 5 vols, vol. V, lám. VII, Biblioteca de Autores Españoles 117-121, Madrid [orig. written 1535-1547].

Oxford English Dictionary
1971 The compact edition of the Oxford English Dictionary, 2 vols, Oxford.

Pané Fray Ramón
1999 An Account of the Antiquities of the Indians, José J. Arrom (ed.) and Susan C. Griswold (transl. from the Spanish), Duke University Press, Durham/London [orig. written 1493-1498].

Pelleprat Père Pierre
1965 Relato de las misiones de los padres de la Compañía de Jesús en las Islas y en Tierra Firme de América Meridional, P. José del Rey (ed. and transl. from the French), Biblioteca de la Academia Nacional de la Historia, 77, Caracas [first publ. Paris 1655].

Petitjean-Roget Henri
1994 « Éléments pour une étude comparée des mythologies Taïnos et Caraïbes insulaires (Kalinas) des Antilles », Espace Caraïbe, 2, pp. 91-107.

1995 « Les calebasses peintes, la poterie et l’arc-en-ciel chez les Caraïbes insulaires », Proceedings of the Sixteenth International Congress for Caribbean Archaeology, Guadeloupe 1995, vol. I, pp. 159-175.

Reeves W.
1749 Tobago. Or, a Geographical Description, Natural and Civil History... of that Famous Island, Reeves, London.

Reichel-Dolmatoff Gerardo
1975 The shaman and the jaguar: A study of narcotic drugs among the Indians of Colombia, Temple University Press, Philadelphia.

Ribeiro Diogo (Diego) de
1529 [Map of the World], Spanish manuscript map, partially reproduced in C. Koeman (ed.), 1973, Links with the past: The history of cartography of Suriname 1500-1971, fig. 1, Theatrum Orbis Terrarum, Amsterdam.

Robiou-Lamarche Sebastián
1990 « Island Carib mythology and astronomy », Latin American Indian Literatures Journal, 6, pp. 36-54.

Rochefort Charles de
1665 Le Tableau de l’Isle de Tabago, ou de la Nouvelle Oüalchre. L’une des Isles Antilles de l’Amerique, Jean le Carpentier, Leyde.

Rowley Keith C. and M. John Roobol
1978 « Geochemistry and age of the Tobago igneous rocks », Geologie en Mijnbouw, 57 (2), pp. 315-318.

Sauer Carl O.
1966 The early Spanish Main, University of California Press, Berkeley/Los Angeles.

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1973 Sacred narcotic plants of the New World Indians: An anthology of texts from the 16th century to date, New York/London.

Stevens-Arroyo Antonio M.
1988 Cave of the Jaguar: The mythological world of the Taínos, University of New Mexico Press, Albuquerque.

Taylor Douglas M.
1938 « The Caribs of Dominica », Smithsonian Institution, Bureau of American Ethnology, Bulletin 119, pp. 103-160.

1945 « Carib folk-beliefs and customs from Dominica, B. W. I. », Southwestern Journal of Anthropology, 1, pp. 507-530.

1946 « Notes on the star lore of the Caribbees », American Anthropologist, 48, pp. 215-222.

1951 The Black Carib of British Honduras, Viking Fund Publications in Anthropology, 17, New York.

1952a « Tales and legends of the Dominica Caribs », Journal of American Folklore, 65, pp. 267-279.

1952b « A note on the derivation of the word “tobacco” », American Anthropologist, 54, pp. 278-279.

1956 « Names on Dominica », West-Indische Gids, 36, pp. 121-124.

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1977 Languages of the West Indies, Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore/ London.

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1964 « Some general viewpoints in the study of native drugs especially from the West Indies and South America », Ethnos, 1-2, pp. 97-120.

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Wilbert Johannes
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Young Sir William
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Woodcock Henry I.
1867 A History of Tobago, The author, Ayr.