The Mielec Shtetl Page

  • ️Pete Dreifuss, Neil Emmer


Mielec, Poland


Mielec is included in the Kolbuszowa Region Research Group (KRRG). Shtetlach were interwoven together like a tapestry and the Jewish people of neighboring shtetlach linked by marriages, trade and marketing. They shared schools, cemeteries, kosher butchers, bakers and more. Smaller shtetlach registered their birth, marriages and death in a nearby larger shtetl. One should research the neighboring area as well as an individual shtetl. The KRRG web site has resources and information that is relevant to many shtetlach. To search for family links and learn more about neighboring shtetlach, please visit the Kolbuszowa Region Research Group (KRRG).

Shtetl Variant names:  Melits, Melitz, Myelets, Me'alitz

Administrative District:  Mielec

Subdistrict - Judicial / Tax District: Milelec


  • 15.6 miles E of Kolbuszowa
  • 30.4 miles ESE of Rzesz�w
  • Latitude  50�17�, Longitude:, 21�25�
Jewish Population before the Holocaust:  2,807


  • In present day Poland Mielec is in the Podkarpackie Province (Wojew�dztwo).  Mielec is the seat of the County (Powiat) and Administrative District (Starostwo) which includes the city and commune of Mielec and the following communes / municipalities (Gminas): Borowa, Czermin, Gawluszowice,  Padew Narodowa, Przeclaw, Radomysl Wielki, Tusz�w Narodowy, Wadowice G�rne
  • Mielec through the Holocaust. Written by Howard Recht
  • Mielec Yizkor Book -Melitser Yidin [ [Tel Aviv, 1979] - The entire Mielec Yizkor Book - Melitser Yidin was scanned and all the pages can be viewed in the original format. With Permission of the New York Public Library, Dorot Jewish Division.

Mielec Cemeteries:




Gesher Galicia Resources:

Photos & Postcards: 


  • "The Long Road to Mielec".  Written and submitted by Alvin Thaler Reprinted with permission from The Reporter -- Women's American ORT.



Rabbinical Dynasty:


The People of Mielec: 


Biographies , Family Histories:

Memories, Reminiscences and Anecdotes:

After Emigration:

Mielec County - Powiat Mielecki

Links and Databases:

When searching the links below, please remember that many towns in Poland have the same name. Make sure that the information you find refers to the shtetl you are researching.

  • Search for Mielec. The Jewish Records Indexing - Poland and JewishGen "All Poland Database" is a multiple database search facility, which incorporates all of the following databases:
    JRI -Poland,  Yizkor Book Necrologies, JewishGen Family Finder )JGFF), JewishGen Online Worldwide Burial Registry (JOWBR), 1891 Galicia Business Directory, 1929 Polish Business Directory, 1890-1891 New York Immigrants from Poland, Austria and Galicia, JG Discussion Group Archives, SIG Mailing List Archives and much much more.
  • This page is hosted at no cost to the public by JewishGen, Inc., a non-profit corporation.
    If you feel there is a benefit to you in accessing  this site, your JewishGen-erosity is appreciated.

    � Copyright 2015 Kolbuszowa Region Research Group. All rights reserved.

    Web Master: Neil Emmer
    Coordinator: Susana Leistner Bloch

    Compiled by Susana Leistner Bloch.

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    Last updated: August 2, 2019