The Mielec Shtetl Page
- ️Pete Dreifuss, Neil Emmer
Mielec, Poland
Mielec is included in the Kolbuszowa Region Research Group (KRRG). Shtetlach were interwoven together like a tapestry and the Jewish people of neighboring shtetlach linked by marriages, trade and marketing. They shared schools, cemeteries, kosher butchers, bakers and more. Smaller shtetlach registered their birth, marriages and death in a nearby larger shtetl. One should research the neighboring area as well as an individual shtetl. The KRRG web site has resources and information that is relevant to many shtetlach. To search for family links and learn more about neighboring shtetlach, please visit the Kolbuszowa Region Research Group (KRRG).
Shtetl Variant names: Melits, Melitz, Myelets, Me'alitz
Administrative District: Mielec
Subdistrict - Judicial / Tax District: Milelec
- 15.6 miles E of Kolbuszowa
- 30.4 miles ESE of Rzesz�w
- Latitude 50�17�, Longitude:, 21�25�
- In present day Poland Mielec is in the Podkarpackie Province (Wojew�dztwo). Mielec is the seat of the County (Powiat) and Administrative District (Starostwo) which includes the city and commune of Mielec and the following communes / municipalities (Gminas): Borowa, Czermin, Gawluszowice, Padew Narodowa, Przeclaw, Radomysl Wielki, Tusz�w Narodowy, Wadowice G�rne
- Mielec through the Holocaust. Written by Howard Recht
- Mielec Yizkor Book -Melitser Yidin [ [Tel Aviv, 1979] - The entire Mielec Yizkor Book - Melitser Yidin was scanned and all the pages can be viewed in the original format. With Permission of the New York Public Library, Dorot Jewish Division.
Mielec Cemeteries:
- Description of the Mielec Cemeteries
- Maps of Mielec showing the exact location of the Jewish Cemeteries, Holocaust Memorial and Synagogue
- Photos of the Mielec Old Jewish Cemetery
- Monument in Memory of the Jews of Mielec and vicinity - Old Jewish Cemetery
- Photos of the Mielec New Jewish Cemetery
- Photos of the Mielec Holocaust Memorial
- Map of Mielec in 1850
- View Mielec via Google.
- 3rd Military Mapping Survey of Austria-Hungary showing Mielec
- Through The Eyes Of American Soldiers. Submitted by Yisrael Meyer
- Deportation photos of Mielec Jews.
- My memories from the bloodiest period of my People by Sarah Blattberg-Cooper
- Indictment of Gotthold Stein � The Commander of Jewish Labour Camp in Mielec
- Mielec Forced Labour Camp Postcard
- 1929 Business Directory, Submitted by Scott Genzer.
- Translation of the 1929 Business Directory, Submitted by Scott Genzer.
- Sample of Birth Certificate. Submitted by Dr. Howard I. A. Lieb
- Mielec refugees in Vilna (1939 - 1940).
- Mielec School Signatures, from the 1926 Polish Declarations Of Admiration And Friendship For The United States.
- The YIVO Encyclopedia of Jews in Eastern Europe. Type in the name of your town.
- Jewish Records Indexing - Poland and JewishGen �All Poland Database�.This is a multiple database search facility, The �All Poland Database� enables researchers to find indices to vital and related records from the independent JRI-Poland database as well as entries from other databases. The combined databases have more than 6.75 million entries for individuals living in areas now or formerly in Poland. The database is a work in progress, and new entries are being added regularly.
Logan J. Kleinwak
Galicia Genealogy Indexer
Gesher Galicia Resources:
Photos & Postcards:
- Postcards of Mielec.
- Photos of Mielec marketplace & Mielec Shul/Synagogue.
- Wooden model of Mielec Synagogue.
- Mielec Jewish Cemetery
- Mielec Rynek [Market Place] - Postcards, Photos, Jewish Shops
- Photos of Mielec - Jewish Family Homes - including BLATTBERG, FENICHEL, HONIG, VERSTANDIG
- Photos of Mielec - Institutions, Schools and Buildings - including ZUCKERBRODT Mill, Pinkas KRANZ Hospital
- Photos and Postcards of Mielec
- Photos of Mielec - The Shul / Synagogue
- Photos Taken by a German Soldier. Street Scenes and Market Place. Submitted by Ken Fink
- "The Long Road to Mielec". Written and submitted by Alvin Thaler Reprinted with permission from The Reporter -- Women's American ORT.
- I Rest My Case. Verstandig, Mark
- I Remember Mielec by Doris Lander Berl
- Impession and scenes from Mielec -- M. Keit
- The Sztetel Mielec and the Rosh Hashanah Tragedy
Rabbinical Dynasty:
- Fryda Verstandig Telegram. Submitted by Stanislaw Wanatowicz
The People of Mielec:
- Schwartz Family. Submitted by Dr. Howard I. A. Lieb
- Mielec Wedding c. 1937 Submitted by Daniel Banda
- Photos of Frieda Apfel with family and friends Submitted by Daniel Banda.
- Photos of Bubi Volfowicz Submitted by Daniel Banda.
- Faces of Mielec. Submitted by Stanislaw Wanatowicz. Includes photos of: Joe CZORTKOWER, Abba FENICHEL, Psachje HONIG, Rabbi Juda HOROWITZ
- Faces of Mielec. Family and Group photos including: Mielec Aldermen, Maccabi Football Team, FRANZBLAU Family . Submitted by Stanislaw Wanatowicz
- Parnassa [Livelihood] - Making a living.
- Photos Taken by a German soldier. Submitted by Ken Fink
Biographies , Family Histories:
- Schwartz Family History. Submitted by Dr. Howard I. A. Lieb
- A Postcript of a Sister. About Sam Lander
- Nechemia Brodt, the Righteous Jew from Mielec
Memories, Reminiscences and Anecdotes:
After Emigration:
- Mielec Landsmanshaftn (Including a list of burial society plots in the New York metropolitan area)
- List of surnames that appear on gravestones in Mielec Landsmanshaft Plots in New York and New Jersey. Created by Steven Lasky.
Mielec County - Powiat Mielecki
Links and Databases:
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� Copyright 2015 Kolbuszowa Region Research Group. All rights reserved.
Web Master: Neil Emmer
Coordinator: Susana Leistner Bloch
Compiled by Susana Leistner Bloch.
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