
Jewel-eyed wizard hat - TheKolWiki

jewel-eyed wizard hat
jewel-eyed wizard hat

This is a pointy hat with stars and moons embroidered on it, and 'WIZZARD' spelled out in sequins. That way, people will know you're a wizard when you wear it. Because wizards can spell, but they can't spell. Ba-dum-bum-pssht.

It's also got a big jewel on it in the shape of an eye. And you know how big of a deal mystical third eyes are supposed to be. Or maybe you don't, because you haven't spent enough time hanging out with New Age weirdos.

Now all you need is a wizard robe, and you'll be ready to cast Lvl. 3 Eroticism.

Type: hat
Power: 10
Cannot be discarded

Maximum MP +30
-1 MP to use Skills
Regenerate MP Based on Level
+5 Duration to Buffs You Cast
Allows casting of Magic Missile

NOTE: Items that reduce the MP cost of skills will not do so by more than 3 points, in total.
NOTE: This item cannot be equipped while in Hardcore.

(In-game plural: jewel-eyed wizard hats)

Obtained From

Obsoleted Areas/Methods
Mr. Store (1 Mr. Accessory)


  • July 2006's item of the month from Mr. Store.
Its in-store description: Does various wizardy-type things. Also has the tallest item description popup of anything in the game. Cannot be equipped in Hardcore.
  • The "+5 Duration to Buffs You Cast" effect only applies to skills that can be cast from the buff drop down menu, not to skills that can only be cast on oneself.
  • The hat restores level / 2? + 1d3 MP every turn, including turns not spent adventuring (e.g., Cooking, or working out).
  • As of the October 25, 2007 Trivial Updates: "The jewel-eyed wizard hat now works its buff-duration-increasing magic from your inventory, and no longer needs to be equipped for that purpose."
  • If you view the source of the item description page, you can see an HTML comment after "Ba-dum-bum-pssht" which reads "Two drums and a cymbal fall off a cliff." This was quoted by Xenophobe on the February 16, 2006 radio show as the "world's best joke."


  • The item description references the Discworld series, in which one of the main characters, Rincewind, has a hat with the word "WIZZARD" emblazoned upon it in sequins.
  • The item description references the concept of the third eye which is part of certain types of New Age mysticism. It may also reference the Dungeons & Dragons psionic item of the same name.
  • "Lvl. 3 Eroticism" and the wizard robe refer to the online antics of BloodNinja mocking people seeking cybersex. The most infamous example can be found on bash.org.
  • The spell "Magic Missile" is a reference to the D&D spell magic missile.
  • The item name is a pun on July, in which this was Item of the Month. (July, jewel-eye, get it?)

See Also


"1653" does not have an RSS file (yet?) for the collection database.

2005 Mr. Store - edit 2007
2006 Cmonkey1.gif
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calm attention-deficit demon
January February March April May June
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March hat
McPhee's Grimoire of Hilarious Object Summoning
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astral badger
July August September October November December
jewel-eyed wizard hat
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