Library of Congress LCCN Permalink n2013021099

Szaniawski, Józef Kalasanty, 1764-1843

LC control no.n 2013021099
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingSzaniawski, Józef Kalasanty, 1764-1843
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Birth date1764
Death date18430516
Place of birthKalwaria Zebrzydowska (Poland)
Place of deathLʹviv (Ukraine)
Profession or occupationPhilosophers Politicians
Found inKilka wykładów o powołaniu uczonego, 2012.
LC database, Apr 16, 2013: premarc (Szaniawski, Józef Kalasanty, 1764-1843)
Wikipedia (Polish), August 19, 2015: (Józef Kalasanty Szaniawski; born in 1964 in Kalwaria Zebrzydowska; died May 16, 1843 in Lwów; Polish philosopher and politician)
Associated languagepol