Library of Congress LCCN Permalink n50081237

Partito nazionale fascista (Italy)

LC control no.n 50081237
Descriptive conventionsrda
Corporate name headingPartito nazionale fascista (Italy)
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National Fascist Party
Partito fascista (Italy)
Partito nazionale fascista
See alsoAssociazione nazionalista italiana
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Successor: Partito fascista repubblicano (Italy)
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Beginning date19211109
Ending date1943
Associated countryItaly
LocatedMilan (Italy) Rome (Italy)
Found inIts Partito nazionale fascista, 1922.
Gentile, E. Storia del Partito fascista, 1989-
Ital. Wikipedia, Dec. 24, 2009: (The Partito nazionale fascista existed from Nov. 9, 1921 to July 27, 1943, the date of Mussolini's arrest; after his rescue by the Germans in Sept. 1943, he created a new state, the Republic of Salò, and a new party, the Partito fascista repubblicano)
Wikipedia, Italian version, June 17, 2015 (Partito Nazionale Fascista (PNF); hdqs. in Milan and Rome; dissolved Aug. 6, 1943)