Library of Congress LCCN Permalink n79043751

Palermo (Italy)

LC control no.n 79043751
Descriptive conventionsrda
Geographic headingPalermo (Italy)
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Geographic subdivision usageItaly--Palermo
Variant(s)Palerme (Italy)
Palermo (Sicily)
Panhormus (Italy)
Panormium (Italy)
Panormos (Italy)
Panormus (Italy)
Special noteOld catalog heading: Palermo
Found inColloque eur. sur la gram. et le lex. comp. des lang. rom. (1st : 1981 : Pal., Sic.). Lexique-grammaire ... 1984: CIP t.p. (Palerme)
Panormus, 1989- : v. 1, p. xiii (Panormus, Panormos)
Webster's new geogr. dict. (Palermo, anc. Panormus or Panhormus)
Information from 678 converted Dec. 17, 2014 (BGN, ppl, 38°07ʹN 13°22ʹE)
Geographic area codee-it---
Invalid LCCNsh 85097158