Library of Congress LCCN Permalink n82036175

  • ️Tue Feb 24 2082

Höxter (Germany)

LC control no.n 82036175
Geographic headingHöxter (Germany)
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Geographic subdivision usageGermany--Höxter
Variant(s)Huxaria (Germany)
Hoxer (Germany)
Höxter, Ger.
Found inAdressbuch Stadt Höxter, 1964-
Müllers 1977 (Höxter, St, Nordrh Westf)
BGN 2/24/82 (Höxter, W. Ger., ppl, 51°46ʹN 9°23ʹE)
Orbis latinus, 1861: p. 109 (Huxaria, Höxter, city in Westphalia)
German Wikipedia WWW site, Apr. 24, 2009 (Höxter, city in Nordrhein-Wesphalen; historical names, Hoxer, Huxaria)
Westfälisches Urkunden-Buch, v. 4, pt. 3, 1890, via Google Books, Apr. 24, 2009 p. 1313 (index of personal and place names: Höxter, Huxaria, Huxor, Huxsaria, Huxeri, Hoxaria, Uxaria)
Geographic area codee-gx---
Invalid LCCNn 2003040117