Library of Congress LCCN Permalink n84094889

Gucci, Santi, approximately 1530-approximately 1600

LC control no.n 84094889
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingGucci, Santi, approximately 1530-approximately 1600
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Variant(s)Gucci, Santi, ca. 1530-ca. 1600
Birth date1530~
Death date1600~
Found inFischinger, A. Santi Gucci, architekt i rzezbiarz krolewski XVI wieku, 1969: t.p. (Santi Gucci) p. 9 (b. ca. 1530; d. 1599 or 1600)
Enc. powsz. PWN, 1973-1976: v. 2, 140 (Gucci, Santi, b. ca. 1530; d. ca. 1600)
Encic. ital. (Gucci, Santi; architect & sculptor b. ca. 1545, Florence & d. 1599 or 1600, Pinczów)
Not found inGEV.