Library of Congress LCCN Permalink n87809053

  • ️Fri Aug 22 1659

Boym, Michał, 1612-1659

LC control no.n 87809053
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingBoym, Michał, 1612-1659
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Variant(s)Boym, Michel, 1612-1659
Boim, Michał, 1612-1659
Boym, Michael, 1612-1659
Boym, M. (Michel), 1612-1659
Bumige, 1612-1659
Bu, Mige, 1612-1659
Boym, Michał Piotr, 1612-1659
Boymus, Michael, 1612-1659
Boym, Michael Petrus, 1612-1659
Boym, Michael Peter, 1612-1659
Boim, Michael, 1612-1659
Bouyn, Michael, 1612-1659
Bovyn, Michael, 1612-1659
Zhiguan, Pu Mige, 1612-1659
Other standard no.0000000116764492
Birth date1612
Death date1659-08-22
Place of birthLwów (Poland)
Place of deathGuangxi Zhuangzu Zizhiqu (China)
Profession or occupationMissionaries Sinologists Cartographers
Found innuc86-66201: Specimen medicinae sinicae ... [MI] 1682 (hdg. on GmC rept.: Boim, Michał, 1612-1659)
NUC pre-1956 (LC hdg.: Boim, Michał, 1612-1659; usage: Michel Boym; Michaele Boymo; M. Boym)
Kajdański, E. Michał Boym, ostatni wysłannik dynastii Ming, 1988: t.p. (Michał Boym)
Zhongguo de shi chen, 2001: t.p. (Bumige)
Nowa encyklopedia powszechna PWN, 1995-1996: (Boym, Michał Piotr; approximately 1614-1659)
BnF, catalogue général, viewed September 21, 2022 (Boym, Michal ; Jesuit ; missionary in China ; Sinologist ; born 1612 in Lwòw, died 22 August 1659 in Guangxi province ; variant names: Boym, Michal Piotr; Boymus, Michael)
Katalog der Deutschen Nationalbibliothek, viewed September 21, 2022 (Boym, Michał Piotr ; Polish Jesuit missionary and cartographer in China ; variant names: Boym, Michael Petrus; Boym, Michael Peter; Boim, Michael; Bouyn, Michael; Bovyn, Michael; Zhiguan, Pu Mige)
Not found inEncyc. Brit.; Encyc. Amer.; Collier's; Webster's biog.