Library of Congress LCCN Permalink no00054737

Mariinskiĭ teatr (1991- )

LC control 00054737
Descriptive conventionsrda
Corporate name headingMariinskiĭ teatr (1991- )
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Variant(s)Maryinsky Theatre (1991- )
Mariinsky Theatre (1991- )
Gosudarstvenny academichesky Mariinsky teatr
State Academic Mariinsky Theatre
Gosudarstvennyĭ akademicheskiĭ Mariinskiĭ teatr
Mariinskij Theatre (1991- )
Théâtre Mariinski
Мариинский театр (1991- )
Государственный академический Мариинский театр
See alsoLeningradskiĭ gosudarstvennyĭ akademicheskiĭ teatr opery i baleta imeni S.M. Kirova
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Special noteMachine-derived non-Latin script reference project.
Non-Latin script reference not evaluated.
Found inCoppélia, c1994: title frame (Maryinsky Theatre, St. Petersburg)
Mariinskiĭ teatr WWW home page, May 16, 2000 (Mariinskiĭ teatr; Mariinsky Theatre (Kirov) [in rom.]; Saint-Petersburg, Russia)
New Grove dict. of opera (Mariinsky; theatre in St Petersburg, built in 1860; known as the State Academic Theatre of Opera and Ballet from 1917 and as the Kirov Theatre from 1935; reverted to the name Mariinsky in 1991)
E-mail from Mariinsky administrative staff, May 6, 2000 (Gosudarstvenny Academichesky Mariinsky Teatr (State Academic Mariinsky Theatre), official name; in cyrillic, Gosudarstvennyĭ akademicheskiĭ Mariinskiĭ teatr (Государственный академический Мариинский театр); for foreign tours, old name is used because of name recognition)
Musical America, 2000: p. 679 (Mariinskij Theatre)
Il viaggio a Reims [VR] c2007: credits (Théâtre Mariinski)
Shchedrin, R.K. The enchanted wanderer [SR] p2010: insert (Марии[н]ский театр = Marii[n]skiĭ teatr; the Mariinsky Theatre; le Théâtre Mariinski; das Mariinski-Theater)