Library of Congress LCCN Permalink no2004050644

Pęckowski, Jan

LC control no.no2004050644
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingPęckowski, Jan
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
LocatedChrzanów (Poland)
Birth date18740830
Death date19591124
Place of birthJarosław (Poland : Powiat)
Place of deathChrzanów (Poland)
Profession or occupationSchool administrators
Found inDzieje miasta Rzeszowa do końca XVIII. wieku, 2002: t.p. (Jan Pęckowski)
Powiat chrzanowski pod okupacją niemiecką w latach 1939-1945, 2014 page 67 (Jan Pęckowski, born 30 August 1874, Jarosław county, Poland)
Wikipedia, 27 July 2016 Jan Pęckowski article (from 1919, director of the Chrzanów middle school; from 1956, chairman of the organizing committee of the Muzeum Ziemi Chrzanowskiej; died 24 November 1959, Chrzanów)