Library of Congress LCCN Permalink no94030915
Council of the European Union
LC control no. | no 94030915 |
Descriptive conventions | rda |
Corporate name heading | Council of the European Union Browse this term in LC Authorities or the LC Catalog |
Variant(s) | Council of Ministers (European Union) Rat der EU Rat der Europäischen Union Conseil de l'union européenne Rådet for den europæiske union Consejo de la Unión Europea Consiglio dell'unione europea Raad van de Europese Unie Conselho da União Europeia Symvoulio tēs Eurōpaikēs Henōsēs |
See also | European Council Browse this term in LC Authorities Council of the European Communities Browse this term in LC Authorities |
Special note | Do not confuse with: European Council; or: Council of Europe. |
Found in | Its Guide to the Council of the European Union, 1993. The Council of Ministers, 1996: CIP galley (Council of the European Union is the main source of European Union legislation, though it shares legislative power with both the European Commission and the European Parliament. It exercises executive power under the treaties, yet it is in part also an executive body. The Council is often described as the Council of Ministers, though this is not its correct title) Das Generalsekretariat des Rates der EU, 1994. Traités multilatéraux, 1996: t.p. (Conseil de l'union européenne; Rådet for den europæiske union; Consejo de la Unión Europea; Consiglio dell'unione europea; Raad van de Europese Unie; Conselho da União Europeia; Symvoulio tēs Eurōpaikēs Henōsēs [in Greek]) |
Not found in | Yearbk. of intl. orgs., 1992/93: v. 1, p. 353 (Council of the European Economic Community; created Jan. 1958 along with Council of the European Atomic Energy Community under Treaty of Rome; both merged with Council of the European Coal and Steel Community in July 1967 (when "Merger" Treaty of 8 Apr. 1965 came into force) to create the Council of the European Communities which acts as an organ common to the three European Communities: ECSC, EEC, EURATOM) |