Library of Congress LCCN Permalink sh2011000152

Smolensk, 1st Battle of, Smolensk, Russia, 1941

LC control no.sh2011000152
Topical headingSmolensk, 1st Battle of, Smolensk, Russia, 1941
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See alsoWorld War, 1939-1945--Campaigns--Russia (Federation)
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Found inWork cat.: Operation Barbarossa and Germany's defeat in the east, 2009: p. 260 (Battle of Smolensk)
Wikipedia, Dec. 22, 2010 Battle of Smolensk page (battle, which occured July 10-Sept. 10, 1941, was a successful encirclement operation by the German Army Group Centre's 2nd Panzer Army led by Heinz Guderian and the 3rd Panzer Army led by Hermann Hoth against parts of four Soviet Fronts during WWII. The ultimate objective of Army Group Centre was the city of Smolensk which commanded the road to Moscow)