Library of Congress LCCN Permalink sh85060401


LC control 85060401
LC classificationHQ77.97 HQ78.2 Social sciences
QP267 Physiology
RC883 Medicine
Topical headingIntersexuality
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Variant(s)Bisexuality (Biology)
Intersex conditions
See alsoSex (Biology)
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Found inAmerican Heritage dict. ("intersexual: Biology, having both male and female characteristics, including in varying degrees reproductive organs, secondary sexual characterisitics, and sexual behavior, as a result of an abnormality of the sex chromosomes or a hormonal imbalance during embryogenesis. n., intersexuality.")
Random House dict.
Encarta World English dict.
Encyc. Britannica.
Wikipedia, May 31, 2007.
Google search, Oct. 23, 2007 (intersex conditions)