Library of Congress LCCN Permalink sh97004057

Electronic discussion groups

LC control 97004057
LC classificationZA4480 Information resources
Topical headingElectronic discussion groups
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Variant(s)Discussion groups, Electronic
Discussion lists, Electronic
E-lists (Electronic discussion groups)
E-mail discussion groups
Electronic discussion lists
Electronic forums
Electronic news groups
Electronic newsgroups
Internet discussion groups
Internet forums
Internet news groups
Internet newsgroups
Lists, Electronic discussion
LISTSERV lists (Electronic discussion groups)
News groups, Electronic
Newsgroups, Electronic
Online discussion groups
Online forums
Online news groups
Online newsgroups
Usenet news groups
Usenet newsgroups
See alsosubdivision Electronic discussion groups under subjects; and names of individual electronic discussion groups
Forums (Discussion and debate)
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Computer bulletin boards
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Online chat groups
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Scope noteHere are entered works on services, commonly called newsgroups and LISTSERV lists, that allow a computer user to post messages to, and read messages from, a group of people who have a common interest, usually by means of the Internet, a commercial online service, or electronic mail. Works on services that allow a computer user to post messages to, and read messages from, a group of people who have a common interest, via a dedicated telephone line established for the purpose, are entered under Computer bulletin boards. Works on services that allow a person, using a computer, to engage in an actual "conversation" with other people in real time are entered under Online chat groups.
Subject example tracingNotes under Computer bulletin boards; Online chat groups
Found inWork cat.: 96-641048: Cyberhound's guide to Internet discussion groups, 1997: pref. (includes both newsgroups, which do not send mail to your electronic in-box, and listservs, which do so send) glossary (bulletin board, a computer site established to accept messages and files on a given topic from other individuals; can be connected to the Internet and are also stand-alone systems accessible through direct-dial lines)
LC database, May 13, 1997 (newsgroups; listserv)
MAG3, May 13, 1997 (electronic discussion groups; electronic bulletin boards; online discussion groups; online forums; discussion boards; Usenet public bulletin board)
WWW, May 13, 1997 (electronic discussion groups; electronic forums; electronic news groups; electronic newsgroups; online discussion groups, newsgroups, etc.; Internet discussion groups, newsgroups, etc.; Usenet news groups, newsgroups)
Library resources & technical services: v. 39, no. 3, p. 303 (Electronic discussion lists and journals; electronic discussion groups (commonly called "lists"). Electronic discussion lists are a very popular method of group communication among Internet users. List management software allows discussion group subscribers to easily send messages to all list subscribers.)
L-Soft International web site, Oct. 14, 1998 (LISTSERV(r) is a system that allows you to create, manage and control electronic mailing lists; LISTSERV is a registered trademark licensed to L-Soft international, Inc.)
Alta Vista search, Oct. 15, 1998 (many items retrieved for the search e-lists, e-mail discussion groups, etc.)