
State laws and rules

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Look up current laws, find rules from state agencies, or view laws passed during a specific legislative session.

State laws (RCW)

The Revised Code of Washington (RCW) is a list of all current state laws. This includes laws that the Legislature passed and the Governor signed, as well as laws that voters passed during elections.

Go to state laws (RCW)

Session laws

The session laws consist of each bill passed by the legislature during the legislative session and chaptered by the Secretary of State. Current and archived session laws through the 1854 legislative session are available.

Session laws

State rules (WAC)

The Washington Administrative Code (WAC) is a list of all current state rules. State agencies create rules based on the authority they receive from state laws.

Go to state rules (WAC)

Find specific WSR documents

Rule Drafting Service (RDS)

RDS, formerly Order Typing Service (OTS), assists state rule-making agencies in preparing new, amended, and repealed rules at no cost.

Rule Drafting Service (RDS)

Washington State Constitution

The Washington State Constitution is the founding document of our state. It explains the government's structure and powers, as well as the people's rights.

Read the Constitution

Title and preamble of the State Consitution