Technological University Dublin Library

No matches found; nearby ISN'S are: Result Page   Prev Next Save Media Year 0816535442hardback : Mirande, Alfredo,            Behind the mask : gender hybridity in a Zapotec community / Alfredo Mirande. 972.74 ; Grangegorman Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL 2019 0816536252electronicbook : Mirande, Alfredo,            Behind the mask : gender hybridity in a Zapotec community [electronic resource] / Alfredo Mirande. 972.74 EBOOKS 2017 0816539553paperback : Mirande, Alfredo,            Behind the mask : gender hybridity in a Zapotec community / Alfredo Mirande. 972.74 ; Grangegorman Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL 2019 0816606897 : Eaton, Quaintance.            Opera production: 2 - a handbook / Quaintance Eaton ; with 'Production problems in Handel's operas' b 782.10269 18 ; Grangegorman Library Use:LIB USE ONLY PRINTED MATL 1974 Your entry 0816607133 would be here 0816608083 : Tuan, Yi-fu            Space and place : the perspective of experience / Yi-Fu Tuan. 114 ; Grangegorman Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL 2001 0816610681pbk : B�rger, Peter,            Theory of the avant-garde / Peter B�rger ; translation from the German by Michael Shaw ; foreword by 111.85 ; Grangegorman Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL c1984 0816612870 : Attali, Jacques            Noise: the political economy of music Grangegorman Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL 1985 0816614652 : Cixous, Helene,            The newly born woman / Helene Cixous and Catherine Clement ; translation by Betsy Wing, introduction 305.4201 ; Aungier St. Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL c1986 0816614660 : Cixous, Helene,            The newly born woman / Helene Cixous and Catherine Clement ; translation by Betsy Wing, introduction 305.4201 ; Aungier St. Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL c1986 0816615985 : Deleuze, Gilles.            The fold : Leibniz and the baroque / Gilles Deleuze ; foreword and translation by Tom Conley. 193 21 ; Bolton St. Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL 1993 0816616019pbk : Deleuze, Gilles.            The fold : Leibniz and the baroque / Gilles Deleuze ; foreword and translation by Tom Conley. 193 21 ; Bolton St. Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL 1993 0816618291pbk : Cixous, H�l�ne,            Reading with Clarice Lispector / H�l�ne Cixous ; edited and translated by Verena Andermatt Conley. 869.3 21 ; Aungier St. Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL 1990 0816618631 : Eagleton, Terry,            Nationalism, colonialism and literature / Terry Eagleton Fredric Jameson and Edward Said with an int 820.99415 ; Aungier St. Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL 1992 0816618739 : Subotnik, Rose Rosengard            Developing variations : style and ideology in Western music / Rose Rosengard Subotnik. 780.1 ; Grangegorman Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL c1991 0816618747pbk : Subotnik, Rose Rosengard            Developing variations : style and ideology in Western music / Rose Rosengard Subotnik. 780.1 ; Grangegorman Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL c1991 0816618992 : McClary, Susan            Feminine endings : : music, gender, and sexuality 780.82 ; Grangegorman Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL 1991 081661914xpbk : Solomon-Godeau, Abigail.            Photography at the dock : essays on photographic history, institutions and practices / Abigail Solomo 770.1 21 ; Grangegorman Lending:AVAILABLE, Tallaght Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL 1990 0816619719 : Solomon-Godeau, Abigail.            Photography at the dock : essays on photographic history, institutions and practices / Abigail Solomo 770.1 21 ; Grangegorman Lending:AVAILABLE, Tallaght Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL 1990 0816620377 : Agamben, Giorgio.            Stanzas : word and phantasm in western culture / Giorgio Agamben ; translated by Ronald L. Martinez. 302.2 20 ; Grangegorman Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL 1993 0816620385pbk : Agamben, Giorgio.            Stanzas : word and phantasm in western culture / Giorgio Agamben ; translated by Ronald L. Martinez. 302.2 20 ; Grangegorman Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL 1993 0816622353pbkalkpaper : Agamben, Giorgio,            The coming community / Giorgio Agamben ; translated by Michael Hardt. 301.01 20 ; Grangegorman Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL c1993 0816622817pbkalkpaper             Cultural materialism : on Raymond Williams / edited by Christopher Prendergast. 306 ; Aungier St. Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL 1995 0816622906 : Cartwright, Lisa.            Screening the body : tracing medicine's visual culture / Lisa Cartwright. 791.43656 20 ; Tallaght Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL 1995 0816622949 : Shaviro, Steven            The cinematic body / Steven Shaviro 791.4301 ; Grangegorman Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL c1993 0816623279alkpaper             Resolutions : contemporary video practices / Michael Renov & Erika Suderburg, editors. PN1992.935 .R47 1996 ; Aungier St. Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL 1996 0816623309pbkalkpaper             Resolutions : contemporary video practices / Michael Renov & Erika Suderburg, editors. PN1992.935 .R47 1996 ; Aungier St. Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL 1996 0816623651             The administration of aesthetics : censorship, political criticism, and the public sphere / edited by 323.44 ; Aungier St. Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL 1994 0816623678             The administration of aesthetics : censorship, political criticism, and the public sphere / edited by 323.44 ; Aungier St. Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL 1994 0816624046 : Tagg, John,            The burden of representation : essays on photographies and histories / John Tagg 770.1 ; Grangegorman Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL 1993 0816624054 : Tagg, John,            The burden of representation : essays on photographies and histories / John Tagg 770.1 ; Grangegorman Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL 1993 0816624194 : Noiriel, Gerard            The French melting pot : immigration, citizenship, and national identity / Gerard Noiriel ; translate 325.44 09 ; Grangegorman Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL c1996 0816624208 : Noiriel, Gerard            The French melting pot : immigration, citizenship, and national identity / Gerard Noiriel ; translate 325.44 09 ; Grangegorman Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL c1996 0816624623 : Fiske, John.            Media matters : everyday culture and political change / John Fiske. 306.0973 20 ; Tallaght Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL c1994 0816624623acidfreepaper : Fiske, John.            Media matters : everyday culture and political change / John Fiske. 306.0973 20 ; Tallaght Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL c1994 0816624631 : Fiske, John.            Media matters : race and gender in U.S. politics / John Fiske. 302.230973 21 ; Aungier St. Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL c1996 0816626243 : Staiger, Janet            Bad women : regulating sexuality in early American cinema / Janet Staiger 791.43 ; Grangegorman Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL c1995 0816626251 : Staiger, Janet            Bad women : regulating sexuality in early American cinema / Janet Staiger 791.43 ; Grangegorman Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL c1995 0816626480alkpaper             Dangerous liaisons : gender, nation, and postcolonial perspectives / Anne McClintock, Aamir Mufti, an 306.2 MCL ; Aungier St. Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL c1997 0816626499             Dangerous liaisons : gender, nation, and postcolonial perspectives / Anne McClintock, Aamir Mufti, an 306.2 MCL ; Aungier St. Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL c1997 0816626499pbkalkpaper             Dangerous liaisons : gender, nation, and postcolonial perspectives / Anne McClintock, Aamir Mufti, an 306.2 MCL ; Aungier St. Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL c1997 0816627045             The hidden foundation : cinema and the question of class / David E. James and Rick Berg, editors 791.43652062 ; Grangegorman Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL 1996 0816627053             The hidden foundation : cinema and the question of class / David E. James and Rick Berg, editors 791.43652062 ; Grangegorman Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL 1996 0816627185hc : Gill, John,            Queer noises : male and female homosexuality in twentieth century music / John Gill. 780.8664 ; Grangegorman Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL 1995 0816627193pb : Gill, John,            Queer noises : male and female homosexuality in twentieth century music / John Gill. 780.8664 ; Grangegorman Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL 1995 0816627932pbk : Appadurai, Arjun,            Modernity at large : cultural dimensions of globalization / Arjun Appadurai. 306 ; Grangegorman Lending:AVAILABLE, Bolton St. LTT Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL 1996 0816628246 : Landy, Marcia,            Cinematic uses of the past 791.43 ; Grangegorman Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL 1997 0816628254 : Landy, Marcia,            Cinematic uses of the past 791.43 ; Grangegorman Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL 1997 0816628440 : Ranci�re, Jacques.            Disagreement : politics and philosophy / Jacques Ranci�re. Transl. by Julie Rose. 320.011 ; Grangegorman Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL c1999 0816628777pbk : Certeau, Michel de.            The practice of everyday life : Volume 2 : Living and cooking / Michel de Certeau, Luce Giard, Pierre 306.0944 21 ; Grangegorman Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL 1998 081662920xhcacidfreepaper : Shapiro, Michael J.            Violent cartographies : mapping cultures of war / Michael J. Shapiro. 303.66 21 ; Grangegorman Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL c1997 Email Add to Bag Icon for Add All On PageAdd All On Page Add to List Icon for Save to My ListSave to My List